MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 533 532. Raising chickens and shrimps

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   Chapter 533 532. Raising chickens and shrimps for farming

  The boys really wanted to catch rabbits.

  Although the rabbits in early spring are not fat, they still have meat, and they are delicious whether they are braised or stewed.

   But there are no rabbits.

   Wang Yi looked at them and said, "Rabbit? Where are the rabbits? I see you all like rabbits!"

  The mood of Wang Zhuangyuan and others suddenly changed from high interest to low interest...

  There are no rabbits, so let’s play elm money.

   The elm money on the tree is tender.

  The bark of the elm tree is rough and easy to climb. Some old elm tree trunks are not straight, so the students climb up the old high.

  Wang Yi has become accustomed to the activities of the students of this era. This kind of climbing is not a big deal. The students can't fall, and the parents have not asked the teacher to be responsible.

   They will only scold the child: it deserves it!

  The slender elm branches were twisted and thrown down, and the female students carried bamboo baskets to collect elm money.

  Those who are greedy will shove a handful into their mouths to chew.

  Wang Yi also took a bite to eat, he wasn't greedy, he wanted to try eating yuqian raw.

The taste of    is not very good, with a faint grassy smell of wild vegetables, but after chewing gradually, there is a slight sweetness.

  For children of this age, this sweetness is enough to give them a good impression of Yuqian. After all, it is not easy to eat candy on weekdays.

   But the students of Tianya Island are an exception.

   They are not short of sugar on weekdays, and even they don’t eat hard fruit candies now, either toffee or sorghum jelly, prawn cake, peanut cake, and nougat.

   is the so-called transition from frugality to extravagance is easy, and from extravagance to frugality is difficult.

   The students who were eating Yuqian vomited out: "Bah, this year's Yuqian is not delicious and sweet."

   "It must be the reason that last year was too dry, it would not taste good when it was dry."

   "Try it with a fire, it might taste better when it's hot..."

   The last person to speak glanced at Wang Yi.

   They wanted to light a small stove to see what it looked like, but Wang Yi did not allow the students to make a fire without authorization.

  The girls were obedient and obedient after all. Seeing Wang Yi's stern face and not responding, they didn't dare to take out a small stove to make a fire by themselves.

   But they had to make a fire, otherwise it would be revealed that they wanted to play with a small stove.

  So they made a small fire with dead branches they picked up on the road, put the elm branches with elm money on the flames and burned them, and quickly took them out and ate them hot.

   Burning elm money seems to be a unique way of eating in the outer islands. Wang Yi has never heard of eating elm money like this in other places.

   This way of eating requires elm money, and it must be tender elm money.

  The elm money used by adults on the island should not be too tender, because once the temperature is high, for example, if it is immersed in a pot of boiling water, it will turn into a pot of yellow soup and green water when it is slightly hot, and it cannot be eaten at all.

  The elm money to be mixed with the grain must not be too tender and not too old, because the old elm money is bitter, astringent, not chewable, and cannot be swallowed.

  The taste of burning elm money is slightly better than eating raw, and the students reluctantly ate some.

   Their unified evaluation is: not as delicious as instant noodles and biscuits.

  In this way, the students are not so interested in elm money, and they take elm money as a routine.

  The teachers felt that this was not enough, wishing a good night to have a solution, clapping their hands and saying:

   "Students, let's compete in groups, let's have a money game!"

  No prizes are required, as long as there is a ranking.

  The elm money immediately began to fly.

   is like a green snow.

  Li Yanjing looked up under the tree for a while, then Xu Heng smiled at him: "Mr. Li, the top of your head is really green..."

   Today, in addition to picking up elm money, I can also pick up lichens, because there was a spring rain two nights ago, and the lichens grew out.

  Lichens are only available after rain, or in other words, lichens are tender after rain and are suitable for food.

  The lichens on Tianya Island, especially on the mountains, are very popular because they are clean. This is a stone mountain, and the lichens grow in the cracks of the stones. Of course, weeds also grow from the cracks in the stones.

  Lichens often grow between the roots of weeds, and when we open the weeds, we can see clusters and clusters of dark green clinging to the ground, like fungus.

   Compared with fungus, lichen is even more watery.

  The lichens on the outer islands are rich in gelatinous, smooth and transparent, like gelatinous fat.

  Maybe because the soil in the mountains is not fertile enough, the lichens here are small, always small and exquisite, as cute as the dark green flowers.

  The rural people of this era are very familiar with and love lichens. They can be eaten cooked or raw.

  Cooked food is to make steamed buns and dumplings, while raw food is cold lichen.

   Of course, this raw food is not purely raw. It has to be scalded with boiling water, but the time is very short, just like rolling mutton and beef in a hot pot.

  Cold lichen is a small cold dish suitable for drinking.

   Huang You Gong is a master at this dish.

   At noon, we started to eat, and the outdoor small stoves rose one by one.

   For the sake of safety, Wang Yi bought a charcoal-burning stove. The small gas stove was too dangerous for the students. If it exploded if the operation was not good, Wang Yi would suffer for the rest of his life.

  The small stove for burning charcoal is also novel enough for the students, mainly because it is small and rare.

  This stove is easy to operate, despite its small size, it is actually very easy to ignite.

  The dry grass and pine branches ignited, and after putting in the smashed charcoal, the flames were raging.

  The students sat around and cheered.

  The teacher group also had a small stove to burn, and Huang Yougong mixed the lichen first.

  There are two ways to mix lichen with cold water. If you use cold water, you must add vinegar, which can play a diuretic effect; if you use hot water, you don't need to add it.

   This point is clear to Huang Gonggong.

Wang Yi took out the seasoning packet, Huang Yougong found salt and sesame oil, and said, "Why do I like lichen salad? This thing uses simple seasonings. I didn't have money before, hehe, so the cheaper and simpler the snacks, the better. "

   Washed the lichen, only added salt and sesame oil, and ordered a little vinegar, so that a large bowl of lichen salad with bright water and sparkling came out.

  Huang Yougong immediately greeted Zhu Zhenxue, Xu Heng and others and started drinking.

   Qiu Weishui said with a smile, "Is it just such a dish to drink?"

  Xu Heng took out a few salted duck eggs from his pocket, his face full of pride: "This is also a good dish for drinking."

  Zhu Zhenxue brought peanuts and fry them in a pot on a small stove.

   is very fragrant when fried.

  The students were greedy, so Zhu Zhenxue brought enough raw peanuts and distributed them to the students to cook by themselves.

   Qiu Weishui instructed: "It must be fried on low heat and slowly. The peanuts are easy to burn."

   "Once you see that the peanuts are almost cooked, take off the pot immediately, the residual heat is enough to fry them..."

   Soon, the scent of oil and ripe peanuts was blown by the wind.

  The teachers started drinking.

   After a glass of wine, Huang Yougong's face flushed red.

  He was full of emotion, slapped his knees and sang aloud, a non-key fisherman song rang out, and wrote his own lyrics: "Eating lichen, eating peanuts is better than a panacea..."

   "Mr. Huang is delicious." Wang Yi came over with a plate of lichen scrambled eggs.

   scrambled eggs with lichen is a famous dish among wild vegetables.

   This thing itself has no special taste except for being fresh and slightly fragrant.

  So after they are fried with eggs, the aroma of peanut oil and eggs will be absorbed by lichen.

   Eat a bite of lichen at this time, in addition to being fresh and crisp, there is a mellow fragrance.

  The unique taste and taste linger on the tongue and will not fade for a long time. This fragrance is comparable to braised pork, and it is not as greasy as braised pork.

  Wang Yi clinks wine glasses with the teachers, and everyone chats casually.

   In addition to scrambled peanuts, the students also made scrambled eggs, some scrambled eggs with green onions, some scrambled eggs with peppers, as well as stewed tofu and minced pork with pickled vegetables.

   Of course, the main force is the finished snacks purchased at the store.

  Some people bought a box of luncheon meat, some people bought a can of canned fruit, some people bought some spicy chips, some people bought some dried tofu, some people bought a piece of braised tofu…

   Just like magic, the students moved their hands, and there was a lot of food on the picnic cloth.

  The students had a picnic for the first time in the spring, and the food was abundant.

   They have seen the scene of students picnic in the city in books and on TV, and the food is not as rich as they are now.

   So they were very happy and organized their own performances.

   Lee Yeonkyung is also very happy.

   He is not good at drinking, so after a drink, he joins the students to grab food, and the students who tease him keep wailing.

   This made him even happier, he ran over to Wang Yi and said excitedly, "Mr. Wang, our school life is so good, I never thought I could live such a life!"

   "It's like a dream!"

  Wang Yi has met Li Yanjing for 23 years. At that time, he had become a little old man, staying alone on an island abandoned by young people to bask in the sun.

   is very different from the current high spirits.

   This made him feel pity for the little teacher, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "In the future, the school will assign you a dormitory upstairs, so you can take care of the school."

   "When the time comes, marry a daughter-in-law to live in the school, stay on our island, and live like this forever!"

  Li Yanjing exclaimed excitedly: "This is great, Mr. Wang, you are so great!"

  Wang Yi smiled and pushed him away, and started drinking with the others.

   Xu Heng asked, "Do I have my own dormitory? I'm also getting married."

  Wang Yi said: "There must be, you still have a two-story building, both you and the class deputy."

   He looked at Sun Zhengnan: "Deputy class, when will you and Teacher Xiaozhu get married?"

  Sun Zhengnan smiled and said, "I have already received the certificate..."

   "So fast!" Wang Yi admired him very much, "Did you get the certificate silently?"

  Sun Zhengnan said: "I told Teacher Zhu and asked for his opinion."


   Wang Zhuangyuan came over and patted his chest very politely and said, "I wish you a good teacher, I will give you your retirement!"

   Zhu Zhenxue laughed after hearing this: "Can your wife agree?"

   Wang Zhuangyuan said: "I don't want a wife, I just want textbooks and culture!"

   This made all the teachers laugh out loud.

   Xu Heng said: "This child doesn't know the benefits of women yet, he's really a fool."

  Sun Zhengnan's face suddenly showed an unforgettable smile.

   Zhu Zhenxue saw his expression.

   Suddenly I can't laugh anymore.

  Wang Yi started taking pictures after drinking two glasses of wine, and the digital camera in his hand was full of pictures.

   But when he patted him, he felt it was wrong. Why did some students have red cheeks?

   He looked up at the sun.

   It's just Ching Ming Festival, and the sun is not too strong, so you can't make the students' faces red, right?

   Or are they talking about pornography?

   This is also impossible. Today's students are still very simple, and they have no access to gender knowledge.

   So, did they drink? ?

  Wang Yi quietly approached the students in this group, and secretly checked the situation of their dinner.

   This group of people, led by Wang Zhuangyuan, had a very rich meal.

   They brought vegetable oil from home, including peanut oil, soybean oil and sesame oil. At the same time, Wang Ugly Cat also bought a can of Erba sauce from the sales department.

   Erba sauce is not cheap.

   Wang Ugly Cat looked at the canned bottle in his hand with a face full of reluctance: "I will buy the champion this time. I won't buy it in the future. I have to save money to marry a wife."

   Wang Zhuangyuan said disdainfully: "What's so good about a daughter-in-law? Eat your food and drink yours, and then scold you, can it be good for hot pot?"

   His younger brother wiped his nose with his leather shoes and said, "Not only did I scold you, but I also beat you. That night I saw Mom riding on Dad's body and beating him. Dad kept pupa and didn't push Mom away."

   said that he had some lingering fears: "My mother is too strong!"

   Wang Ugly Cat said, "It's fine if you don't want a daughter-in-law. Anyway, I want a daughter-in-law. It's a lot of money to marry a daughter-in-law. If you are so big, in what lifetime will you be able to save enough money?"

   "By saving money, if all the women in the world die, you won't be able to save money to marry a daughter-in-law. You have to make money, understand?" Wang Kai, who was cutting meat, raised his head and said.

   Wang Ugly Cat answered simply and neatly: "I don't understand."

   A group of boys have a clear division of labor, some are cutting pork, some are choosing dishes, and some are taking out seasonings and starting to prepare.

   Others took out a wine bottle - Great Northern Wilderness Wine.

  The wine bottle was taken out by Wang Xinmi. He shook the bottle and said proudly, "Don't rush to eat hot pot. Let's take a sip of wine before eating, just like adults."

   "Look at this wine, okay, it's the wine I finally stole from my grandfather's house."

   "Come on, take a sip first, adults always take a sip of wine before eating meat."

  There is a dinner in the spring outing. They all bring a lunch box. The liquor is poured into a lunch box, and several people are ready to take turns to drink.

  Wang Xinzhao was a little nervous, and said, "We all have lunch boxes, why do we need to share a bowl?"

   "Drinking in the comic strip Water Margin is like this." Wang Kai said boldly.

   "Yes, heroes, come on, I'll do it first." Wang Ugly Cat hurriedly took the rice box, raised his head and took a big mouthful—"Ah Tui!"

   "Ha ha ha ha," he gasped with his tongue sticking out like a dog, with a look of despair, "Why is wine so bad? Why do adults like to say it's delicious?"

   "The good thing about wine is that it is bad." Wang Zhuangyuan said solemnly, "This is what my father said."

   He took a bowl and took a sip, then smacked his lips: "It really sucks, did your grandfather buy fake wine? Let's eat meat first."

  Wang Xinmi is a little alcoholic. He has already drank alcohol and said, "Wine is not good to drink, but after drinking it, it will feel good. It's erratic, like a fairy."

   said, he took the lunch box and took a sip.

   Others are looking forward to eating hot pot.

   Potato slices, Chinese cabbage torn open, large yellow croaker cut meat, prawn peeled.

   This is what they learned from Wang Yi.

   In the past winter, Wang Yi ate a lot of hot pot, and they all saw it in their eyes and greedy in their mouths.

   This spring outing had a dinner party, and each group had a small stove and a small pot, so they took out their change to buy condiments and ingredients and came to cook the hot pot.

   This move really attracted a lot of people to watch.

   Because everyone is hungry for hot pot.

  Cousin Wang Kai is now learning how to cook with a colander, he has also watched a lot, and now he is a decent host:

   "This is the first time I've used this pot, so give it a good scrub, or it will smell like iron foam."

   "Well, it stands to reason that we have to use lard to make the pot, but I didn't buy enough meat today, and I don't have any extra fat to use for the pot. Forget it, let's make it alive..."

   Wang Zhuangyuan glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense, quickly make hot pot, come, you have to fry the bottom of the pot. Ermao, you are Teacher Wang's tail, you must have seen how he fry."

  Wang Ugly Cat made an "um", heated the pot, put the vegetable oil in the pot, and then added star anise, pepper, onion, ginger, and garlic to stir-fry.

   "Are you using these ingredients?" Someone asked.

   Wang Ugly Cat said calmly: "Yes, absolutely!"

   Anyway, he has used all the seasonings he can use, and he would rather kill it by mistake and not miss it!

  Put the aniseed into the boiling oil, and the fragrance quickly rises.

   Wang Ugly Cat plucked a few times, and added some sweet noodle sauce bought at the store.

   As the sweet noodle sauce swirled in the oil a few times, he quickly added water to make a base soup.

   A group of teenagers watched with excitement: "It's awesome, Ermao is a craftsman."

   "Follow Teacher Wang to learn how to cook, Ermao, you can be a cook in the future."

  Wang Yi stretched his neck and looked.

   Wang Ugly Cat really has some talent as a cook, this little hand holds a shovel in a decent manner.

   At this time, the teenagers gathered in twos and threes, and they gathered more and more.

   The first is that they are all craving hot pot, and the second is that cooking by themselves really has an atmosphere, and they are all attracted.

   Wang Kai was not happy.

   Come for free food?


  He wanted to drive people away, Wang Xinxin took out a transparent glass bottle, and there was a colorless liquid swaying in it:

   "I'm not eating your food for nothing, look, what do I have here? Guess what I am?"

   "My dad's wine."

  Wang Yi stretched his neck hard behind him and looked at the bottle carefully.

  Fortunately, this is filled with glucose injection. He is really afraid that these arrogant children will use pesticides or penicillin and other bottles to fill the wine.

  It is important to know that ethanol in wine is a hydrophilic organic solvent and has excellent solubility for many chemical components.

   Wang Ugly Cat said: "Wine is not good, it's not like we haven't drunk it."

  Wang Xinxin hurriedly said: "It's delicious, my dad is so cute, and like a baby, I managed to steal these."

   Wang Ugly Cat immediately changed his mind when he heard this, and praised: "You're more courageous now, aren't you afraid that your father finds out and beats you?"

   "That's right, you stole a lot." Wang Baozhi added.

  Wang Xinxin was very unhappy: "What are you talking about? Can you steal your own things?"

   Wang Ugly Cat stared at it: Didn't you just say that you 'stole it' first?

   Then Wang Xinxin went on to say: "My dad couldn't find it. I poured well water into his wine bottle, and he definitely couldn't see the change."

   "The same color, I've seen it."

   Several older children laughed.

  Wang Xinxin is too small.

  Children are so stupid!

   As the old saying goes, fools get beat up easily.

  The small stove was very powerful, the firewood was burning vigorously, and the soup in the pot slowly began to boil. Seeing this, Wang Kai hurriedly grabbed a large amount of minced meat and put it in.

  Others began to adjust the ingredients.

   This is all learned from Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi has also eaten hot pot for students. At that time, the students’ favorite was the small sauce, and the Erba sauce in it was very fragrant.

   Today is still sesame sauce as a small ingredient, and then the big guy put fermented bean curd in the bowl and ordered sesame oil.

  Someone has already chopped the coriander and green onion leaves, so they put them into the bowl again.

   A pot of soup is tumbling, and the meat slices are quickly cooked.

  In the morning, the school manages breakfast, and today we eat noodles, fried noodles.

  Although I ate a big bowl of noodles in the morning, the noodles are easy to digest. The teenagers are pig stomachs and are hungry early.

   When the pork is not cooked yet, some people want to use chopsticks.

  Wang Zhuangyuan tapped the bowl with his chopsticks and said, "Why don't you study so actively? Don't worry, it's definitely enough to eat!"

   "Don't move, I'll try it first!"

   He took a piece of meat and tried it.

   Others hurriedly asked: "How is it?" "Is it fragrant?" "Can you eat it?"

   Wang Zhuangyuan shook his head and threw the bitten pork slices back into the pot: "No, I have to cook it, there is still blood in it!"

  The hot pot continues to cook.

   Slowly, the pork began to roll over the soup.

  Wang Xinxin closed his eyes and exhaled hard.

   Wang Ugly Cat patted him on the back of the head and asked, "Are you suffering from asthma?"

  Wang Xinxin smirked: "No, I'll take two more sips of the aroma..."

   "That doesn't work, so you're not taking advantage?" Someone immediately retorted.

  The boys suddenly quarreled.

   Wang Zhuangyuan said: "Don't shout, don't shout, you can eat now, come, let's - don't rob me, don't overturn the pot, I'm grass!"

  The boys put down chopsticks together and almost poked the small pot over.

   Seeing this, Wang Zhuangyuan quickly took out his majesty, pushed the people away, let the big guy put down the lunch box, and he distributed the meat one by one.

   Watching him put the meat into the lunch box, Wang Kai pulled his neck and looked back: "Zhuang Yuan, give me fat, I like to eat fat."

   "I also like to eat fat, fat is delicious."

   "I don't choose, just eat the fat and thin ones, just give me the big ones."

   "How come you are so clever when it comes to eating?"

   Soon after the whole pot of meat was picked, Wang Zhuangyuan put the cut potatoes, sweet potatoes and peeled cabbage into the pot and continued to cook. After finishing cleaning up, he gave an order, and the teenagers began to feast on hungry wolves.


   "Bah, ah, ah."

   Wang Zhuangyuan looked around: "Are we in a pigsty? Who should eat? Shut up."

   "It's delicious to eat with your mouth." Someone retorted.

   Wang Zhuangyuan said calmly: "I suggest that you don't swear when you eat, you must be quiet."

   "Do we still talk about this in the countryside?"

   "It's not about talking about this or that, but you get used to it. After that, you can't steal food, and you'll be found when you steal, so you have to get into the habit of eating without making a sound."

   "Makes sense. Makes sense."

   There is a fart truth, Wang Zhuangyuan said this because they ate too fast and the meat was not enough.

   As a result, the little friends can eat fast enough even with their mouths closed, because the hot pot tastes really delicious.

   In other words, the sesame paste is very fragrant, but it is a little greasy, just the bean curd can relieve the greasy, and the shallots and coriander are just fresh, they are mixed together with cooked meat and vegetables, it is really delicious.

  The teenagers quickly ate the meat. At this time, the cooked vegetables were just cooked. There were many, one bowl per person.

   No one mentioned alcohol anymore.

   Still hot pot is delicious!

  Wang Yi did not criticize them too much when he saw this, and took away the rest of the liquor later.

   He patted the head of Wang Zhuangyuan.

  This **** has changed a lot, his fate has changed, and he will not be the criminal who murders and robs at sea in the future.

   Judging from today's meal, Wang Zhuangyuan is very prestige among his peers, and he is quite measured in what he does.

   In this way, coupled with his academic performance, Wang Yi feels that his future is bright in the future.

   The school's first spring outing was very successful.

   Except for a few mischievous students who stole the house wine and took two sips.

   Later, Wang Yi found another bottle of wine, and some people brought wine out to the banquet.

   This bottle of wine turned out to be a style he had never seen before.

   The name is Kiwi Sparkling Wine.

  It is a kind of fruit wine with the word 'original juice' on it. The color of the wine is the green of kiwi fruit, which is crystal clear and beautiful.

   There was still half of the wine bottle, and Wang Yi confiscated it again.

   This is pretty good.

   He told the students that when you are 18 years old, you will come to me to get the wine, and then drink it yourself.

   I took a lot of photos during a spring outing. The students were satisfied and Wang Yi was also very happy.

  The students took off enough elm money, and he was quite interested in this thing.

   Eat Yuqian rice at night.

   There are also many ways to eat elm money, and a colander wrapped an elm purse for him.

   This thing is quite troublesome to do:

  Rinse it with water first, scald it in a pot of boiling water and turn it over. Drain it out and squeeze out the water. Then mix it with shrimp skin and soybean paste as a stuffing. Use cornmeal and white flour to roll out a thin skin, so that the buns can be wrapped.

   Then there is Yuqian rice.

  Yuqian rice is simple, mix white noodles and yuqian together or make a ball, and then steam it.

  The only trouble is that when steam starts to emerge from the seam of the pot, you have to pour water slowly from top to bottom, and then steam for a while, so that they are slowly cooked.

  The steamed Yuqian rice is very fragrant, especially when the steamer is just opened, there will be a mixed smell of wheat and Yuqian fragrance that penetrates into one's nose with the steam.

   But Wang Yi tried it and it smelled good, but it didn't taste very good.

   Fortunately, there is always a way for a colander.

   He had a bad life before, and he was a cook himself, relying on mountains to eat mountains and water to drink water. He developed some good ways to eat wild vegetables and seafood.

   Yuqian rice is delicious, that is, dipped in garlic paste.

   But the outer islanders don’t like to eat raw garlic very much, so they can use mature garlic sauce instead.

  Wang Yi ate Yuqian Shrimp Sauce Steamed Bun in the evening, and the next day, he ate Yuqian Rice with the students, and he was very happy.

  The members all know that he likes to eat these wild vegetables, but he doesn't like to eat pork and chicken, so some people pack up the unique wild vegetables for him to eat in the spring.

  Huang Xiaohua is an expert in this area.

  The conditions of her family are difficult. In the past, the family would run out of food in the spring, so she had to find ways to fill the stomach of her family.

   Every family loves to eat wild vegetables, and they will go to the mountains to find them. She is also busy with work and homework. She does not have as much time to dig wild vegetables as other families, so she can get some wild vegetables that no one wants.

   Such as tender willow leaves.

  The weather was getting warmer later, so Huang Xiaohua brought some tender willow leaves to Wang Yi.

  The willow leaves are blanched in hot water, then mixed with the shallots in raw sauce and eaten as a dish, the taste is very fresh.

   This thing won't be particularly delicious, but it does have the flavor of fresh spring vegetables. When you eat it with steamed buns, the seasonal freshness is very good.

   Willow leaves can be eaten, as can poplar leaves.

   Of course, like willow leaves, edible poplar leaves must be the delicate ingredients of spring.

  The other poplar leaves are bitter and not as fresh as willow leaves, so the picked poplar leaves have to be soaked in water in a clay pot.

  The poplar leaves have no taste at all. Huang Xiaohua gave Wang Yi to eat it, just to let him eat a novelty.

  Wang Yi nodded and said, "The bitterness is not too heavy, but it is a little sour."

  Huang Xiaohua said with a smile: "Yes, after the blisters get sour, this thing is not nutritious. Even in the poor years before, there was really no food to eat. My family would only eat it under conditions like this."

  Wang Yi said: "I think it's okay, it's not bad to mix it into a cold dish and make a meal."

  Huang Xiaohua shook her head, she put down half a bag of noodles for Wang Yi, and said, "This is persimmon noodles, you can make sweet buns. This is delicious, Mr. Wang, you should eat this later."

   Wang Yi thanked her.

   Later, when he wanted to set up a breeding center, he mobilized Wang Dongshun, Huang Xiaohua's target.

   He asked Wang Dongshun to help Zhou Dayuan, and then began to think about building an artificial farm around Mangrove Island.

   Raise prawns first!

  At the same time, a hill should be circled on the mountain to start raising chickens.

   Wang Yi is in charge of both matters. He is the general manager of the commune and team enterprise, and the farming business also belongs to the commune and team enterprise.

   Raising chickens is relatively simple.

   They raised their own white-feathered roosters and hens, and hatched a batch of chicks last winter.

   The chicks grow slowly in winter, but they are now half-grown, so they can be kept in captivity.

  Wang Yi bought a batch of aquaculture fences, all low carbon steel wire texture, using welding and then dipping process, light and easy to use and strong, but the price is a bit more expensive.

   But is it a problem for him to be more expensive?

not a problem!

  A hill on the island was surrounded by a fence, and all the chickens and ducks were driven in.

   In addition, the members also have a few chickens at home, so the roots of sea chickens cannot be broken!

  There are fence nets on the mountains, and breeding cages are hung in the sea.

  Cages are prawn fry.

   Originally, Wang Yi thought about bringing shrimp seedlings of Penaeus vannamei from 23 years ago, but there are already shrimp farming in the outer islands, and now shrimp farming is to catch broodstock and reproduce.

  The outer islands have resources of Penaeus monodon, which taste better than Penaeus vannamei and are more expensive - of course, this is the 21st century.

  Wang Xianghong learned that Wang Yi had started to farm prawns, and specially helped him contact a prawn farm and asked him and Zhou Dayuan to visit and study.

  Visiting and learning are the mainstream means of progress in this era.

  Wang Yi also felt that it was necessary to visit and study. He had already researched some materials, but as the saying goes, what you get on paper is superficial.

  Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

   He has to learn from practitioners!

   (end of this chapter)

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