MTL - I Have Everything You Like-Chapter 21 , do you want to

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The next morning, after Wang Jin got up, he went downstairs to prepare for an early morning, and then came up to wake Yanrong up.

Yan Rong hasn't woken up yet, she rubbed her cheeks on the pillow twice, and looked at Wang Jin with half-open eyes.

Wang Jin saw that he didn't want to get up and asked, "Want to sleep in?"

Yanrong, who was not sober, didn't pretend to be an adult, and said honestly: "Well, I'm too tired."

Wang Jin smiled, with a wrinkle at the corner of his eyes, and said, "I made egg toast slices, and when I woke up, I put it in the microwave with milk to warm it up and eat it. After eating, write Homework, not fun. Can you use a microwave?"

Yanrong, who didn't need to get up, gave a soft "um" with a heavy nasal voice, cute and sexy.

Wang Jin couldn't help it, reached out and scratched the tip of his nose, and said softly: "Your clothes are too dirty to wear, and you forgot to wash them last night. You just threw them into the washing machine, you got up. Remember to take it out to dry."

Yan Rong's eyes were about to close again, and he asked vaguely, "Then what should I wear?"

Wang Jin said: "I will help you find a set of clothes, a little bigger, and I will wear them for a day."

At ten o'clock, Yan Rong slept until he woke up naturally.

There was a pile of clean clothes, a thin sweater and jeans by the bed, he reached out and turned it over, the sweater was a size 180, very new and clean, but not brand new.

He found Wang Jin's clothes in the closet to wear.

Wang Jin's clothes are three sizes bigger than him, the sleeves and trouser legs have to be rolled up several times, the belt is tied to the back, and the pants are still too loose and too loose to fall off.

I don't have any plans to go out today, so he just wears it, although it's a bit cumbersome and ugly, at least he doesn't have to wear clothes that others have worn.

In the afternoon, he finished most of his homework, leaving only a few unfamiliar topics to wait for Wang Jin to come back to teach, and then began to play with mobile phones and tablets, and he played until it was dark.

He was hungry. Looking at the time, he felt that Wang Jin did not want to have dinner with him, so he ordered takeout.

Wang Jin came home after overtime, and it was past ten o'clock in the evening.

Yan Rong was lying on the bed without a quilt, wearing the pair of beats headphones that Wang Jin gave him, and had fallen asleep, and a Disney animated movie was still playing on the tablet screen.

I don't know what the truth is, but at least it looks like she has been waiting for Wang Jin until she fell asleep.

Wang Jin was quietly happy.

He noticed that Yanrong was wearing his clothes. The clothes were at least three sizes larger than Yanrong's. The neckline of the sweater was open crookedly, revealing a few small strawberries that he had planted last night on his neck and collarbone.

Wang Jin didn't wake him, just sat down next to him and admired it quietly for a while.

What a beautiful picture.

He wants to go to Yanrong again, it goes without saying that his lower body is so hard that it hurts a little.

But he didn't do anything. After seeing enough, he went to the bathroom to solve it by himself.

He was afraid that he would break Yan Rong, and if it really loosened, how could it be good.

Yan Rong should always be beautiful, very tight and watery.

No matter who Yan Rong will be with and who will sleep in the future, he hopes that Yan Rong will always be like this.

One weekend after that, Yan Rong came to Wang Jin again. Remember to bring a change of clothes this time.

Wang Jin took a day off, took him shopping, bought him daily spring clothes to wear in changing seasons, watched a movie, and took him to the game hall for a short time. Wang Jin swiped his card for spending abroad. Yan Rong would not rush to pay the bill. Compared with swiping the platinum card that Liang Xi and Bai Tu gave him, he was more at ease spending Wang Jin's money.

I still have **** on Friday night, not on Saturday and Sunday, just on Wang Jin's bed, and the two fall asleep together.

Like a pair of true lovers.

The last class on Thursday morning was self-study, no teacher came to watch the classroom, and the classroom was very lively.

Yan Rong wears headphones and writes copybooks while listening to songs. His Chinese foundation is better than other students, and his progress is faster. There is no problem with daily expression and understanding, but his writing is still not very good-looking , I've been working hard lately.

The table was knocked, he raised his head blankly, the teacher stood in front of his table and looked at him with a smile.

He hurriedly took off his earphones, only to realize that the surroundings were already silent. He was humming to the music in the earphones just now, and he blushed quickly.

The teacher called his English name and said, "Ian, come with me, someone is looking for you."

The person who came to find him was Wang Jin.

"Today is February Erlong looking up and taking you to cut your hair," Wang Jin opened the car door and motioned for him to go up, "I can come back before class in the afternoon, and I won't delay the class."

Yan Rong got into the car, and when he got in the car, he asked, "What is the dragon's head?"

Wang Jin fastened her seat belt and said with a smile, "It's also a traditional festival. It will be auspicious for you to cut your hair today."

He kept smiling, as if in a good mood.

Yan Rong thought something was weird, so he peeked at him a few times, trying to determine whether he was smiling or smirking again.

Wang Jin raised his hand and touched the corner of his eye, "Are there any crow's feet?"

Yan Rong: "...Yes. What are you happy about?"

Wang Jin said: "If you are not happy about the festival, when will you be happy?"

Yan Rong was inexplicable for a long time, and said with emotion: "There are so many festivals in China, there are even special festivals for cutting hair."

Wang Jin smiled and said, "Well, there are more."

After cutting his hair, he took Yanrong to dinner, and it was almost time.

On the way back to school, he saw Yanrong scratching the back of his neck lightly, and asked, "Is there any broken hair that you haven't cleaned?"

Yan Rong frowned and said: "It seems, it's a little itchy."

When waiting for the traffic light, he leaned over to look, Yan Rong lowered his head in cooperation.

He cleaned the messed up hair, looked at the red patch, got closer, and blew the skin lightly.

Blowing Yan Rong even more itchy.

In the afternoon, Yan Rong hardly listened to the class. Fortunately, he didn't teach a new class, just explained the exercises.

After he came back, he talked with his classmates and learned that "the second day of the second month, the dragon looks up" is not a festival that must cut his hair.

He thought over and over again, why did Wang Jin suddenly come to pick him up to cut his hair? Did you find a reason to come to see him? Why? Does Wang Jin like him?

He wanted to take the initiative to ask Wang Jin, but he didn't know how to ask. Wang Jin liked him a little from the beginning, so it was nothing to ask.

What he hopes is that Wang Jin likes him a little more than before.

But Wang Jin may not answer what he wants to hear.

He wants to be with the gentle Wang Jin for a longer time. If he can separate when he doesn't need to depend on anyone, he shouldn't be so sad.

He was worried that Wang Jin didn't want to, he had nothing to attract Wang Jin, except that it might be okay to go up.

Wang Jin is different. Wang Jin is a very seductive man. If you break up with him, Wang Jin will be able to find a new bed partner soon, the kind who is better than him.

Thinking of this, he doesn't like Wang Jin anymore.