MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 1 I have a "pampered" halo

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In the empty gray space, a cold voice sounded, with a sense of indifference in the cold.

This is a small room over a dozen squares. To be precise, it is more like a large sealed box. There are no doors, no windows, only the shades of gray, in a chaotic and orderly flow according to the established direction.

In the middle of the sky, a milky white light slowly exudes a comfortable breath, like a regular breath, shrinking.

The tender and cheerful voice came from the light group, "Uh-huh."

"Because of special reasons leading to time and space confusion, some characters in the plane accidentally knew their intended endings and refused to follow the original trajectory. Therefore, we need people to play this character to maintain the development of this world . "

"it is good."

Light group, that is, the system is running at a slower speed: eh? So simple? That's it? Do n’t want to ask why, how to do it?

Oh, what can be planned for a dead man?

One who does not know the past and does not ask the future "people".

No one likes to die and has a chance to live. Why let go? Even, maybe the other party didn't ask for it.

Mo Fan would like to cast a contemptuous glance at this inexplicable system, but the current situation does not allow him to do this ordinary behavior.

Without careful attention, the thin figure of the young man is almost invisible.

Without color and thickness, it is like a fragile layer of sugar coating, which will turn into flour after a light touch.

"So, let's start the mission?" The system asked carefully.


"After entering the plane, in order to better integrate with the original body, Xiaohuan will give Fanfan an aura of the original character as a prop, Fanfan you must not ooc! Below I will start teleporting, Fanfan you bear with it."

I still don't want to understand the meaning of tolerance in the mouth of the system. There is a burst of severe pain in my brain. The next second, he lost his consciousness.

Before falling into the darkness, Mo Fan thought very leisurely: Where is Fanfan called him? Very gracious title.


The spacious and bright bedroom, the rustic heavy curtains only cover half of the window frame, outside the window, the bright and warm sun shines directly on the large gray-toned bed.

The thin bed was cluttered on the two close figures. The tall man was lying on his side, burying his face on the teenager's shoulders and necks, unable to see his face clearly. A forceful long arm lay across the waist of the other person, and hugged the boy with a beautiful face in his arms.

The warm yellow sun was on the young and tender face, quiet and beautiful, the fine golden light beating between the messy hair.

The juvenile bushy long eyelashes trembled slightly, but he wanted to open it but was hindered by the dazzling light. Raising his hand to block his forehead, a pair of bright and dark eyes appeared with the awakening blankness.

"Fanfan, let's go to a new world ~"

The sound of the system came from his mind. The boy, now Mo Fan, said "um" in his heart.

Behind him was a warm body with his back pressed against the undulating chest of the other. From the touch of the phase, Mo Fan can easily draw the conclusion that the two are sincere.

At the same time, the abnormality on the body made Mo Fan frown slightly.

"Fanfan, I transmit to you the world's direction and original memory."

Where does the world go? Original memory? There was a guess under Mo Fan's heart.

Something seemed to pour into my brain quickly, and the huge amount of information filled the swollen head. It was painful and played frame by frame.

This process may seem long, but it is actually only one second.

Is his situation crossing now? Borrowing souls?

The system explained on one side, "Fan Fan, you are right. We are now in another world, and the soul of this body master has been separated from the body, and it can be regarded as borrowing from the body. Our appearance is excluded by the world. You are in danger, so you must not ooc. "

[Not to say that maintenance plane rules work? 】

Mo Fan narrowed his eyes, and the systematic statement contradicted himself.

System, "Uh ..."

[Tell me the truth. 】

The system thought, this is not to say, and said, "It's mainly that where your soul is too weak, you need to restore your soul to the level of a normal person at a low level before you can really start the mission."


Thinking of his transparent form, Mo Fan thoughtfully.

Does the system help you grow your soul? What benefits does the other party get?

"Fanfan, our purpose is the power of the world. As long as you follow the main line of the world in accordance with your original character, you will get it."

Mo Fan is alert: Can you know what I think in my heart?

"That's because Fanfan didn't deliberately block me, so I can know that if you don't want to let me know when you want something, I can't hear you."

[Power of the World? 】

"Uh-huh, my ability to run and shuttle the world needs the support of the power of the world. I do n’t need much energy, and the rest can supplement Fanfan with your soul. Without the power of the world, I will fall asleep.

Mo Fan gave a faint answer in her heart, no longer exploring whether the other party's statement was true. How can he be worse now?

Getting what he wanted to know, Mo Fan began to sort out the messy information in his head.

This body is also called Mo Fan. It is the young master of the Shao family, but the original body is not the biological son of the Shao family owner. The Shao family owner lost his wife in his early years and left a three-year-old son. It wasn't until later that the son became older that he met Mo Fan's mother and brought them together to live in Shao's villa.

However, it didn't take long for the couple to marry. The owner of Shao died in a car accident, and Mo Fan's mother also left.

A car accident is not an accident but a man-made accident.

At that time, Shao Yuxuan, who was only 18 years old, provoked a beam in a group of relatives who were like wolf tigers and leopards. It took him 3 years to take full charge of the company with excellent ability, and at the same time sent the culprit of the car accident to prison.

I'm afraid that the group of shareholders never thought that Shao Yuxuan would become a winner in the end.

According to the usual routine, it is Shao Yuxuan who brings people up and lets the other party get married and have children, and assumes his own responsibilities. But unexpectedly, Shao Yuxuan found that he fell in love with his half-brother, Mo Fan.

When he first realized it, Shao Yuxuan escaped. However, the relationship did not disappear with time, but grew stronger. So he calmed down and became better at Mo Fan in life, but he didn't tell the other party.

If you have been like this for the next time, Mo Fan probably didn't know for a lifetime that people who grew up with themselves fell in love with themselves.

If it was, after a certain time, Shao Yuxuan was drunk and hugged Mo Fan. Since then, the two had a cold war, and Mo Fan ended up with a drug overdose and was killed.

All Mo Fan has to do is play this character.

"In the end I have to experience everything I experienced?"

"The system has a protection mechanism that can pull Fanfan out before that, so there is no need to worry about experiencing the pain of the original person."

"Well." Thinking about such a scene, Mo Fan has an urge to tear up the opponent.

At this point in time, are they two drunk?

The soreness and numbness, and the strange feeling behind me, seemed to be experienced in person.

Mo Fan had a weird expression, and the system couldn't help feeling guilty. "Fan Fan is sorry, let you face this."

[Can't control the point of entry? 】


That's not it.

Mo Fan had a headache right away, but let's resolve the situation first.

[What do I need to do now? 】

"The original body was very angry and disgusted when he found out that he had been taken by the host. Fan Fan just wanted to show it."

【Got it. 】

"Fanfan, in this world you can have a 'pampering' halo, come on!"

Spoiled? How did he find this so-called halo a little pitted? Mo Fan's head hurt even more.

[The role of the halo. 】

"The aura of personality can bring a change in temperament to Fanfan, and it will automatically replenish the original emotions when you are underperforming. It is Fanfan's props ~"

【Ok. 】

Without the knowledge of memory formation, Mo Fan has no intuitive feelings about men or men. He was unhappy that he was taken, and although it was over when he came over, the aftermath of the aftermath required him to bear it.

"Fan Fan, the main male is awake."

Mo Fan turned his head to look. The man had just opened his eyes, with the confusion after the hangover in his eyes.

Last night was Xiao Fan's adulthood ceremony. Shao Yuxuan drank a little too much. He was drunk without defense, and he did not know if Xiao Fan was drunk ...

Thinking of his dream last night, Shao Yuxuan was a little intoxicated. He has been dreaming about this dream two years ago, but none of them brought him such intuitive feelings.

As his vision gradually focused, Shao Yuxuan shrank his pupils when he saw the sight in front of him.

The boy sat on his side with his knees bent, on his white skin ... what? About to be thrown up

However, at the moment Shao Yuxuan didn't have half a daydream, he never feared anything, and a burst of fear filled his heart.

"Xiao Fan ..."

The disgust and shock in the eyes of the teenager ... A variety of emotions made Shao Yuxuan's heart faintly hurt, and he was even afraid to look directly into the eyes of the teenager.

How can he do something that hurts a teenager? !! He obviously likes him so much! Can't wait to put him in his mouth and hold it in his hand, how can it be!

"Shao Yuxuan, you are disgusting."

The teenager sounded with disgust, Shao Yuxuan sat up and wanted to hold the teenager's shoulders to explain, "Xiao Fan, I ..."

"Do not touch me!"

Shao Yuxuan's action stopped suddenly when the boy suddenly raised his voice.

Mo Fan couldn't do anything hysterical, he could only yell.

"Xiao Fan, I'm sorry, I'm drunk. I didn't know that this would happen. I didn't mean it." Shao Yuxuan had a fantasy in his mind. Maybe Xiao Fan didn't know that he wouldn't realize these ... However, Mo Fan's next words shattered his extravagant hopes.

"Oh," Mo Fan sneered, "Is that‘ Xiao Fan, I love you ’fake?”

Shao Yuxuan froze all over, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Xiao Fan, yes, I love you, but I don't want to do this, I just want to see you."

Shao Yuxuan's deep affection did not arouse Mo Fan's sympathy, and the disgust on his face was a little deeper.

The disgust and hatred in the other's eyes were so clear that Shao Yuxuan couldn't say any more.

"I don't want to see you, you go out!"

"Xiao Fan ..."

"Go out!"

Excited emotions touched the body, causing a secret pain. Mo Fan's movements of pointing his fingers to the door were stiff, and his face was tinged with anger and anger with two blobs of red and white.

"Okay, I'm going out, don't be angry." Shao Yuxuan looked at Mo Fan's complicated and weird look, and wanted to comfort, but he was afraid of fueling the fire.

He picked up the trousers on the ground, put them on, and brought them to the door. Shao Yuxuan didn't realize there was anything wrong with being kicked out of his room.

"Fanfan," the system's voice sounded in Mofan's mind, "you are doing well."

The intense emotion on Mo Fan's face dissipated and his eyes calmed.

It's a deal.

In the face of such a body, there is anger, Mo Fan just played by topic.

When he got up, the tenderness of his legs almost made Mo Fan fall out of bed. Mo Fan's face turned black.

Entering into the bathroom with difficulty, Mo Fan deliberately did not look at the traces on his body and showered himself.

"Fanfan ..." The system's voice was a little careful, "Well, you will get sick if you don't clean it."

【what? ] Mo Fan inexplicable.

"The things behind you ... need to be cleaned up, or else you will have a fever ..." The voice of the system diminished when the expression on Mo Fan's face became ugly.

System: Alas, it's also for all things good

Mo Fan darkly cleaned himself up.

The system continued to whisper, "Fanfan, the contents must be washed away ..."

Mo Fan raised an eyebrow. "Originally understand these?"

The system shook his head.

[Then keep it. 】

The original body went straight, and even when angry, he would not touch the place that made him sick. If it weren't for his discomfort, he was afraid to leave.

Opening the wardrobe, a set of ironed suits are neatly arranged, obviously not the original style of dressing.

It's like that man.

[This is Shao Yuxuan's room? 】

"Well, Fanfan your room is next door."

Putting on a bathrobe, Mo Fan opened the door and went out.

Shao Yuxuan outside the door saw Mo Fan go out, his eyes flashed a little light. Mo Fan didn't glance at each other, opened the door of his room, found a comfortable posture, and lay on the bed.

It's so uncomfortable.

The system worries, "Fanfan, you will have a fever like this."

[It's okay, just sleep well. 】

What did the system want to say, but did not speak again, watching Mo Fan on the bed closed his eyes in drowsiness and tiredness.

"Xiao Fan?" Shao Yuxuan returned to the room to change his clothes and knocked on the door. The people inside the door did not respond as expected.

"Xiao Fan, are you hungry? I'll cook something for you. You're angry with me, I can accept it, but you don't starve me because of me."

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement in the door, and Shao Yuxuan went downstairs sadly.

Looking at Mo Fan's sleeping system: ...

About an hour later, Shao Yuxuan brought the cooked porridge, "Xiao Fan, I cooked the porridge for you and put it outside the door. If you are hungry, remember to eat."

As always quiet.

"I put the porridge here."


Mo Fan didn't want to ignore him, Shao Yuxuan could understand, but at this moment it was dark, and the other party still had no movement, which seemed unusual.

The porridge at noon was left intact at the door and became cold and sticky. Shao Yushao took the dinner brought up and worried, "Xiao Fan? Are you there? You did not eat at noon, you must be hungry and go out to eat Just a little bit. I'll leave immediately and let go. You don't have to worry about seeing me. "

After an afternoon, Shao Yuxuan calmed down as he suddenly saw the intimacy of the two people.

If Xiao Fan is angry, the normal reaction should not be like this. He would just lose his temper, not ignore him.

Shao Yuxuan's heart was anxious about the condition of the other person before going out.

Will Xiaofan be in trouble?

"Xiao Fan? Are you there? If you don't speak, I will come in?"

Shao Yuxuan listened with a side ear, without a trace of movement.

Xiao Fan must be in trouble.

Worried, Shao Yuxuan went to the study to get the key and opened the anti-lock door.

A slender figure on the bed slept quietly there, and his breathing fluctuated, touching Shao Yuxuan's heartstrings.

"Xiao Fan?"

Mo Fan likes to cover her whole head with a quilt when she sleeps. Shao Yuxuan saw that the other party should not say a word, pinched the corner of the quilt and pulled it down.

The teenager's face turned red, and a fine layer of sweat was on his head.

Shao Yuxuan could not wait to give himself a slap.

Obviously knowing that the other party's situation is not good. Under such circumstances, Xiaofan will be uncomfortable. Why not pay more attention to it?

Shao Yuxuan lived for more than 20 years. When he learned that his father remarried, he did not panic. When his parents died, he did not panic. Only at this moment, when he saw Mo Fan's pitiful appearance, he was at a loss.

Taking out his mobile phone and wanting to call the family doctor, Shao Yuxuan thought of Mo Fan's temper and acted.

Xiao Fan must not want others to know about this, even if the other party is a doctor loyal to his family.

"Xiao Fan, shall we get up and take a bath?"

Shao Yuxuan is not a hairless child who doesn't understand anything. Even though he has never expected the future of the two in his heart, he has learned some knowledge about this.

He didn't take protective measures last night, he must have stayed inside. Xiaofan is still young and doesn't understand these things, so she has a fever. Moreover, he clearly remembered that he had asked the other party several times, and did not know whether Xiaofan was injured.

He thought it was a dream, and such a dream was too real, and he couldn't control it, which was inevitably a little too much.

Hearing the warm voice of Shao Yuxuan, the teenager frowned, and shrank into the quilt.

"Xiao Fan? Is it uncomfortable, just take a bath. May I take you to take a bath?"

Shao Yuxuan said, his men gently soothed the boys on the bed. When he leaned over and hugged the person, Mo Fan didn't struggle, and even took the initiative to snuggle into his arms.

Shao Yuxuan's heart was sore. Before the incident last night, the pattern of the two people's relationship was always the same.

Xiaofan is very good, will coquettish himself, and will please him for making mistakes. Although he would often argue with him, but in Shao Yuxuan's opinion, it was just the other person's small temper, just a little coaxing, very cute.

When Xiaofan was happy, she would take the initiative to hug herself and pamper herself in her arms.

Holding people into the bathtub, Shao Yuxuan removed their clothing.

Juvenile's skin is very tender and often leaves traces after a little force. Yesterday he was fierce, he was excited again, and the boy's red scar was shocking.

Shao Yuxuan didn't have the slightest thoughts at the moment, only full of pity left, and he carefully cleaned the young man.

Some red, but no bleeding.

Shao Yuxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The teenager struggled slightly while applying the medicine, "Don't ... don't ... I hurt ..."

Shao Yuxuan pumped his heart and speeded up.

The water marks on the teenager were wiped clean and put into the quilt, so Shao Yuxuan dealt with himself.

He took out the antipyretic medicine from the household medicine box and gave it to the teenager. Shao Yuxuan kept doing physical cooling for the teenager.

Shao Yuxuan didn't dare to close his eyes. He measured the temperature of the teenager every half an hour. Until the middle of the night, the temperature on the other side subsided.

Even so, Shao Yuxuan didn't relax. He stayed until the early hours of the morning and saw the time before leaving.

Xiao Fan should not want to see him now.

When Mo Fan woke up, not only did he not feel relaxed, but he was more tired.

[System, what happened to me? 】

"Fanfan, you have a fever, and the protagonist took care of you all night."

[What about others? 】

"I left in the morning, presumably I was afraid you didn't want to see him."

Mo Fan thoughtfully.

Raising his hand to touch the lower abdomen, Mo Fan worried, "Hungry."

The system is a bit worried, "Where you do n’t eat anything for a day, you must be hungry. The protagonist should prepare breakfast for you, go and eat it,

[We go out to eat. 】

System: Ah? It ’s going to be hungry for a long time.

Mo Fan put on her clothes and opened the door to go downstairs. Ignoring the look of the man holding the prepared breakfast and trying to greet him, without looking at someone, he took the car key and went out in Shao Yuxuan's restless eyes.

A red limited edition Ferrari in the garage lit up. This was Shao Yuxuan's 18th birthday gift to Mo Fan that night.

Mo Fan learned how to drive at the age of 16, and was struggling to get a car. Shao Yuxuan bought him a car. Shao Yuxuan realized his wish until he was an adult. His shot was tens of millions of sports cars.

Although he lost his parents in his early years, Mo Fan has always grown up under the care of Shao Yuxuan. He is carefree and a well-known baby in school. With Shao Yuxuan's escort, no one dared to take the bad young master of this Shao family.

Mo Fan stopped in front of a bar.

The system wondered, "Fan, what are you doing at the bar? There is no breakfast at the bar."

Mo Fan didn't answer and walked in.

In the morning, the bar had just been closed. When a nice-looking and delicate young man drove over in a sports car, he dared not neglect and asked, "Is there anything wrong with this young master?"

Mo Fan's tone was strange and ironic. "The bar is open for business, and the guests come to ask why?"

The manager didn't know the other party's identity, didn't dare to offend, with a flattering smile on his face. "This young master, our bar just closed. Why don't you come over late? We must treat you well."

Mo Fan didn't appreciate it, and he was quite arrogant. "Guests come whenever I want. I will take your place from now on."

The manager saw that Mo Fan was so nervous that he wanted to enter the bar, and the other person seemed to be the kind of well-educated person. He winked at the people behind him.

The bar just ended, the musicians were sorting things out, and the manager was busy letting them stop and let them continue performing.

Mo Fan: "I'm hungry. Prepare me early."


They are not breakfast shops.

I thought so, but said verbally, "What will the young master eat?"

Mo Fan: "Anyway."

In embarrassment, a teenager about the same age as Mo Fan came over, and the manager breathed a sigh of relief, "Xu Shao."

Xu Wei is the younger brother of the boss of the bar company, and sometimes helps to manage things. Coincidentally, I came here to play last night, and the manager was busy calling someone over.

"Mo Fan?"

Read The Duke's Passion