MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 524 523. Times change too fast (please ask for a ticket on Monday

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   Chapter 524 523. Times are changing too fast (please ask for a ticket on Monday, thank you)

   For two consecutive days, a set of desalination equipment was installed on the air defense island and on the mangrove island.

   In addition, a larger area of ​​color steel tile houses has been built on Mangrove Island.

   Four hundred square meters!

   This time it is a workshop, a canning workshop.

  Although the color steel tile house is easy to build, the area of ​​400 square meters is still too large, and it takes at least two days to build it.

   The construction team of the production team was already familiar with building color steel tile houses, so Wang Yi didn’t need to stay behind and returned directly to the island.

   There was nothing at hand for the time being, so he went to Wang Xiangqing's house to watch the craftsman work.

   Spring is here and the weather is getting warmer. He is going to plan a plan with Hairtail Hou to start the offshore aquaculture industry.

   To engage in offshore farming, it is necessary to use cages and bamboo utensils. Originally, he had to bring these things from 23 years.

   But since there is a bamboo craftsman in the production team, he can get materials nearby, so he doesn't have to be so busy.

   The carpenter was busy at home, so he brought a set of gifts and tools for the carpenter when he came to the house.

  This is the same as the set of carpenter tools he gave to Wang Xianggao.

  There are wooden chisels, digging chisels, bamboo needles, scrapers, pliers door mound chisels and 7-character scrapers, as well as straight-headed and hooked-headed swords.

   Among them, the bamboo knife is the most precious.

   These are all made of high-quality carbon steel. The whole is forged and quenched. The blade is sharp, the back of the blade is thickened, and the handle is made of non-slip and anti-shedding plastic. The price is 50 yuan per piece…

  Buy the whole set of tools to get a tool bag, just like a satchel, Wang Yi slung it on his shoulders, and two of the bamboo knives were inserted obliquely outside, fixed with a real cowhide lasso, and it was easy to push and insert.

   He took the bag down the mountain. When the students saw it, they came and asked, "Mr. Wang, what kind of bag is this? I see a knife handle."

   "This is a swordsman, a man in the martial arts!"

  Wang Yi waved his hand: "This is a bamboo craftsman, a craftsman who makes a living."

  Wang Xinmi asked: "Can you take out a knife and show me? I also want to fix this thing."

  Wang Yi stared at him.

   Wang Zhuangyuan and Wang Kai have both turned their backs on evil, the prodigal son has turned back, and your boy has jumped out again?

What does    mean? Are you playing fantasy tricks for me? Beat the small and come out the big, beat the big and come out the old?

   Wang Xinmi was cleaned up by him, and his arrogance was far worse than Wang Zhuangyuan and Wang Kaike at the beginning.

   His eyes turned cold, Wang Xinmi immediately nodded and patted his **** for three consecutive sets and then ran away.

  Wang Yi went to Wang Xiangqing's house. At this time, the two sides of the yard were full of bamboo, and Wang Xiangqing and his wife were busy weaving bamboo baskets.

   Seeing Wang Yi enter the door, the couple put down what they were holding and came alive to greet him.

  Wang Xiangqing's daughter-in-law Hou Xiaozhi also hurried to make tea for him.

  Wang Yi waved his hand and said no, Wang Xiangqing said with a smile, "Mr. Wang is here today to study art? I saw that you were carrying equipment."

   He could see at a glance that the knife on the bag was a katana. After all, a katana was the basic tool of a smith.

   Now he is holding a bamboo knife in his hand, and there are several small saws, small chisels, etc. by his side.

   In contrast, the quality of his bamboo sword is naturally incomparable to that brought by Wang Yi.

   There is a gap between the two knives, regardless of the steel mouth or the craftsmanship used.

   Another Wang Xiangqing has used this knife for a long time, and the blade even has potholes.

  The edge of the blade has been sharpened and sharpened. Although it is still sharp, it has been ground off a bit, resulting in a narrow blade.

  This kind of bamboo knife is not very useful. The main reason is that the blade body and the blade are made of steel. The processing technology is different. The steel of the blade is polished, and the remaining blade is not sharp enough.

  Wang Yi took out a straight-headed bamboo knife and gave it to Wang Xiangqing.

  Wang Xiangqing stretched out his hand and sighed: "Good knife, this is really a good knife!"

   He shook his hand and nodded again: "This plastic handle is just comfortable. Industrial products are different from the ones we've made ourselves. They're good things."

  Wang Yi handed him the bag and said, "Second Uncle, I gave this to you."

  Wang Xiangqing was stunned, looked at him and asked, "Aren't you going to learn the craftsmanship from me?"

   Wang Yi smiled and said, "No, I'm just curious..."

   "What's Teacher Wang's identity? He chops bamboo like the two of us? Isn't it?" Hou Xiaozhi came out with a teapot, and the last 'is it' asked Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi smiled and said: "The working people are the most honorable. I really want to learn these crafts, but I really don't have time."

   "I'm here this time to collect life materials."

  Wang Xiangqing scratched his head: "Vegetarian vegetables? What kind of vegetables? My family only has pickles and some snow vegetables. I'll bring you everything you want..."

   "No," Wang Yi laughed, "it's the material, the material of the material, or it's called collecting style."

  Wang Xiangqing was even more puzzled, and said with a smirk: "Zhuang Huhan doesn't understand anything, Mr. Wang, you laughed, so what style do you use? Is the wind in my yard good?"

   Hou Xiaozhi said: "You really are Wu Dalang playing tricks - people and bears are stupid."

   "Mr. Wang said that the collection of styles is for writers. Didn't you hear this on the radio? Isn't Comrade Bing Xin going to organize some writers from our country to collect styles in the countryside in the spring?"

   Wang Xiangqing said: "I really didn't pay attention to this."

  Wang Yi said: "It doesn't matter if you don't pay attention, just know what I'm here for."

   "I'm just here to join in the fun, not to learn to make bamboo weaving."

  Wang Xiangqing did not treat him politely when he heard this.

   He said generously, "Then I'll accept your gift. Anyway, Mr. Wang, if you think my work can help you, just tell me, and I'll do as you say."

  Wang Yi smiled and said, "You can do what you want, I'll watch it for a while."

   Wang Xiangqing was very excited when the new bamboo knife arrived.

   There were two bamboo knives in total. He grabbed one in each of his left and right hands and played with it. Looking at it, Hou Xiaozhi rolled his eyes: "It's Li Xiangyang with two guns, you are Wang Xiangqing with two knives?"

  Wang Xiangqing was not good at words, he kept laughing: "Then I have two swords?"

   Hou Xiaozhi poured another cup of tea for Wang Yi, sat down and grabbed a knife to look at it, and said with admiration, "Mr. Wang, it's no wonder that your second uncle likes this knife, it's so good."

   When she saw the letters on the handle of the knife, she was in awe: "Is this a good thing you imported from abroad?"

   Wang Yi said: "No, this is produced in our own country."

  Wang Xiangqing took back the bamboo knife in her hand and said, "This knife has not been used before. We have fresh hands. Don't use it for now, and then use it when you are familiar with it."

   Hou Xiaozhi scolded him: "You are stingy, and you are reluctant to give your family something good."

  Wang Xiangqing didn't speak, and started to study other bamboo weaving tools with his head sullen.

  Hou Xiaozhi picked up the bamboo knife he used before and started to work. With quick hands and feet, he split the bamboo with one knife, cut a tube of green bamboo in half and then cut it in half, cut it into bamboo pieces, and then separated the bamboo skin and bamboo core.

   Just like Paoding Jie Niu, it is neat and tidy.

   She chatted with Wang Yi while she was working: "Mr. Wang, I heard about that, can we have a banquet in the future?"

  Wang Yi said: "It can be done. The new daughter-in-law will have benefits when she enters the door. There are several options, including banquets, so it depends on what they choose."

   "I heard that our old wives also have benefits?" Hou Xiaozhi asked expectantly.

  Wang Xiangqing pouted: "You are wearing a flower in a dream - think beautifully."

   "I'm a stinky critic of your mother." Hou Xiaozhi scolded him fiercely.

  Wang Xiangqing laughed again, he was not angry, he continued to study these new guys with his head sullen.

   Hou Xiaozhi felt embarrassed, and said to Wang Yi, "Don't take offense, Mr. Wang, we uneducated people just talk like this, vulgar."

  Wang Yi waved his hand: "Second aunt, you are polite, but you are right, you also have benefits, like every year, right?"

   "It's hard to say the specifics right now. Anyway, it depends on the team committee meeting and voting. Anyway, I heard the captain mean that I will send something to the daughters-in-law in our team every year."

   Hou Xiaozhi was full of energy and complimented: "Mr. Wang, you are now the second captain, what you said is good, if you say there is, there must be."

   As she spoke, she began to draw silk, cutting the bamboo skin into green strips and pulling out the green strips.

  Her craftsmanship is very skilled, and the slices cut out are uniform in thickness and clear blue and white.

  Wang Yi looked around.

  There are bamboos and some woven bamboo products in the yard, chairs with backrests, bamboo stools, baskets, and poles made of thick bamboo that has been removed from the bamboo skin.

The most    is the basket for mowing grass and collecting fish. Anyway, all kinds of bamboo products are all-encompassing.

  The bamboo from Tianya Island is of good quality, and the green silk is flexible and very elastic.

   Later, Wang Xiangqing also started to work. He said that his craftsmanship is not good enough, and the master with good craftsmanship can draw green silk that is thinner than hair.

  Green bamboo is the most suitable for weaving fine and delicate bamboo ware, and it is processed into various kinds of beautiful bamboo crafts.

  The yellow bamboo is not good, the flexibility of the yellow bamboo is poor, and it is difficult to cut into very thin silk.

   Watching the two of them busy, Wang Yi asked, "There are still outsiders in our team, I mean young people, are you willing to learn bamboo weaving skills?"

   There is a lot of bamboo weaving used in the farm, and the two of them are too busy to work on their own.

   After listening to his words, Wang Xiangqing shook his head: "Young people don't like to learn this stuff anymore. They all say that they will rely on machines in the future. After reform and opening up, our country has imported a lot of machines from abroad."

   "Machine works well and cheap, and no one wants handmade things, so what do young people learn from it?"

   His daughter-in-law added: "The main reason is that this skill cannot be learned in three days or two days, and it takes a little hardship to become a master."

   "Young people don't want to suffer like this anymore, and they all go to the city to work, especially since we are close to Shanghai, many of them go to Shanghai."

   Wang Xiangqing snorted: "I don't like going to Shanghai, so what do I do? The golden den and the silver den are not as good as my own dog kennel."

   "How good is Shanghai? High-rise buildings, heavy traffic, upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones." Hou Xiaozhi scolded him.

   Wang Xiangqing said: "High-rise buildings are good, lights and telephones are good, but is that their building? They can't even get a household registration."

   "It's better for us to be on the outer islands," he said looking forward. "Our team has to build buildings for every family, and we will build two-story buildings together. How good it will be at that time!"

   Hou Xiaozhi didn't bother him this time, and nodded again and again.

   She looked back at her small seaweed house, which was built the year she got married, and now has a history of twenty-four or five years.

   The house she lived in for 24 or 5 years was still very good, but she thought about going to the red brick and blue tile compound house that her relatives had seen, and comparing it with her own seaweed house was almost a problem.

   Besides, what the production team has to build is a building!

  The family lives in a new building, which is very beautiful when you think about it.

   When the family has a new building, the team will give this welfare and that dividend to the new daughter-in-law, and worry that the future generations of their production team will not be able to find a good daughter-in-law and good son-in-law?

  Thinking of these, Hou Xiaozhi sighed: "This year has passed like a dream. The year Mr. Wang came, everything on our island has changed."

   Wang Xiangqing said: "The past few years have been like a dream. You said that since the founding of our island, our life has been very good."

   "Suddenly the reform and opening up, the life of our team is not good, the reputation is not good, what's going on?"

   "Then Mr. Wang came back, and Mr. Wang bought cheap food for the production team and took the commune and team enterprises to do economic work. The life is good and the reputation is good..."

   said he shook his head suspiciously.

  Society is changing so fast that an honest person like him can’t react quickly.

   His daughter-in-law replied, "The requirements are still different. What did you pay attention to in the past? Food is the priority for the people. It's good to wear clothes that can be eaten and worn."

"From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1960s and 1970s, the interior suffered from droughts and floods, and the members in many places were screaming from hunger. We have seafood and farmland on our outer islands, and we can't eat fine grains, but corn cakes and sweet potatoes are dry. Anything is enough…”

   "It's true." The old man who was basking outside heard what they said, picked up Maza and sat at the door to talk to them.

   "Mr. Wang hadn't come yet, I haven't seen it before. In those years, people outside came to beg for food in groups of swaying oars on boats, calling one uncle, aunt, uncle, and aunt."

   "The people of our Wang family are good-hearted. As long as there are at home, there is no one who will not give the beggar two bites of food, otherwise people will say that they are stingy behind their backs. There are no stingy people in our Wang family!"

  Wang Xiangqing said: "At that time, the most proud and satisfying thing for the men of the Wang family was that the men of the Wang family gave up their strength, obeyed the command, were able and willing, and the family was prosperous."

   "When young people from the mainland and other islands can't marry wives and become bachelors, the young people of our Wang family don't have to worry about it. How many good girls marry into our team sincerely?"

  This is the glorious history of Tianya Island, Wang Yi heard it when the old men chatted with Shou Xing Ye.

   Wang Xiangqing's words are quite conservative. He is an honest man and doesn't like to talk nonsense.

   In fact, in the 1960s, young people on the island did not worry about wives, they could choose wives.

   In the words of the old man of the Wang family, "the ugly can pick the handsome, the short can pick the taller".

   There was no family planning policy at that time, young men could have children when they married their wives. If they had more children, the Wang family would be prosperous, and their life would be prosperous.

  The old man at the door mentioned this at this moment, rubbed his cigarette bag and said with a smile:

   "At that time, the bachelors in the mainland were very jealous of us, saying, 'Girl Jun is blind and ran to the small island'; for example, they were also jealous of us on Shuihua Island, saying that Tianya Island is cheap, and God doesn't have eyes."

   He shook his head disdainfully: "This is all nonsense, daughters-in-law are willing to marry in because we can have enough food here!"

   "What about them? Especially the Liu family from Shuihua Island? They are lazy, greedy and cunning. They can't earn enough food for their own family, and they still want to marry a wife?"

   "Those lazy guys should be bachelors!"

   The daughters-in-law who married in the early years had a very simple mind, and they were satisfied that they could have enough to eat and the family could live in peace.

   As for the enjoyment of dressing up? It didn't matter at that time.

  There is a shortage of fresh water in the outer islands, and it is common for daughters-in-law to not wash their faces for three days and five days.

   The common thinking at that time was, what do you do with your hair and feet? Danshui is nervous, as long as his own man does not dislike it, then Minato can live his life.

   But after the reform and opening up, the economy has become more active in the market. At this time, people's concept of life has changed. It is not only necessary to eat well but also to eat well, not only to dress warmly but also to dress brightly.

   In this way, Tianya Island has gradually become outdated.

   Their production team is too conservative in terms of development. The members of the commune still aim to eat enough. They are not as active as the production teams in other villages, and they are not brave enough to make money back.

The appearance of   Wang Yi changed this situation. He single-handedly revitalized the entire production team, and made money back and made a lot of money!

Every member of the    team is a conscientious person, and they all share Wang Yi's affection, so later their topic turned to praise Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi is a thin-skinned person, and he was praised repeatedly and waved his hands, and finally he was ashamed and defeated.

   On the same day, Wang Dongfeng and Shi Hongxin spread the news of their marriage.

  The production team provides benefits to the daughters-in-law, and Shi Hongxin chose to hold a banquet.

  The day they chose is the first day of the second month of the lunar calendar, March 15 of the solar calendar.

  Man Shanhua personally came to deliver news to Wang Yi and Wang Xianghong, smiling happily.

  Du Miaomiao's precious son is finally getting married, and the bride is a very famous girl in the commune, which makes her very gratified and proud of being a widow for many years.

   What's even more proud is that her son's marriage has caught up with the policy change of the production team, and it is possible to hold a banquet.

   It is the greatest wish of all parents to hold a beautiful banquet for their children's marriage.

   As for building a house?

   This has to let the children work hard. Most families can only do a favor and have no conditions to help their children build a new house.

   As for going to the city to buy a house?

  I dare not even dream!

  Manshanhua entered the door with a bamboo basket on his back. Seeing Wang Yi at Wang Xianghong's house, he smiled and said, "Captain, Teacher Wang, I'm here to announce the good news to you."

The    basket is covered with red envelopes, and when opened, there are eggs inside.

   Wang Xianghong asked suspiciously when he saw this: "What's wrong? Fengzi and Shi Hongxin are so avant-garde? If they didn't get married, they did the things between husband and wife, and Shi Hongxin has it?"

  Wang Yi said: "It is estimated that like me and Teacher Xiaoqiu, I got the certificate and registered first."

  The custom of the outer islands, giving birth to a child and giving eggs to the family elders and neighbors.

  Man Shanhua waved his hands embarrassedly after hearing what the two said: "No, no, this egg is to thank you for helping my family."

   "Hey, where did the two of you go?" The woman said embarrassedly, "Fengzi and Hongxin are not like that!"

   Wang Xianghong said, "Then why do you cover the basket with red envelopes to deliver eggs? You said it was good news. I thought it was the good news that our production team was going to add another baby."

  Man Shanhua said embarrassedly: "I announce the good news is Fengzi's wedding. This is a trouble for the two of you. I don't have anything else, so I will cook some eggs for you two to eat."

  Wang Xianghong took a sip of his cigarette bag and said, "Take it back, this is what we should do, why bother us? We didn't go through the back door, and we didn't give your family special treatment."

  Man Shanhua said: "I know I know, but you keep this egg, I have a little bit of my heart!"

  Wang Xianghong heard this and said to Wang Yi: "Take it back, I can't take it, it's not good for me to take it."

   Wang Yi rolled his eyes.

  You are the captain, it's ridiculous that you accept it, I'm the captain's successor, am I accepting it?

   But they have to keep the eggs, Manshanhua is the most stubborn person on Tianya Island.

   Of course, without this stubbornness, she would not be able to send off her parents-in-law and pull Wang Dongfeng away by herself.

Man Shanhua still asked two people to deliver eggs, saying, "I am the only woman in my family, with long hair and short knowledge. Captain Wang, the two of you have skills and culture. Can you help me be the master of this marriage? What should I do with the banquet?"

  Wang Xianghong said: "The dowry first—since the banquet is going to be held, it can't be done simply by registering it. You have to get engaged and then get married."

   "You chose to get married on the first day of next month? I'm in a hurry."

  Man Shanhua said, "I've figured it out with Uncle Zhenyao. It's a good day and auspicious day for the zodiac."

   Wang Xianghong asked: "What about the engagement? When will the engagement be? Which date is chosen?"

  Manshanhua said: "I just chose tomorrow."

  Wang Yi said: "This is really urgent, the dowry is ready? No, go to my store to pick some."

  Manshanhua waved his hand: "Ready, ready, ready for a few years."

   "Last year, I earned more money and distributed more dividends, and I raised the standard of betrothal gifts."

   "I entrusted Liu Zi to buy a tape recorder for me in Shanghai. An uncle of my mother's family learned that Feng Zi was getting married and prepared a seagull watch during the first month of the month. Is it decent to have these two as dowry gifts?"

   Xiufang, who was picking up baby clothes, smiled and said, "It's decent, it's really decent."

   "A tape recorder and a seagull watch, I'm afraid they add up to a lot of money, right? Not hundreds of dollars?"

  Man Shanhua said: "It cost less than 500 yuan, mainly because the tape recorder is valuable. That watch was given to Fengzi by my uncle. Quan should be a gift for his child's wedding."

   "Oh, it's an old watch, but it's pretty nice. I cleaned it carefully, and it's not much different from the new one."

  Wang Yi said: "Then I will send you a watch box tomorrow. It will look better in a box. Also, I have some spare things over there, and Fengzi can use them as well."

  Man Shanhua smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Wang, I've followed you again."

  Wang Yi waved his hand and said you're welcome.

   Wang Xianghong smoked a bag of cigarettes and said, "Since the dowry has been prepared, the engagement will be easy, but the wedding banquet will be held. How are you going to come?"

  Man Shanhua said: "I have been saving tickets for the past few years, saving 28 pounds of vegetable oil tickets, 55 pounds of meat tickets, and seven and a half pounds of various wine tickets..."

   Hearing this, Wang Xianghong was a little moved: "How did you save so much?"

  Man Shanhua said embarrassedly: "It was mainly supported by Brother Sheng, and the other one I had saved up before was a lot of food stamps. Isn't this the food supply from the sales department? So I replaced all the food stamps with meat stamps."

   There is a supply of basic living materials in the store, but Wang Yi does not have a large supply.

   After all, this origin is not so easy to explain.

   Therefore, if someone wants to hold a banquet, things like tobacco, alcohol, sugar, tea and oil have to be purchased from the commune's supply and marketing cooperative.

   Wang Xianghong asked: "You are preparing so many things, are you planning to hold a big one?"

  Manshanhua nodded: "Have a big game, Captain, you know I live, I don't do this to splurge or show off, it's for the Red Heart family."

   "I'm pulling my son. Our team is upright under your leadership. No one bullies our mothers, but Hongxin can't do it at home. Her mother, Xiao Daya, is so angry!"

"Like her, I am a widow, and I understand her hardships. So this time I can hold a banquet at my house, so I must hold a lively and lively party, just to let the relatives of Hongxin's family and their team see, How well her family married a daughter-in-law!"

  Wang Xianghong obviously heard about Shi Hongxin's family experience.

   He sighed and said, "Okay, then let's have a big fight!"

  Wang Yi said: "Since you want to make this marriage beautiful, let's requisition a little team's resources."

   "Open Tianya No. 3 to get engaged, go to the county to take the side three rounds of the restaurant, and give Fengzi a good treat. We are about the same size. It happens that I have a suit that I don't wear well, so I dressed him for engagement and marriage."

   "When the time comes, I will arrange for someone to be a photographer, and I will follow you to take some pictures, and I will definitely make a noise."

  Wang Xianghong shook his head: "If you're engaged, you'll just drive three rounds. What about when you get married? Can you drive a car to pick up the bride?"

  Now the marriages in the outer islands are different from those in the future. No matter Shandagui or Manshanhua, they are discussing 'holding a banquet' instead of 'holding a wedding', the reason being that there is no wedding.

  From the 1960s to the present, the local custom has always been to let the newlyweds register and obtain the certificate, and then the groom chooses a good day to pick up his daughter-in-law and then have a big banquet, and family and friends eat and drink together.

  In this process, the only thing that is close to the future wedding is the process of picking up the bride.

  It is now popular in the outer islands to borrow a bicycle to pick up the bride.

   So Wang Xianghong adjusted Wang Yi's plan and said, "When we got engaged, let Fengzi push a bicycle and bring gifts, pick up the bride on the first day of the new year, and then ride a tricycle."

   "Just these few days, let him hurry up and learn how to drive this motorcycle. On that day, let him drive his own tricycle to pick up his daughter-in-law."

  Man Shanhua nodded again and again, and rubbed his hands embarrassedly: "It's not appropriate to use the team's collective resources, right?"

  Wang Xianghong waved his hand and said, "If you want to hold a banquet to pick up the bride in the future, you can come here. The team's collective resources are for the members of the team. It doesn't matter."

   "Now we have to discuss how to organize the banquet!"

   He pondered and said: "You have a lot of things prepared, and the team will help your family and give you some things. It will definitely not be a matter of three seats and two seats."

   "But the banquet is big, where should we go? There aren't that many, such a big empty room."

  Wang Yi asked: "Is it okay to have an open air in the yard?"

  Wang Xianghong smiled and shook his head: "How can this be done? Friends and relatives are here, and let them have a feast under the sun and the wind?"

   He continued to shake his head: "We didn't do this on the outer islands."

  Wang Yi thought about it, and the matter is simple: "There are still a few days until the 30th of the first lunar month. I will take the time to go to the city and buy some steel pipes, tarpaulins, etc. Let's build a tent ourselves."

   "When the time comes, we can set up a tent in the yard, and put tables and chairs in the tent to hold a banquet, right?"

   Xiufang said, "Yes, that's good, but you don't have to go to the city, right? Don't you have a tent there, Mr. Wang? It's the tent you used to live in when you went to the city to catch the sea workers."

  Wang Yi explained: "The tent is integrated, the roof and the wall are connected together and cannot be separated, so you can't be bored in a tent for a feast, right?"

   He explained the tent made of steel frame and canvas, saying that these two things are durable, and other people in the team will definitely be able to use it for banquets in the future.

   This kind of thing was not available in 83, but it was very common in 23.

   Steel pipes and canvas bags are ready-made for sale.

  The steel pipes are long or short, and the joints are threaded, which can be pieced together into a shelf.

  In this way, you can use as many steel pipes as you want, and the floor area can be set to several types, only the length of the four rungs is different, and then the size of the canvas block can be matched.

   Very simple stuff.

   Hearing what he said, Wang Xianghong agreed with his proposal.

   This thing will definitely be useful in the future.

   He has to use it at home:

   Xiufang gave birth to a child and will hold a banquet when the full moon is over. He has a lot of friends, and some officials will come, so he definitely needs a big venue.

  Three times and five divided by two, the arrangement of the marriage is proper.

  Wang Xianghong will come out tomorrow to preside over the engagement. Wang Yi will go to Hongshu Island to check the construction of the canning workshop. If everything is normal, then the canning production line will be set up.

   So they both started to get busy.

  The canning production line can only fill cans, and the crispy fish, smoked fish, and pickled fish have to be prepared by the members at home.

   When the laborers moved the production line, they brought back a large number of pressure cookers. To make crispy fish, they had to use pressure cookers.

   There are people in the production team who are good at cooking, and everyone knows each other. Wang Xianghong ordered people from women, and ordered 20 companies in a row. These 20 companies learned from Wang Yi how to make crispy fish and smoked fish.

  Wang Yi distributes the pressure cooker to these families, one for each family, and the other is to distribute the seasonings.

   He asked Qiu Danian to pay for the recipes and recipes from a chef who is famous for making crispy fish and smoked fish. Just follow the instructions step by step, master the heat and add seasonings at the right time.

   In the first two days, each family made the crispy fish, and then distributed it to the members to taste.

   Compare the taste and check for any omissions.

  Wang Yi posted the tutorial and seasonings, and the rest is the task of women who are proficient in cooking.

   A colander was sent to serve as a technical guide. They are all more professional and more skilled culinary talents than Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi took a boat to Mangrove Island.

  The largest factory building so far has been built on the island, with a factory building of 400 square meters and a height of three meters.

   The height is not high, but considering that the outer islands are always prone to typhoons in summer and autumn, it is also good that this color steel tile house workshop is built at a lower height.

  The pier on the island is still under construction and has entered the final stage, and it can be used in the first month of the year.

  Wang Yi docked the boat at the temporary dock of the pier, and stepped ashore on the already strong main body of the pier.

  Lin Jinhu saw him coming up to say hello, Wang Yi nodded to him, and the two went to the desalination workshop together.

   For this equipment, Lin Jinhu was as excited as other members on the island: "Mr. Wang, your machine is so efficient in water discharge, we can't use so much fresh water at all!"

   There is a drain tap outside the workshop. After turning it on, fresh water starts to flow.

  Lin Jinhu took a glass of water to Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi drank it and nodded: "The taste is ok. In the future, you can use the water from this workshop as a priority for washing water, and the water from the well on the island will still be the main water for draught."

  Lin Jinhu asked in surprise when he heard this: "Is there something wrong with this water?"

  Wang Yi shook his head: "No problem, it's just that a canning production line will be opened on the island, and the water here will be given priority to the canning production line."

   "Come on, let's go and see the machines of the production line, it's time to set up this production line!"

   (end of this chapter)

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