MTL - I Have Everything You Like-Chapter 73 Not sweet at all (3) [Xie Wang]

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Flowers, grass, wind, and the Potala Palace meet with the fresh blue sky and white clouds, like a vast poem and a magnificent painting.

Brother Chi has been here many times. At this time, while driving, I still can't help but linger in the beautiful scenery. And Wang Chao sat listlessly in the co-pilot, took Brother Chi's mobile phone and played absentmindedly.

He wore a pair of wide sunglasses, which blocked his face that was incurably sunburned, but his bright head could almost reflect the blue sky of Lhasa.

He played a little game for a while, and wanted to read Weibo. Since that day, he lost his mobile phone, and he has not read Weibo. Recently, there is a popular event, and it has been published again. He didn't know any hot words on the Internet.

Brother Chi did not have Weibo installed on his mobile phone, Wang Chao asked: "Brother Chi, do you still have enough traffic? I want to use the next app."

Brother Chi replied: "Enough, I just charged 1 g yesterday. Your brother called me specifically, I'm afraid you won't have enough fun."

Wang Chao began to download Weibo and said nonsense: "My brother is so nice, he beats me every day, but he is still kind to me, if he hadn't had a wife, I would have had **** with him ."

Brother Chi: “…”

After downloading Weibo, Wang Chao asked, "Do you have any brothers and sisters?"

Brother Chi said: "No, my family is me."

Wang Chao logged in on Weibo and boasted: "Anyway, I have a very good brother. We both give me any good things first..."

He suddenly stopped talking and stared at the phone.

The last one won the Most Popular Actor of the Year Award, and the other won the Fashion Beauty of the Year Award.

It's a **** nonsense, it's a TV show award, what the **** is a fashion beauty, for fear that others won't know it's a related household?

Wang Chao watched for a while, and saw his teeth were sore. He uninstalled Weibo again, and put his phone aside.

After walking in Lhasa for two days, I passed by the Potala Palace before leaving, and saw many people gathered around to buy commemorative postcards and send them to relatives and friends.

Brother Chi said, "Do you want to send it?"

Wang Chao is not interested: "If you don't send it, I will wait for you if you send it."

Brother Chi shook his head and said, "I come often. Can you send one to your brother?"

Wang Chao thought about it for a while, but he passed by and bought two, one with "Big Brother, I love you" and one with "Second Brother, I love you", and sent them separately. It was given to Wang Qi and Wang Jin.

Leaving there for a while, he looked back and saw that the holy Potala Palace was connected to the sky, like a heaven.

He said, "Brother Chi, wait for me."

Brother Chi said, "What are you doing?"

He didn't answer and ran back.

He bought the third postcard, squeezed among a group of people, and with a pen that was a little watery, he wrote a sentence with force, wrote the address, and stuffed it into the mailbox.

On the way back to Beijing, he and Brother Chi spent the night in a hotel next to a high-speed service station in Shijiazhuang, a standard room.

He just bought a new mobile phone, because it was inconvenient to replace the card, he changed a new number, and now he called Wang Qi to report safety.

Wang Qi said he: "Just stay in Beijing when you come back, you can't do any more nonsense, this time your brother Chi is not doing business with you, and I can't find anyone to accompany you any more. you."

After he finished speaking, he trained him a few more words, probably because he was busy with something, he hung up.

He took Brother Chi's mobile phone and passed the photos taken these days to himself.

Brother Chi came out of the shower, saw him playing with two mobile phones, and asked, "Did you call your brother?"

After he finished uploading the photos, he returned the phone to others and said, "I beat him, and I was scolded."

Brother Chi said, "Your brother still treats you as a child."

He looked at people, felt embarrassed, and said: "He said you were delaying business to accompany me, I'm sorry, I'm heartless, and I didn't ask You these things. When you get back to Beijing, I will invite you to drink, drink whatever you want, and drink as much as you want."

Brother Chi said: "Don't listen to your brother's nonsense, I'm not like him, millions of dollars a minute, I'm not a big deal."

He lay down on his bed and said with a smile, "You are not what he said."

Wang Chaodao: "What did he say about me?"

Brother Chi said: "He said that your young master has a hard temper. If you are nonsense and disobedient, let me beat you."

Wang Chao: " brother is so kind to me."

Brother Chi smiled and adjusted the air conditioner to 26 degrees.

Wang Chao remembered that when he went out with Xie Zhuxing, he had to slap and kick him every day. He had to die, but he was reluctant to work hard, and the look of gnashing his teeth was so beautiful.


…Maybe he is ill, and he has to let Wang Jin show him when he goes back.

Brother Chi said, "What are you thinking?"

Wang Chao returned to God: "I didn't think of anything."

Brother Chi said: "You have been unhappy along the way, did something happen?"

Wang Chao didn't want to say anything, and said, "It's nothing, just upset, come out and breathe."

Brother Chi said: "Yes, your line of work is under a lot of pressure. I always heard that this drug addict committed suicide."

Wang Chao didn't say anything, he never felt pressure.

Brother Chi added: "I heard that there are many unspoken rules, and they have to be helped by someone to become popular."

Wang Chaodao: "Not all of them. Those with good qualifications, diligence, and eyesight can also be popular."

Brother Chi smiled and said, "Don't brag about yourself."

Wang Chao said: "No..."

He paused, he realized who he was talking about.

He didn't want to talk anymore, he turned over and pretended to sleep.

Brother Chi called him from behind: "Xiaochao."

He said, "Stop talking, go to bed."

Brother Chi was quiet for a moment, then asked again: "Are you?"

He didn't react and replied, "What is it?"

There was a creaking sound from the mattress next to him, he felt that something was wrong, he turned his head and saw that Brother Chi was standing beside his bed, bending over, and a hand was about to touch him.

Wang Chao's conditioned reflex "I fuck" shrank back, and the Northeast accent ran out again: "You kaha!?"

Brother Chi was a little embarrassed, but he didn't mean to get up. He kept that posture and said shyly, "I wanted to kiss you."

Wang Chao: “…”

He looked at Brother Chi's arm, he felt thicker than his own leg, and immediately a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

Brother Chi stood there and looked at him.

He slipped against the wall to the door, opened it and ran.

When he got downstairs, he immediately bought a bottle of water and drank it. After drinking it, he immediately called Wang Qi, but Wang Qi didn't answer it twice.

He was in a hurry when the waiter came over and said, "Are you a guest of 606? Your friend asked me to give you this."

It's his wallet and the keys to the off-road car.

He thought about it, but he didn't want to complain to Wang Qi anymore. The surname Chi didn't touch him at all. He knew that he couldn't fight, Xie Zhuxing's small body could hold him down and he couldn't move, and the big man surnamed Chi, if he really blocked him and didn't let him go, he wouldn't be able to run at all.

When did this person start to make this idea, think about it, he did not avoid contact with the surname Chi at all, hooked his shoulders and backs, slept in a bed, He also drank together shirtless, and occasionally he felt that the surname Chi was a bit like his eldest brother.

Like a fart! Will his brother do such a thing?

Why did he encounter such disgusting shit?'s all **** Xie Zhuxing's fault!

He was smashed by Xie Zhuxing. If it wasn't for Xie Zhuxing, he would not have this **** temperament, nor would he have lost his love, would not have gone to Tibet, and would not have been with this surnamed Chi for half a month , just now will not be sexually harassed.

He came out of the shabby hotel, got into the car, and dialed the only cell phone number he could remember.

The other side picks up, wondering about this unfamiliar number: "...Hello?"

Wang Chao yelled at the phone: "Thank you for the happiness of Zhuxing Han Yuzhi, step forward! I'll **** your eighth ancestor!"


Wang Chao and Wang Chao parted ways. Xie Zhuxing had planned to go home, but received a call from his manager on the way and asked him to come over and said that he needed help with something.

He went there. It was also a restaurant. In addition to the manager, there was also an actress who was from the same company. I met twice before, but basically didn't say much.

I didn't go back until after eleven o'clock, is there such a thing?"

Xie Zhuxing nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

The agent turned to look at the female star and said, "Look, I said it was with Xiao Xie."

The female star crossed her arms and said to Xie Zhuxing suspiciously: "Didn't you two set it up beforehand?"

The agent was so anxious that he made an oath.

Xie Zhuxing understood now, a little embarrassed.

In the end, the female star still believed his agent and didn't fool around.

The agent was amnesty, so he turned around and explained to Xie Zhuxing that he had been in an underground relationship with this female star for more than a year, and he never dared to make it public or tell the people around him that he was hiding it. It's very hard, and because there are few gatherings and many separations, girls are somewhat suspicious, for fear that a vixen will accidentally hook up the male ticket and stare closely at people.

The female star was not happy to hear this: "Am I staring at you wrong? If I don't love you, why stare at you? Why don't I stare at Xiao Xie?"

Xie Zhuxing couldn't help but smile, that is, if you don't love him, why are you still staring at him.

The broker is again ingratiating.

It's all right, Xie Zhuxing said to leave, but the female star said: "Everyone is here, just do me a favor. I just came back from abroad today, and my family helped me with it. I want to take him to a party, but it seems strange for him to go by himself, if you go, it will be different, just treat it as a new friend in the circle, and he is your manager, so it is normal to go along."

He went.

There are no insiders at the party, all of them are raw faces, but looking at their looks and temperament, most of them are descendants of dignitaries.

Although he feels out of place, he is used to it. He usually plays with Wang Chao, and it is often like this. But the manager can't. He was very happy to follow the female ticket to the house, but he couldn't hold back the comparison, so he didn't dare to open his relationship. The social circle was even more depressed, and unknowingly drank two more glasses.

Xie Zhuxing could see that, so he persuaded him a few words: "Xiaoyi really likes you, don't think about it too much, we are all together, there are some of these, don't care too much."

The agent smiled bitterly: "You persuaded me to be righteous, the same reason, Wang Chao really likes you, but you hold back the energy when I can't see you and Wang Chao together Son?"

Xie Zhuxing was blocked and stopped talking.

The agent is a bit tongue-in-cheek, and he would not say these words on weekdays: "Xiao is better than Wang Chao, at least he can speak well, Wang Chao's temper, what is ugly, choose what to say, It's amazing that you can endure him." He gave a thumbs up and said compliments, but mocked for no reason.

Xie Zhuxing said: "If you tell me, tell me, what are you doing to me, we are both okay, I don't have to bear it, I just like to see him stupid."

The agent laughed twice and said: "You are stupid, you really think he is stupid? You don't think about it, it's been more than half a year, why are all these stupid idol dramas Came to see you? Last year, the big director looked for you, but he was very anxious, and since then, he has always been careful, not suppressing you, and he is afraid that your wings will be hard and you will fly by yourself. "

Xie Zhuxing: “…”

In the middle of the night, he came out of the female star's house.

He was in a mess, and he didn't notice that someone was taking pictures of him secretly.

He thought to himself, why did Wang Chao treat him like this?

Wang Chao doesn't know what he wants? He has been drifting north for so many years, and he has told Wang Chao what hardships he has endured. He has finally come to this day, and he can still walk better. Why does Wang Chao block his way?

While he thought he had no money, the house he bought was broken, and the furniture he bought was not good, he also hindered his development. He slept in the same bed every day, and secretly stumped him.

It's good, it's really good.

He went home, sat on the bed and looked around the bedroom. During the renovation, he came to supervise the work every day. After the renovation was completed, he added furniture. He excitedly brought Wang Chao to see their home .

What the idiot said at that time, "Where did you buy this broken bed, it's really ugly, it's going to be soft when you see it, don't be reluctant to spend money, change it quickly."

His parents have been here for almost half a month, Wang Chao has been "shy" and refused to meet, and has never mentioned letting him meet the parents of the Wang family, not to mention the parents, even if it is to meet them The legendary eldest brother, Wang Chao, didn't even mention a word.

Who is the fool? It was he who thanked Zhu Xing himself.

It wasn't until dawn that he slowly fell asleep in a trance.

After seven o'clock, my parents knocked on the door and said they were going to review today.

As soon as my parents left, the phone rang again.

The agent said in the receiver: "Xiao Xie, you went to Xiao's house last night and were photographed."

Only he and the female star were photographed, and only himself was photographed in the early morning.

He hung up the phone, turned it off and went back to sleep.

Love whoever, he doesn't care about anyone now.

After some time, he was awakened again.

Wang Chao stood in front of the bed and asked him with an angry look: "What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Pretend not at all, not angry at all, if you want to laugh or not, as if you care about who else he has an affair with?


As for Wang Chao, whoever you want to take care of, just take care of him, find someone who is good-looking and obedient.

One is different and two is wide, and each is happy.

Wang Chao slammed the door and left. He heard Wang Chao swearing outside and took his mother with him.

He thought, never see each other again, goodbye he will beat this idiot to death.