MTL - I Have Everything You Like-Chapter 29 , not bad

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Wang Jin was still thinking about Yanrong's phrase "I like muscles very much", and tried to imagine Yanrong who became muscular in the future, and the whole person is not very good.

After a long time, Yan Rong has not come out of the bathroom.

Wang Jin called him and asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Inside Yan Rong said: "No."

He opened the bathroom door and came out.

Wang Jin asked: "What's wrong?"

Yan Rong said: "It's fine."

He climbed into the bed, lay down next to Wang Jin, and hugged Wang Jin by one arm.

Wang Jin didn't think he was okay, so he asked again: "Are you uncomfortable?"

He shook his head, half of his face was pressed against Wang Jin's arm, and he pursed his lips and did not speak.

Wang Jin touched his face with his other hand, smiled and said, "Why are you unhappy?"

He likes Yan Rong very much, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the little puppet cat has been wronged.

Yan Rong said: "I'm tired and want to sleep."

Wang Jin saw that he didn't want to say anything. Knowing that he always had some sensitive thoughts, he didn't force him. He hugged him in his arms and really fell asleep.

It’s true that Yan Rong is unhappy, it’s true that he’s tired, and he falls asleep quickly.

In the middle of the night, Wang Jin was shocked by the whimpering sound in his arms and opened his eyes. At first he was not sure whether Yanrong was asleep or awake. He called out, "Yanrong, what's wrong?"

Yan Rong's body shook violently and woke up from the crying dream.

Wang Jin wanted to turn on the light, but was hugged by him and prevented from moving.

Wang Jin had no choice but to put his arms around him and asked, "What did you dream about?"

Yan Rong was still a little squeaked, and stumbled: "A group of horsemen have been chasing me, and they have beaten me with leather whips, and they have bows and arrows."

Wang Jin: "...don't read martial arts novels before going to bed."

Yan Rong only spoke half of it.

He dreamed that Bo Tu was back, and he was very happy to go to the airport to meet Bo Tu, but in the eyes of everyone at the airport, Bo Tu revealed the fact that he had a crush on Liang Xi, no matter how he explained and Apologizing, Bai Tu always refused to accept it, left him at the airport and left alone, everyone around was pointing at him and whispering, and everyone's face was full of disgust for him. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't find the way or go home. He cried and called Wang Jin, but he couldn't get through. When he looked up again, the airport had become a wilderness, and there was no one there. He was so frightened that he stood in the wilderness crying while dialing Wang Jin's phone. Finally, a group of strangely dressed horsemen appeared, driving him away, beating and scolding him, and intimidating him.

Then he was woken up by Wang Jin.

Such absurd dreams and despairing emotions are terrifyingly real.

He shrank in Wang Jin's arms, and his body was shaking a little.

Wang Jin patted his back lightly, his palms were very warm, not too strong or too small, just enough to soothe him and calm down.

Yan Rong wanted to cry again, does Wang Jin know about that? Have a bad opinion of him?

He hesitated for a long time before whispering: "Wang Jinzhou, I...I want to ask you something."

Wang Jin likes to hear him call him so much, from the tail vertebra to Tianling Gai, he chuckled and replied, "What's the matter?"

Yan Rong sniffed and said, "You know who the person I liked is, right?"

Wang Jin was startled.

Yan Rong was convinced of the guess, let go of the hand on Wang Jin's waist in embarrassment, shrank back, and said, "When you talk about this matter, do you think I Broken?"

Wang Jin understands his sensitivity and suspicion, but it is difficult to speak for a while.

Yan Rong said: "But what I said before is true. I hope they can be together forever. I never thought about getting involved in them, not once."

His speech was getting faster and faster, more and more eager, he was afraid that Wang Jin would not believe him.

Wang Jin could probably guess what he was thinking, and said helplessly: "I know."

Yan Rong asked: "Do you believe me?"

Wang Jin said: "I believe."

Yan Rong couldn't believe it was so simple, said: "Really?"

Wang Jin said: "Really, you are not that kind of person."

Yan Rong breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard Wang Jin say: "They are not that kind of people, they didn't say anything to me, and they wouldn't say anything to others. They are sincere to you. it is good."

Yan Rong's face was a little hot, and he said, "I know."

Wang Jin said: "No one thinks you are bad. If you are really bad, I won't pick you up."

Yan Rong: "…Huh?"

Wang Jin laughed and said, "If I'm as beautiful as you, and I like someone, I don't care if he's married or not. I'll seduce them first. You'd better hide outside. Crying secretly, and drinking like an adult, fortunately, I picked it up, if I encounter a bad person... Forget it, I am a bad person."

Yan Rong said: "You are not bad, you are very good."

Wang Jin said: "You are not bad."

He patted the pillow beside his face and said, "What are you doing hiding so far, come here."

Yan Rong's worries were almost all put down, he slowly moved back, and was very close to Wang Jin face to face.

Breathing staggered, Yan Rong said: "You will seduce people, I won't."

Wang Jin smiled: "Will I? I won't either."

Yan Rong said: "You have been seducing me all the time."

Wang Jin really didn't think he had done such a thing, and said, "Have you?"

Yan Rong said: "You said it yourself, whoever you like, you will seduce."

Wang Jin pushed the boat smoothly: "I just like you."

Yan Rong just wanted to hear this sentence, and immediately became happy.

Read The Duke's Passion