MTL - I Have A Demon God Simulator-Chapter 311 Destroy the coalition and return to Daqin

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"Someone on the coalition side secretly joined us? Or two princes?"

In the suburbs, Su Mu holds a fishing rod and fishes with Yu Hanmei.

A communication talisman floated in front of him, and Nangong Tianpeng's voice came from it.

"Yes, they are Tu Zhengxiong and Huo Junshan respectively. They are in charge of the coalition's cargo transportation and rear defense respectively."

"Last night, Tu Zhengxiong personally came to our military camp to take effect. After multiple verifications by his subordinates, the two are sincere to take effect, and the information given is all true."

"They want to cooperate with us inside and out and attack the coalition forces from the rear."

Hearing this, Su Mu chuckled and shook his head, feeling bored in his heart.

It had only been less than half a year, and before Su Mu could exert his strength, two princes rebelled.

It can be seen that there are serious problems within the discussion alliance!

At the same time, Su Mu also understood what Nangong Tianpeng meant.

If you want to cooperate from the inside and outside to attack the Ji alliance from the rear, the army of more than 200,000 soldiers and the army of nearly 30,000 Suzaku will not be enough.

Although the enemy is only a mob, there are a large number of people, more than four million!

If you want to win, you have to replenish your troops.

After thinking about it, Su Mu said to Nangong Tianpeng thousands of miles away through the communication talisman:

"If that's the case, then act according to plan."

"I will send Li Lingyan, Wen Jing, and Wang Yuan to support you, and by the way, I will bring you the remaining 70,000 Suzaku army."

"In addition, another 300,000 people will be added to the army, and the troops will be replenished to nearly one million."

"Let's get ready, the final battle will be launched after ten days, and within three months, I want Jizhou Taiping."

Hearing this, Nangong Tianpeng was very excited.

"Yes, this subordinate understands! This battle will surely bring peace to the world for the King of Heaven!"

The meaning of Su Mu is very clear.

If you don't move, it's already, if you move, it will be thunderous!

Su Mu had also planned to use the Allied Forces of Ji Ji to hone his soldiers.

But this group of people really didn't live up to their expectations, and it took only half a year to make such a big mistake.

You must know that Su Mu has not exerted his strength yet!

If you continue to spend with such a garbage opponent, I am afraid that it will change.

Let's settle the fight now.

In addition, the simulator was fully charged some time ago, and a new journey can be started.

But this time Su Mu didn't plan to go to the new copy world.

He plans to go back to Daqin and clear this old dungeon first.

With the accumulation of the previous two dungeon worlds, this time Su Mu has the confidence to resist the offensive of Heavenly Court and rewrite the fate of Da Qin!

Su Mu is used to doing one thing before doing the next one.

Therefore, he will wait until the Debating Alliance is destroyed before considering entering the dungeon.

Then there is no need to consume it any more, let's fight quickly.


After returning to the coalition camp, Tu Zhengxiong was a little uneasy.

After all, it is a matter of life and death!

Even if he was daring, he couldn't help but panic at this time, for fear of any accident.

Fortunately, Xu Ye didn't notice his small movements.

That night, Nangong Tianpeng sent a secret letter telling him to hibernate temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

A large number of reinforcements have been dispatched from Jizhou Wangcheng!

After receiving this news, Tu Zhengxiong was completely relieved and began to prepare internal affairs with Huo Junshan.

For the next half month, the two sides temporarily entered a truce.

After all, after such a large-scale battlefield, both sides need to rest.

At least in the eyes of the leader Xu Ye.

As everyone knows, a large number of Jizhou reinforcements have arrived at the front line!

Wen Jing, the general of Zhendong, led an army of 100,000 Qinglong.

Wang Yuan, the general of Zhenxi, led an army of 100,000 White Tigers.

Zhenbei general Li Lingyan led a 100,000 Xuanwu army.

In addition, there are 70,000 Suzaku troops and 300,000 Houji troops.

With the arrival of reinforcements, Jizhou has nearly one million troops on the front line!

Most of the power of Jizhou is here.

Strangely, the marshal of this crucial battle was not any of the four generals.

It was a woman who was eight feet tall and wore a fiery red coat.

This woman is full of heroic spirit, extraordinary in equipment, and has a pair of phoenix eyes that look in all directions.

It seems that nothing is in her eyes.

Even in the face of the four generals, Li Lingyan, Wang Yuan, Nangong Tianpeng and Wen Jing, she still had such an attitude.

It stands to reason that the four generals in Jizhou are almost in the position of one person under ten thousand people.

But in front of this woman, she seemed very respectful.

The reason is actually quite simple.

Because this woman was once the founding goddess of Valkyrie, Bai Zhi!

At the age of his early twenties, he led a large-scale iron cavalry to sweep across Kyushu, killing blood in rivers, and thousands of ghosts crying!

It's just that the Bai Zhi at this time is no longer the one she was five or six hundred years ago.

Today, she has turned into a scorpion!

Except for Su Mu, other human races will turn into monsters and ghosts after death, and they will become a brand new individual, not a continuation of life.

However, after being subdued by Su Mu, Han Yan's mind gradually recovered, and he was no longer filled with all kinds of chaotic and terrifying thoughts.

In recent years, Hanyu has retrieved some memory fragments of Angelica.

Many of them are related to wars, which has greatly increased her combat literacy, comparable to famous generals!

In addition, Su Mu has other considerations.

The four generals are of equal status, and it is not good for anyone to be the commander-in-chief.

With her strength, she can turn the tide at a critical moment.

If it wasn't for the thought of sharpening the army as much as possible, a single man would be able to defeat the coalition!

But no matter how powerful a person is, he cultivates step by step from a weak youth.

If they are not given the opportunity to grow, how can there be more strong ones?

For example, Nangong Tianpeng grew up rapidly during the war.

If he hadn't experienced those battles, he would never have cultivated so quickly.

Under the calm, the undercurrent is surging!

After the reinforcements had all arrived, it took three days to trim and develop a battle plan.

In the middle of the night on the third day, the war suddenly started!

Xu Ye hugged Zheng Xiang, who was sleeping with two beautiful girls, and was suddenly awakened by a scream of killing.

Frightened, he rushed out of the tent and saw the fire blazing into the sky behind him.

Countless figures swayed, fighting desperately!

Xu Ye grabbed a panicked **** and asked angrily:

"What's going on? What the **** happened!"

That little **** was almost not strangled by the giant force from Xu Ye's hand, and he blushed and said intermittently:

"Little people, little people don't, don't know."

"It seems that the Jizhou army has attacked and entered."

Hearing this, Xu Ye let go of the **** and looked a little dazed.

"How is it possible? It's impossible!"

"I clearly sent Huo Junshan to guard the rear, how could I be killed by the Jizhou army without any movement?"

"What's more, there is Tu Zhengxiong's Heifeng Army next to Huo Junshan's barracks."

"The two of them together say there are at least 300,000 to 400,000 people. How could the defense line be breached without warning?"

At this time, one of the Miki interjected in a low voice.

"Could it be that the two of them rebelled against the leader?"

"Nonsense! Why are they two good villains? Nonsense shakes the military's heart, **** it!"

Hearing that, Xu Ye was furious, and slapped Na Meiji with a palm in the air, killing her on the spot.

Seeing this, the other Meiji screamed and screamed again and again, terrified.

Xu Ye didn't care about anything else, and after putting on the treasure armor, he rushed to the rear.

Xu Ye quickly rushed to the back, his heart was half cold.

A large number of Jizhou troops came in!

The Qinglong Army, the Xuanwu Army, the White Tiger Army, and the Suzaku Army, there are quite a few of the four major armies!

The most important thing is that Xu Ye also saw Tu Zhengxiong's Heifeng Army and Huo Junshan's people in it.

What does this mean?

Xu Ye was very clear in his heart.

The allied army of the princes was originally a rabble. How could they resist this sneak attack at this time?

The front is collapsing fast, faster than an avalanche!

"Don't retreat! Don't retreat! Kill me and kill all the Jizhou army!"

Xu Ye beheaded the deserters while shouting.

But it didn't work at all.

More and more coalition troops fled, rushing towards Xu Ye like a tide.

No matter what alliance leader you are, your own life is the most important thing before you die!

"Trash, it's all trash!"

Xu Ye cursed angrily.

But he knew that nothing could be done, and hurried back to the back.

Several princes in the peripheral area have already collapsed. At this time, they must return to the center to gather elite soldiers in order to have the strength to fight.

If the situation continues like this, all the coalition forces will become rout!

There is no problem with Xu Ye's thoughts.

However, after he shouted for a while, he was already being targeted!


When Xu Ye stepped back, a sharp sword light swept towards him.

Xu Ye's complexion changed, and he immediately waved his sword to meet him.

Although he resisted the knife, his body could not help but fly upside down by more than 20 meters, and the blood and qi in his body kept churning.

"Who are you?"

Xu Ye looked at the disheveled sword-wielding general in the distance and asked solemnly.

"You don't even know me, how dare you invade me in Jizhou?"

"Remember, your grandfather is Wang Yuan, the general of Zhenxi, and the one who took your head!"

After several years of training, Wang Yuan has calmed down a lot, and his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Although he didn't reach the middle stage of the Martial God, he was not weaker than Xu Ye, and his aura steadily suppressed him.

After all, Wang Yuan was full of qi, and he came to Xu Ye in the blink of an eye.

The tiger-headed sword in his hand was cut off at the head, extremely fierce!


Xu Ye scolded angrily with an ugly face, but had to meet him.

Wang Yuan is strong, he is weak and only runs away because he is afraid that the situation is not good, so he has to fight.

While the two were fighting fiercely, the display below was rapidly moving towards the center of the coalition barracks!

The strength of the four major legions is too terrifying, and it is not at the same level as the coalition.

If they fought head-to-head, the four million-plus coalition forces could take advantage of their numbers to close the gap as much as possible.

But at this time, under a sneak attack, how could there be any tactics and morale to speak of?

The four legions are like tigers smashing into the flock.

Rampage, no one enemy!

Tianmen closes.

The fire is everywhere, murderous!

There are broken corpses everywhere, broken soldiers crying everywhere, and brutal Jizhou troops everywhere.

The crowd of more than four million people is like a bloated and stupid fat pig.

The **** has been opened, but the head has not turned around.

And even if it turns around, it doesn't help.

Because this "fat pig" is a combination of many idiots, not one heart.

"Failed, lost, withdraw! Withdraw!"

At the rear of the coalition, when the princes who looked like old men saw this situation, their first reaction was not to support but to retreat.

He was commanding his army and planned to escape from Tianmen Pass from the west, and then returned to his own territory.

The old man was not the only one who planned so.

After reacting, several princes who had not been affected by the war immediately mobilized their troops and prepared to retreat.

Only a few princes chose to go to support.

The drought flies in the sky to dominate the overall situation.

Seeing this situation, not only did not send someone to hunt down, but instead showed a sneer of disdain.

Through Tu Zhengxiong and his narration, they already knew what these so-called princes were.

What happened at this time was all expected!

The Jizhou army that entered from the rear was not all of its strength.

He left half of the troops of the four major legions and 200,000 troops and later marched in ambush on the retreat route, waiting for the cowardly prey to come to the door.

Everything that happens on the battlefield is under your control.

On the battlefield, the four legions shone with their souls, like terrifying ancient beasts, constantly reaping the lives of the enemy!

The latter marched on the side, and also killed countless enemies.

Only Tu Zhengxiong and Huo Junshan had 300,000 to 400,000 people. Some of them could not keep up with the pace of the Jizhou army.

Looking at the ferocious Jizhou army, Tu Zhengxiong and Huo Junshan shuddered, and after looking at each other, they could see the happiness in each other's eyes.

Fortunately, they made the right choice, otherwise it would be them who were slaughtered!

The strength gap between the Jizhou Army and the Allied Forces of the Princes is too great!

Even without the two leading parties, it would be a matter of time before they would be defeated.

What's more, this is not all the strength of the Jizhou army, and they still have a big killer that has not been sacrificed!

Thinking of this, Huo Junshan and Tu Zhengxiong looked at the fiery red figure in the sky with awe.

Who is the person who can make the four generals obey orders?

Tu Zhengxiong and Huo Junshan couldn't guess Han Yan's identity.

But that boundless vicious aura made them tremble!

In the face of such powerhouses, is it meaningful to discuss the number of miscellaneous soldiers like the Ji Alliance?

This battle continued until dawn.

The more than four million coalition forces, who died, fled, and surrendered, were completely defeated!

Among them, at least half of them escaped before dawn.

But most of the princes who ran away were blocked by the troops and horses arranged in advance by the scorpion.

Only a few lucky ones escaped from the path with a small number of soldiers and horses.

There were also some princes who abandoned their troops and horses in the chaos and fled alone.

After all, he is a strong man in the Martial God Realm, and there is still a high probability of success if he abandons everything to escape in a chaotic situation.

But even so, nine princes were killed and seven princes were captured.

In other words, two of the twenty-eight princes rebelled and defected to Su Mu, ten were killed, and seven were captured.

Only nine people escaped successfully!

The only pity is that the leader Xu Ye escaped.

When Wang Yuan and him were fighting suddenly a black shadow passed by quickly, and then he disappeared.

But the impact is not great.

In this battle, the Jizhou army defeated the allied forces of the twenty-eight princes!

Most of the forces in Kyushu were defeated by Su Mu.

Even if those princes escaped back to their own territory, it would not be a good deal.

Next, it's time for Jizhou to expand!

For these, Su Mu is not very concerned about it.

After receiving the news of the great victory, Su Mu ordered Hanji to lead the three armies and expand outwards.

Then the system was turned on, ready to return to Daqin!

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