MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 275 I have a "system" halo

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"Fanfan, this world is special, I will disappear for a while and reappear at a certain time, which may not help you. Specific reasons When you receive the memory of the original owner, you will know. "

"Aren't you missing all the time?" Mo Fan was surprised.


Isn't that your man is growing up too fast, am I afraid to appear in front of him?

Feeling the feeling of systematic grievance, Mo Fan coughed softly, "Well, I know."


"Fanfan I now send you to the next world."


When Mo Fan opened her eyes, she found herself in bed.

This is a good place, there is no one else, you can carefully sort out the plot, instead of rushing to maintain the original person as soon as you come in and deal with various possible problems.

Looking at the original memory from the beginning to the end, Mo Fan's eyes flashed with shock.

This is another world with many attacks. Needless to say, the man in his family must be one of the harems.

Originally the heir of a jewellery company, he is gentle and gentle, unlike the second-generation rich, who only knows how to play. He is a legendary child of someone else's house.

The university was admitted to a well-known design college with a major in jewelry design. After graduation, he went to work in a family business and worked hard.

The original body does not mess with the relationship between men and women, and does not drink alcohol, it is rare to even smoke. He has reached his twenties and has not even had a girlfriend.

The blind date arranged by the family went to the original body, and later married one of the good ladies who got along with each other, and respected each other for life.

He is a good husband, a good father, and a strong sense of responsibility. There have never been rumors about him outside, and I don't know how many women envy him to be his wife.

In fact, the original is a gAY, he never revealed his sexuality. When the family asked him to marry his wife and have children, he agreed.

He is unwilling to make his family sad, and he never thought about violence = revealing his sexuality. Although he was sorry for the woman who married him, he gave the other party loyalty.

However, this is only the memory of his first life.

After his death, he suddenly heard a system called "001" asking him, "Would you like to continue living?"

"How do you live?"

"I can rebirth you and achieve higher achievements than in this life."

"What do I need to pay?"

"No, as long as you complete the goals I set. For example, how much wealth to gain and the favor of some people will not be difficult."

The original owner smiled slightly. "I refuse."

Shang Hai has been up and down for many years. Even if he is not calm, he knows that there is no lunch in the world.

Reborn? It sounds good, but how can such a big temptation be achieved with just a little so-called task?

Moreover, he considers himself a happy life. Although there is no one he likes, the happiness of his family is more important than anything else.

He refused. The system followed the good temptation. Seeing the other party resolutely did not let go, leaving a sentence "You will regret it" and disappeared.

The original body indeed regretted it, but what he regretted was not the achievements brought by not binding the system, but the disaster he had refused to bring to his family.

The world is rewinding, the original body has no memories of the first life, and lives on the track of the previous life. But his life had a huge upheaval, the failure of his career, and the brokenness of his family, which made him painful.

Before dying, he saw the system again and got the memory of the first life.

It turned out that the system was unwilling to refuse the original body. After the new host was newly bound, the original body was used as a "villain" task to be distributed to its host, leaving the original body with nothing.

If this had been known, the original body would rather be restrained by the system than the family.

However, it is too late. When his parents die and his sister degenerates, he will also suffer misfortune.

001 said, "I know you like men. I was very upset to be forced to marry a woman in the first life. Although you rejected me, I retaliated against you. Now that you are going to die, I will satisfy you and let you taste Taste of a man. Presumably, without me, you would never know what it feels like to go to bed with a man in your life. "

The original body was turned. Resentment, annoyance, regret ... all kinds of emotions mixed together, attracted the attention of the halo system, let Mo Fan replaced the original body.

The original desire was revenge. He wants to let the so-called 001 know that it is not omnipotent. He wants to destroy it and take revenge on his family. I learned that I can go back in time, and I hope that in this life, I can protect my family and be safe for life.

After reading the original body memory, Mo Fan thoughtfully.

The halo system once told him that there were many systems before it, but they disappeared for some reason.

Now this so-called 001, is it a fish that missed the net?

Mo Fan continued to view the world plot. After just a glance, he paused.

There is no luck in this world.

This is a world without world consciousness. Maybe the other party disappeared, maybe never born. But it is irrefutable that only the power of the world and the rules of the world, there is no world awareness.

The distribution of world power depends on various factors, and the original body, in this world, has the most world power on it.

Later, as Mo Fan guessed, 001 found the original owner because of the power of the world on the original owner.

The survival of the system requires the support of the world's power. The halo system can obtain the working power by letting Mo Fan do the task, as is 001.

In the original memory, it was also mentioned that the other party's condition is to let him complete certain tasks.

Mo Fan has a hunch that this so-called 001 is different from the halo system.

When he opened his eyes, he called his system without any response. It is indeed hidden, as it is said in the void.

Is there a system in this world?

Is the aura disappearing to avoid it? Still not alerting the other party?

001 seeks the host to consume the power of the world. After the original body refuses, this part of the power of the world is equivalent to disappearing.

Its function is "rebirth". After finding a selected object, you need to go through the life node first, and then ask the other party's consent before using the rebirth function. But in just one step, the required power is very huge, not to mention that after the original body refuses, the system needs to reselect nodes and hosts.

The node selected by 001 can only be a node designated by a certain person, and it is impossible to substitute at the same node, so after the original body refuses, it can only be re-visited.

Not to mention that it has never encountered a creature that would refuse it, and this loss of power alone makes it angry.

After that, the power 001 system was activated again because the host selection time for two consecutive times was too short, which caused a deviation, and encountered the host that is currently bound, Wang Junhui.

Wang Junhui is an ordinary otaku, or a reel. If it was before, 001 would never choose such a person. However, the original body's accident made it have no extra energy to substitute for binding, so it had to be done.

However, 001 considers itself powerful, even if it is a fool, it can make the opponent counterattack and become a winner in life, let alone an ordinary person.

Wang Junhui's life is very ordinary, just like most people in the world. After graduation, he found a busy and mediocre job, nine to five.

He was a gAY, but he was timid and never dared to publish his sexuality. He did not dare to make appointments with the usual appointments.

One time he met a friend who was able to chat on the same-sex = dating platform, and the other party offered to meet at the hotel, which is self-evident.

I don't know what kind of psychology, probably really like it, Wang Junhui gritted his teeth and agreed. However, on the way to his appointment, there was a car accident.

Wang Junhui thought he was going to die, but to his surprise, he bumped into 001, which was chaotic in time and space, and was able to bind to survive and start again.

Wang Junhui likes to read novels and has seen many rebirth revenge flow novels. As long as I think that I have such an opportunity, I can make a comeback like the protagonist of the novel, go to the top, and can't stop excited.

After getting the system, Wang Junhui used the items in the system store to first transform his appearance. Then with the help of the system, I used my savings to buy a piece of jade wool, and gambled to make a fortune. It was at the scene that I met Song Songyu, one of the harems.

After that, his life was all kinds of golden fingers, harvesting beautiful men along the way, and money came from a steady stream.

001 gains the power of the world by gaining favor from others, and the more the world power on this person, the more 001 can get. Therefore, Wang Junhui's identity in the harem is not simple, and both are well-known young talents from all walks of life.

With these people for comparison, and the pitiful power of the average person in the world, he never colluded with other people.

In this process, Wang Junhui also successfully completed the task of "defeating the villains" and obtained a large number of points. After using points to change his appearance, he became a top-notch critic, and exchanged valuable design drawings to become a famous designer in the industry.

After the five people in the harem decided to share Wang Junhui, the six of them lived together and ended. Regarding the system and how Wang Junhui later did not explain.

Can Wang Junhui really die? Mo Fan didn't care.

However, the way in which the 001 mentioned in the plot obtains the power of the world by acquiring the favor of others is exactly the same as the way he gets along with his men.

The man in his family is one of the protagonists, and the power of the world on him is strong. After he became a favorite object of men, he also shared a lot of world power.

Your system has a certain origin with 001. At this point, Mo Fan was very sure.

Similarly, Mo Fan also knows clearly that his system is not malicious to himself. But on 001, Mo Fan can sense the maliciousness of the other party. No matter to myself or Wang Junhui.

Since his own system was hidden, Mo Fan was not in a hurry to explore. As long as the other party appears, he will always know the truth.

Mo Fan took out his mobile phone, looked at the time above, contacted the plot, and soon understood that this time was the moment when Wang Junhui had just bound the 001 system.

Mo Fan remembered that before passing through, the halo system told himself that he must not let Wang Junhui grow up. The growth of Wang Junhui can promote the power of the 001 system.

My own system says so, is it to weaken itself?

The author has something to say: How do the little angels feel when they see the title of this world?

Read The Duke's Passion