MTL - I Have a Store In the World of American Comics-~ One thousand four hundred and five

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Chapter 0405

Fog on Earth is when the ground loses heat, the temperature drops and the air is quite humid.

A few minutes later, Duncan, the second-order mage spellcaster in the gathering place, went out of the city under the **** of 15 mercenaries. Under the guidance of Zhou Wenwen, he came to the corpse, and followed the footprints to find the demon tiger.

At this time, Sisko restarted the generator, and Harrison released Iron Man, asking him to kill Faruco on the condition of freedom.

"Then let me deal with this giant gargoyle. What about the sixth floor above the fifth floor?"

"Catch, catch, escape, because no one is watching these monsters, so many monsters ran away, of course, some monsters died, attacked the city, and were killed on the spot by the casters on duty."

The Iron Man lost to Faruco and unfortunately died.

In the end, he was no longer willing to fight, and the residents living in the city-state were willing to settle down in the city-state to gather wives and children after obtaining an unprecedented favorable environment.

One person and one sheep were walking on the way back, and Tis felt that they were the only ones around and asked.

When Barry learned that Harrison used Iron Man as a bait, he was very angry and scolded Harrison for never considering other people's feelings.

"At first, the mercenaries thought it was nothing, but when a large number of monsters appeared from the darkness, they suddenly attacked the mercenaries, causing a lot of casualties to the mercenaries."

I saw the Tis sheep head up to the sky, and then shouted loudly. The next moment, a starry sky suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and one of the galaxy was controlled by Tis, casting starlight on the gods, trying to suppress the gods.

In order to regain his ability, Barry asked Caitlin to shock Barry with a super-charged power, but it didn't work.

Zhou Wenwen pointed to the hand on the fifth floor, and suddenly moved the level of the questioning slogan. In such a situation, coupled with Zhou Wenwen's description, the expression on Tice's face could not help but become serious.

While talking, one person and one sheep have come to the wooden gate guard post in the gathering place. Tis has returned to the appearance of an ordinary goat, while Zhou Wenwen took a deep breath and ran to the guard post...

At this time, Barry's cells quickly regenerated and regained his superpowers.

When the Holy See was in the 48th year of the city-state calendar, the problem of obtaining the power of the Holy Light was solved, and a large number of priests and paladins were recruited.

Second, Zhou Wenwen and others will explain to the caster and the housekeeper that they also need a reason, a murderer, to prove that this is not Zhou Wenwen's fault.

The most important five-element theory in "Five Elements Great Evolution", in ancient times, the Five Elements, also known as the Five Elements Theory, is the basic way for the ancients to understand the world.

But it was too late, and Faluko came to the door. In the confrontation between Barry and Faruco, Barry barely wins.

Because Zhou Wenwen was in charge of patrolling and reporting at night, and now that something happened at night, Zhou Wenwen has to bear the responsibility.

Only then did the gods understand why it was difficult to walk in this place as a god. Thinking of this, the gods changed the shape of their bodies into flames and became a red fire man.

Mutual restraint, on the contrary to mutual generation, refers to the mutual restraint between the two types of things with different attributes of the five elements.

Inmates at the police station continued to take hostages and shot Eddie, who was bleeding profusely.

Mercenary War refers to the civil war of the Mercenary Association.

"I learned about it last week. Two months ago, someone brought a group of monsters from the Far East to form an underground auction in a city outside the misty swamp. Coincidentally, it was the city that was on that day. the day of the law."

And while Iris was taken by prisoners, he shot the robbers with Eddie's ankle gun.

When the time entered the city-state calendar, the mercenaries on the Inskander Continent suddenly lost their jobs because they no longer fought, although it was said that most of the mercenaries changed careers and joined the explorer team.

The Demon Tiger has only Tier 1 strength. Where is the opponent of Duncan who has the strength of a Tier 2 professional, plus it has not broken through the protection of the mercenaries, so Duncan is just a wave of magic light bombs. Go back to the gathering place and be detained in the open area on the ground floor of the Mage Tower.

The deity gritted his teeth and followed. The deity did not find his body energy body. When he passed through the time-space tunnel, his body became more transparent.

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The findings suggest a problem with the operating systems of these people's brains, allowing their nervous systems to spin out of control.

In order to completely lose the leader of the Holy See, the three spellcaster leaders of mages, wizards, and warlocks joined forces to build the "Ailal Floating City" open to all spellcasters, so as to maintain the relationship between the three types of spellcasters: mages, wizards, and warlocks. connect.

In the next second, the god's right inch turned into a light blade, and the attack failed. He had to swing the light blade towards Zhou Wenwen's upper body again, but the light blade froze again.

Barry and Oliver didn't have a good time working together.

"According to the descriptions of the living mercenaries, they did not find the stairs to the sixth floor, but one of them mistakenly triggered or must have touched the directional teleportation array."

Tis didn't notice the change in Zhou Wenwen's face before and after seeing the footprints, and he didn't notice that Zhou Wenwen seemed to think of something on his face. He first showed an expression of sudden realization, then ran to the corpse, found the corpse and left it behind. "King" text.

When the **** opened his eyes, he found himself in the sky above a large piece of building ruins with a style that he had never seen before, and the **** couldn't help being curious.

Barry bluntly said that Oliver was jealous of himself. After making a big fire at Oliver, he continued to anger Joe and others, and in desperation decided to ask The Flash for help.

The two laws of dawn and flame are attack-shaped laws, not to mention the 100% degree of the two laws of dawn and flame on this god, and only one-fifth of it has been mastered.

The gods did not notice that his perception range was becoming extremely small. He flew down and explored the surroundings curiously. At this time, Zhou Wenwen and Tis were already standing in front of the gods.

Tis asked Zhou Wenwen to drip blood to seal the talisman, and then painted the rune seal on the blank talisman. This time, the gods were completely After the last unpleasantness, Iris He and Eddie quarreled about it again, and Eddie was even more angry after learning that Iris had met The Flash in private.

"After these mercenaries fled in embarrassment, there are still mercenary groups to explore, but they also suffered the same loss and still retreated from the teleportation array."

After two seconds passed, it seemed that the gods did not believe in evil, and the right hand that turned into a light blade slashed again, but this time the light blade was still smooth and unobstructed, and Zhou Wenwen was still intact.

The starlight that turned into a moon wheel continued to smash into the gods, and when the gods were smashed by the starlight, they were numb and motionless, and they completely gave up their resistance, relying on the body to heal themselves.

At this time, the angry Flash found Eddie, and the two had a heated argument. Oliver arrived before Eddie was injured.


Chapter 0406 Announcement Up North Down South Left West Right East

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