MTL - I Have A Demon God Simulator-Chapter 8 Kill the ghost

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After a few days, the escaping team grew bigger and bigger.

And Su Mu's sense of uncertainty in his heart also became stronger.

Especially at midnight, he always felt that there were a pair of eyes staring at him in the darkness.

Staring at him, the back of his spine felt cold, and the cold air rushed upwards!

But if you look around, you can see nothing but the hungry.

In the vast darkness, there is no special existence.

This could not help but remind Su Mu of the talent [Tai Yin] that he carried.

[Taiyin: The fate of the great yin, it is easy to recruit ghosts, demons and evil spirits]

In the past eight years, Su Mu had never encountered anything strange, let alone evil.

Over the years, he gradually forgot this skill.

But the experiences of the past few days have brought the skill [Tai Yin] back to Su Mu's sight.

Today is a time of famine and turmoil, with countless dead and wounded, full of grievances.

Some ghosts and sprites appear, which seems to make sense.

It's just that Su Mu didn't know how to deal with those ghosts.

I can't expect all the ghosts and demons to fall apart just like the little skeleton he transformed into in the last life, right?

Thinking of this, Su Mu's heart sank slightly.

The next road, I'm afraid it won't be easy to walk!

In the middle of the night, Lu Tianlang's family of four had already slept.

Only Su Mu, lit a bonfire and kept vigil alone.

The flames jumped, illuminating all within a radius of ten meters.

But farther away, it was completely dark.

The overlapping shadows, coupled with the faint smell of meat in the air, made it impossible to tell whether those lying down were humans or ghosts.

Looking at it, Su Mu suddenly felt a little dazed.

The firelight in front of him gradually became psychedelic, and the feeling of sleepiness surged up.

Just when Su Mu was about to fall asleep, he suddenly felt someone approaching him again.

Su Mu shuddered all over and woke up immediately!


Su Mu shouted loudly and turned around abruptly.

At the same time, pull out the ring-headed sword, ready to kill the enemy at any time!


The visitor was startled, he took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

Su Mu took a closer look and saw that it was Lu Qingqing, Lu Tianlang's eldest daughter.

"What are you here for?"

Su Ban asked with a straight face.

Lu Qingqing calmed down, and then said angrily:

"Isn't it because you're dizzy and sleepy, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold and want to cover you with a blanket?"

Su Mu glanced at the blanket in her hand and said:


Saying that, Su Mu put away the knife and reached for the blanket.

Lu Qingqing also walked forward, trying to pass the blanket to Su Mu.

But at the moment of handover, Su Mu's ring-headed sword that was about to be retracted suddenly swung out.

The swift and violent knife slashed heavily on Lu Qingqing's neck!


In an instant, blood spurted out.

More than half of Lu Qingqing's neck was cut off, and her head was tilted to one side, with only a few flesh left to barely support it.


Lu Qingqing's face was covered in blood, and she looked at Su Mu in disbelief, as if she didn't believe that Su Mu would shoot her.

Su Mu's face was cold, and he waved his knife again without saying a word.

This time, Lu Qingqing's neck could no longer support it.

A beautiful head flew high.

"You can't cut off your head with one knife, and you have to pretend that you are Lu Qingqing?"

When this "Lu Qingqing" first appeared, it gave Su Mu a strange feeling.

This feeling is very weak.

However, coupled with the inexplicable drowsiness that came up before, it was enough to make Su Mu's heart alarm bells!

With his energy, how could he doze off during the vigil?

It's all weird.

There is definitely something wrong with this Lu Qingqing!

So he pretended to pick up the blanket and really wanted to kill someone with a knife.

The fact that the head of "Lu Qingqing" was not cut off with a single knife further showed that the guy in front of him was definitely not Lu Qingqing.

Su Mu slashed with all his strength and could easily decapitate the horse.

Not to mention the head of a weak woman who has not cultivated.

After two knives, Su Mu didn't take care of the corpse anymore, but looked at the place where Lu Tianlang's family rested before.

Seeing this, Su Mu's complexion changed drastically.

I don't know when, the scenery around him has changed!

Lu Tianlang's family of four disappeared.

There was no sign of the hungry people lying all around.

And, a thick gray fog rose up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Visibility decreases rapidly.

In an instant, it seemed as if Su Mu was the only one left in the whole world!

Just when he was in shock, the headless corpse that had been headed just now suddenly moved.

It landed on all fours and crawled towards Su Mu as fast as a big spider.

In just a trance, this ghastly thing has already come to his face!

"What the hell?"

Being startled, Su Mu cursed in his heart, and before he could swing the knife, he punched him directly.


This powerful punch directly knocked the twisted headless corpse into the air.

But it did not die, but disappeared into the gray fog.

At the same time, there was a rustling sound in the increasingly dense gray fog.

Obviously, there are more ghosts approaching Su Mu!

At this moment, the visibility of the gray fog is already less than three meters.

In this environment, it is basically equivalent to half-blindness.

Su Mu could only rely on his other senses to try to locate these ghosts as much as possible.

The ghosts in the gray fog did not directly attack Su Mu.

Instead, it surrounded him, walking around constantly, making a strange "rustle" sound.

In such a situation, it is easy for people to panic, panic, and even lose their way.

But Su Mu squinted his eyes, and then stood there in a relaxed state, motionless.

He stood with a pestle and a knife, his eyes half-open and half-closed.

Those who didn't know thought he was taking a nap.

Su Mu thought very clearly that in this kind of environment, taking the initiative to attack is not a good choice.

If you attack blindly, you will be found by the enemy.

What he has to do now is to be vigilant while relaxing, and to be able to shoot at any time while maintaining a good state!

Defensive counterattack, UU reading is the best choice.

In the gray fog, the rustling continued.

The chaotic voice made it impossible to judge how many ghosts were surrounding Su Mu.

But Su Mu was unmoved, without the slightest fear or panic.

Time passed little by little.

Finally, the ghost in the gray fog couldn't hold back!

A sneaky figure was crawling on the ground, almost touching the ground.

Under the cover of gray fog, it circled behind Su Mu and quietly approached.

The distance between the two keeps shrinking.

5 meters…

3 meters…

2 meters!

1 meter! !

During the whole process, Su Mu didn't seem to notice and remained motionless.

However, when the distance between the two sides was only one meter, the ghost was about to shoot.

Su Mu moved first!

His eyes suddenly burst open, and two rays of light shot out.


Su Mu shouted angrily and kicked the back of the ring-headed broadsword on the ground.

The ring-headed broadsword swirled and flew over his head like a gust of wind.

Precisely nailed the ghost that was about to attack him to the ground!

At the same time, Su Mu just turned around.

He stepped on the ghost's head with one foot, pulled out the ring sword and looked quickly.

A few swords flashed, and the limbs and head of this ghost were all chopped off.

In this way, even if this ghost can still move, there is no threat at all.

The whole process of beheading a ghost was neat and tidy.

From kicking a knife to slicing an adult, it only takes the blink of an eye.

An unknown ghost fell into Su Mu's hands like this.

Read The Duke's Passion