MTL - I Have A Demon God Simulator-Chapter 321 The melting pot of heaven and earth, cast my true body!

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Heaven and earth are the melting pot, all living beings are hard.

After the turmoil started, everyone in this world was drawn into the vortex!

The Daxia Emperor originally thought that he could easily take down Su Hongjun as a dummy.

But after losing his father, Su Hongjun grew up all of a sudden, and his whole person seemed to be reborn.

Under his leadership, Bei Liang resisted stubbornly.

After several victories, he took the opportunity to win over many of Su's old generals, and made them defect to Beiliang.

As a result, Su Hongjun's power has increased greatly, and his prestige has grown!

He led the army to counterattack for hundreds of miles in one breath, seized dozens of cities, and killed the Daxia officers in retreat!

One of them performed extremely well.

This person is Su Dasha, or Lipo Su Mu.

A few months ago, Su Hongjun sent someone to look for the ferocious and vicious man in the legend, but who knows he really found it.

Coincidentally, Lipo Sumu happened to be near Beiliang.

As soon as the two met, they felt very cordial and wished to swoop on the spot as brothers of life and death.

Afterwards, Xu Suhongjun named Lipo Sumu as the forward general and led the most elite troops to fight against the troops of Daxia.

He also specially built a pair of huge armor for Lipo Sumu, as well as a 1.3-inch overlord spear.

The armor weighs one hundred and thirty pounds.

The Overlord Spear is even better, weighing 188 pounds!

Adding up the weight of more than 300 catties, it can crush all the fierce generals in the world.

But Lipo Sumuna's inhuman physique can control this piece of equipment and transform into a terrifying devil!

The powerful hematoxylin that wears the armor and holds the device weighs more than 600 kilograms, like an iron-clad pagoda, which is daunting!

Combined with that terrifying power and powerful recovery ability, Lipo Sumu turned into a nightmare for all Daxia officers and soldiers!

As soon as the body collided, more than a dozen corpses would be scattered and shattered.

The overlord's spear was swept away, and the flesh and blood were flying, and there were no bones left!

In one of the most dazzling battles, Li Po Su Mu broke into the enemy's army with one shot and made a killing.

Tens of thousands of horses were actually killed by him, and there was no ability to stop him.

In the end, Su Mu, who killed a happy force, rushed in front of the enemy general, and slapped his head with a slap.

The death of the main general, coupled with the demonic performance of Su Mu, made this elite army completely collapse!

A group of soldiers fled and fled, and descended.

No one dared to face Li Po Su Mu's rush again!

"I seem to be getting stronger and stronger as I fight, and I'm not far from the Great Perfection of Body Refinement."

"Huh? What is perfect body refinement?"

A sudden remark appeared in Li Po Su Mu's mind, but then he forgot it.

After going through battle after battle, Li Po Su Mu became more and more pure, pure to the extreme!

In his belief, there is only one word left - war!

Fight the four seas and eight wastes, and fight the heaven and earth!

The consciousness of Lipo Sumu was born in the battle, and it will only perish in the battle.

Or maybe it won't die, but it will become steel and kill everything!

On the battlefield, the power of Su Mu, his murderous aura was condensed like a substance, and his eyes were blood red as if he was going to choose someone to devour.

Not to mention looking at him, ordinary soldiers don't even dare to approach him!

Once he came to Lipo Sumu within ten meters, he would feel unwell, depressed and uneasy.

As if being stared at by a beast, there is a threat of death at any time!

But at this moment, a beautiful little fox climbed up on his shoulder and licked his cheek.

Li Po Su Mu's murderous aura instantly dissipated, revealing a simple and honest smile again.

Just like him, he still remembers the little fox.

He touched the little fox's head and returned to the military tent, not participating in cleaning the battlefield.

With the help of Lipo Sumu, the Beiliang Army has been victorious again and again, and its morale has skyrocketed.

Seeing this situation, Su Shenjian's old department took refuge in Su Hongjun, which expanded his territory several times.

However, after all, the Great Xia Emperor occupied 80% of the world's territory, and after dispatching troops several times the number of the Beiliang Army, the situation was finally stabilized.

The two sides are temporarily in a stalemate.

Late that night, Lipo Sumu was sleeping.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in his tent.


The little fox woke up instantly and made a whimpering sound.

But strangely, she felt a warm, familiar feeling from the intruder.

This made her whimper without the slightest threat, as if she was acting like a spoiled child.

But this was enough to wake up Lipo Sumu.

His huge and majestic body sat up from the special big bed, and asked in a loud voice:

"Who are you?"

Like the little fox, he never felt killing intent from anyone. Anyway, he had a very cordial feeling, almost the same as when he saw Su Hongjun.

With a wave of his hand, the candles in the military tent were suddenly lit.

Under the candlelight, Li Po Su Mu saw that the person who came was a young Taoist of medium stature, with a smile on his face, a mysterious feeling.

This person is the soul of Su Mu who has observed him and Su Hongjun for a long time.

In terms of preparation, it should be Su Mu's main consciousness.

At this time, he not only awakened all his memories, but also merged his soul essence.

Three souls and seven souls, with him as the main.

Su Mu looked at his strength, nodded with satisfaction, and said:

"Not bad, you have completed the trial."

"Strength is the master of killing and fighting, and the way of fighting is pure."

"After the trial is completed, with the same cultivation realm, I will definitely be able to exert a stronger combat power!"

As he said that, he looked at the little fox again, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"And you, Mengli's soul. I didn't expect to continue to be a demon in this illusory world."

This is the third soul of Meng Li that Su Mu has seen.

There was one in front, and even got married with Su Mu's soul-splitting soul.

He used to live a happy life in the countryside where men farm and weave women, but now everything has been broken.

The ordeal they face has just begun, and it is far from reaching the end.

So Su Mu didn't go to them and continued to stock up.

"what are you saying?"

As he spoke softly, there was a strange feeling in his heart.

Hearing this, Su Mu first smiled, then his face became solemn, and he appeared in front of Li Po in an instant, and pointed at the center of his eyebrows.

"wake up!"

With a loud shout, his strength trembled as if struck by lightning.

I remembered.

He remembered it all!

He is Sumu.

He is the Demon Emperor Sumu and the Jizhou King Sumu!

Countless memory fragments awakened.

To be precise, it is not awakening, but regaining.

Strength is a part of Su Mu's three-point and seven-spirit, and it is destined to be like an iron man.

With Su Mu's finger, the power gradually merged into his body, and the memory of the past came back naturally.

When everything was remembered, the brute force that seemed to be a bull had disappeared.

Soul, strength, and spirit, all in one!

"Very good, take another one back."

After the fusion of strength, Su Mu's eyes lit up with a gleam, and he only felt that his whole body was full of strength.

He waved to the little fox and said:

"Let's go and continue this trial with me."

Hearing this, the little fox seemed to understand, but still jumped on his shoulder obediently.

For some reason, she just trusted this man.

In the night, one person and one fox gradually faded away and disappeared into the military camp.

Early the next morning, the news of the disappearance of the fierce general alarmed Su Hongjun, the current king of Northern Liang.

Su Hongjun was startled at first, but soon he looked in one direction if he had a feeling.

Vaguely, he felt as if he had an unfinished mission.

When the mission is accomplished, everything will be revealed.

The disappearance of vigor is a huge loss to the Bei Liang Army!

Da Xia took this opportunity to launch a counterattack, causing Su Hongjun to suffer a little.

All of this is in Su Mu's calculations.

The three souls and seven souls of living beings perform their duties and have their own division of labor.

Each must be strong and coordinated with each other!

The three souls are the main body, and the seven souls are the subordinates.

There are many negative emotions in the seven souls.

For example, there are negative emotions such as irritability, bloodthirsty, etc. in strength.

Some people's three souls are so weak that they can't hold back their seven souls.

Emotions become uncontrollable.

For example, often sudden rage, or inexplicable depression, and so on.

In this trial space of the reincarnation pearl, all three souls and seven souls must meet its requirements in order to pass the trial.

In Su Mu's opinion, this trial was very good.

It's a great opportunity to baptize the soul!

This trial is like cutting the hair and washing the marrow on the body.

It’s just that the difficulty is huge, and the average person has almost no chance of passing.

Just a single soul split made the monks under the **** of war shy away.

Not to mention that very souls have to complete their own trials, and finally have to merge.

Fortunately, Su Mu had long since adapted to reincarnation, and the second point was not a problem for him.

The only thing to do now is to let each soul and soul complete the trial, and the transformation will become more powerful and pure!

That's why he didn't stay to help Tianhun, because he wanted him to go through some hardships.

If Su Mu went off to help in person, the effect of the trial would not be achieved, and the Heavenly Soul would not be able to successfully transform.

After Su Mu fused his strength and left, the situation of Tianhun became a little worse.

But this has stimulated his potential, and he has been constantly transformed in the encirclement and suppression again and again.

At the same time, Su Mu searched the world and found all the other seven souls.

In addition, I also found some of Mengli's soul and soul.

In this illusory world, the soul of this little fox demon has transformed into a human race, some transformed into a demon race, and some transformed into a ghost.

The most outrageous thing is her earth soul.

Mengli's earth soul turned into a painted female ghost, mixed into the Daxia Palace, and fascinated the Daxia Emperor with illusions.

More powerful than the legendary Daji!

Moreover, the royal family in this world does not have dragon energy protection, so it cannot stop the erosion of ghosts and demons.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the Emperor Daxia will be killed by her.

Maybe Mengli's earth soul will become the first queen in the history of Daxia, fighting with his heavenly soul to compete for the world!

Thinking of this, Su Mu was a little dumbfounded.

However, Mengli's soul and soul were completely immersed in this world, and there was no sign of awakening.

Su Mu estimated that she had no hope of passing the trial.

After he completes the trial, he has to fish out this little fox, or she will sink here forever!


One month, on a vast mountain, a group of people from all corners of the world were besieging a giant black tiger.

The black tiger roared, its sharp claws and fangs all burned with blood, and a dozen corpses lay scattered around.

But the rest of the Jianghu people are still unwilling to give up.

"Everyone, this is a demon tiger!"

"The killing **** in the Beiliang Army only became so powerful after drinking the blood of the same monster."

"As long as we work together to kill this monster, we will be as powerful and invincible as him!"

Although the casualties were huge, in the face of huge interests, all these people in the rivers and lakes were red-eyed.

They regrouped and slammed the black tiger.

It is a pity that the strength of the black tiger is still underestimated.

A quarter of an hour later, more than 40 people from all corners of the world fell to the ground, blood all over the floor.

There was only one young heroine left, standing among the corpses, leaning against the stone wall, shivering.

Her hands holding the sword trembled violently, almost unable to hold the hilt.

The giant black tiger with burning blood and murderous intent stepped on the corpse and walked towards her step by step.

At this moment, the young woman regretted to the extreme!

She and her senior brother passed by, and heard that there were tiger demons entrenched, just as a group of people from all corners of the world gathered to prepare to slaughter the demons.

The two immediately joined in excitedly.

Who would have known that more than 40 people with extraordinary martial arts and well-equipped Jianghu people were killed without a trace!

In the end, even escaping became a luxury!

In the mountains, trying to escape the pursuit of tigers is tantamount to a dream.

Not to mention this kind of black tiger that is almost a demon.

Before her, several people wanted to flee, but they were caught and killed before they could escape a few steps.

Can't even buy her some time to escape!


Seeing the black tiger approaching step by step, the Jianghu woman finally collapsed.

She dropped the sharp sword and slumped on the ground helplessly, waiting for death to come.

Soon, the black tiger came to her and looked at her condescendingly.

The chill in both eyes almost condensed into substance!

The big mouth of the blood basin has slowly opened!

But the next second, the black tiger suddenly stopped.

It seemed to have sensed something, leaned over to the Jianghu woman and sniffed, then turned around and left.

This bizarre turn made the Jianghu woman stunned in place.

She was ecstatic at first, glad she survived.

But when he thought of the tragic death of his senior brother, he couldn't help crying.

"Why? Why didn't you kill me? Why? Woohoo~~~"

"Because you are pregnant."

Just as the Jianghu woman was crying bitterly, a peaceful voice sounded beside her.

Looking from the side, it was a young Taoist, with a mysterious and unpredictable aura on his body, which was daunting.

"Body, pregnant?"

The Jianghu woman said blankly.

She herself doesn't know this.


Su Mu replied, and then ignored her, chasing after Ling Po, the black tiger, with a smile on his face.

Finally, the soul has also completed its transformation, and it is time to merge!

All living beings cannot be summed up simply by having the word "good" or "evil".

There are all spirits in the world, there is evil in good and good in evil, just see which side is stronger.

People who only know to kill, destroy, and destroy are lunatics.

Su Mu is not crazy.

It looks simple and honest, but in fact it is extremely ferocious and kills countless.

Seemingly brutal soul, but UU reading needs to leave a kindness in the ferocious.

This kindness is not reserved for others, but for yourself.

There is kindness in the heart, and when you observe events and everything, there will be color and warmth.

An epiphany, the soul is complete.

Su Mu caught up with the soul, pointed at the eyebrows, and absorbed it smoothly.

After the fusion, Su Mu's breath has grown and improved by 10%.

Counting the previously merged spirit, half of the three spirits and seven spirits are already in place.

They are the soul of life, the soul, the soul, the soul, and the soul that has just been merged.

The Fairy Trial is about to be completed!