MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 446 farewell (2)

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The foreign demons and the Xuntian Island Whale had already fought, but the Xuntian Island Whale relied on its special time and space spells, as well as its own strength, to beat the monsters to the extreme, and the situation entered a stalemate again.

They seem to have forgotten what they are doing this time.

Qi Yunmei contributed a lot to this matter, and when Ji Ruo saw her again, she already had a silly expression, the corners of her mouth were drooling, and she giggled foolishly at everyone she saw.

It can be seen that in order to suppress these demons, to what extent has he reduced his own power—this is a warrior in the heavenly realm, and she is also a woman...

With a sigh, Ji Ruo reached out and took off the Jiangzhi halo on the opponent's head.

"Ji Ruo, what are you going to do?" Gu Xingzhou and the others asked curiously.


Ji Ruo operated it casually: "Just take it apart and put it back together."

They wanted to subconsciously say: 'The imaginary creation is indestructible, how can it be dismantled? '

Unexpectedly, Ji Ruo moved his hands, and he didn't know what mechanism he moved, and dismantled the Jiangzhi halo into a bunch of parts in the blink of an eye.

"Let me see... well, it's probably like this, and then..."

Ji Ruoyi operated, and assembled all those parts back.

At first glance, the Jiangzhi halo didn't seem to have changed, but everyone stared dumbfounded at the irregularly shaped luminous object in Ji Ruo's hand.

"this is......?"

"Oh, this is the side effect of Jiangzhi halo. With luck, it was removed in one go."

After the side effects disappeared, Qi Yunmei had returned to normal, and she was looking at everyone in bewilderment.

She had just lowered her IQ so much that she couldn't even remember when Ji Ruo and others came.

"Ji Ruo, didn't I tell you to go to the General Affairs Department first? Why haven't you gone yet? Don't worry, I'm here, those monsters..."

"I've already been there." Ji Ruo said with a smile, "The current situation is like this..."

He introduced the current situation to Qi Yunmei.

While speaking, the irregularly shaped luminous object was still being held and played with in his hand, and Ji Ruo's eyeballs were rolling, as if he was thinking about something.

"No, but, this..."

The crowd watching the whole process were incoherent, pointing to the halo of Jiangzhi on the top of Qi Yunmei's head that didn't seem to have changed in any way, Gu Xingzhou finally couldn't help complaining: "What's wrong with you, you still have such an extra piece! on earth did you put it back on!"

Ji Ruo was about to explain, but Liang Shixian coughed dryly and said with a strange expression: "Uncle Gu, if you put something back together after dismantling it, there will be some extra parts, this is common sense..."

Count Ruo Le.


Have you learned how to answer quickly?

Gu Xingzhou complained: "What kind of common sense is this!"

"...This is Ji Ruo's common sense." Liang Shixian said awkwardly: "Uncle Gu, aren't you going to go out with us in the future? You have to get used to this kind of thing."

Gu Xingzhou: "?"

"Why do you want to go?"

"Look at what you're saying... I've packed my luggage a long time ago." Liang Shixian said, patted the Vajra Armor Transformer on his waist.

Among the nine sects, there is a sect that specializes in refining weapons. With the title of "Great Inventor", Ji Ruo dismantled them from the foot of the mountain to the main hall of the suzerain. A lot of space equipment.

He thought that Liang Shixian didn't have his own space equipment, so he picked the biggest one and gave it to Liang Shixian.

However, Jiuzong follows the ancient system, and the style of the utensils inside is relatively retro. These space equipment are either in the shape of jade pendants, or they are finger rings, rings, ancient belts, etc. Liang Shixian doesn't like these styles a little bit, and these things are worn on the body , For Liang Shixian, it is not very convenient to fight.

So I asked Ji Ruo to help me change it.

Ji Ruo dismantled the Xumi space of the space equipment, and installed it on his transformation device according to Liang Shixian's request.

Now, his vajra armor transformation device is not only his external godhead, but also has the ability to store things. After Ji Ruoshi stopped to explore the cause and effect in the future before returning, he informed Liang Shixian of the situation.

But Liang Shixian simply went home and packed his luggage.

Gu Xingzhou: "... Luggage?"

"Uncle Gu, haven't you ever traveled? Ji Ruo doesn't know how long the trip will take, but it will definitely take a lot of time...Have you prepared your luggage yet?"

Gu Xingzhou pondered for a moment: "Hahahaha, how could I not have prepared luggage, don't worry, I have already prepared it!"

"That's good."

Liang Shixian didn't think much about it, thinking that Gu Xingzhou was the director of the Education Department, so he must have space equipment.

Gu Xingzhou was ashamed.

He really didn't think about it.

After all, although Ji Ruo said it was easy to go on a trip, it was the whales of Xuntian Island and the primitive and backward Yaozu tribe!

Gu Xingzhou felt that their going out this time was no different from survival in the wilderness, and they were already mentally only mentally prepared.

He also thought complacently that although Ji Ruo is extremely talented, he is young after all, and his experience in living in the wild is definitely not as rich as his own. When he encounters trouble, he will be able to show his elders' abilities a little bit...

As a result, he forgot that the two children had space equipment. Since they were going to travel far away, they must have prepared a lot of supplies, and he...

"Hahahahaha don't worry, I've already prepared it!"

That hard-spoken appearance is exactly the same as when the martial arts exam was over and he was left in Wanshou Mountain.

"Just get ready." Liang Shixian nodded: "But I have to remind Ji Ruo later that he definitely wouldn't have thought of this, and all he can think about is playing."

"Well..." Gu Xingzhou pondered for a moment: "Otherwise, Ji Ruo probably needs to prepare something, you tell me, I will help him prepare first."

"Isn't that appropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate? I am your elder, and I should prepare these things for you!"

In fact, he wanted to take this opportunity to prepare his share...


Only then did Liang Shixian nod, and took out the list that he had already prepared—although this trip might be dangerous, since Ji Ruo said that he was going on a trip, he had to prepare some travel-related things in advance.

What kind of tents, toiletries, etc... Liang Shixian felt that he didn't mention it. If he couldn't think of these, he simply made a list.

"So detailed?" Gu Xingzhou felt even more ashamed in his heart, but said: "Don't worry, I will leave these to me, and I will go back as soon as I go."


Liang Shixian nodded.

On the side, Ji Ruo was still holding the irregularly shaped luminous object in thought.

Suddenly, Ji Ruoyi clapped his hands.

He thought of the usage of this thing!

"Aunt Qi, let me borrow your Jiangzhi halo."

Ji Ruo took the halo, disassembled it again, and then put back the part that represented the side effect.

Only this time, it was dressed backwards.

Although the operation is simple, under the blessing of the title of "Great Inventor", it is equivalent to reversing the side effects.

The original side effect is that as much as the IQ of others is lowered, the host will also be reduced by as much IQ.

But now, because the side effects are reversed, so, how much the IQ of other people is lowered, then those lowered intelligence will be temporarily blessed to the host!


Feeling that my thinking is unprecedentedly clear, and even with the blessing of my own heaven and man, the rules of heaven and earth seem to be faintly visible in my eyes, one thought produces all dharmas, and all thoughts are transparent!

Qi Yunmei expressed her feelings at the moment.

"How?" Ji Ruo asked with a smile.

"Good! That's great!" Everyone praised, and Hua Qianrou was even more pleasantly surprised: "Quick, follow me to save Chen Zai!"

"Don't worry." Ji Ruo felt Chen Mo who seemed to be trembling on the top of his head. He didn't agree to help Chen Zai immediately, but looked at the demon battle outside, and said, "The matter with the whale on Xuntian Island is almost over. Talk to him too.

Otherwise, when I leave, he, whose intelligence is greatly reduced, is likely to cause trouble.

Moreover, there are two seniors who need help here, let's come one by one! "

He had to give Chen Mo some time to overcome it.

The Xuntian Island Whale was originally a big monster with extremely strong blood, but now it has evolved and controlled the power of time and space. Those monsters who are about to invade Daxia are no match for him at all.

Their attack fell on the Xuntian Island Whale, and even the time-space spell 'Historical Mark' comprehended by the Xuntian Island Whale couldn't be broken.

No matter how powerful an attack is, after apportioning it to all the selves in the long years, the remaining part is not at all painful to the Xuntian Island Whale.

Coupled with the sharp drop in IQ, all of them were hit on the head. After Ji Ruo went to the General Affairs Department for a meeting, and helped Qi Yunmei reverse the side effects of the wisdom halo, most of the invading monsters had already been buried in the whale's mouth!

"Sky Patrol King!"

Ji Ruolang said: "I, Xiexie, will accompany you to find your fellow clan, but please wait a moment, I don't know how long this trip will take, I still have relatives and friends in Daxia, please allow me to say goodbye to them first !"

"Okay!" After a fierce battle, although the Xuntian Island Whale didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, the time-space spell 'Historical Mark' was quite expensive, so even he couldn't help panting.

He first agreed to Ji Ruo, and then said: "However, Xie Xie...cough, you left without saying goodbye last time, we have been looking for you for a long time in time, you can say goodbye, but we I want to go with you!"


Ji Ruo said: "Are you worried that I will run away? Don't worry, I won't. I will definitely do what I promised!

If you are really worried, I can hook you up! "

Everyone in Daxia: "..."

What I said before is fine, why did I suddenly talk about Lagou, the Xuntian Island Whale is not a child...

"What is Lagou?" Xuntian Island Whale asked curiously.

"It's a kind of agreement ceremony in our Great Xia. After pulling the hook, you can't go back on it!" Ji Ruo briefly introduced what pulling the hook is.

"Is that so..." Xuntian Island Whale pondered for a moment, as if he still felt that this was not safe.

After all, it was really hard for him to find him all the way.

Space-time tunnel, that place is not a place for whales!

The little monsters behind him have no combat power, but after their bloodline has advanced, they are still a little clever.

They saw the hesitation of the Xuntian Island Whale, and they themselves were really worried that their shoe king would leave without saying goodbye again, so they briefly discussed for a while and sent a sound transmission to the Xuntian Island Whale.

Xuntian Island's whale eyeballs rolled, and immediately said: "Xiaxie, it's not that we don't believe you, but we also want to see the place where Xiexie grew up... For us, Xiexie is also It has long been our relatives, and we, want to meet the other family members of Shoe!

Don't worry, we only follow you, we won't mess around, and we won't attack anyone, we just want to see! "

Ji Ruo heard the content of their sound transmission through Shunfeng's ear, and felt a little funny that Xuntian Island Whale could say such a thing.

"Okay then, after pulling the hook, you can follow, but there is one thing you have to remember!"


"My name is Ji Ruo, not Xie Xie!"

"Okay, King Jiruo!" the little demons shouted in unison.

Ji Ruo: "?"

He shook his head, knowing that it is an unwritten tradition among the monster clan to call the strong a king, and he didn't refuse, as long as he stopped calling himself a 'shoe shoe'.

My own sneakers will not really understand what they say, unless Ji Ruo installs a set of artificial intelligence in the sneakers...

The Xuntian Island Whale is huge, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. If Ji wants to hook up with him, he has to transform into a giant of light to forcefully hook up with him.

"Pull the hook and hang yourself~ One hundred years, don't change!"

Ji Ruo cheerfully hooked Xuntian Island Whale, and at the same time let his shadow clone also check with the monster tribe on his back, and then said: "Okay, go if you want to go."

Seeing this, the leader of the General Affairs Department hurriedly sent a voice transmission, saying: "Ji Ruo! Are you really going to take them there? Those tree demons and Fengshen Falcon's family in Wanshou Mountain are fine, and the publicity work has already been in place, but These... and the Xuntian Island whale is so big, it will definitely cause panic when entering the island!"

"Don't worry, I've already thought about it."

Ji Ruo waved his hand, and took out a crystal ball that looked like a fish tank from his four-dimensional pocket.

"this is......?"

"A secret base just made."


Ji Ruo didn't explain much, and let Xuntian Island Whale in.

Although the Xuntian Island Whale was a little hesitant, he still tried to fly over under the agreement of the pull hook and the trust in 'Xiaxie'.

The next moment, something miraculous happened.

As the Xuntian Island Whale approached, its huge body that covered the sky and the sun was actually shrinking proportionally at a speed visible to the naked eye!

After a while, he entered the crystal ball completely, wandering around like a domesticated goldfish, his face full of surprise.

"This... is another fantasy creation?"

"No, this is my secret base."

Everyone was stunned.

The secrets of Ji seem to be more than they imagined...

And Ji Ruo didn't have to explain everything.

Soon, he finished dealing with the spectators and the fantasy creation held by the senior with the chassis marker.

According to the order, he went to Wanshou Mountain first.

"Ji Ruo, are you back?"

"Yes." Ji Ruo hugged the fish tank, smiled and waved his hands: "Long time no see, Grandpa Jianmu, I'm here this time, it's..."

Tongtian Jianmu is as tall and straight as ever.

"Just right, Grandpa has something to tell you, but Zhengchou can't contact you." Tongtian Jianmu said with a smile, "Ji Ruo, Grandpa wants to say goodbye to you."

Ji Ruo: "???"


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