MTL - I Have Everything You Like-Chapter 55 , rob dad

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I played football on the playground for more than an hour in the evening. Yan Rong and Ben went back to the dormitory to change clothes together. They also had different interest group activities in the evening.

On the way back, Yan Rong remembered what happened between classes and asked with a smile: "Last time I watched a football game at your house, when you sent me out, you secretly said that you had a crush on a girl, is it kaitlyn? ?"

Embarrassed and a little shy, she nodded and admitted.

This is normal, kaitlyn is very beautiful, lively and cheerful, very popular with boys, even Yan Rong sometimes thinks she is very cute.

Slightly bitter said: "But she probably doesn't like me and doesn't pay much attention to me."

Yanrong sells a good friend who has a good relationship with kaitlyn: "No, when you first transferred to another school, she told me that you are very handsome, just too cool to be approachable. , I think she also has a crush on you. Don't be discouraged, do you want to confess?"

He looks stable and cold on weekdays, but in the end he is still a feisty boy, when he hears the girl he likes praise him for being handsome, his face turns red to death, and he says, "I get nervous when I see her. She was speechless, she forgot both Chinese and English, and she doesn't know German, how can she express herself?"

Yan Rong came up with an idea: "How about writing a love letter? I can help you pass it on!"

I think this method is not bad, but he is obviously a novice in love, hesitantly said: "I haven't written it, how do I write it?"

Very suspicious, asked: "Have you ever been in love?"

Yan Rong became proud and said, "Of course I talked about it, do you think I'm a shy little boy like you?"

: "…"

He really didn't expect Yan Rong to secretly fall in love, he didn't quite believe it, and said, "Is it with a Chinese girl? Why have I never heard of you?"

Yan Rong felt that she had said a little too much, so she changed the topic and said, "I will tell you later when I have a chance, let me tell you about you first! Do you want to write a love letter to Kaitlyn?"

said: "Yes!"

Speaking of love letters, Yan Rong naturally thinks of his love letter. Later, he made small changes on it. I don’t know if Wang Jin saw it. For so long, Wang Jin did not mention it at all. However, he himself almost forgot.

Compared with that time, he always feels that he and Wang Jin are in a very bad state now, and it seems that something is not right.

At that time, they were full of desire for each other every second, and they wished they could tell each other the most beautiful love words. Every Monday morning, when he parted, the world in his eyes was half gray, and on Friday afternoon, he would feel that the sunset on the horizon was a unique beauty in the world. Whenever he thinks of Wang Jin's name, his heart heats up, and the burning heat and light of that love make him always feel extremely happy.

But now, when he thinks of Wang Jin, his first thought is loss and melancholy, he is afraid that Wang Jin's love for him stems from sympathy, and even more afraid that when he grows up and becomes stronger, Wang Jin My love will gradually fade away, become illusory, become invisible and feel, until finally becomes bound by responsibility, will not leave, but will not love again.

He was very confused and didn't know how to get out of this predicament that he was alone.

The weekend is coming soon. Wang Jin came to school to pick him up and asked, "Go eat first or go home?"

This is like a code word between two people, eating and going home, one is to fill the stomach, and the other is to satisfy the **** desire of being separated for a few days.

Yan Rong chose to eat for the first time.

Wang Jin looked at him and asked, "Hungry? Did you study hard today?"

Yan Rong was suddenly a little irritable. In the past, he felt that Wang Jin didn't expose his thoughts face to face. He can never see through Wang Jin's thoughts, Wang Jin can always see through him, but often he won't say it.

Is this the generation gap kaitlyn said?

It's really annoying and powerless.

He softened his voice and asked coaxingly, "Then what do you want to eat? It's very hot today, how about taking you to eat ice cream first?"

Yan Rong folded her arms and puffed her face, "Whatever."

Wang Jin: “…”

He was still thinking about how to coax when the phone rang.

The hospital called and the head nurse said, "Director Wang, you didn't see Cong Cong when you left just now. He is clamoring to see you now, and he won't take the medicine."

Wang Jin hadn't spoken yet, but another person was there, and he said in a somewhat pleasing tone: "Director Wang, I'm Cong Cong's mother, can you come back easily? I also know that you are off work. It's not very good to ask you to come back in the future, but he will listen to you now, and his father and I can't do anything either, so we both beg you, and when Cong Cong is healed, we will definitely send you a pennant."

Yan Rong only heard Wang Jin say: "Then I'll go back now, don't be too polite, see you later." Then hung up the phone.

He asked: "Do you want to go back to the hospital? Who is Cong Cong?"

Wang Jin said: "It's one of my patients, I'll take you home first."

Yan Rong is a very important person. He heard that it was for work, and he couldn't care less about losing his temper, and said: "I'll go to the hospital with you, I'm so anxious on the phone, you send me It might be too late to go back.”

Wang Jin smiled and said, "Aren't you hungry anymore?"

Yan Rong pouted again, and half-truthed back: "I never said I was hungry, you guessed it yourself."

Although she wanted to go back to the hospital, it was not as urgent as emergency patients. Wang Jinlu stopped for a while and bought ice cream for Yanrong.

Back to the hospital, he went to the office to change his clothes, let Yanrong wait for him in the office, and then hurried to the ward.

Yan Rong finished eating the ice cream and had nothing to do, so he turned over the drawer to play again. The cherry blossom-flavored hand cream and the bag of candies that he saw last time were still there. I unscrewed the hand cream, smelled it, and smeared a little on the back of my hand. Anyway, Wang Jin wouldn't use it anymore, and it would be a waste to keep it.

He took out the work notebook, opened it, and saw that his love letter was still in it, neatly folded, and unfolded again. All the "I like you" in it have been changed to "I love you". At that time, he just started to learn to use this word. Every time he changed it, his heart thumped and jumped out of his mouth. Now think about that time. I am so funny myself.

He put the love letter in the folder, and when he put the book back in the original place, he saw a very beautiful art envelope with the words "Director Wang received" on it, there was no stamp or postmark, it was not mailed The kind of letter that came.

…Is it also a love letter?

He hesitated, do you want to open it? No, it's rude to peek at other people's letters. But that was Wang Jin's letter, not someone else's. If Wang Jin knew that he had read his letter, he probably wouldn't be angry. But why did Wang Jin put that letter there, is that letter as important as his love letter status? Who wrote it to Wang Jin?

After a battle between heaven and man, he finally watched.

It is not a love letter, but in his opinion it is similar to a love letter. Between the lines, admiration for Wang Jin is expressed, saying that Wang Jin is the best doctor and the kindest person, thanking Wang Jin for For his care, he said that he received more care from Wang Jin than in the past ten years, and also said that his life was also influenced by Wang Jin. I hope to be able to stand by Wang Jin's side one day.

Yan Rong is going to explode with anger. Besides him, why should anyone stand beside Wang Jin? Simply delusional!

The inscription of that letter is that "Cong Cong".

He put the letter back in the drawer, and rushed out of the office.

Cong Cong is the patient who underwent surgery for spinal deformity not long ago, a seventeen-year-old boy who temporarily lost his intuition in his lower limbs after the operation. He has been rehabilitating this week and has experienced the fear of possible paralysis After that, the mood has been unstable. But he trusts his attending doctor Wang Jin very much. Especially after he was moved from the ICU to the general ward, he has more and more direct contact with Wang Jin, and gradually he worships and relies on Wang Jin. Not only the nurses know it, but even his parents know that when he loses his temper, refuses to eat, doesn't take medicine, and doesn't cooperate with rehabilitation, as long as Director Wang is called, he will immediately obey.

This is the situation again. Wang Jin came to see him this morning, and he was busy all day after that. He went to rehab in the afternoon, and the situation was very good. When he came back, he wanted to share it with Wang Jin. When he asked the nurse, he found out that Wang Jin left work early. In short, there was no place to be comfortable, and his parents lost their temper after the toss, so he begged the nurse to call Wang Jin.

a look.

Here, Yan Rong came out of Wang Jin's office angrily. She didn't know where Cong Cong's ward was, so she asked the nurse on duty outside, and the nurse aunt smiled when she saw that it was him Said: "Looking for Director Wang? I'll take you there. I just have something to do in the ward."

He thanked him and went there with his aunt.

Auntie asked him some questions such as "How long did you go to high school?" "Which school did you study in?" "How are your grades?" He answered honestly.

At the end, Auntie Xu was right, and opened her mouth to say: "I have worked with your father for several years, but he has never left early. This year, in order to pick you up from school, every week Wudu is in a hurry to leave, but it really hurts you."

Yan Rong: "…"

He knows that his classmates have this kind of misunderstanding, but he doesn't know that Wang Jin's colleagues also have this kind of misunderstanding.

When she arrived at the ward area, the nurse aunt arrived at the convenience first. She pointed to the other side of the corridor and said, "Your father is at 2104, go over by yourself. Hey, don't run, slow down. "

Yan Rong has already run over, the door is closed, but he is tall enough now that he can see through the window on the door without tiptoeing.

Wang Jin stood in front of a hospital bed, bent slightly, a Chinese boy in a hospital gown was smiling and bit his ear, not knowing what he was whispering, and there was a middle-aged couple beside him. Weary and relieved, he looked at the two of them.

Yan Rong pushed open the door abruptly, and everyone inside turned to look at him.

He said loudly to Wang Jin: "Dad, come out!"