MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 527 526. Wild fishing ground contributed by the new daughter-in-law

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   Chapter 527 526. The wild fishery contributed by the new daughter-in-law

   Having eaten this big meal, Wang Yi understands Wang Xianghong's painstaking efforts in the past.

   Earlier, Wang Xianghong said that he did not allow the banquet to take care of the family income of the members. When it was simple and easy to save money for future life, Wang Yi disagreed.

   Today, Wang Dongfeng's wedding banquet is set, and Wang Yi knows it is amazing:

   There are several children who are going to get married. They first made an appointment with Wang Yi about setting up a tent, and then went to Manshanhua to find out where to buy ingredients.

  Not all the ingredients needed by Manshanhua were prepared by Wang Yi, some of which she could buy in 1983, but Wang Yi didn't bring her along for 23 years.

   In 1983, it was not easy to buy the necessary supplies for a wedding banquet. Take lard as an example. The local people eat glutinous rice dumplings not only during the Lantern Festival, but also when they get married. The picture is of reunion.

  To make glutinous rice balls, lard is used. Lard is a scarce commodity. You can purchase it by registration with a ticket. Even if you have a ticket, there is a limit, and the amount per household is a maximum of one kilogram per day.

  Manshanhua bought five catties of lard, and she went to the commune's supply and marketing cooperative for five consecutive days to buy it.

When    heard this, someone said: "Sister Hua, you are too honest, can't you just find a few more people and gather them all at once?"

  Man Shanhua said: "When the supply and marketing cooperative goes to work, our production team is all working, why would you be so embarrassed to hire someone to pay for it? Right?"

  The members were unwilling to trouble others, they nodded when they heard this, and then said:

   "Then I have to go for a week in a row, I want to buy seven pounds."

   "My family buys more, and my children love to eat lard buns. When I get married, I will go to Dazao in advance and use their steamer to get some lard buns to entertain guests."

   "I'm going to kill a pig directly." Wang Xianggao got drunk and shocked a group of people when he opened his mouth, "Did Mr. Wang entrust Zang Jianshe to collect pigs? Then I'll buy a pig to kill and use!"

   Many people were stunned when they heard this: "How much does this cost?"

   Wang Xiang's blushing face glowed, and he said, "No matter how much money he has, the child will get married once in his life. Now that the banquet is to be held, it must be done decently."

   He also pointed to Wang Yi and said, "Mr. Wang is taking pictures for us, taking pictures for souvenirs, ahem, so it's a lot of fun to kill a pig, and when you get older, look at the photos and think about the good days now, it's comfortable!"

  Someone thought seriously: "This makes sense!"

   "Then I have to clean up the house and organize a good banquet!"

   Wang Xianghong also heard these words, but he thought he didn't.

   Now that the banquet has been released, he can no longer take care of it.

   In the past, the close relatives of the newlyweds would sit and have a meal together. At most, some good friends would invite them to open another table for extra days, but this is only a matter of one table and two tables, and it doesn’t cost much.

   After the feast was opened, it couldn't stop it, and there were only ten and eight tables.

   On the issue of face, the fishermen of the outer islands are really willing to spend money.

  Wang Yi also wanted to take care of it in the name of the production team, saying: "Set a standard, but don't waste money."

  Wang Xianghong waved his hand: "Don't make it difficult for people to set standards. If you set standards, people will try their best to compare it. It's better to just eat and drink like this."

   "At most, let the members submit an application before holding a banquet, and tell us how many tables and what specifications to set up. If it is too much, then say it again, otherwise it is not necessary."

   He told Wang Yi that people in the outer islands used to make a lot of jokes for the sake of face, and many people borrowed money to hold the banquet!

   However, this banquet at the Manshanhua family has become a benchmark, and future banquets cannot be worse than this one.

  The members drank and told the truth. Someone heard that Wang Xianggao wanted to buy a pig to kill for the banquet, and asked him if he was serious. Wang Xianggao slapped his thigh and said:

   "I must be serious, who am I? I am the team leader of the woodworking team in our team. I am also a cadre, big and small, and I have a little background."

   "You said that in this situation, I can't compare to Xiaohua, a woman who has been a widow for 20 years? Isn't it?"

   is really the truth.

  For the good-faced fishermen, if they don’t hold a banquet for their children as well as a widowed woman’s, they will probably be laughed at as “stingy, too good at living” and so on.

   But if you think about it, you can understand that marriage and birth are the three major things in life in the outer island tradition, and it is normal for the members to take it seriously.

  There are many dishes on the banquet, but the guests who can't bear to invite can eat more!

  In the end, almost every table was cooked, especially Wang Yi’s support for the roast sausages at Man Shanhua’s house.

  Pure meat grilled sausages, simply steaming is a dish, there are twenty sticks on each table.

   Then it was cleaned up!

  Wang Yi and Wang Xianghong had eaten and drank and wiped their mouths and were about to run away. Wang Dongfeng came to stop him crookedly: "Mr. Wang, there is something."

   He farted several times in a row between his speeches, and deliberately farted loudly. At first glance, he was steadily drunk.

  Wang Yi was annoyed when he looked like this: "You said, you are the bridegroom today, why do you drink so much? If you can't drink enough, ask Teacher Huang to block the wine for you."

  Wang Dongfeng wiped his mouth and showed a smug smile: "No no no, nothing, nothing much."

   "Marriage, it's a good thing, everyone is happy! Besides, it's all good wine, if you just drink it, then I can't do it, I feel bad!"

   Wang Yi was speechless and gave him a thumbs up.

   Awesome, bro!

   Wang Xianghong asked, "What are you doing here with us? If you have something to say, hurry up and go back to sleep after you're done."

   "He came to Teacher Wang to ask how to enter the bridal chamber." Wang Xiangxiong made a rare joke.

  Wang Dongfeng said: "Well, Mr. Wang, how to get in - no, no, I told Mr. Wang, that's not right, I also told you, captain, and you."

   "As the old saying goes, after eating Lingsuo, it's too fresh to say!"

   Wang Yi and Wang Xianghong nodded: "Yes, haven't we eaten?"

  Wang Dongfeng came up and said mysteriously: "We're just playing a small game, don't we have a canning production line? Barracuda can make canned fish."

   After he finished speaking, he burped, and the smell of alcohol was surging.

  Wang Yi waited for him to continue talking, but he stopped talking and just giggled there.

The angry Wang Xianghong pulled out the pipe rod.

   Seeing this familiar guy, Wang Dongfeng suddenly woke up and said, "Don't fight, don't fight, the captain is me, Fengzi, my own, don't fight!"

   "That what, I'm looking for you to be, it's business, just eat Lingsuo..."

   "Fresh has nothing to say." Wang Yi added impatiently, "You already said it just now, and saying that we are fishing for Lingsuo is a small matter."

  Wang Dongfeng rubbed his temples and said, "Oh, I've said it, I said it, and then my daughter-in-law knows a place where Lingsuoduo is opened, and she knows a migratory route of the Barracuda Fishing Flood."

   "How's it going? Let's go to the bottom of the Internet cafe, and the bottom of the net to catch Lingsuo, then the fresh will have nothing to say!"

  Wang Xianghong showed an interested expression, but looking at his blushing face and crooked walking, knowing that he couldn't say anything now, he tore his clothes and threw him into the new house and handed it over to Shi Hongxin.

  Wang Dongfeng is really drunk.

  Wang Xianghong wanted to leave, he went up and reached out to grab someone: "Captain, captain, you can't go, my good captain, drink, let's continue drinking!"

   "Come back to me quickly!" Shi Hongxin couldn't care less about keeping the bride's shyness and gentleness, she rolled up her sleeves and grabbed his shoulders and carried him back.

   Wang Dongfeng immediately became excited when he leaned on her, ready to start to take off his clothes.

  Shi Hongxin was embarrassed and annoyed and came directly to the back lock of a prisoner who had learned from military training.

  Wang Dongfeng was locked up by her!

   Wang Xianghong said: "Xiao Shi, you will be in charge of your family in the future, but you have to keep your man under guard."

  Shi Hongxin said: "Captain, that's not right, uncle, don't worry, I will let him not touch him in the future!"

   The people who came to watch the fun started booing when they heard this:

   "It's over, Fengzi is going to have bronchitis."

   "This bride is domineering, she is going to be in charge on the first day of her arrival?"

   "It's okay, like a tigress, with tiger spirit!"

  Shi Hongxin glared and said, "Knowing that I am a tigress, how dare you make a fuss here? Aren't you afraid that I will eat people?"

   Someone smiled at her: "You still eat men? Great, come and eat me."

  Shi Hongxin pointed at him and said, "Okay, don't go, I'll fight you later, and surrender you first."

   Hearing this, the troubled men quickly withdrew.

   They know that Shi Hongxin is a woman who can say what she can do!

   Then they can't really do it with women, can they?

   But this Shi Hongxin is famous, they may not be able to beat it!

   It was lively for a day and a night - at night, there were people who went to Wang Dongfeng's house to make a bridal chamber, but when Shi Hongxin packed up the dowry brought from her mother's house, she found that her mother Xiao Daya had also packed a bayonet for her.

Shi Hongxin stroked the bayonet and said with emotion: "This is a gift from a leader of the provincial armed unit when I joined the militia at the age of 17, saying that this is my sword of Shangfang. Bad guys such as armed saboteurs can be executed first and then paid!"

   Hearing this, the members who wanted to make a fuss honestly chatted with their young couple, sent blessings, and then went home early to sleep.

  Wang Dongfeng spent an unforgettable night, and got up early the next morning to go to Wang Xianghong to report the details of the migratory route that opened the barracuda school.

   As the saying goes, no matter how poor a beggar is, he has his own dog-beating stick. After thousands of years of exploration of the ocean, the fishermen on the outer islands know some rich fishing areas.

   This rich fishing area is often seen from the outside, and only those who understand the details will know that a certain school of fish will pass by at a certain time. At this time, if you come to fish at this time, you will often have a good harvest.

   So the fishermen also call it a wild fishery.

   It is like the Black Reef Sea in Tianya Island, which is very suitable for fishing with nets. Whenever the fishing season ends, they will fish in the Black Reef Sea to increase the harvest.

  Shi Hongxin's family knew about this sea area. Don't look at her family's downfall and bullying over the years. In fact, Shi Hongxin's parents and grandfathers are good men who can be called names among the fishermen on the outer islands.

   This can also be known by looking at Shi Hongxin's body and temperament. Xiao Daya is just an ordinary fisherman's woman. If it wasn't for her man's good genes, how could the two Shi Hongxin sisters have such a good body and courageous temperament?

  The wild fishing grounds of the Shi family were originally exquisite, and they said that "the mantle is small, but it is passed on from children to children, and from inside to outside."

   Having introduced this, Wang Dongfeng said regretfully: "Unfortunately, my deceased father-in-law had a bad life, so he gave birth to two daughters, but not a son."

   "What are you talking about? Let Shi Hongxin hear it, and won't let you go to bed at night." Wang Xianghong criticized him seriously.

  This kid is married, but he still talks casually, and his growth is not as good as that of the colanders.

  Wang Dongfeng felt aggrieved after being criticized and said, "This is not my words, it was my daughter-in-law who felt so emotional at the time."

  Wang Yi said: "Xingxingxing, you continue to say, since the location of this wild fishery is passed down to children and not to women, how does your daughter-in-law know?"

Wang Dongfeng said: "Isn't my father-in-law sick later? The illness continued day by day. Later, he felt that the situation was not good, so he told my daughter-in-law the location, and finally dragged her sick body and led her to see it. "

   "Now that my daughter-in-law is married into our royal family, she feels that this wild fishing ground should belong to our collective..."

   "Okay!" Hearing this, Wang Xianghong was full of energy, "Comrade Xiao Shi, did not waste my expectations, he is indeed a good comrade."

   "In this way, I just happened to be the leader of the construction team now, and I will be busy with the construction work on our island in the future. Then let your daughter-in-law take up the position of the militia team leader first."

  Wang Dongfeng was stunned when he heard this: "Captain, I am also a member of the militia team."

   Wang Xianghong said: "Yes, I know."

  Wang Dongfeng was in a hurry, so he quickly pulled him and said, "You know you still let her be our leader? She has become my leader? No, Captain, did you not understand what I mean? She has become my leader!"

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, she has become your leader, isn't that good? You are a leader when you have something to do, and a leader when you have nothing to do."

  Wang Dongfeng waved his hand indifferently, but immediately reflected the meaning of the sentence, and grinned.

   He winked at Wang Yi and asked, "Is that what you mean by what I understand?"

   Wang Yi smiled and said, "What do you think?"

   The two looked at each other and laughed together.

   Wang Xianghong said angrily: "What hooligans did you two say in the early morning? Look at the capitalist smile on your face, do you look like you are a cadre or a militia?"

   He said to Wang Dongfeng: "It stands to reason that your daughter-in-law has just entered the door, so we shouldn't let her go to work, but the fishing season for Lingsuo is coming to an end, should we hurry up?"

  Kai Lingshuo has appeared since the beginning of spring, and the first fishing season in the outer islands often starts with the fishing of barracuda after the ice has been opened.

  However, barracuda is not an excellent economical fish species. Kailing is delicious while it is fresh. Once the fish is frozen, it will lose its fresh and sweet taste, and the taste will not work.

   Therefore, among the major economic fish species in the outer islands, its value is not high, and its output is not high. It cannot be compared with the fishing floods of hairtail, large yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, squid, and jellyfish, and it is not enough to look at.

   In other words, Shi Hongxin knew the migration route of a school of barracudas—the migration of barracudas, just like the migration of migratory birds, has a fixed route.

  With the migratory path, this harvest is extraordinary.

   So Wang Xianghong wanted to organize a team to try out the net, can he get more Lingsuo to come back.

   As Wang Dongfeng and his wife thought, it is difficult to make a lot of money when the barracuda is caught in large quantities and sold fresh, but if it can be made into canned fish, it will be different.

  Barracuda is round and round, and it is suitable for canned fish after cutting.

  Wang Xianghong arranged for one large, two small and three small boats to travel.

  Three motor boats.

   In addition, there are several small sampans and small bamboo rafts in the cabin of Tianya No. 2, which are not considered ships.

  The main force of offshore operators is on Tianya 2. Shi Hongxin was invited to board the ship. She greeted the crew members generously, and the crew members also greeted her warmly.

   Don't look at it, it's only a day away, but it's different before and after marriage. The members now treat her as their own.

   Especially when they learned that Shi Hongxin donated a wild fish farm as soon as she got married, the members were very enthusiastic.

   They are sincere people, and the married daughter-in-law treats them honestly, so all of them treat Shi Hongxin honestly.

   So when Shi Hongxin boarded the boat, the members of the crew were constantly cheering:

   "Xiao Shi, it's very cold early in the morning, drink a bowl of hot water."

"In terms of seniority, you have to call me second uncle. Second uncle has prepared a small gift for you. Well, it's a small kettle, haha, Mr. Wang rewarded me, don't look at it inconspicuous, in fact, it keeps warm well. "

   "Sister Red Heart, have a cigarette?"

   "Fuck off!" Wang Dongfeng smiled and kicked Wang Donghu.

  Shi Hongxin took a thermos cup from Wang Xianghai and thanked him moved.

  Wang Yi waved to her and said, "Captain Xiao Shi is a good shaker, so he should also start the boat, right?"

  Shi Hongxin said bluntly: "Somehow, I learned to drive a small boat when the militia team was receiving training, and on weekdays, I sometimes helped others on the boat, and I also learned the technique of sailing."

  Wang Yi said: "Then follow me to learn the driving skills of Tianya-2 and Tianya-3. In the future, you must be on your own to drive the boat."

  Shi Hongxin had been looking forward to this for a long time, and immediately went forward when he heard the arrangement.

  Wang Dongfeng said weakly: "Cough cough, did the big guy forget me? I'm here too."

  Wang Donghu scratched his ears and asked around suspiciously: "I think I heard someone talking?"

   "Where is it? It's just mosquitoes calling."

   "Oh, it's a mosquito calling, no, where did the mosquitoes come from now that spring is just starting?"

   "That mosquito is big, it has survived winter, and now it's spring."

  The members joked with each other, and the three ships started together.

  The engine broke through the waves and made a roar, bringing up three sprays and quickly galloping to the sea.

  Shi Hongxin was quite heroic when he saw this scene, and said, "Your production team—no, it's our production team that is really powerful now, and it's all motor boats?"

  Wang Yi said: "There is also a semi-motorized sailboat in the big boat. The other big boats have either already been converted or are preparing to be converted."

   "However, there are still many boats in the boat that will maintain the mode of oscillating operations. There is no need to change them to motor boats. It costs a lot, the cost is high, and the consumption is large."

   Now the diesel consumption of their production team has been soaring.

   That is, they have the relationship of Xu Jinjin, and other village production teams cannot buy so much diesel.

  Despite the reform and opening up, the three major oils, diesel, gasoline and kerosene, are still limited and supplied by ticket.

  The wind in the East China Sea is deeply affected by the temperate monsoon continental climate, and the southwesterly wind often blows after the beginning of spring.

  As long as the southwest wind blows, it is full of warmth whether it is early spring or late autumn.

   Driving southeast from Tianya Island, driving against the wind, it took two hours to reach this wild fishing ground.

Wang Yi sighed: "Your ancestors of the Shi family are also very hard-working. We drove the motor boat for two hours. You said that the oars were swayed in the past. This is both against the wind and against the current. How long does it take to get here? "

  Shi Hongxin said: "Six and a half hours, from our Stone Island, it is six and a half hours."

  Wang Xianghai marked on the nautical chart, he frowned and said, "I have some impressions of this place. I have been here before. Is there a small island in front of it called Climbing Fork Island?"

  Shi Hongxin said: "Yes, Uncle Hai, you are an old sea wolf, and you must have traveled all over our Fuhai."

  Wang Xianghai was very proud of being touted, and he waved his hand pretending to be modest and said, "How can there be? I don't know enough about our Fuhai."

   said so, but he couldn't help showing off:

   "The sea area here is not very popular, and no one comes here on weekdays, because the most crawling shrimp here."

   "Climbing Fork Island was originally called Climbing Shrimp Island. There were especially many crawling shrimp around the island. Later, it was slowly passed on to Climbing Fork Island..."

   He talked about the fishing situation in the sea from ancient legends, showing his erudition:

   "...I've been to this place two or three times before, but every time I can't catch any fish, but there are a lot of crawling shrimp, and it's amazing. Why are there so many crawling shrimp in this place?"

  Wang Dongfeng said: "Climbing shrimp is a good thing. Isn't our team going to set up a chicken farm? Catch more shrimp to feed chickens and ducks."

  Wang Yi said: "Wait, crawling shrimp is a good thing, why feed chickens and ducks? Now is not only the season to eat Lingsuo, but also the season to eat crawfish, right?"

  Climbing shrimp is the common name of Pipi shrimp, and there is also a common name of shrimp tiger, which is called casually by the people of the outer islands, and they have what they call it.

   However, there are many called crawling shrimp. When this thing swims in the sea, the short legs on both sides of the body will keep digging into the water, just like crawling in the sea.

  Before and after the Qingming Festival is a good season to eat crawfish. At this time, crawfish are very fat and have seeds, and they taste delicious.

   But the Outer Islanders don't like it much.

   It's too strenuous to eat.

  The body of the crawling shrimp is covered with thorns, and its hands are accidentally pierced.

To say that its meat is delicious, it may not be so delicious. It is fresh and tender, but unless it is a big crawfish, the ordinary small and medium crawfish have little meat. The fishermen will try them several times a year, and then they will not be used. .

  Last year, Wang Yi ate prawns, and he felt that it was not enough. Since this place is rich in prawns, let’s catch them!

   If he can't eat it, he will give it to him in 23 years. In 23 years, Pipi shrimp sold more expensive than ordinary sea fish. This is what the saying goes that Qingming shrimp is more expensive than crab.

  Shi Hongxin said, "It's the season to eat prawns. Later, let's go to the bottom of the net. We must catch prawns. If you like to eat, Mr. Wang, let's get some big ones for him."

  Wang Dongfeng told Shi Hongxin that Wang Yi has a strange hobby. He doesn't like pork, especially fatty pork. He likes seafood.

  Shi Hongxin felt that this was a kind of selfless self-dedication. He deliberately saved meat for the students and went to eat the small seafood that the students didn’t like.

  After all, who can resist the temptation of fatty pork?

  There are schools of barracuda swimming in this sea area, but it does not mean that you will definitely encounter schools of fish today.

   Everyone knew this, Wang Yi reached out and took the binoculars to look at the sea. After looking around, he said, "I can be sure that there are barracudas here, and there are quite a few!"

   "Today?" Wang Dongfeng was pleasantly surprised, "Then our luck is really good."

  Shi Hongxin admires Wang Yi a little: "Mr. Wang's skills are amazing. Just by looking at the ocean, you can tell that there are barracudas underwater."

  Wang Yi patted the screen of the fish finder and said, "No, I saw it from above."

   The fish finder flashes with light dots next to it with the words 'Barracuda' and 'Perch'.

   Detected barracuda and perch.

  Wang Xianghai went out and made a waving sign, and people at the bow and stern of the two small motor boats began to operate.

   They brought up a net, in fact, this thing is called jin, pull jin.

  Wang Yi has seen the role of this fishing gear. When I met the Yanmin Ou Renmin family last winter, they were going to the air defense island to catch shrimp, and they used the wrench at that time.

  Light lure is a good way to catch shrimp.

   But it is more suitable for squid fishing.

  Wang Yi is more interested in shrimp now.

   He asked: "Climbing shrimp is also a shrimp, can you also use this thing to catch it?"

  Wang Xianghai said: "It's definitely possible, put some fresh chicken livers and chicken intestines in the pan, and some are crawling shrimps to drill into it."

   "But it's not necessary. Crawling shrimp is worthless and has no fishing value."

   Wang Yi secretly said that what you said is really a layman.

  Crawling shrimp was worthless in 1983, but valuable in 23 years.

   As far as the fresh-skinned shrimp they have caught now, the big ones are put in the hotel and the shells on their backs are dipped in batter and fried. One piece can sell for four or five hundred yuan!

   Flange fishing is a routine operation for today's fishermen.

  In the past, when the oar was swayed, the person in the stern shook the oar and the person in the bow operated the wrench.

  Now all fishing boats have been rebuilt, so when the stern engine is stopped, a stern can also be added to the stern.

This thing is simply a cross of two sturdy and resilient long bamboo poles, tied with the top of a sturdy main pole at the intersection point. The two long bamboo poles cross and have four heads, and a net is tied to each of the four heads. the four corners.

  The main pole and the fishing net are on both sides of the crossed bamboo poles, so when the fishing net is loaded with heavy objects, the long bamboo poles are bent and sunk into the water.

  Wait until a fish enters the fishing net, and quickly retract the net by pulling the main rod to complete a fishing activity.

   Now the four poles are lowered into the sea, and there are algae leaves that barracuda likes to eat and some pieces of chicken liver and chicken intestines, etc. in the net.

   Following the ups and downs, a barracuda appeared in the fishing net.

   In addition, there are also crawling shrimps or Pipi shrimps in the fishing nets.

   The size is not small, the big one has to weigh more than half a catty. In fact, there was a market for this kind of goods in 1983, but the price could not be sold, so few people would specifically fish for Pipi shrimp.

   Wang Yi has a soft spot for this thing.

  The members of the boat have also been instructed to leave Pippi shrimp for Wang Yi.

   They only kept the big ones, and the small ones didn’t have time to clean up, so they threw them back into the sea.

   Wang Xianghai on Tianya No. 2 couldn't help shaking his head after seeing it: "One by one can't live a good life, and after having a good life with Teacher Wang for a year, I became extravagant!"

   "Can't you keep the shrimp? Keep it for the chickens!"

   Chicken likes to eat Pipi shrimp.

  The shrimp shell is rich in calcium, and the shrimp meat is rich in protein. Eating Pipi shrimp is much better than eating shells.

   After several times of fishing, Wang Xianghai counted the number of barracudas in the sea.

  Sometimes, the experience of the old fishermen is better than the fish finder.

   However, with the intuitive reference of the fish finder, Wang Xianghai has a better understanding of the fish in the sea.

  There are schools of fish scattered here, which is really suitable for lowering the bottom of the net.

  The bottom net is also called the ground net. It is a kind of fishing gear that evolved from the net. It has been banned for 23 years. This is an illegal fishing gear.

   But in the 1983, there were still a lot. Now, not to mention that every household has a net, it is not an exaggeration to say that every production team in every village can find dozens of them.

   The bottom net must be arranged around the island. At this time, a small sampan and a small raft are needed.

  The raft carried on Tianya No. 2 was pushed into the sea, and the crew members on the boat moved on to the raft and sampan.

  Shi Hongxin is not reconciled, although she is a daughter, she is more active than a man.

The    end is the Chinese sons and daughters with great ambitions, and women can hold up half the sky.

  Wang Yi sails a boat and does not need to set up a net around the island on the bottom of the sea, just observe with a telescope on the boat.

   At this time, they were already in the depths of the East China Sea. In the lens of the telescope, the sea was vast and the waves were vast.

   Today is a good sea, the sun is shining and the sea breeze is gentle.

  The spring style of Climbing Fork Island is undoubtedly evident in such good weather. The island is beautiful, already green, surrounded by clear sea water, and the white waves roll and stack on the beach, with rhythmic clattering sounds.

   But this is the sea after all, and there are three-inch waves even when there is no wind. Now that there is more or less wind, the waves are bigger, and the rafts and sampans are swaying endlessly.

  Wang Yi was a little worried, and asked Wang Xianghai: "Or use a big boat to release the Internet cafe, and the small boat is a little dangerous."

  Wang Xianghai swept his solemn eyes across the sea and relaxed, and said, "The wind is not blowing, and a small wave is a good time for the fish to swim off the net. Don't be afraid."

  Wang Yi asked: "How can you tell that the wind is not blowing?"

  Wang Xianghai said casually: "Today it's blowing from the southeast. As the old saying goes, when the east wind blows to the south, you can get on the boat with a net; when the east wind blows to the north, it blows like hell, and the southeast wind doesn't blow much."

   He then remembered that Wang Yi was here to follow him to learn some knowledge about homework, and pointed to the sea seriously and said:

   "You can also look at the color of the sea water. The color of the sea water on the edge of the island is very stable and does not change. If the sea and sky are the same color, then there will be no strong winds..."

  Wang Yi didn't quite understand the rationale here, but seeing Wang Xianghai's firm voice, he stopped worrying.

   Speaking of the sea and the sky, the Fuhai waters are not like this all year round.

  The water color of the tropical waters is the same all year round, but the environment of Fuhai is greatly affected by the monsoon and ocean currents.

   The same is true for the barracuda they are catching. The meat quality of the four seasons is clearly different, and the fishermen also give them different names according to the season:

  The one in early spring is called Kailingshuo, and in summer it is called Maihuangding—when the wheat is yellow, it is called sorghum red in autumn, and in winter it is called rolling pulp shuttle.

   The name of the four-season barracuda is different, and the taste is different. Only Kai Lingsuo is the best.

   Like Mai Huangding, the reputation is very poor, as the so-called 'Mai Huang Shuo, stinky full pot', this sentence can be used as an image.

   Therefore, to catch barracuda, you must start in early spring. Once Qingming is over, barracuda is not like this and only has a fresh taste.

  The fishermen know this truth, and they are all busy and busy, whether they are catching fish or setting nets.

   Let’s do a great job in spring, give the whole year a good start, and strive for a prosperous year again this year!

   (end of this chapter)