MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 100

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The purchase ratio is 60%, and the subscription or waiting for 24 hours can be broken. Oh, the capital star is the place where Devitt grew up, but perhaps as the mother said, he has the blood of the frontier in his body. For him, the frontier has always been the closest place. Compared to the bustling and bustling capital of the capital, he prefers the endless feeling that the frontier gives him.

But going back is unavoidable. When I think of Cook, which was mentioned before Casse, Devette’s expressionless face seems to be getting colder.

Give Yuta Star the initiative to summon? At that time, Utta Star took the Assyrians and experimented in secret. The names of the tens of thousands of victims were directly launched when the war was discovered. His father and his soldiers fought hard to defeat the first fleet of Utta Star. The star is very good at intercepting information, so in the **** battle, how many people are going out for a whole team. For the sake of intelligence and the overall situation, the whole team is desperate to save one's life and return it to the camp? And many of those who survived, even many of them still remain in his army.

He was in a coma for a month. In Cook’s eyes, it’s not much different from the estimated death. Devitt didn’t really care what others thought of him, but if he wanted to summon this thing, if he indulged, all the soldiers in the frontier might Will be chilling.

They lost to the Zerg, but they will never lose to Uta Star. In the past, now, the enemy can now join the alliance, but it is not directly seeking the sum of the way of self-depreciation. It was he who had just seen it in the official document. Cook actually intended to exchange the small part of the information in the frontier legion to express the sincerity of seeking peace.

There was a storm in the eyes under the eyelashes, but soon he felt the energy nucleus faint. Devitt's lips became a straight line, with the frequency of his energy storm and spiritual dissociation, and the imperial progress of the empire in this respect. It will take a long time to face death, but he will guard the frontier defense, he will Like his father, stick to the last second of life.

After pinching the bridge of the nose, Devitt took a shower after closing the terminal. He walked into the room very lightly and saw the little white fox sleeping in the nest next to the pillow. The footsteps were soft and the eyes softened.

Wen Hao has always been a bed, this little guy is very afraid of cold, although he is not willing to admit, but Devitt's body warmer obviously improves his sleep quality, especially in the period of serious injury, so when he first came, he I chose the bed very much without abandoning my dignity. I shared a bed with people but I never had a fight from my brothers and sisters and my parents.

And Devitt has nothing to do with whether or not a person can sleep on a bed with a beast. He fully implements the belief that he should be good at his own beast. And he knows that the little guy is afraid of cold, sometimes he wants to let it sleep in the quilt, but the other party has been reluctant to give it a new quilt, and always sleep next to the pillow.

After going to bed lightly, Devitt stared at the fox on the pillow and saw it, suddenly itchy, his fingers gently touched on the gentle head. Seeing that the little guy was sleeping on the floor, he didn’t react to his movements. Devitt turned his claws and the soft hair on his belly. After finishing his hand, he reached back to Wen’s head. Hit the ground and carefully slammed the little hair on the little guy's head.

Soon, there were two different reverse hairs on Wen’s head.

Busy in the official document, the marshal who wanted to sleep, looked at the two mane, as if suddenly found a great pleasure besides work, touched and touched the head and stomach of the little fox, not long after, the gentle hair of Wen’s body Just on the left side of him, he had a bulge on the right side, and his final gaze fell on the fluffy big tail.

Looks like it feels good ---

Devitt, who has entered the "No one can think of me to do this" mode, can't help but slowly get together.

However, just as the sin was about to happen, the little fox who was still sleeping suddenly changed his sleeping position. When he moved, he blocked his belly with his tail, and together with his butt, wrapped his body tighter. Devitt’s movements were stiff and his mind seemed to wake up in an instant. He remembered the attitude of the little fox to his touch and touch during the day. He silently took it back and paused for a while before turning around and turning off the light.


Wen Hao had a nightmare. In the middle of the night, he woke up with two raised hairs, and a little squatting, licking the wet eyes against the air.

Counter-hair is a very difficult thing to do, especially when it is very clear that the hair is not smooth. So this feeling, after returning to the gods, Wen Hao is going crazy, madly want to touch his head, but the claws can not reach the head shortly, and he is anxious to die, his heart is tight and tight, simply not I understand that I have just been sleeping in the wild, and I will sleep like this. Wen Yan has always been very guilty about this matter. He is not very good at sleeping. When his parents are still there, he can roll around and go all the foxes in the nest. Master.

Although Wen Hao has always liked his hair to be beautiful and bright, the mane technique is very high, but this time he also took a long time to get the two bristles on his head, and left a sharp point. angle.

The presence of the sharp corners of this point is already unseen, but silently telling myself that I can't sleep so capriciously.

Subconsciously licking the paws, but found that his claws are already cold, this kind of thing happens often, in the past, Wen Hao will immediately pick up a squat to warm up, but now, he licked the fox eyes, put the meat pad directly Stuffed to Devitt's neck.

Feeling the warmth of the temperature came, Wen Hao comfortably raised his eyes and stuffed the other paw, and stepped on it.

Thinking of the dream, Wen Yan’s eyes faded. He took medicine before going to bed. The abundant spiritual power was enough to support him to find the giant **** Dan placed in the innermost space treasure. Now that the drug has taken effect, he can I feel that there is warm current swimming in the body.

Although the demon has not recovered, but the medicine has not yet fully taken effect, and the internal injuries in the body are already good. Silently praised in the heart the genius of the research gods----When he himself stretched out on the pillow, his eyes fell on Devitt, and he remembered the very unpleasant dream. .

Devitt’s words a few hours ago also flashed through his warm mind.

"Before that, all your abilities will be kept secret."

After licking his paws, Wen Yan’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. He was happy to see the human race and was not interested in their lives and deaths, but he liked the sincere people. The eyes of the Terran said that he was delighted when he said the sentence.

After thinking for a while, Wen Hao was slightly gazing, and his eyes fell back on Devitt. The pulse in the internal organs of the latter appeared in front of him.

The meridians are very chaotic, and the veins are also shocked, especially the meridians, and the warm eyes are slightly moving.

This person's pulse mouth has many small wounds, which are all signs of being attacked by disordered aura. It is very rare. Their aura's aura is alienated from the demon, and the chaotic aura is absorbed. Then, it will be dealt with by the demon, and it will be normal to get used to it for a long time. The human race is the same, so the pulse port usually does not show such signs, unless the man with high mana is directly oppressed from outside the body with spiritual power - but this is obviously impossible.

Here, Wen Hao has not seen anyone who can surpass Devitt and cause him such trauma. So, is this guy... sucking the aura from the pulse? A gentle look, then think about it for a moment, and it makes sense in an instant.

He did not carefully look at the veins of Kasei and Archie, but this group of people is so amateur to the use of Lingshi, and the way of absorption is also very likely. Reversing the aura, all the energy in the whole body is reversed. The more you absorb, the faster you reverse, and the more easily your body will explode, it is simply evil. It is no wonder that this guy’s body will become this. Sub-pattern.

Wen Yan blinked. He didn't know the way from which the Terran was learned to absorb the aura. It was enhanced to use the aura of the heavens and the earth, but this method greatly reduced their life.

Thinking of this, Wen Wei moved the white-haired claws and made two turns on Devitt's body.

So Devitt felt in his sleep that one hand had been swimming in his abdomen. The hand bones were distinct, white and slender, with a slight coolness, and he was very patient in his abdomen. It's a little itchy.

Devitt didn't understand what was going on at first, and the body couldn't move. He could only let the hand move, and when his thoughts followed the hand completely, he felt like he understood something, and it seemed like A little did not understand, and when Devitt fell into this maze, the hand suddenly left.

In the heart, he subconsciously grasped the hand.

The other side seemed to pause, Devitt worried that the hand disappeared, and the grasp was very tight, and then did not know how long it had passed, a sense of suffocation came from his neck, and... is it itch?

Wake up awkwardly, Devitt found himself lying on his neck with a fox lying on his neck, straight from the shoulder and growing up on his throat.

Staring at the ceiling and watching it for a while, Devitt took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He couldn’t help but think of the hand in his sleep. A warm aftertaste was still in the lower abdomen, and the pants close to the body were actually It is already wet.

Someone walked up behind him, and his tone was disappointing. "The young generals are still going to take out the beast. When the success is successful, there is nothing to react. The grade of this beast is really low."

"In the beginning, you shouldn't count on the beast..." Someone murmured, "What kind of beast is not worthy of the marshal, let alone the lowest order in the beast."

As he spoke, some people began to take off their anti-drug clothes. Only Archie kept his original position and stared at the inside. His brow was locked and he always felt a kind of hunch...

suddenly! A little change in the room, let Achi widened his eyes, only under the white-haired paws, Devitt, who had been in a coma for a month, suddenly and undulating in the chest, paused for a few seconds, and then violently Shock, Devitt, who had been severely comatose, suddenly spit out a poisonous blood. Then, the closed eyes were so slowly opened, revealing a pair of blue, bloodshot pupils.

The people behind him were stunned by the scene in front of them, only Archie rushed into the room like a wind.

The little fox on the mouth of Devitt was not able to dodge, and the hair on his claws accidentally caught blood and was not happy. At the beginning, it tried to suppress it, but found that it did not hold back, simply screamed.


So, you will hate you, what do you want to do!

After finishing this, I spent all my energy on the warm eyes, but I struggled, but I fainted in the past. Before I was faint, Wen Hao was very unwilling to look at my dirty claws.

He is a demon, a fox with a thousand years of practice, reasonable feelings, and temperament. Although there is a little bit of personality in the character... But Wen Yan still insists that he is a good temper and has a demon cultivation.

But he is very angry now, because recently he is like being too old, and the unfortunate things are one after another!

However, it was a catastrophe. If it failed, it would have been hurt. Even the demon dan had a crack, and when the robbery reached the last moment, Wen Hao accidentally fell into the void and then was unprepared. The ground was twisted out of the trauma of the body, and finally came to a different world with a very aura.

The demon was damaged, the bones were frustrated, and the aura was still thin. When he first arrived, Wen Yan could not even cure himself for a flesh wound. He did not have the energy to open the device. The millennium demon repaired and almost died of excessive blood loss.

After that, the head became completely paste, and I couldn’t turn it. I only felt that someone was carrying me to come and go. During the period, Wen Yu wanted to jump out and take him back and forth to talk about the truth, but He couldn’t wake up, he hurt so much, until he was put into something, he felt that the surrounding aura seemed to have become a little more, although only a little bit, but for the gentleness at that time, it was quite large. The temptation.

Wen Wen couldn't help but indulge himself, but if he knew that the price of this indulgence was brought to the conclusion, he would surely wake up to wake himself up, and then he had to flee the place.

For any deed that can cause the same effect of co-death, Wen Yu would like to raise four paws to express strong resistance, but ... can not get on the thief boat.

On the one hand, Wen Wei’s injury is too heavy now, and the devil’s fragmentation means that he can’t be willful, especially in this world where the aura is thin and a little bit of essence is very expensive, he doesn’t spend as much energy. The strength to break away from a contract, and on the other hand... is also the most important. If it is an ordinary deed, it is better to say that the other party is only a personal class. For Wen Yu, even if it is injured, it is also very good. Double-handedness, the party that has always been strong is easy to take the initiative, this is also the contractual rebellion that is often used in the cultivation of the immortal world. This is like a general monk. It is best not to go to the top-level treasures that I missed. I don’t know who controls who. One truth.