MTL - I Have Everything You Like-Chapter 42 , honeymoon

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That night, they made love many times, until Yan Rong couldn't bear it, crying softly and begging not to continue, Wang Jin slowly stopped. However, not long after stopping, Yan Rong fearlessly rubbed into Wang Jin's arms, wanting to hug and kiss.


Wang Jin was fascinated by this boy and wanted to be rougher, to hear Yanrong crying and pleading more, and even to break this charming little boy, but Touching those blue eyes that trusted him and fell in love with him, the softness in his heart made him reluctant to do that at all.

He and Yanrong have been together for a few months, and every day seems to like this beautiful teenager more than the day before. Today's liking has reached an unprecedented height.

When he decided to tell about the past with Jinyue, he thought that with Yanrong's intelligence, he would definitely understand everything. Yanrong felt hurt because of what he heard from Jinyue , will also be comforted by that understanding.

But he did not expect that Yan Rong would make such an oath to him after listening to what he had said.

It is not that he is comforting Yan Rong, but Yan Rong is healing him. For him, this is not only comfort, but also a surprise.

In the past few years, he silently licked the wounds that were difficult to heal, and wrapped himself in layers of gentle and indifferent armor, resisting the uncertainty and insecurity from his heart, thinking that I have exhausted all my energy, and I will never have the strength to give love again, and it is also difficult to gain sincerity.

Yan Rong, who she liked unexpectedly, is more likeable than expected.

He wants to walk with Yanrong for a longer and longer journey, whether it is marriage, life or death, as long as Yanrong still needs him as much as he is today, he will be by Yanrong's side.

He was so excited, he hugged Yanrong in his arms tighter, and kissed Yanrong's forehead.

Yan Rong looked up at him, the tears on his face were not dry, and his voice was sweet and wet from crying, and said, "Are you going to buy me new clothes tomorrow?"

Wang Jin said: "Buy."

Yan Rong asked: "What if it rains?"

Wang Jin knew what he wanted to hear and said, "No matter what, let's go together."

Wang Jin kissed his eyes and praised sincerely: "You are so beautiful."

Yan Rong readily accepted and said, "You are also super handsome, we are a perfect match."

Wang Jin laughed.

Yan Rong blinked.

Wang Jin caught his hesitation and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Yan Rong bit her lip and said, "Jin Yue is not handsome at all."

Wang Jin was immersed in tenderness and sweetness, when he heard the name suddenly, the expression on his face was blank.

Yan Rong had no other thoughts, she was just curious and asked, "You are so handsome, why do you like him?"

Wang Jin didn't know how to answer this kind of question. After thinking about it, he said, "He is handsome in our class."

Yan Rong believed and said, "If you had a classmate as handsome as me, you would definitely not like him. You are really unlucky."

Wang Jin smiled and said, "Well, it's too difficult to grow up like you."

Yan Rong was not humble either. He thought he was handsome and asked, "You guys were going to live on campus at that time? Did you live in the same dormitory?"

Wang Jin: "…Well."

Yan Rong said with envy, "That's great."

Wang Jin didn't have time to speak, he continued: "I also want to live with you, my current roommate snores, grinds his teeth, often wakes me up, if you are me Your roommate will be fine."

Wang Jin said: "I snore occasionally."

Yan Rong said: "I like to hear you snore."

Wang Jin couldn't help laughing, this little guy.

And what the little guy actually thought was that Jin Yue was not too handsome, but Wang Jin liked him so much and was willing to do so many things for him. Wang Jin was fascinated. Probably like Mrs. Ma in "Dragon Babu", although she has a bad heart, she is very good at pleasing men and makes everyone like her and think she is a good person.


It will pop up, just like Wang Jin, handsome and big. You have to work hard and grow beautiful and **** muscles. You have to make Wang Jin completely fascinated by him, and he will never be seduced by bad guys like Jin Yue in the future.

This weekend, Wang Jin didn't work overtime. He accompanied Yanrong to buy summer clothes on Saturday. By the way, he went to the supermarket to buy some fruits and fast food enough for two days. After that, the two stayed at home At home, in addition to Yan Rong's homework, the rest of the time is hugging, kissing, and making love.

Yan Rong is the age at which she will not care once she falls in love.

Wang Jin is different, he realizes that this is too intemperate, especially not good for Yanrong's health, but he can't control it.

After making the promise to get married, Yan Rong opened her body anytime and anywhere, showing a look of "Come on me".

To be's really hard to resist.

On Monday morning, Wang Jin made breakfast and went upstairs to wake Yanrong up.

Yan Rong came to pester him again last night, he held on and refused, and put Yan Rong to sleep before nine o'clock.

Yan Rong slept soundly all night, never woke up, and didn't change his posture much. He was too tired for the past two days. Fortunately, Wang Jin was careful. There was no redness and swelling, but he was almost mentally ill. He had to take a good rest so that he would not hurt his body.

Wang Jin called him a few times by the bedside, he could hear it, his consciousness was clear, he knew that he should get up and go to school, but he couldn't open his eyes.

Wang Jin regretted and felt sorry for him, and suggested, "Would you like to take half a day off? I'll take you back to school in the afternoon."

He tried his best to open his eyes, and said laboriously, "No, there is a midterm exam this week, so I can't ask for leave."

Wang Jin had no choice but to say: "Then go downstairs to have something to eat, wake up and come back to wash, okay?"

Yan Rong did not make a sound and fell asleep again.

Wang Jin had no choice but to lift the quilt and hug him up. When he went out and went downstairs, he was afraid that he would fall on the steps, so he carefully changed his posture and carried him on his shoulders .

He slept so hard that he didn't wake up at all.

He still wore Wang Jin's t-shirt as pajamas, so that he could not cover his buttocks at all.

Wang Jin went downstairs and helped him pull the edge of his t-shirt, but it was useless, still couldn't cover it, and the little buttocks wrapped in white **** were exposed.

Wang Chao, who was walking home in the morning light, smelled the aroma of breakfast as soon as he entered the door. Inside, he saw his second brother came downstairs carrying a person.

The brothers looked at each other and became cold for a while.

Wang Chao's eyes slowly moved to Yan Rongguang's bare legs.

Wang Jin said with a stern face: "What are you looking at?"

Wang Chao hurriedly covered his eyes, but he couldn't help but say, "Second sister-in-law's legs are really white."

Read The Duke's Passion