MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 520 519. Development of the tertiary industry

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   Chapter 520 519. Development of the tertiary industry

  Shou Xing Ye couldn't get the fish and meat **** by himself, but Wang Yi helped him because now the big stove has moved to the top of the mountain again.

  School is about to start.

   A few days before the start of school, the students sat on small benches on the playground for class, and also ate here, so it is better to move the school's large stove back to the top of the mountain.

   Of course, the cafeteria has not been completed yet, so Wang Yi thought about using a color steel tile house to simply support a large stove.

   The main reason why we use color steel tiles to build a large stove instead of a classroom is that the size of the classroom is too large and too many color steel tiles are needed.

  Another teaching building has been built, it just takes a few days to get it ready for use, and the canteen is the last of all the buildings on the top of the mountain to be completed, and it will take some time.

   In addition to building a canteen with colored steel tiles, Wang Yi will also start to organize the installation of solar-powered seawater desalination equipment on the air defense island and the mangrove island.

   In addition, the shark meat has been carefully cut out, and the next step is to make a shark model—

  The reason why the fish meatballs are out of the pot today is that apart from the fact that it takes a little time to deal with the fishy smell of the fish, it is also because it is very laborious to pick the fish.

   Originally, Wang Yi planned to make a shark cartilage specimen, but he consulted experts in the aquarium in 2023, and the experts suggested that he make a whole shark specimen.

  It is too difficult to preserve shark cartilage, and it is difficult for a non-professional team to make it, so it is easier to cover the fish skin to make a whole specimen under the premise of retaining the fish bone support.

  Wang Yi waited for the technical team of the Energy Group to simply relocate the equipment to check for leaks, and then joined them to go to the county seat.

   Just as Qiu Weishui finished dinner, Ye Changan greeted him after he entered the door: "Come here and drink a glass of warm wine to get rid of the cold."

   Seeing the elders caring for him so much, Wang Yi felt warm in his heart.

   He took off his woolen coat and hung it up, and said, "Thank you, grandpa, but I'm a young man with strong firepower. It's already spring, and a little cold at night is nothing, I can withstand it."

   Ye Changan smacked his lips and said, "You young people, you are really a dung beetle crawling on the tip of the whip - just know that you are flying through the clouds, but you don't know that death is in front of your eyes..."

   "Grandpa, what do you say about me in the first month of the first month?" Qiu Weishui came out of the kitchen for the first time, guarding her little Wang baby like an old hen guarding her cubs.

  Ye Changan changed his words: "Okay, then you are a mosquito on August 8, and you have a powerful mouth!"

"You are young now, and your body is strong, but you will always be young? It's not like I haven't been young, and I was very fierce when I was the same age as you. In the cold winter of March 9th, I washed my hair in cold water and went for a winter swim in the sea, but what happens when I get older? "

   He pointed to his chest: "Look for yourself, what am I now?"

  Wang Yi gave a thumbs up and said, "Grandpa is old and strong, the spirit of Longma!"

   Ye Changan patted the table and laughed and scolded: "Go to you, what I said just now is really right, you are a mosquito on August 8, with a powerful mouth."

  Wang Yi put it another way: "Then, after drinking ice for ten years, the blood is still not cold?"

   Ye Changan was stunned for a while: "Why did you say such a thing suddenly? What does this have to do with our topic?"

   He thought about it for a moment, and smiled slightly: "But this sentence is really good. After ten years of drinking ice, the blood is still cold!"

   "This sentence describes our work well before liberation."

  Wang Yi sat in front of him and was about to drink a sip of warm wine to warm his body, but after looking around, he asked suspiciously, "Grandpa, where is the wine?"

   Ye Changan immediately shouted to the kitchen: "Xiao Shui, your lover wants to drink a glass of warm wine to get rid of the cold, so quickly take out the wine."

  Wang Yiting rolled his eyes.

   No wonder the old man persuaded him to drink to ward off the cold. It turned out that he didn't really care about him, but he wanted to drink but couldn't, so he wanted to drink in his name.

   Qiuwei was in charge of Ye Changan during the day, but she didn't manage it very strictly. On a special day like today, she naturally prepared wine.

   The rice wine is prepared, which is not as strong as white wine.

   She was busy with her hands and feet, and the food and drinks were quickly placed on the table.

   The big crab with the fat top cover, the bulging prawns braised in oil, cut a plate of pork head meat, and made a tomato and beef brisket soup. There are seafood, meat and vegetables, which are very rich.

   They moved the table to the south window sill, and when they turned their heads slightly, they could see the full moon that had just climbed up.

   A full moon hangs in the starry sky.

  Wang Yi inexplicably thought of a silly copywriting in the short video that was once popular: Moon Brew is very brewing…

   They drank warm wine and chopsticks kept Qiu Weishui, either serving food for Grandpa or Wang Yi.

  Ye Changan took a sip of wine and chatted casually with Wang Yixian. He asked him about the installation of solar-powered seawater desalination equipment, and by the way, he talked about the future of energy development.

  Wang Yi is naturally optimistic about the prospect of new energy. He mentioned the prospect of island tourism by taking advantage of the clean advantages of new energy.

   Hearing this, Ye Changan immediately became interested: "Tourism? Do you think we Fuhai will focus on developing tourism in the future?"

  Wang Yi said: "Of course, in the next 30 years, China's overall positioning should be an industrial power. I think we can set a small goal first and become the second most powerful country in the world in 30 years!"

   Ye Changan and Qiu Weishui laughed.

The   Soviet is eyeing the land of China in the north.

   In 1981, the Red Empire held a military exercise, and the unstoppable posture of the steel torrent scared Europe and shocked the whole world.

No one will believe that this empire will collapse from within in just ten years, and no one will believe that forty years later, the successor of this country will struggle to fight a neighboring country, and people will be dragged into the quagmire of war. …

   These things must not be mentioned by Wang Yi, he said gently: "I have confidence in our country, and I also have confidence in the sons and daughters of the Chinese people!"

   He continued: "As long as the country develops into an industrial power, the common people will have money, and they will have to pursue higher levels of enjoyment. At that time, marine tourism will definitely be popular."

   "We, Fuhai, have too many tourist resources that can be used. Let's not talk about the many islands, the splendid fishermen's traditions, or the abundant catches. Let's talk about some natural resources that can be developed into scenic spots—"

   "Like our Tianya Island!"

   Ye Changan said with a smile: "You kid, you can't forget to benefit your hometown all the time? Don't we not talk about many islands? Your Tianya Island is not one of the islands?"

  Wang Yi also laughed: "Yes, but I'm joking."

   "Seriously, we have Shili Silver Beach, which is a valuable landscape resource!"

Ye Changan nodded: "You and Comrade Qi Min have thought of this together. The Shili Silver Beach is five miles long, the maximum ebb level can be 300 meters deep, and the area can reach 600,000 to 700,000 square meters. There are snow-white and delicate beaches all year round. , the view is beautiful.”

   "Especially in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, the dominant wind in that place is the south wind, and the wind is calm, so it is a good place."

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, although I haven't played in Shili Silver Beach seriously, but I am passing by by boat."

   "Qindao has a beach, which has become their seaside business card, and even the state has built a sanatorium for cadres there."

"But they haven't developed yet. The little devils are experts in this area. They have a Hakone area, which is a famous scenic spot. The beaches and bathing areas in it are not as good as our Shili Silver Beach. Foreign tourists can be in the millions, and the economic benefits are very good!”

Ye Changan pondered: "That's right, I also think our Fuhai landscape is great, and we should vigorously publicize it so that people all over the country know that China has Wengzhou, Wengzhou has Fuhai, and the Fuhai area is beautiful and pleasant. ."

   He put down his chopsticks, leaned on the back of the chair and said slowly:

   "Well, last month, Qi Min put forward a suggestion to set up a tourism company in the county, affiliated with the Urban Construction Bureau, and comrades from the urban construction unit will be in charge of it."

   Having said this, he looked at Wang Yi: "What do you think of his proposal?"

   "Very good!" Wang Yi said decisively, "Grandpa, believe me, tourism is a sunrise industry, it is the sun at eight or nine o'clock, it has just risen, and it is not in full bloom yet. Let's make arrangements ahead of time, and the future will definitely be promising!"

   Ye Changan asked, "How to arrange it?"

   This aspect is simple.

  Wang Yi said some common sense that people have known for 23 years: "First set up a tourism bureau, and then set up a troika, and the three paths will go together."

   "The first drive is to use the county party committee as the main body to strive for economic policies from the relevant departments of higher-level units, and to obtain resources."

"The second drive is led by the Tourism Bureau, with the cooperation of other units, to publicize our Fuhai in an all-round way, promote our Fuhai, and expand horizontal connections - pay attention to finding partners to jointly carry out publicity work, the main direction is Shanghai, from Shanghai They are starting to spread across the country.”

   "The third drive is to strike iron and also need to be hard. We have to explore scenic spots, develop tourism resources and protect these resources, of which this is the most important."

   "The first thing is to protect scenic spots like Shili Silver Beach. When I was passing by, I saw people digging sand with boats. This is definitely not acceptable."

   "Secondly, we need to hire designers to design the development of the scenic spots, and hire workers to clean up the hygiene of the scenic spots. In addition, the investment must be invested, and we can't just make the scenic spots."

   "Also, pay attention to service awareness. This is the most important point. The law and order should be good, the waiter's attitude should be good, the supervision department should be responsible, etc. Anyway, it is quite complicated to elaborate on this matter."

   Ye Changan couldn't help but took out a small notebook from his trouser pocket and remembered it.

   Qiu Weishui looked very proud and very happy to see her man talking confidently, and then to see her always proud grandfather listening honestly and making a record, so she was even happier.

   She took the initiative to add a glass of wine to the old man and said, "Grandpa, you don't need to be so formal, just let Teacher Wang come back and give you a report."

  Wang Yi was taken aback.

   What a good daughter-in-law, she sold her man so quickly?

  Ye Changan waved his hand: "No, Teacher Wang wants to write "Long Aotian Global Adventure", how can I write a report in spare time?"

  Wang Yi raised a glass to him.

   Grandpa is such a nice guy.

  Then the good man said: "In this way, I will go back to a meeting to discuss the establishment of a travel company. When the time comes, Mr. Wang will come to take a post, and he will directly take charge of the related work without writing a report."

   The wine glass that Wang Yi raised stopped in the air.

   Am I going to take a layoff?

   I'm very busy, okay?

   He doesn't want to take a temporary job in any company, especially since this company will definitely have a bunch of civil servants at that time, and they are civil servants belonging to different factions, and they may not know how to intrigue at that time.

   It happened that he hated intrigue and conspiracy the most, so he quickly refused: "Grandpa, you know, I'm the principal of our primary school; what you don't know is that I'm going to be the captain of our production team soon..."

  Ye Changan knew what he wanted to fart just by seeing how his **** was up.

   But the old man is a veteran in politics. He pretended not to understand what he meant, took over his words and said, "Oh, are you going to be the captain of your production team? Good, good thing."

   "But remember, you kid, don't use your position in the travel company to open the back door for your production team's travel work!"

   These words made Wang Yi stunned.

   Yes, I almost forgot about this.

  Tianya Island will also have to develop tourism in the future. If you take a temporary job in a tourism company, it will help the development of the island's industry!

   He is so honest, he didn't even think that there is still a matter of private use of public power. Fortunately, the old man reminded him.

   So he quickly changed his mind and said, "Don't worry, Grandpa, I'm not that kind of person, right, daughter-in-law?"

   Autumn Weishui is very difficult.

   She felt that Teacher Wang was such a person...

   Of course she can't say that, but she's not very happy to let her lie to her grandpa.

  In this way, she had to pretend not to hear Wang Yi's question and said, "Come on, eat crabs, crabs won't taste good when they're cold."

  Ye Changan took the crab paste and asked Wang Yi: "By the way, Mr. Wang, what did you just say? I interrupted you. You said that I didn't know you had become the captain."

Wang Yi explained: "Oh, what I'm going to say later is, Grandpa, you believe me, under the circumstance that I have several jobs, not only will I not open the back door for myself, but also try to balance the time arrangement and relationship between these jobs. Distribute your energy and do your job well!"

  Ye Changan smiled slightly: "Okay, then you can go to a few places in our county that are suitable for scenic spots with me tomorrow. Let's discuss it for a while."

   "Come on, eat vegetables and vegetables, now is the time for our family gatherings, let's not talk about business, let's not talk about business."

  Wang Yi nibbled the crab legs silently.

  What to mention? I have been recruited as a temporary worker, and I will have a lot of business in the future. Do I still need to mention it now?

   But this crab is delicious, the crab paste is so fresh!

   He naturally stayed overnight. The old man lived on the first floor, he and Qiu Weishui lived on the second floor. Qiu Weishui told him that the sound insulation of this type of building was good, and then Wang Yi tried it.

   Hmm, quite exciting.

   I spent a lot of energy at night, but Wang Yi got up early in the morning and was going to get a breakfast for the old man.

   For nothing else, but to fight for his daughter-in-law and let the old man know that his granddaughter did not marry the wrong person, and that the man she was looking for loves her and her family!

   Then he rubbed his waist and went downstairs.

  The old man was reading the newspaper. When he saw him, he pointed to the table and said, "There are glutinous rice balls, wontons, fried dough sticks and bean curd. If you like sweet, you can eat sweet, and if you like salty, you can eat salty."

  Wang Yisan smiled and said, "Grandpa, are you too polite? Tofu Nao also prepared two flavors, sweet and salty?"

   Ye Changan was surprised when he heard this: "What? How can tofu brain have two flavors? Isn't this thing all sweet?"

  Wang Yi said: "Then you just said that you have prepared tofu brains. If you like sweet, eat sweet, if you like salty, eat salty..."

   "I mean, if you like sweet, eat dumplings, and if you like salty, eat wontons!" Ye Changan felt inexplicable.

   This teacher can't do reading comprehension!

  Wang Yi had to change the topic: "Okay, then I'll eat wontons. Xiaoshui likes sweets. Grandpa, did you get up so early? It's a shame that you even helped us buy breakfast."

   His stubbornness and dignity required him to show his love for Qiuweishui. Since he couldn't make breakfast, he had to save Qiuweishui's favorite food.

   Ye Changan said: "If you feel really ashamed, you should work harder in the future when you work in a travel company."

  Wang Yi slumped to eat.

   Come on, three words are inseparable from work!

   After dinner, they were busy with work, so they took the bus to Shili Silver Beach.

  In terms of solar terms, spring has come, but in terms of climate, winter has not left yet, but it has gone far.

  The wind is small and warm.

  The scene of the stormy waves stirred up by the strong wind in winter is no longer common. The sea surface is gradually calming down, and the seabed sediment stirred up by the stormy waves is also settling, and the sea water is changing from gray and yellow to mint green.

The   Treasure Island warm current came across the sea with the spring breeze, which brought the warm water vapor of the Pacific Ocean, and the sea fog that did not appear much in winter came again.

  The island has ushered in a foggy season.

  The sea fog hazy pervades the sea and shrouds the island. It is not a big fog, but it is enough to make the ocean make the landscape of the island misty.

  When vision is stripped away, hearing begins to compensate and becomes acute.

   got off the bus and walked along the coast.

   You can hear the rustling of the sea breeze, the humming of the engines of fishing boats, the long whistle of a big boat passing by in the distance, and the clinking of the bells of the bicycles behind.

   At this time, there are elderly people who get up early to exercise on the beach in the morning, and there are couples who leave their homes early before going to work, intertwining their fingers and snuggling with each other on the beach, talking love words.

  Wang Yi is very envious of these couples, they still have the heart to talk about love, just like when he and Qiu Weishui have free time and affection, they always say: 'Come? ''Come! ’

   Qiu Weishui wrapped his arms in one hand and Ye Changan's arms in the other, walking slowly and leisurely, very happy, with smiles on his eyes.

   These are the two most important people in her life.

   It feels so good to have the most important people in your hands.

  Wang Yi looked at the girl's satisfied mood, and suddenly felt uncomfortable: Ye Changan's health had not allowed her to hold her for a long time.

   So he made a decision and said, "Let's go back to grandpa's place to live on Saturday, go to the market with grandpa in the evening, go to the beach or park with grandpa in the morning, go around and see more."

   Qiu Weishui was even happier: "Okay."

  Ye Changan is an intelligence officer who is very sensitive to people's emotions.

  Wang Yi's expression and tone were only a little unusual, but he immediately took it down in his heart.

   Qiuweishui looked at the white sandy beach and the sea and sighed: "We came here by accident, it happened to be foggy today, and the first fog in 1983 made us catch up."

   Ye Changan said gently: "It doesn't matter, the fog will always dissipate, as long as you have patience, the fog will dissipate, and we will be able to see a beautiful new world."

After a pause, he touched the top of Qiu Weishui's head with his other hand and laughed: "You are now someone's wife, and you will be someone's mother in the future, so remember, no matter what you do, you have to be patient. , look forward."

   "Sometimes you encounter difficulties and bad luck, don't be depressed, sad and sad, move forward patiently, good things will always happen!"

   Qiu Weishui didn't think much about it.

   She was always a little girl by Ye Changan's side.

   In this way, she smiled and said, "Grandpa, you are really old, and you always like to lecture."

   Wang Yi said: "Attention, the fog is starting to dissipate."

  The sun has long jumped out of the sea level, but the cold between the sky and the earth is too heavy, and the temperature of the sun cannot be raised quickly.

   Now the sun is rising, the temperature is rising, and the mist is overflowing.

   First, the silver-white sand beach in front of you became clear, it was like a curtain was opened from near to far, the figures were clear, the birds were visible, and finally the sea was empty and the world was clear.

  The morning view of the island is beautiful.

   The morning scenery in spring is beautiful.

  There is farmland behind the beach, and rapeseed is planted in the farmland. After all, spring has come, the weather is warm, and some rapeseed flowers have begun to bloom.

   There are also weeds emerging between the crevices of the reefs under the feet. Spring is never achieved overnight, just like rapeseed flowers do not bloom all day, and wild grasses do not turn into green fields in one day, they all change little by little.

   The decadent atmosphere of last winter is being overshadowed by the vitality of spring, and the next day is the spring.

   At this time, the grand scene of Shili Silver Beach appeared in their field of vision.

  The beach is white, flat and delicate, the sand is well-proportioned and crystal clear, the mist disperses and the sun shines, and there is golden light shining on both sides to a distance of several hundred meters or even kilometers.

   Looking out across the Silver Beach, the sea is vast and the sea is green and clear.

   I looked away, and at the end of my vision was the port. The ships entering the port were riding the wind and waves, and along the wind, there were intermittent sounds of shouts and whistles.

   Qiu Weishui sighed: "Although I have seen it many times, this Silver Beach will feel beautiful every time I see it."

Ye Changan said: "Today is even more beautiful, because it is moisturised by mist, so you see, sometimes difficulties appear in front of your eyes and make you confused, but you will know after you have survived it, it has made you more mature and made your Life is better."

   Qiu Weishui acted coquettishly at him: "My life is already very good, and it doesn't need to be better. You and Teacher Wang are by my side, then I'm satisfied, and I don't need anything else."

   Ye Changan laughed: "You don't need anything else to talk about as a child? Don't you need a child? Don't you need a little girl carved in pink and jade and a boy with a big head?"

   Qiuwei said generously: "Ah, it's true, then I'm so happy, life is already very good, and as a result, there is still room for improvement on the beautiful road."

   Ye Changan said: "Yes, you are walking on the road to a better life, you have to move forward. In the past, Grandpa walked with you, now Teacher Wang accompanies you, and there will be children with you in the future..."

   After all, she is not stupid and very smart, and slowly came back to it: "Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

   Wang Yi smiled and said, "Grandpa is sighing with emotion. You see, there are elderly people doing morning exercises, couples walking and children playing. The three generations of the old, middle and small are complete."

  Ye Changan nodded. He changed the subject and asked, "Mr. Wang, come and comment. If our Silver Beach wants to develop, how should it develop?"

  Wang Yi said: "The first is to do basic protection, at least to maintain this appearance first."

   "Then we have to design a bathing area, and then carry out some construction, such as building a tourist service center, men's and women's shower rooms, toiletries rental points, seafood restaurants - these construction work is relatively simple."

   "If possible, negotiate amicably with the owners of the farmland here, requisition their farmland for a fee, convert it into a seaside park, and increase the tourism of Silver Beach..."

   He said some points about the tourism industry in domestic coastal cities in the future, and Ye Changan was amazed when he heard it.

   This is the age difference in aesthetics and development, the difference between the four generations!

   Ye Changan does not understand the future development trend of tourism, but he understands people.

  Wang Yi's performance made him very satisfied.

   In particular, Wang Yi also set a policy for the development of Yintan's tourism: sea view, sea swimming, seafood, and seafood.

   In addition, Wang Yi's humanistic complex also made him appreciate: "It is easy to build a landscape and develop the economy, but it is difficult to win the hearts and minds of the people."

"In comparison, the expropriation of these farmlands is the most difficult. It must not damage the interests of peasant comrades, nor harm the enthusiasm of peasant comrades to support the party and the organization, and at the same time, it must not waste national property and resources - very difficult, grandpa, this test Your time for wisdom has come."

  Shili Silver Beach This place belongs to the suburbs of the main island, with a small village behind it.

   Ye Changan directly led the two to the nearest small seaweed house.

   At this time, the chimney on the house was smoking, and an old lady was cooking by the fire-blackened wood stove.

  The house is very clean, and the furniture inside is quite simple, such as a tin kettle, old carved furniture, the bust of the leader and the calendar hanging on the wall, and the other is the tableware.

  Ye Changan said that she came to ask for a bowl of water. The old lady welcomed them warmly, poured hot water for them, and praised Qiuwei water: "This girl is so beautiful, just like she came out of the calendar."

  Wang Yi felt that the calendars contained ordinary items.

   Qiu Weishui thanked her, Ye Changan chatted with the old lady, cut into the topic from the leader and comrade, and cut into it very successfully.

  The old lady was very excited when she mentioned the leader, her admiration and conviction were instantly evident.

Ye Changan led the topic. After cutting through the leaders and comrades, he turned to the construction of new China and the development of Fuhai. Then he said, "I heard a little news", saying that "the county wants to develop the economy and make the people rich, so it is necessary to select some scenic spots." In the development, the topic of Yintan' is thrown out.

   He talked about the need to turn farmland into a park to entertain tourists from all over the country and even from all over the world, and asked the old lady what she thought.

The old lady was very sensible and said: "I support the construction of the country. Our Silver Beach is a good place. We will invite proletarian comrades from Asia, Africa and Latin America to visit in the future? That's great, we should let them come and see. Our new China!"

  Wang Yi suddenly realized what the old lady said.

   Now is the beginning of 1983, not yet 23 years. The characteristics of the two eras are different. The problems he thought were not necessarily the problems of this era.

  Ye Changan accompanied the old lady to continue chatting about the leaders and comrades. After talking about a bowl of hot water, he bid farewell and left. The old lady was still not satisfied.

  The public is through the ages.

   A person who puts the people in their hearts, and the people are willing to lift him above their heads.

   Strolling on the seashore until eight o'clock, the two sides parted.

  Ye Changan went to work, Wang Yi and Qiu Weishui returned to Tianya Island first, and it was time to prepare for the start of school.

  The teachers are already in place. Li Yanjing has been here every day since the first month, chatting with the teachers and students, and checking the progress of the construction site on the top of the mountain every day. He is full of expectations for the future.

  Wang Yi returned to the island, where he was also teaching a group of children to recite the Three Character Classic.

   Qiu Weishui said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Li, you have mingled with the students ahead of time."

  Li Yanjing waved his hands in panic: "No fighting, no fighting."

   He really got along with the students at Duobao Elementary School, but he was the one who was beaten...

  Wang Yi waved at him and said, "Let's go, let's take you to see how the preparations for the opening of our school are going."

  Li Yanjing is his appointed successor. This kid is born with a talent for teaching and has a lot of love for him. He is his little fan brother and is the most suitable to help him take care of the school.

   They went to check the textbooks sent by the county first.

   A full set of textbooks was put into the vacant wing of the ancestral hall. When the door was opened, the smell of fresh ink made Li Yanjing take a deep breath.

   All the textbooks were counted. Li Yanjing said strangely after ordering a few sets: "It seems that there is one more book? Or is there one more student this year?"

  Wang Yizheng was puzzled, and immediately reacted: "Have you ever thought that maybe the textbooks here include the teaching books of teachers?"

   Li Yanjing laughed awkwardly: "Hahahaha, or are you the principal and I am a first-year teacher? You should be careful."

  Wang Yi rolled his eyes: "What does being the principal have to do with being careful or not?"

   He teased Li Yanjing to count the textbooks, there was no problem, and then they went to look at the desks and chairs.

  Brand new tables and chairs occupy the spacious yard of the old carpenter's house.

   A double table was piled up, and a chair was piled up.

   If the ancestral hall emits the fragrance of ink, then the fragrance of wood wafts in the yard.

  Li Yanjing couldn't help laughing when she saw these brand new tables and chairs.

  As a teacher, I am really happy to see so many high-quality teaching tools.

  You must know that the tables and chairs here are not only brand new, but also very delicate in workmanship. The lacquer color of the table top shines brightly in the sun. When you reach out and touch it, you feel like you are touching the glass. It is really smooth!

   He began to praise Wang Xianggao to the extreme with a lotus, and praised Wang Xianggao as the existence of Lu Ban.

   Of course, this may not be touted, but from his heart, because he was really shocked by the quality of these tables and chairs.

   However, Wang Xianggao finally told him: "This is not my craft. Mr. Wang asked someone to buy the semi-finished product, and we just assembled it, so you should praise Mr. Wang."

  Wang Yi said with a smile: "Mr. Li is not wrong, you can assemble semi-finished products into such exquisite desks and chairs, Uncle Gao, you have done a great job!"

  Everything is ready, just waiting for the school building to dry before school starts!

   (end of this chapter)

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