MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 224 I have an "evil charm" halo

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The troublesome things are finally resolved, and Jingwu finally takes a break and enjoys the comfort that the deities should have. He is not lazy, but is used to a comfortable life, and is somewhat unbearable.

A scent of scent came, a rare food on earth. Jing Wu looked up, and saw that Frost Hua, who had no smoke and fire, brought in a delicate porcelain bowl.

"What are you doing?" Jingwu asked. It won't be what he thinks.

"I made it and tasted it?"

Jingwu mouth slightly pumped. It really was what he thought.

An immortal, learning the common life of ordinary people cooking, where's the interest?

But it smells good.

"How do you remember doing this?"

Although Shuanghua uses ordinary cooking methods, the materials are rare and rare ingredients. This also makes sense for the first time cooking, and the taste of things made is not bad.

Anyone who uses these rare immortals in the fairy realm as their vegetables will not be too bad.

"I remember you said, like the bland life in the world."

A state of wandering. He said that in the last life, he was as bland but not monotonous as a man. Unexpectedly, Shuang Hua was in his heart.

"Wait for the things in the Three Realms to end, if you like, I will accompany you to the heavens for a while."

Jing Wu said, "Xian Jun seems to have stopped talking about these days."

You know, when he first met Shuang Hua, the other party could not utter a few words in his mouth.

Shuang Hua reluctantly said, "I have to say more to listen to your voice more."

Only in the face of Jing Wu can Shuang Hua reveal all his emotions.

Is that what he thought? Jing Wu thought.

Originally, Shuanghua would still worry about his identity, image, and stay with him for a long time. The other party seemed to pay less attention to these external things. However, in front of others, Shuang Hua is still the immortal monarch.

"Well, it's delicious." Jing Wu smiled.

His smile is not the charm of making people laugh, but a kind of warmth. Frost Hua rarely saw Jing Wu laughed so much, and he lost his sight for a moment.

When the soft touch touched the lips, the other person's face was close at hand, "Well, this is a reward."

"I like this reward." Shuang Hua gave a low reply.

"So, can you let me go now?"

It turned out that, without knowing it, Shuang Hua approached the situation very close with a gesture of invasion.


"No interest."

Shuang Hua retreated disappointedly for a short distance.

"The flower brought back from the demon world last time ..."

Frost Hua got a head, Jing Wu sat upright, excited, "What about those cute little things?"

Horrible flowers and grass higher than people appeared in his mind, Shuanghua calmly said, "On me."

"Go," Jingwu stood up and pulled up Frost Hua. "There is a large vacant lot in front of the hall, just to plant it."

Shuang Hua thought about the sight of the towering plants in front of the Temple of Coronation, and said, "I remember, there is more space in the back garden."

Jing Wu thought for a while and nodded, "It's OK."

In fact, the Devil Realm is not without plants, just those so-called plants, which are more like litter after the ruins. They have no brilliance, and add a little bit of meaning to kill Xiao Se, and Jing Wu does not like it.

The monster plant is dangerous, but in Jingwu's eyes, it is just a group of newborn milk cats.

The more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. These dangerous things all have a beautiful appearance. At least, in the eyes of an unsuspecting person, it was a vision.

The monster plant is like a living creature and already has a simple mind. I probably know that the two people in front of me are not easy to mess with. They were released from the storage space, but they were divided. The mission was one fairy and one demon, and they were planted in the soil without resorting to mana.

Devil's surface is only rubble and sandy, barren and barren, the demon planter twists his body uncomfortably. Not only that, but the magical spirit permeated in the demon world makes them look sluggish, and the color is not as bright as when they first saw them.

"They won't die?" Jing Wu doubted.

"Probably not." Shuang Hua was not so sure.

Since these demon plants affected by the evil spirits can survive, the vitality should be tenacious.

"Grow it before you talk." Jing Wu made a decision.

Scrutinizing Shuanghua's spotless white clothes, busy with sand and gravel, Jingwu suddenly asked, "Does magic energy really affect you?"

"It's just a bit uncomfortable, I can bear it." Shuang Hua didn't know why the other person asked this suddenly, honestly.

"Oh ... it seems that you have rarely used immortals since you came to the demon world."

Shuanghua said helplessly, "The demon world has no immortality."

Jingwu also forgot this stubble. With their strength, there is no need to cultivate, the aura between heaven and earth can enter the body and complete the cultivation, but that is where the environment allows. There is no immortality in the demon world, and Frost Hua cannot cultivate. The immortality in the body naturally uses one point and one point less.

Jing Wuhu doubted, "Why did you meditate in my temple before?"


Jingwu: ...

The man said so grandly, Jingwu didn't forget that he found the other person secretly reading a small book. Thinking of it this way, I suddenly felt that this kind of frost Hua was inexplicably adorable.

It is obviously not enough in one afternoon to plant all the monsters on your own. At night, in the name of being in need of toil, the two spent a lot of time in the hall.

The next day, Jingjing got up lazily, his eyes penetrated the magic hall, and at the back garden, someone in white clothes continued the work that was not finished yesterday.

Jingwu covered his mouth and yawned, and then opened his eyes, and the man was already in front of him.

"You've been here with me for so long. Isn't Tiandi in a hurry?"


Jing Wu laughed suddenly, "I'm more anxious than you."

"Well," Shuanghua said in a good mood. "Jingwu cares about me, and I'm happy."

Shuang Hua will increasingly explain his preferences in front of Jing Wu, making Jing Wu unable to refuse.

Whether it's in daily life or at a certain time, the cheerful words spit out from the man's mouth can't help him to pamper him.

Frost Hua's eyes turned and fell on a slightly moving creature. "What's this?"

Jing Wu lazily said, "The demon will bring over, it seems that the cub of the monster."

Even if it is invaded by evil spirits, the consciousness of protecting future generations is like a mark, deeply drawn in the sea of ​​knowledge of the other party.

"This thing looks so cute, I'll stay here." Jing Wu paused, and smiled again. "It looks a bit like Xianjun."

Frost Hua stopped and couldn't see how this little thing looked like to himself.

It was a little white-haired little monster that could not tell what kind it was. Maybe because of some variations in the demonic spirit, a bit like a fox, but with a stupid face like a rabbit.

Stupid? Say him? Shuang Hua could not help the black line.

At this moment, the fluffy little tail of the little thing was shaking cheerfully, blinking a pair of big eyes and glancing back and forth between a fairy and a demon. In the end, it was certain that a taller man seemed safer and crookedly walked towards Shuanghua.

This is a little cub who was born shortly before. She didn't know that her mother had died and disappeared. She was looking at these two creatures who seemed to be her parents cheerfully.

Frost Hua couldn't figure out where he liked this little thing more than Jing Wu, and he turned cold. Jing Wu smiled brighter and brighter, "Well, it seems he likes you more."

In fact, Jing Wu knew that when Frost Hua was too gentle with himself, it was this keen little thing that felt toward him before heading towards the other side.

However, compared with Shuanghua, his malice is probably clearer. It's just that I am a close person identified by this thing, so I don't feel afraid.

"Don't you think it's cute?"

In Jingwu's heart, are you cute? Frost Hua thought about himself in the other person's eyes, and seemed to be unable to bear his eyes closed.

At this moment, the little thing has crawled to Frost's shoes, and there is a tendency to continue upward. Frost Huayu lifted his finger, held the small neck of the small thing, and placed it beside Jingwu.

In front of the table was the animal milk he had prepared. The little thing smelled, hesitated and licked it in the Jingwu clothing, and headed for the porcelain bowl.

"Yo, you know how to say hello to me."

Shuang Hua saw Jingwu showing her soft eyebrows, raised her hand and touched the other's head, and she was waved down by Jingwu.

He is a demon, but not a child, and he touches his majesty.

A threatening glance at Shuanghua, Jingwu moved the small bowl childishly, and after the little beast took two bites, he moved away. It wasn't until the other party found that it was wrong and made a weak scream like a piercing rush to Wu Jingjiao, and then let go, letting the other party eat quickly.

"We should give it a name."

Pleased by the words "we", Shuang Hua said with a good mood, "What kind of name do you want?"

"Well," Jing Wu nodded with his hand. When he thinks, he will do so subconsciously, but he will only show this lovely side in front of Shuang Hua.

"Just called Xiaobai."

Shuang Hua: ...

Such a random name has been thinking for so long.

At this moment, Shuang Hua didn't know that Jingwu was a standard name, and only thought that Jingwu was simply fun. Jingwu was interested in the monster at this time, but it may not be so in the future.

Xiaobai was full, grunting and crawling back to Jingwu, her belly was facing the sky, and she was lying lazily on the couch.

Shuang Hua said, "I think that this monster is more like a state of Wu."

Lazy, in front of those close to you, will show a cute look with no defense.

"It now has a name, Xiaobai."

"Okay, Xiaobai."

Shuang Hua thinks that after playing Wu Jing for a while, Xiao Bai will be thrown aside. Who knows that he has been raised for a long time and never disgusted.

Over time, Shuang Hua's face turned black.

Not to mention that Xiaobai often takes over someone's arms, but sometimes he has to get up on the bed, often angering him and throwing him out of the inner temple.

The demon waiter serving outside the hall is probably accustomed to this scene long ago, naturally catching a white dumpling and holding it out.

Jingwu feeds Xiaobai all good things. Xiaobai is a monster. Energetic energy can speed up the growth rate, just like a day. Before long, Jingwu was too lazy to hold it, but took Xiaobai as a pillow.

Xiaobai's fur is long and dense, soft and fluffy, and warm, not much more comfortable than those furs.

The author has something to say: Counting is pretty good [laughing]

Hold on!

Read The Duke's Passion