MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-~ Extra 4: Cooperation in Frontiers to Run Cold Storage (Part 2)

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  Wang Xianghong warmly invited the two to dinner.

  The two are more nostalgic for the summer evening at sea.

Tang Chengxin pointed to some flowers that can be seen everywhere in the mountains and plains, and said affectionately: "The sea is full of style, and the mountain style is also very unique. Seeing these wild flowers blooming in full bloom, they are brighter than the sunset on the horizon, and people can't help but look at them. fascinated."

  Chen Renfeng asked curiously: "Yes, there are so many wildflowers on your mountain. What kind of flower is this? We have never seen it before."

  Wang Yi introduced: "This flower is very famous. It is very famous in our sea fishing village. It is called jellyfish flower, and there is a very beautiful scientific name called Huajinhua."

   Jellyfish flower or brocade flower, which is a plant of the Amaryllidaceae family.

  They are wild flowers, but they are pretty and pure, similar to lilies, and at the same time they have the charm of roses, and once they bloom, there will be rapeseed flowers.

   As everyone can see now, the jellyfish flowers are in full bloom, mighty and vigorous.

  They are a favorite of fishermen, and their appearance represents the arrival of the jellyfish harvest season, which begins in July when the jellyfish season arrives, blooms in August, and then blooms until September.

  Wang Yi saw that the two were very interested in this sea of ​​flowers, so she asked the students to fetch the cameras and let the two stand in the sea of ​​flowers to take pictures.

  People in this era like photography, especially those in the city.

   Even Chen Renfeng is a photography fan—don’t look at him from a frontier area, now the frontier area does not mean poverty and backwardness. The penetration rate of TV sets, bicycles and video cameras in Qiuci city is higher than that of many coastal cities.

   So Chen Renfeng's eyes lit up when he saw the machine, he took it over and said, "Phoenix JG302 camera, it's a good thing, it's made by Qindao Camera Factory, right?"

   Wang Yi said: "Yes, it is a new camera approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry in 1980."

  Tang Chengxin asked curiously: "Is this a new style? It looks similar to the camera in our factory."

   Chen Renfeng pointed to the lens and introduced him: "This is a 135 head-up viewfinder camera, it is indeed a new type of guy."

"Look at its body, no, you can't see anything, come up and touch it, how about it? All-metal body, it is said that the metal used for this camera is smelted from bullet casings recovered by the army. Woolen cloth!"

  A female helper in a white kitchen uniform came to inform them to eat.

  Wang Xianghong smiled and waved: "Comrades, let's go for a walk, let's go to dinner together, you are not going back tomorrow, if you like the scenery of our Tianya Island, take a look back slowly, see enough!"

   Tang Chengxin was nostalgic, he looked back at the island as he walked.

  On the hills, beside the woods, and beside the tidal flats, the jellyfish flowers are blooming brightly and generously, the waves are rolling, and fishermen are strolling slowly on the shore.

  Wang Dongxi introduced: "That's our fishermen chasing the sea, chasing the small sea, looking for some small seafood such as razor clam, clams, sea anemones, and beef cabbage."

  The setting sun and the evening wind blow over the jellyfish flowers, making waves, the setting sun sets, and the last rays of the afterglow are cut into mottled shadows by the clouds, vegetation and waves, and then, the moonlight comes up.

  A student canteen has been built on the mountain, mainly for the aquatic technical school that will be put into use in the new semester, because the pupils of Tianya Elementary School go home for dinner at night. …

   Now the conditions in the team are good. Every household eats white noodles and meat every few days, so the students go home for dinner and are very full.

   A large table is set up in the canteen, and the construction of a cold storage is a major event, and the top figures in the team come to cheer.

   Chen Renfeng and Tang Chengxin entered the door, and the first thing they saw was a big pot of crabs.

   The red swimming crab.

   The colors are festive.

  The islands in late summer and early autumn belong to crabs.

  This table has steamed crabs, spicy crabs, and locally famous choking crabs.

   The choking crabs in the current season are very plump. The swimming crabs are big and full of meat, very fresh. They are made by soaking in salted seawater for 24 hours. They are called choking crabs.

   The eyes of the two were hooked all of a sudden, and Chen Renfeng subconsciously sighed: "What a big crab! A lot of crabs!"

   Wang Xianghong smiled and said, "There are also small and large crabs that are steamed, medium crabs are made into choking crabs, and small crabs are fried into spicy crabs."

   "Come, come, two distinguished guests, please take a seat."

  This table is a seafood feast. In addition to crabs, there are shrimps, sea cucumbers, abalones, and shellfish cooked in a large pot, and a pot is served.

  The variety of fish is also rich, braised, steamed, oiled, fried, stewed with sauerkraut, etc., and a table is arranged.

  Tang Chengxin said: "The seafood on this table will cost us a month's salary."

   Then he shook his head again: "No, I was wrong, it's hard for us to buy so many good things with half a year's salary each."

   "Old Tang, you are indeed wrong. Even if we take out a year's salary for such fresh seafood, we won't be able to eat it!" Chen Renfeng said excitedly.

   Food always makes one feel good.

  To have good food, there must be good wine.

  Wang Yi took out the bulk Wuliangye.

  He came to pour the wine, and Shouxing Ye greeted the guests to eat: "Try our crabs, eat a choking crab, this method is the most unique, and you should not be able to eat it in the frontier areas."

  Wang Yi said with a smile: "Yes, each place has its own unique cuisine, such as their baked buns, large plate chicken, naan meat, jar meat, and our choking crab."

   The two of them peeled off the soaked crab shell. The crab meat inside was white and tender, as fresh and smooth as freshly peeled chicken head.


  The choking crab is a must, and there are also drunk shrimp.

   This time, the drunk shrimp is also a platter, with red bear head shrimp, slippery shrimp, bamboo joint shrimp and small white shrimp, you can eat whatever you like.

  The size of drunk shrimp is not the main advantage, freshness, tenderness and smoothness are more important.

   How fresh are the drunken prawns on the table?

  They are still alive and kicking in the wine!

  Tang Chengxin said: "I have seen drunk shrimp in books for a long time, and today I can finally taste it all at once."

   He picked up the drunk shrimp, bit off the head and sucked it hard, but in the end, nothing came out, so he took it out with a smirk and peeled it to eat.

   boldly saw this and said: "Hey, comrade, you must have no object."

  Tang Chengxin was taken aback: "How do you know?"

   Boldly and easily sucked out the shrimp meat and said, "It can be seen from your tongue."

  The older Chen Renfeng laughed. …

  It is not only the drunk shrimp that needs to be sucked, but also the raw salted Pipi shrimp.

  This thing was not popular at first, but Wang Yi likes to eat it. As the saying goes, the top is good and the bottom is effective. Slowly, the members also began to eat this cheap food.

   But Wang Yi likes steaming or salt and pepper. Others like to put the prawns into pieces and marinate them in the sauce, then pick them up with chopsticks and **** them up.

   The two were full of praise for their food, and the table full of seafood made them stab their **** with a knife, which opened their eyes.

   Wang Xianghong greeted them one by one, and said, "Eat fresh today, dry tomorrow, and try our fish tomorrow."

  August is dying and September is approaching.

  The summer style is still there, but the sea breeze has brought a touch of autumn.

   As a result, the islands will soon be flooded with fish.

   They were talking about fish at the table, which attracted Tang Chengxin and the two to think about it.

   This winter, their food factory will be able to introduce high-quality fish to improve the lives of the people.

  This meal is a stepping stone, and in the next few days, the daily hospitality is a stepping stone.

  Tianya Island arranged for them to go fishing, to visit brick kilns, to cast nets to fish, to shake the oars to make the sea, and to taste wild vegetables...

   Many stepping stones are combined together to pave a road of cooperation.

   At the end of August, the two sides signed an agreement of intention to jointly build a cold storage. The two were very strong and did not eat for free. Although Tianya Dao proposed that they could issue their own funds, the two still gave them good conditions:

  The food factory provided a guarantee to help their production team with a loan of 500,000 yuan, with an annual interest of 6%, which was repaid in ten years and could be repaid in advance.

   The attached condition is that the cold storage can provide the food factory with 200 tons of aquatic products and 10 tons of dry goods every month, with a 5% discount according to the market price, and the freight is issued by the food factory.

   In early September, the two returned, and 20 days later, a representative from the food factory arrived and formally signed a cooperation agreement.

   The arrival of the food factory brought the first batch of loans, totaling 200,000 yuan, without interest.

   Such an important matter naturally alarmed the county, and Ye Changan personally asked the matter.

He presided over the cold storage construction meeting, and then said to Wang Yi privately: "You can do it, there is no such low-interest loan in our local area, and the 5% discount difference is also very low. You go to work in the county. This is using the chicken to lay the egg!"

   "The county agrees with you to do it, so you have to do it well!"

   At the end of September, the county, the food factory and Tianya Dao jointly formed a leadership team to prepare for the construction of the cold storage, with Wang Xianghong as the team leader.

   It happened that the island was currently engaged in infrastructure construction, so they hired a retired technician from a construction company as an engineering technical consultant.

  Wang Yi came forward and once again confirmed the construction unit by way of bidding.

  The cold storage started construction in October. In November, through the introduction of Hudu Machinery General Factory, Tianya Island bought refrigerators and other facilities.

  In early 1984, the cold storage was built.

   Since then, Tianya Island has its own cold storage. Since then, they can not only fish, but also collect the catch for preservation, and sell it in different seasons, which is more profitable!

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