MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 508 507. Send New Year's Goods, Xie Danian

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   Chapter 508 507. Sending New Year's Goods, Xie Danian

  High-end ingredients often only require the most simple cooking methods.

  The big pot removed from the big stove and the small iron pot borrowed from the production team are very simple. The stewed dishes are big bones with sauce, braised pork, stewed tofu with cabbage and pork, and stewed pig in water.

   Among them, the big bones with sauce are the first to be braised and the first to be cooked.

   Each student can share a piece of bone and meat, and the quantity is enough, because Wang Yi exchanged pork with the production team for bones.

  The members are willing to change.

How can    bones be compared to meat? Mr. Wang exchanged meat for bones. This is to consider the large demand for meat for our members during the Chinese New Year. The pigs we killed were not enough to divide them, so he deliberately came to support us.

  The members were very moved.

  Mr. Wang is very handsome, he is not the next leader of our production team, then none of us agree!

  Wang Yi exchanged big bones and spare ribs to make sauce big bones, which is actually delicious.

  Heavy oil and heavy salt, the taste is fresh and sweet, and the big bones still have bone marrow, which is much more vigorous than the noodles.

  The exam rankings were announced and the certificates were issued. Even if this back-to-school activity is over, the rest is happy eating, drinking, and having fun.

  Wang Yi divided the big bones and spare ribs for the students. At noon, they ate lard bibimbap, of which the rice was cooked a lot. The purpose was to serve as a side dish for the evening meal.

  So the students opened the lunch box and there was rice, which was already cold.

   Don’t be afraid when it gets cold, scoop up a spoonful of the hot miso soup that is still bubbling, and mix it a little just to get your mouth shut!

  Sauce bones are pressed on the rice. After simmering for an hour, the meat is already rotten and shivering. Take a bite and the sauce will be soft and fragrant!

  Wang Yi taught them to **** bone marrow.

  It doesn't matter if you don't have a straw, you can use thick wheat straw to **** it. The students squeezed their lips and sucked hard. The bone marrow in the sauce bone was delicious, fragrant and slippery.

   gnawed on the bones, and the students were reluctant to throw them away, so they put them in the lunch box and packed them up.

   Go home and pour some water on it and boil it hard, you can still cook some bone broth for the rice.

   After eating rice and chewing on a big bone, there is a large bowl of pork and cabbage stewed tofu for one person.

  The pigs raised by themselves, the cabbage grown by the production team, and the tofu that the team collectively grinds by themselves.

   This pot of dishes is considered the fruit of his own labor. Wang Yi’s stew is relatively light, so he can eat it directly without rice.

   It uses a lot of oil and bone broth, so this dish is very fragrant when stewed, and when you take a bite into your mouth, your lips are immediately oily.

   It was late and the weather was cold.

   But the students were eating hot dishes around the bonfire. The firewood was burning vigorously, and the dishes in the lunch box were a little hot to the mouth. In this way, eating with the fire made them feel warm.

  The braised pork and braised pig soup will not be eaten tonight, so I will bring them back. I can have a good meal again tomorrow morning or at noon.

  The students were full after eating the sauce bone and cabbage, pork, and tofu. When they scraped the last bit of soup in the pot, and when they sipped the oil from their lips, Qiu Weishui led them to sing again.

  Wang Yi was in charge of taking pictures, and the digital camera changed two memory cards in a row.

  This meal is considered a school meal before the New Year. Having eaten this meal means that the students said goodbye to this year in school.

   They welcome the new year again.

   On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, make your face.

   This is the day when the big steamed buns are offered in the north, and it is also a big day for the outer islands to prepare for the New Year.

  From the commune to the county, the largest and most lively annual fair will be held today and tomorrow on the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month.

  The people on the outer islands waited and waited, and waited and waited, and the family reunion was just around the corner.

  The members of Tianya Island are even more looking forward to it, because every year on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, the production team will divide the New Year's goods in the name of the team collective.

   The pork that was killed before, the sun-dried cream sausage and the Ma Liu and many other things they bought from Shanghai have not moved yet, they are waiting for today.

   So for the members on the island, the jingle on the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month should say:

   On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, send the New Year's goods.

   So in the early morning, the whole island was lively, and the members used the stove to make breakfast and went out, waiting for the New Year's goods to start in the morning.

  The workers of China Construction Corporation went back to their hometowns from vacation yesterday to celebrate the New Year. The Spring Festival travel has begun again, and starting from this year, the next few years will be fiercer year by year.

  The construction team left, but the project was not over.

The construction team led by    boldly continued to work. They couldn’t do the main structure, so they helped the construction team to carry out small tasks for the main structure, such as laying the ground and thickening the walls.

   In this way, the top of the mountain is still busy, and the construction site is still messy.

   Now that the offering table in the ancestral hall has been set up, and the ancestors and the gods have brought them home, it is not appropriate to distribute the New Year’s goods from the ancestral hall at this time:

   According to the local tradition, after the ancestors are brought back, the things around the ancestors' offering table are prepared for the ancestors. Before the ancestors are sent away on the third day of the new year, the things on the offering table and around cannot be moved.

  Wang Xianghong discussed a few words with the representatives of the members, and simply distributed the New Year's goods at his home.

   Anyway, this year's New Year's goods are in his home.

   When the cargo was unloaded and disembarked, his house was near the dock, so he simply sent it to the warehouse and living room of his house for storage.

   So the members went to his house to line up.

   The taste of the year is getting heavier.

  The members were beaming, and the children started throwing scattered firecrackers.

  The sound of firecrackers sounded from time to time, and there was also the smoke of gunpowder drifting with the sea breeze for a while.

  Wang Yi himself also prepared gifts for the members.

   Knowing that this year, it was at Wang Xianghong's house to deliver the New Year's goods, so he went to Dazhu, a colander and some students to help him move down the heavy cardboard boxes.

   He went to Wang Xianghong in advance and said, "Captain, when you send out the New Year's goods, I'll send a gift to the members by the way."

   "No," he thought for a while and then shook his head, "It should be when I send gifts, you send New Year's goods to the members."

  Wang Xianghong asked: "What did you buy yourself? I told you not to spend money indiscriminately!"

  Wang Yiman laughed nonchalantly, these words fell on deaf ears.

   He opened the box and took out the big red book on it and gave it to Wang Xianghong. Wang Xianghong looked at it and said subconsciously, "Yeah, it's a photo album!"

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, the photo album, I have classified all the photos I took for the big guy last year, one album per family!"

The    album was originally in the style of the 1980s, because it was bought in Shanghai in 1983.

   He entrusted Ma Liu to buy a photo album, and when he came back, he put the photos he took and developed in the past and stuffed them into the family unit.

  Photos can keep time.

   This was the best New Year's gift he could think of for the members.

  The current albums are called 'Album' in the city, and the outer cover is also an album, some are landscape photos, some are star photos, and some have the slogan "Long live the great leader".

  Wang Xianghong took the photo album and opened it. The first picture above was a large photo, which was his profile photo.

   He was standing on a rock on the top of the mountain and looking at the ocean, with a cigarette in one hand and a cigarette between his mouth and the other on his waist.

   With a straight waist and a serious face, his clothes were swayed by the sea breeze.

   In front of you is the golden sea, and behind you are pine trees swaying in the wind.

   This photo was captured very well.

  Wang Xianghong fell in love upon seeing it.

Next to   , Liu Hongmei and Boldly followed, admiring: "This photo was taken well, when was it taken?"

   "I'm just kidding, Mr. Wang made the captain the same as the national leader, this is called Yushu Linfeng!"

   "If you don't know how to use idioms, don't use them blindly." Wang Yi was helpless, "You are really a slippery fish at night school!"

   "You should study more and learn more, he is now making great progress, his grades are very good, and his knowledge level has greatly improved..."

   Wang Zhuangyuan hurriedly racked his brains for a while, and said, "Dad, you are using this idiom incorrectly. This is not the Yushu Linfeng, this is, this is worrying about the country and the people!"

  Wang Yi nodded in appreciation: "The word champion is very well used."

   "Hey, what's my concern for the country and the people?" Wang Xianghong couldn't agree more. "When did this happen? I don't even have an impression of it - no, think about it carefully, I have an impression."

   "This is what happened when you went to participate in the fishing competition, Mr. Wang? The weather was fine that day, you should come back from the battle, but I didn't come back and I was on the top of the mountain to see you..."

   Having said that, he scratched his head in confusion, "You were not on the island at that time, how did you take the photo?"

  Wang Yi said: "Because this was shot by Er Mao, not by me."

   Only old cameras and film can wash out such a quaint temperament.

  Film photography comes with filters.

  Other members happily asked: "Mr. Wang, are there photo albums in the box? My family has them too?"

   "What about my house? Does my house have one? I want to see what my house was photographed."

   "Dad, look, here are my photos," Wang Dongfang took the photo album and flipped through it, pointing at the photos with joy, "This photo was taken well, I was exploring the well at the time!"

  Wang Xianghong grabbed the album from his hand, hummed and said, "This is a photo of our family of three. It must be yours. What are you in a hurry? Go, wait in line, and prepare to receive our family's New Year's gifts."

  Wang Yi opened another large cardboard box and said, "Not only photos, but also lamps."

   "This lamp is for the dolls in the family. Every family will build a new house next year and need new furniture. I discussed it with Uncle Gao, and the school provides a study table for everyone with children!"

   Wang Xianggao, who was smoking in the crowd, smiled happily: "What Teacher Wang is going to provide is not an ordinary study table. This thing is very good. There are tables and chairs, and then the tables also have bookshelves."

  The desk that Wang Yi wants to reward the children is the single wooden desk that has become popular in the 21st century, with a bookshelf and a desk in one.

  This kind of table and chairs is very simple to make. Wang Yi provided Wang Xianggao with drawings, and he was responsible for materials such as plates and paints.

  The students did well in exams. Although he took it for granted, he still wanted to give the students a reward.

  I hereby encourage you to make persistent efforts.

   The students were very happy when I heard that I would have desks and chairs in the next year.

   They didn't know what the table and chairs looked like, but they were still happy.

   After school, children have a sense of privacy, and they all want to have a small space that belongs to them.

  Wang Yi opened the cardboard box, took out the photo album and sent it out, and also distributed lamps to the children at home.

   One lamp for a child, and a set of desks and chairs later.

   So Huang Xiaohua is very happy here.

   Only her family has many children!

  Wang Yi handed her the photo album of her family. She hurriedly opened it and looked at the photos inside. She couldn't help laughing.

   She said to the left and right: "Oh, I couldn't notice it on weekdays, but now I can see it from the photos. My family is living a really hard life. This adult and child are not living like this!"

   In the photo, there are children, their couple, and the elderly in her family.

  The old man is old, they are middle-aged and prematurely senile, and they are only in their thirties, but both of them have already started to hunched over, and the white hair on their heads has become even more blatant.

  The members comforted her: "The hard days are over, and the good days are coming."

   "After building the house for the school, we will start building it for our members next year. By then, you will have a new house at home, and the production team will have dividends, rewards, and work points. Life will not be so hard anymore."

   "Needless to say next year, your family is much better off this year. I think your family has been ruthless in buying New Year's goods in the past few days. I heard that the light rice wine weighed 20 pounds..."

  Wang Yi continues to distribute albums.

  The people who got the album are not in a hurry to get the New Year's goods, and they are not in a hurry to go home. They quickly open the album for self-study and observe the photos in it.

   The children with him were even more noisy: "I want to see photos, I want to see myself!"

  Parents often return the last word affectionately: "Go away!"

   Those who are more affectionate towards children will also add a word: "egg!"

   At this time, I don't know who came again: "Now I can see the gap between the dolls in our team, you see, before the exam, all of them are holding their lamps, and those who can't study are fussing about looking at the album."

   Hearing this, the parents were furious and immediately started to lift their feet to shoot the ball.

   kicked and beat his own doll away: "Look, what are you looking at? Go home and read!"

   "Look at you, mom is second to last in the exam than your sister, but you are too spoiled. If you don't finish "Winter Holiday Garden" before the new year, you won't be able to pass this year!"

   "Follow me quickly, I have to study at twelve o'clock tonight. The textbooks for next semester are all available, teach me!"

  Wang Yi heard these words and told them: "Don't suddenly increase the burden on the children at home, just like work, learning must be gradual..."

"For example, don't learn twelve o'clock all at once, just learn eleven o'clock first. And don't let the children stay up late at night, pay attention to the use of the daytime, don't play during the day, if there is no work at home, then study. "

"Writing "Winter Holiday Garden" first, right? After writing "Winter Holiday Garden", you should preview your homework for the new semester. If you are tired of your homework for the new semester, you will practice calligraphy and hard-pen books. If you are tired of writing, then go out and do some work at home. At the end of the day, write another diary..."

  Wang Dongfang said with a smirk: "Grass, our production team used to raise livestock, and we didn't bring them to do this."

  The students were even more dumbfounded.

   This year can’t be over!

  Adults are very happy, this year has been a good year.

   A portion of the New Year's goods will be distributed, from dried fruit roasted seeds and nuts to dim sum tea to meat, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea. Each family also has a cigarette roll and two bottles of bottled wine, which is very rich.

  Before noon, all the New Year goods and photo albums were distributed.

  Wang Xianghong left Wang Yi to eat: "You, Teacher Xiaoqiu and other teachers can eat here. Yesterday Xiufang went to the county fair to buy something fresh, you must have never eaten it."

  Wang Yi asked curiously, "What is it?"

   "Watermelon rind." Wang Xianghong said.

  Sun Zhengnan smiled when he heard this: "You haven't eaten, I haven't eaten less."

"There is a watermelon grower in our hometown. My neighbors grew watermelons when I was a child. At that time, the village was still allowed to do business. He would sell watermelons at the intersection of the commune. pig."

"Every time I see him come back with the watermelon rind, I go to his scooter, pick up the leftover watermelon rind, and eat the remaining red flesh on it. Sometimes the people who eat the melon eat carefully without much red flesh. , I'll eat the melon rind."

   The others laughed.

  Sun Zhengnan stopped smiling.

  Wang Dongfang said: "My family's watermelon rind is different. The watermelon rind I invited you to eat today must be delicious."

   Huang Yougong, who had been writing Spring Festival couplets yesterday and this morning, was stunned: "What? Do you really want to eat watermelon rind?"

   Wang Xianghong introduced: "Well, I really want to eat watermelon rind, it's fried watermelon rind."

   "This watermelon rind is to scrape off the outermost thick green rind, then cut the remaining melon rind into pieces to pickle with salt, fry it in an oil pan, add some dried shrimps and chili peppers, it tastes very good."

  Wang Yi was the first to hear that you can eat watermelon rind like this.

   Even for the first time he knew that the rind of the watermelon had to be eaten.

   This is really making the most of it.

   The Chinese New Year is almost here, and every household is cooking the finished meals for New Year’s Eve and the first month of the month, not to mention the fish, crab paste and various pickled snails, and they also need to be frozen—

   Chicken jelly, pork trotter jelly and pork skin jelly are the most popular.

  Wang Xianghong’s family made jelly trotters.

  This year, the production team has a lot of money. Wang Xianghong was very happy and decided to get some good things for the new year. He bought four pig trotters to freeze.

   are all pig trotters, cheap.

  Wang Dongfang went to cook vegetables, Xiufang scolded him from time to time, scolding him for being submissive and full of grievances.

   Zhu Zhenxue said casually, "Captain, isn't it all Xiufang cooking in your family? Why is it Dongfang's turn?"

  Wang Yi said cooperatively: "Wang Dongfang and the like all come to cook as a chef. Can he cook? He doesn't have the ability to know."

   Wang Xianghong took a puff of cigarette and said, "No way, Xiufang has it, and she suffers from morning sickness. The smell of soot makes me sick, so I have to let Dongfang go to cook."

   "Don't look at this kid..."

   "What? Is my sister-in-law pregnant?" Wang Yi asked.

  Others were also surprised and happy, but there are many pregnant women in Tianya Island, Xiufang and Wang Dongfang have never had children, and it is normal to choose to have children now.

  Wang Xianghong said: "In the past, the three people in the family were busy, and no one took care of the children when they gave birth. In addition, the state called for late marriage and late childbirth, so I never wanted them."

   "Now the work of the team is slowly handed over to Mr. Wang. I have free time, so the couple are going to have a child. When the child is born, I will bring it to them."

   He glanced at Wang Yi: "How did you and Teacher Xiaoqiu plan? Are there really no banquets?"

  Wang Yi said with a smile: "Mr. Xiaoqiu doesn't want to hold a banquet, so I decided not to do it. When we find a good time next summer, we will go to Northeast China or Inner Mongolia to travel, and stop by the way to escape the summer."

   Qiuweishui added: "Go and see the forest farm and the prairie. I have never seen a prairie before."

  Wang Xianghong took another puff of cigarette and said, "Is it a trip to get married? So are you planning to have children before next fall?"

   Wang Yi said: "It's not a trip to get married, or a trip."

   "Well, as for having children, we are not in a hurry. Teacher Xiaoqiu is still young, so wait another two years."

   He had long wanted to fight Qiu Weishui for a long time, but it was still not as good as a real sword and a real gun across the guy.

   But he has no confidence in the maternity conditions of the outer islands these days, at least he has to wait until he buys a house in Shanghai before preparing to have a child.

   When the time comes, I will have a baby in Shanghai, and it is easy to solve any problems.

   Having a baby is an adventure.

   He needs to be more prepared.

After hearing this, Wang Xianghong nodded and warned again: "It's good to respond to the call of the country, but you should hurry up and hurry up, not for your own sake, but also for the sake of the elderly, so that the elderly can spend two more years with their children, this is always a good thing, right? ?"

   He is about to step down as the production team leader, but he is still the head of the Wang family.

   As the production team leader, he must respond to the call of the country and firmly implement the national policy.

   as the head of the family.

  Then these can be damned, he has one goal: to develop and strengthen the family.

   After he has completely retired from the captain's seat, he has only three tasks for the rest of his life: Timing, Timing, or Timing!

   Qiu Weishui giggled and said that he was not in a hurry.

  Wang Yi rubbed his face.

   The person here, only he knows about Ye Changan's physical condition.

   He does have to have a baby soon.

   In fact, he already has a house in Hudu, but the house is a little far from the Red House Hospital in Hudu.

   So he made up his mind to buy a house near the red house after the New Year, and later use it as a delivery room for the production team.

  The young women in the team went to live there when they were pregnant, trying to find a way to get through the relationship so that the pregnant women in the team could go to the red house to give birth.

   At this time, dishes of stir-fry dishes came up.

   Knowing that Xiufang was pregnant, Qiu Weishui, Good Night and Yang Wenrong went to help.

  Autumn Weishui rolls up his sleeves to stir-fry vegetables, Yang Wenrong sets the fire, and wishes him a good night with his vegetables and water.

  Wang Dongfang came back with a smirk and said, "Actually, I am good at cooking. I fried this watermelon rind. I will try it later."

  Today, the dishes on this table are Wang Xianghong's thank-you banquet, which is very rich.

He ordered a piece of tenderloin for the meat division in the team and made sweet and sour tenderloin; the team distributed roast chicken and duck, which he used today; and then scrambled eggs, fried peanuts, etc., he did not make much seafood, and most of them were hard vegetable.

   Even the main food is very hard, beef dumplings.

   His comrades give him gifts every year in the twelfth lunar month. This year, some comrades in Inner Mongolia sent beef jerky and frozen beef.

  Wang Xianghong opened two bottles of Great Northern Wilderness wine, called everyone to eat and drink, and got together to drink together under the new year, it was really unhappy!

  I had a drink at noon, and in the afternoon I had to board a boat to celebrate the New Year.

  Thank you for the generous support of the sea in the past years, and I look forward to a prosperous fishing catch on the boat in the coming year.

   This is one of the most important traditions in the outer islands, also known as asking Taiping Bodhisattva.

   Fishermen are most concerned about whether the weather is good or not.

   Only when the weather is good can you come and go safely, which is related to the joy and happiness of countless fishermen and countless fishing islands.

   So at the end of the year, the devout fishermen will worship the boat **** again and again and pray to the sea.

   Boarding the ship to thank the New Year starts from the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, as long as you choose the zodiac day before New Year's Eve.

   But traditionally, fishermen usually choose a good day like the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month to celebrate their new year on their fishing boats.

   Tianya Dao was chosen on this day.

  At the beginning of the evening, the fishermen got on the boat one after another. They did not have their own boats, but they were as devout as they invited Taiping Bodhisattva.

   The fishing boat has a small space, but the etiquette and specifications should not be sloppy.

   Lighting candles and burning incense is indispensable, in addition to the "three sacrifices"—

   is not three kinds of meat, but grain, fish and salt, which are also the necessary living materials for fishermen to go out to sea.

   Then there is the fruit, and the apple is placed.

  Wang Yi remembers that in the 21st century, it was first popular in colleges and universities to give apples on Christmas Eve, saying that apples are the fruit of peace.

   But in the outer islands, this saying has been popular for half a century, and there has long been a saying of Ping An fruit.

  Wang Xianghong and Wang Yi were on the ship Tianya No. 2 to thank Nian, and he taught Wang Yi the custom of thanking Nian.

  What can be used, what can't be used; what used to be, what is now, he will tell Wang Yi one by one.

  The 'three animals', rice cakes, three cups of tea, six cups of wine, etc., and even how to hang firecrackers, how to count the time to light firecrackers, how to kowtow at the bow of the boat, and how to sacrifice wine, he all had to teach Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi learned to look around. The boats on the pier were spread out, and there were men on them who were presiding over the sacrifices to celebrate the New Year.

   No matter whether there are people on the big boats or small boats, bamboo poles are erected on the bow, and firecrackers are hung on the poles.

  The firecrackers swayed in the wind, Wang Xianghong said "Thank you", and everyone picked up a stick of incense to light the firecracker fuse.

  Suddenly, a crackling sound rang out at sea.

   Firecrackers were set off, and fishermen climbed the masts on large boats with masts.

   If there is a flag on the mast, they will put on a new flag, and if there is no flag, they will hang a flag.

   The five-star red flag fluttered in the wind.

   Hunting shook on the coast of the East China Sea.

  Wang Xianghong looked at the red flags on the side, took out the cigarette bag, grabbed some shredded tobacco, stuffed it into the cigarette bag pot, and started smoking happily.

   He let out a puff of smoke, and sighed in relief: "Until this is a smooth thank you, our fisherman can be considered serious and ready to prepare for the New Year."

   The other members thought the same as him, and happily shouted back and shook the oar when they packed up.

   The crisp sound of firecrackers floated faintly from the sea.

The sound of    continued. This is the year of the fishermen from other villages and production teams.

   The past year has finally come to a successful conclusion. This year of thanks is a farewell to the previous year and a look forward to the new year.

  Renxu Year of the Dog is coming to an end, and the Guihai Year of the Pig is coming…

  The twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, small New Year's Eve.

  Wang Yi sailed to take Ye Changan to the island, and they celebrated the New Year together this year.

   The happiest one is Qiu Weishui, holding Grandpa's arm and introducing this and that:

   "Look at our newly reclaimed farmland. This winter, the production team is reclaiming barren mountains. Now there will be more land that can be cultivated in the coming year..."

   "Grandpa, I'll take you to the top of the mountain to see. Our school is being built very quickly. When the school starts next year, students will almost be able to study in the building..."

   "And my house. The old house in Mr. Wang's house was demolished. Next year, the production team will build a new house for our family..."

   Ye Changan panted: "Stop, stop, do you think grandpa is still in his twenties like you? Grandpa is getting old, you have to let grandpa rest first."

  Wang Yi carries a folding reclining chair, a small reclining chair, the whole body is made of PVC pipe as the frame, it is very light, and the weight it can bear is also light. If it exceeds 150 catties, there is a risk of the frame breaking.

   Ye Changan sat down facing the warm sun.

   A gust of wind blew, and he sighed: "This year is a warm winter, and I don't feel the atmosphere of winter very much. This spring is coming soon."

   They wandered around Tianya Island, and the members greeted him when they saw him coming, and they all called him Grandpa Xiaoqiu.

   Ye Changan naturally didn't have the air of leadership at this time, and responded to the crowd like an ordinary little old man. When they met Shou Xing Ye, they gathered together to bask in the sun, and even squatted and chatted together.

  The old man is actually not old, only under seventy years old, but compared to the old man in the 21st century, he is the same age as eighty.

   This also caused him to have no sense of disobedience when he was with Shou Xing Ye and other old men.

  Especially with a dog's tail grass in his mouth.

  Wang Yi went back and packed up the Spring Festival couplets, blessing characters, door gods, and green dragon paper in Tingtao Curie.

  Posting Spring Festival couplets, blessing characters, and door gods are standard activities in the whole country, and sticking green dragon paper should be a unique custom in the coastal areas of the south of the Yangtze River.

  Qinglong paper is a 6 to 15 cm square soft paper. The paper is printed with woodcut patterns and auspicious characters such as Qinglong Soaring, Shuanglong Playing Beads, Hehe Erxian, Cornucopia, etc., all of which are black, collectively referred to as Qinglong paper.

  The paper has three colors: red, cyan, and yellow. The blue dragon paper of different colors has its own manager, and then it should be pasted in different places.

The custom of   outer islands is to stick yellow on the barn, barn or rice jar, red on the indoor side door or door, and green on the water tank, mill and scale.

It is not only common people's homes to stick green dragon paper, but also banks, department stores and other units to put green dragon paper on counters, display windows, account desks, safes, etc., not only to obtain the fortune of Qinglong, but also to let Qinglong help guard the door. .

  This custom is rare in the 21st century. Wang Yi heard about it from his father when he recalled the nostalgic time, so now he came across the opportunity to paste the blue dragon paper.

   It is very particular to paste the green dragon paper. For example, the meaning of pasting the rice jar is "Qinglong plate rice jar, can't finish eating, can't use up, and it will grow more and more".

  Wang Yi used glue to stick the Qinglong paper and Spring Festival couplets. Qiu Weishui thought he would not be able to live, so he made paste.

  The paste is made of flour and water, so Wang Yi teased her: "I don't need money for flour? You just make a living with flour?"

   Qiu Weishui said: "It's cheaper than what you get with glue. Besides, if you mix some cornmeal into the flour, you can make a paste."

  Wang Yi was convinced: "You are really going to the grave to burn newspapers, fooling ghosts. Can this cornmeal be used to make paste?"

   Qiu Weishui gave him a very charming look: "You, limbs are not diligent, grains are not divided, cornmeal is also rich in starch, why can't you make paste? But using cornmeal to make paste is not so sticky."

   "So you make a paste with flour, add some cornflour in it, and it's ready to go."

  Wang Yi took out some flour into a small enamel basin, poured water into it, stirred it up, and poured hot water to make a paste.

   The old yellow cubs happily wagged their tails beside them.

   They looked at the disgusting contents of Wang Yizheng's enamel basin and thought they were preparing meals for themselves.

  Wang Yi gave them a look, Xiong sai, get out of there!

   The little yellows have no face, no skin, no eyesight, and those who shook their heads and tails thought that Wang Yi was playing eye contact with them, and began to happily rush to Wang Yi to grab the enamel basin.

  Old Huang saw this, got up and ran, opened his mouth and bit.

   It's a really hard mouth!

   (end of this chapter)