MTL - I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes-Chapter 41

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There were only two lessons in the afternoon. As soon as I was not careful, the bell rang after school.

The students in the class said goodbye to each other and stepped on the brisk and eager steps to prepare to go home to charge.

Xu Xing steadily collected his schoolbag, couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. WeChat's message reminded that two hours ago, Lu Che returned to the sentence he copied the exercise: "Okay ~"

Xu Xing sighed for no reason.

The Prince Cong stood by the seat with a schoolbag and waited for him, his mouth filled with lollipops given by Tang Mian, and blinked and asked him, "What's the matter?"

Xu Xing put the phone in his pocket and said, "No, I'm waiting for my dad to call. Let's go."

Xu Xing and Wang Zi Cong walked to the school gate. Wang Zi Cong said goodbye before leaving, Xu Xing stood on the side of the school gate and waited for Xu's call.

Xu Xing bowed his head and brushed Weibo to pass the time. He put his left hand in his pocket, and his right hand slid upwards on the screen. His thumb pressed the screen randomly, and he glanced roughly.

The open school door also became a one-way street. Students kept coming out of the school. Three or two girls passed hand in hand, all of them secretly glanced at Xu Xing who was standing beside the door. The height of 1.8 meters and the handsome appearance of the school were all attractive. It is difficult to ignore his existence.

Xu Xing didn't care much about the eyes of passers-by, brushing his classmates without knowing the so-called moan-free groan. He was about to turn off Weibo, and suddenly remembered that he and Kodi had a blogger madness that was also related to each other--

Xu Xing was a bit impressed with Cody because, at some point during the summer vacation, Cody tweeted so frequently that people couldn't hold back the urge to black out and block him.

Xu Xing has found Kodi's Weibo from following the news, and when he went in, he saw that his latest news stayed at 1am on Friday--

Cody does not change the name of the North Body: Do n’t miss it when you pass by, play a marriage game ~ Come and like the big beauties who are interested in photos, the big beauties said that she wants to take off the order [二 哈] [二 哈] [ Erha]

Xu Xing didn't take a closer look at the photos of the girls attached to Weibo, and wanted to scroll down. Suddenly I heard a few people passing by discussing in a low voice: "I only know that Lu Che was seriously injured. The retired seniors are still gangsters ... "Usually, gangsters teach people, never heard of anyone who teaches gangsters.

Xu Xing gave his thumb and raised his head suddenly, but he was helpless because there was a lot of people at the door and he couldn't tell who was talking.

Just then, his cell phone rang. Mobile phone comes with robot sound effects, noisy and noisy: bang bang bang bang

Xu Xing's attention was then pulled back. When he looked down and saw Xu's caller ID, he connected the phone.


"Well, I'm waiting for you at the bus station."

"it is good……"

Xu Xing found his own car. He just sat in the front passenger seat and pulled his seatbelt. He heard his father ask him, "Where is your classmate?"

Xu Xing fastened his seat belt and said, "He's fine, he's not at school."

Dad Xu answered and didn't ask again.

Xu Xing sat in the car, staring blankly at the traffic flow from his car window.

Just now a passerby said that Lu Che was injured and overbearingly occupied his brain.

When Xu Xing returned home, his schoolbag was abandoned at the desk, and he sat at the desk and fiddled with his cell phone.

He opened WeChat and frowned to read Lu Chefa's message records. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that Lu Che's words would be avoided.

Xu Xing had only one thought left in his mind: Lu Che was seriously injured, but he didn't want to speak out to worry him.

Xu Xing snorted, taunting Lu Che in his heart with a twitching mouth: Thinking too much, he managed Lu Che to die, how could he be worried.

Xu Xing dropped his cell phone and walked back and forth between the bedroom and the balcony, but he was still not very energetic, and he was still panicked.


Xu Xing went to the toilet, feeling constipated again, which made his heart more irritable, but suddenly he unlocked all the tangles in his heart: every time Lu Che had an incident, he could feel it-but it did not mean that he cared about Lu Che , Simply because the red line is tossing around.

Xu Xing couldn't help but think, if the red line is visible now, it is estimated that the red line would shake like a sheep epidemic.

Xu Xing recalled the last time he went out to pick Lu Lu home, he could squat the toilet unhindered, complaining and groaning, and at the same time found himself a reason to go back to school with confidence. When he came out of the bathroom, he returned to the room and took his mobile phone. Then he went out of the living room and said to his parents, "Dad, mom, I have to go back to school first."

Mom Xu was busy in the kitchen and didn't hear it. Dad Xu, who was sitting in the living room, asked, "What's wrong, was the teacher notified me temporarily? I'll drive you back."

Xu Xing stood in the porch and changed his shoes. He said, "No, I'll just go for a trip by myself, get something, and come back to eat in a while."

Xu Xing put on his shoes and left the door. He hurried out of the community and drove back to school.

On the way back to school, Xu Xing struggled with the meeting speech, so he rushed to Lu Che's face in this way, Lu Che's mouth was probably grinning behind his ears. This can't work, it doesn't work, and the most annoying thing is that Lu Che misunderstands that he cares about him.


Xu Xing twisted his eyebrows again, thinking: I don't know how severe Lu Che's injuries are. He is probably hurting his teeth and grinning now, and can't think of laughing. Maybe his presence can make Lu Che feel better ...

Xu Xing kept thinking about it. When he returned to school, it was already five o'clock. The school was empty, and the uncle guard only left the side door for students to enter and exit.

From the entrance of the school to the downstairs of the dormitory, and then from the first floor to the third floor, Xu Xing's footsteps gradually slowed down.

He returned to the dormitory first. There were three roommates staying in their dormitory. When he saw Xu Xing, he wondered: "Leader, haven't you come home yet?"

Xu awakened, pretending to turn over his bed calmly, and responded, "I'll get something and leave."

Xu Xing tossed around, then came up with a little note of the summary of biological knowledge.

Xu Xing took it in his hand, hesitated for a moment, went to the balcony to take the umbrella, and was fully prepared, and then walked towards the 311 dormitory.


Today was cloudy for a whole day, and the sun hiding behind the clouds finally protruded, and the orange sunrays penetrated the floating clouds.

The whole floor was quiet, except for the noise in 311 dormitory.

Lu Che sat on the bed next to the bunk, leaning back against the stairs connecting the bunk, holding a clean apple in his hand, absently watching the noisy people on the opposite bed, and took a bite.

I just heard two knocks outside the door.

Fu Yan was sitting on the bed next door, playing with his mobile phone. When he heard the knock on the door, he shouted, "Who? Come in."

The door was unlocked and opened from the outside.

Lu Che casually glanced at the door--

When Xu Xing opened the door, he appeared with a piece of molten gold behind him. The sunset was not dazzling, but the person sitting indoors couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.


Lu Che's expression paused, his teeth left a shallow and neat tooth mark on the apple, but he forgot to bite it down.

Fu Yan looked up, and said strangely, "Lecturer, is there something wrong?"

When Fu Gang just asked this sentence, he suddenly saw someone throwing something over, and he caught it reflexively, looking intently, receiving an apple in his hand, and looking up, he saw that Lu Che's figure had gone directly to the door.


Fu Yan took a bite of apple. Although he was a bit puzzled, he was chatting with Xiong Huan and had no time to take care of others.

The moment Xu Xing pushed open the door, his eyes passed over the others in the dormitory, and he locked Lu Lu sitting in the middle bed on the left. His eyes had swept Lu Che several times from top to bottom in just two seconds, and it was determined that Lu Che was only tied with a bandage in his left hand, and the man was still leaning against the bed with an apple, nothing like He was relieved that he was seriously injured.

By the time Xu wakes up, Lu Che has already walked in front of him. His handsome face is particularly eye-catching under the warm sunset, and his smile cannot be hidden between his eyebrows.

As Xu Xing expected, Lu Che couldn't hold back the corner of his mouth when he saw him, and asked softly, "Squad leader, why haven't you come home yet?"

When Xu Xing got closer, Lu Jiyan's hand quickly reached out and shoved an umbrella into his arms, blocking the man's movement in time.

Xu Xingying said, "I'll return the umbrella."

He spoke without emotion, cold, and a bit cool.

Lu Cher took the umbrella with a smile, and saw Xu Xing simply drop the sentence "I am home", then turned around and left.

Lu Che threw the umbrella to the door, and chased Xu Xing out of the door. He quickly pulled Xu Xing and smiled, "Don't go, squad leader, let me hug you before you leave?"

Just after Xu Xing was pulled, the man behind him circled him in his arms without hesitation.

Xu Xing looked down at the hands in front of him and said to his heart: He didn't push Lu Che away, just because he was afraid of hurting Lu Che's injured left hand.

Lu Che hugs Xu Xing and sighs and sighs: "I haven't seen you for twenty-five hours."

Xu Xing turned back to the landing and asked coldly, "A fight?"

When Lu Che heard it, he quickly explained: "Kody's fool fight, I went to persuade."


Xu Xing: "Okay, let go first."

Lu Che heard the impatience in Xu Xing's remarks, and while complaining "not enough," he let go.

Lu Che is frustrated because of the fight. On the other hand, considering that the two are now standing in the hallway of the dormitory, Xu Xing, the awkward person, will definitely worry about being seen by others.

Fortunately, after Lu Chesong's hand, Xu Xing did not leave directly, but turned to his side, his eyes rested on the white bandage on Lu Che's hand, and snorted: "I'm still persuading him, only with this minor injury It's all your luck. "

Xu Xing's words were stubborn. Lu Che heard it but couldn't help laughing. He reached out and pulled Xu Xing's hand and asked, "Are you worried that I just waited till school?"

Xu Xing shook off Lu Che's hand without thinking, and retorted angrily: "I'm full to worry about you."

Lu Che clearly knew that Xu Xing's hard-hearted temperament and his smile on his face not only did not decrease, but also became more and more intense. Deep eyes looked at Xu Xing and said softly, "You don't have to worry about me. No one can hurt me yet."

Xu Xing just gave a dismissive sigh, and then he heard Lu Che change his mouth first: "Oh, no, one person hurt me."

Xu Xing heard that the name of that senior man suddenly appeared in his mind.

But when Lu Che smiled at him gently, he opened his mouth with sweet and greasy love words: "Only you can hurt me. You can easily hurt me."


Xu Xing couldn't stand this sticky feeling, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Go away, you won't be afraid of hurting you if you stay away from me."

Lu Che laughed: "I tried it, but I still cannot live without you ~"

Lu Che tired and crooked, and it was endless. Xu Xingbai gave him a glance: "Get out."

Lu Che stood next to Xu Xing, put his chin on Xu Xing's shoulder, and said, "Don't roll, you should love me well, I'm particularly worried ~"

Xu Xing answered angrily: "Do you dare to fight if you are afraid of pain?"

Lu Cheqiang said arrogantly: "Because of the pain, I rarely get hurt in fights. I mean this ~"


At this time, 311 was shouting Lu Che, Lu Checai and Xu Xing opened a little distance.

Fu Yan came out of the dormitory, followed by three others. Xu Xing found out that these people were new faces, apparently from other classes in the same class.

Fu Ye saw Lu Che and said, "Archer, let's go. Cody and Zou Mang are alive and call us out."

Cody and Zou Mang took the initiative to plead guilty to Director Guo, who was in charge of leading the sports students. Fu Yan was waiting for Cody in the dormitory.

Lu Che said, "No."

Fu Yiyi: "Ah?"

Xu Xing frowned and looked at him.

Just listening to Lu Chezheng's answer, "I have to study hard tonight and try to make up for the lessons that have been left over the past two days. You go, no one is disturbing me in the dormitory."

Xu Xing: "..."

Fu Yan: "???"

are you crazy!

Fu Yan held his forehead and greeted others: "Forget it, let's go."

Behind them a few laughed and bowed to Lu Che: "Brother Che, you've worked hard."

Lu Che and others have gone, he turned around, and reluctantly wrapped around Xu Xingjiao and said, "Lecturer, don't you go home? Will you stay with me for a meal? Then help me tonight ~"

Xu Xingbai gave him a glance and said, "Hehe, you want to be beautiful."

Lu Che turned into a pitiful little moment: "It is pitiful for me to go to the cafeteria alone."

Xu Xing said disgustingly to Lu Che: "Get off, I'm going home."

Coincidentally, Xu Xing's cell phone rang at this moment, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Xu Xing reached out his mobile phone from his pants pocket, and the screen showed that Xu's incoming call. He connected the phone: "Mom?"

Xu Xing's eyes were down, and his lips were slightly open. Suddenly, Lu Che leaned towards him, and the distance between them was only half of the screen of the mobile phone. Xu Xing held his breath subconsciously as close as he could feel Lu Che breathed.

Lu Che smiled at the corners of his lips, his thin lips almost kissing the edge of Xu Xing's palm. He was close to the microphone on the bottom of the phone, and his bright eyes reflected the silhouette of Xu Xing, saying softly:

"Auntie ~"


Xu Xing stepped back sharply, and suddenly widened the distance between the two.

Holding the left hand of the mobile phone, it seemed to be touched by Lu Che's thin lips.

The author has something to say: Xu Xing ate too much twist when he was young, even his brain was double-spiral structure

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy