MTL - I Have A Demon God Simulator-~ End of this testimonial

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"Magic God" is finally over!

First of all, thank you all for your continued support.

Especially Full Subscribe readers, really very very very grateful! !

Thank you for not giving up on this book despite the later updates, thank you!

There is no doubt that the middle and late stages of "Devil God" are a bit stretched, and the ending is hasty.

Not just updates, but overall.

Slow update is just one of the manifestations of lack of ability.

In the final analysis, it is still because of my lack of experience in long writing, this is my first book with a million words.

Therefore, in the setting of the large frame, there are some stretches.

In the later stage, the framework is extremely weak, and it is difficult to carry the plot and characters, which makes it extremely difficult for me to write and frequently get stuck.

Apologies again for the delay!

The weakness of the later frame outline is the biggest problem of this book.

But it is not the only problem, there are some other rather critical problems.

Such as character setting, the sense of upgrading of the power system, the connection between the main world and the copy world, etc.

In short, there are many shortcomings.

In the process of writing "Magic God", I often reflect on my studies and try to improve as much as possible.

I hope that the writing ability will become stronger and stronger, and bring you more, more exciting and interesting stories.

After talking about the shortcomings of "Magic God", let's talk about the achievements.

The seven thousand averages of the finished book have met my expectations when I opened the book.

The story of the whole book is also under my control, and the ending is conceived at the beginning of the book.

It's just that the rhythm is a little out of control in the later period.

As a result, the original 1.5-2 million-word completion was not achieved, but fortunately, there was not much missing.

Generally speaking, I am a little regretful, but I am satisfied. Thank you again for your support!


Finally, a word about the new book.

Forced by life, I began to think about the new book when "Magic God" entered the later stage.

There is no way, we need to have a meal.

After changing a few themes, I chose the new book "Deceitful Demon Lord: I Can Create Demons".

There are similarities between the subject matter and old books, and there are also breakthrough points.

In terms of plot, the early rhythm may be slightly slower.

But as long as it doesn't rush to the street in the early stage, it can definitely surpass "Magic God" in the middle and late stages.

After all, I have experience.

The new book is currently in the recommendation period, and the results are not bad, but I can't guarantee what will happen in the future.

This point in time is the most critical moment for the new book!

It is very, very necessary to follow up, that is, to follow up on the number of readers.

If you are still interested, you can read it.

The title of the book is "Deceitful Lord: I Can Create Demons".

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't like it, there is always a chance to meet each other.

Finally, thank you for your support all the way!

We are destined to see you~~~

Thank you, old devil!

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