MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 32

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"Marshal, I know a lot of people are blaming me on this matter, but you are different. You should be able to understand the necessity of the Union of Eustat, the need for Assyria, right?"

On a floating car, the driver is driving, the first officer is sitting on the mark, and the rear seat is on two seats. It is Cook and Devitt who slammed into the car one second before driving, sitting on their two oblique sides. , is Cook's assistant and a clerk.

Devette's face was very cold. From the time he got on the bus, he almost never said a few words. The next to Cook was a lot of talk, so much to let Kass think that this guy didn't want to live.

And Yuta Star summed up, just like stepping on the dignity of their group of border guards, he can not wait to hang up Cook, this person actually wants the Marshal to forgive him? If there is a chance, he really wants to give Cook a tailor-made empire.

"I promised that it would be a bad thing for the accompanying troops to enter, right? But it is already here, I really hope that the defense work can be hosted by you. I will report directly to the Prime Minister in this regard." How can Cook see him? Devitt didn't want to take care of him. When he thought about it, he simply said it straight. "In any case, the Marshal also needs a chance to return to the military to hold real power, right?"

Cook said that he deliberately added a tone to the words of the marshal.

He ran to see Devitt earlier, and was told that the Marshal had left the military and rushed to the parking garage. He finally got on Devitt's suspension car, and he was almost not beaten by a tight trousers. .

"Open the window." Since Cook took the car for so long, Devitt finally said the first sentence.

Kasei snorted and laughed. Cook had a taste of things. He said the same thing in the past two days, but in fact it is not too heavy now, but when it comes to insurance, he will leave the window half when he gets on the bus. At this point, simply pull the entire window down.

The cool wind blows on Cook’s face: "..."

"This is an invitation." After a while, I tried to squeeze out the face of a chrysanthemum-like smile, and pulled out a hot gold envelope from my arms.

In Assyria, the more advanced the banquet, the more you like to use this ancient form of invitation to make invitations, and the one that Cook took out, whether it is the hot gold of the corners or the color of the seal ink, is undoubtedly the state banquet. Class.

Obviously, this is the banquet that Assyrian used to entertain the Eustat ambassador.

Devitt did not pick up.

Cook had long been used to it, as if he had not seen his reaction, he reached out and placed it on the suspension vehicle.

Devitt's eyes fell outside the window, and soon he was about to go to the apartment. He actually wanted to let Casse stop parking and dump Cook. But this time it was a very high passage. No parking was allowed. High, it is his apartment.

There was a faint disappointment in his gaze.

When Cook saw it, he smiled. "Hey, why didn't you see that small corps today? It has recently set off a lot of storms on the Internet."

Live Cook can't be seen. He doesn't want to be busy with a full-day defense deployment like Devitt. The House of Representatives has always attached great importance to this aspect.

And this kind of hang on the interstellar headlines, Devitt also stood up to prove the explosive news of his recovery, he must have known the news for the first time.

"Marshal, you don't know. During the period of your coma, the research institute has made breakthroughs in the project and progress of the beast." Cook smiled and suddenly lowered his voice, mysteriously said. "They suspect that the beast is wise."

Devitt gave him a look.

Thinking of the little fox who screamed at him, Cook smashed his head. "It should be said that there is a low IQ. It is observed that there is even the possibility of forming a nuclear power."

"The performance of the small corps that night was really amazing. Others may not be the same, but we all know that your body is not fully recovered, right?"

After Cook said this sentence, he suddenly laughed twice, and the car suddenly fell into a silent silence.

Caser bit his teeth, although the marshal had said that this matter could not hold the fire, but he still couldn't believe it. You must know that this news can definitely go out of the legion.

"This little guy's ability is really big, 50,000 abilities, and can tame so many behemoths... I still haven't figured out before, how can the marshals be willing to sign the beast, now think about it, such a strong beast, If it really confirms the conjecture of the previous research institute, then I am afraid that many people will want one." Cook said, the light flashed, and it was full of greed.

"I'm really lucky." Devitt started to drive to the present, and finally turned on. His blue eyes looked at Cook, with a bit of coldness and banter. "But you are different."

After the speech, Devitt looked at the Casse, "Parking."

The apartment is right in front, but he really doesn't want to stop at the door, or Cook will definitely ask to go in and sit down - this kind of face is thick enough to pass through the wormhole.

However, his voice just fell, and the six people in the car heard a loud noise of "砰---", accompanied by a powerful ability, everyone in the car, the face is changed.

The most violent reaction is the jam, this energy fluctuation can not be underestimated, and the direction of energy fluctuations is the Marshal's apartment!

"Open the past." Devitt's face changed, and immediately ordered.

"What happened?" When the suspension car stopped, Kasei and Mark immediately rushed down the car. The former subconsciously wanted to carry the power, but when the hand touched the wrist and restricted the metal ring of the power, Cassel jerked a bang and turned his hand to touch the photon gun that was in his waist. His face was dark and dark.

Is this someone attacking the residence of the marshal? And even sent such a powerful ability...

Just when Kass thought about what to do, there was another cry in the apartment, "Boom----".

The energy amplitude that is more clear than just hitting everyone on the body, Cook, who is an ordinary person, is even more swollen in his mind, and even breathing is difficult. If you want people to drive away, they will not shout. Coming out, Xiao Chen’s figure also froze.

However, the next second, the most unexpected thing happened. I saw that the wall in the corner of Devette's single-family apartment was like a smashed wall. Even the entire wall collapsed directly? ! A long pointed ice cone sticking out, let everyone slam.

Casse's face changed instantly, and the ability was materialized. That is the ability of the 3rd-order abilities, and caused such huge ice...

Just as the hand holding the gun was getting tighter, the terminal on his wrist lit up.

With such a powerful ability, the power monitoring station must have received a wave frequency prompt, probably detecting their position, and this wavelength is really powerful and can not be ignored, so the other party directly dialed the nearby Kasai .

Without waiting for the jam to be connected, Devitt suddenly pushed him away and walked in the direction of the apartment.

"Marshal!" Cassell's eyes widened. Before Archie reminded him, the Marshal's body is still not good enough, especially the nuclear power. It should be as close as possible to the energy. The power here is so strong. One marshal...

"The marshal's beast is inside." Mark took a deep breath and suppressed the instinct discomfort caused by the powerful dissent.

Kasai changed his face, pressed the communication on his hand, and immediately followed up, "to evacuate the crowd."

Mark Yingsheng, turned his head to Xiao Chen, "You give the monitoring station communication, and then wait outside."

Xiao Chen, who had already had some difficulties in breathing, looked at the ice in shock and looked a little confused.

"Xiao Chen!"

Mark shouted, and Xiao Chen suddenly returned to God and nodded. Mark gritted his teeth, sank the nuclear power, and rushed out.

Devitt's speed was the fastest. He almost did not hesitate to walk in front of the apartment, opened the apartment door without stopping, and then walked straight in.

When the door opened, a bit of chilling chill, and powerful energy rushed, and the moment the Devette stepped in, the whole house shook.

The room was very dark, there was no light in the room, and the living room was full of pillows and cans scattered around.

The next second, in a corner of the living room corner, suddenly flashed a white light.

It is gentle.

In the morning, Devitt was still slick and slick before going out. I didn’t know what was going on. The whole hairs were all messy. I rushed out to see Devit’s moment, and because I was knocked down by the door, I fell on the ground and rubbed it. Half a meter.

At first glance, Devitt, Wen Yan suddenly widened his eyes, looked very angry, shook his head and shouted, "What are you hiding at home?!"

I can't detect the breath, I am huge, and I am extremely proficient in wall-piercing and prosthetics. No matter how he catches it, I can't catch it!

Casse clenched and grabbed. Wen Wei said that only Devitt could understand. He saw Wen Hao so excited, almost instantly determined, there must be a fierce high-order abilities in the room!

These people are not good at seeing the marshal, so I want to start directly with the marshal of the marshal!

There was a glimmer of light in Kass’s eyes.

However, Devette on the side did not hesitate to step forward in three steps and two steps forward. He took Wen Wen into his arms and touched the little guy's cold claws. Devitt frowned.

Wen Yan looked unhappy, but after seeing Devitt, he silently took back the fever and stopped the consumption of Reiki. After the aura in his body released the big ice cone that broke the house, there was not much left. Wen Hao stuffed two ice-cold and soft little meat pads on Devette's neck for warmth.

The cold temperature on the claws passed through the meat pad and passed into Devitt's body. The latter narrowed his eyes and found that the body of the little fox was shaking.

If he didn't guess wrong, these ice cubes should be made by Wen Hao himself. This little guy... even the temperature of his own power can't hold back?

"Marshal..." From the moment that Devitt rushed up, Kasser’s expression changed. For fear of the appearance of a gentle bait, Devitt had hugged the little fox and quickly went up. Give the sign Devitt back.

However, Devitt did not respond to him. After pulling on the uniform of the military uniform, Wen Wei was directly attached to him through a thin coat. When he felt that the gentle temperature rose slightly, he went straight into the room. door.

Seeing Devitt's movements, Wen Xin's heart jumped, and immediately placed a pose on him, wrinkled his face and made a superficial expression.


Devitt turned on the lights in the room and looked at the ice rafts everywhere, as well as the walls that had been smashed, and the eyes were deep.

The face of the superficially warm and squeaky crumpled face waited for half a minute, seeing nothing inside, a slight meal, a look, "Hey?" Are the guys gone? Just not attacking his group?

"That's a holographic image," Devitt explained. After he finished speaking, he looked at the room again deeply. "I just left one morning." You took down a single-family apartment.

“Hey?” Wen Yan’s head, what is holographic image, image? It seems that Devitt said that the special effects of the big hammer are also images, that is to say... just those monsters, isn’t it true?

Impossible, those monsters are always rushing at him, and they are still unable to catch them. They are clearly directed at him. Otherwise, he will not smash the house. How, how is it possible? What is a holographic image, is it a stupid big man who is jealous of him!

Kasei behind him also saw the holographic movie room with only ice and nothing. Look at the ice cubes, and then look at the small hairy ball in Devette’s hand. The guns in his hand almost fell to the ground. , kidding? !

Are these ice cubes all made by the little hairy group? When I thought of the Marshal’s direct entry into the room, Kasé always felt that he seemed to understand what he was after, and he was shocked.

Devitt also felt a bit of a headache, and ruined the house. But when such a high-profile ruin, things are more troublesome. Think of Cook outside the door, Devitt feels itchy.

I was trying to criticize the education. However, when he turned around and saw Wen Yan’s sly face, he thought of the little **** that he had seen on the light screen before, and he didn’t know why, Devit’s heart suddenly rolled. Bad water, he is serious and serious, "It is very expensive to repair the walls."

"Hey...?" Wen Yu twisted his head stiffly.

"I only have one house." The voice fell, and Kasei, who had just been stunned by Wen Zhenzhen, looked at Devitt unbelievably. His eyes were filled with "Where are you?" Will the marshal still do this?".

Devitt did not look at the Casse at all, but turned to Wen Wen to go to another room -- their bedroom.

The gentleness at this time probably reflects what happened, despite the fact that he does not want to accept it. At this point, I had already wanted to bury my face in the hole. He bitten Devette's sleeves and felt a little hot on his face. He didn't want to let the big man go to another room to enjoy his masterpiece.

However, Devitt walked over and opened the door and looked across the big ice cone in the bedroom. He narrowed his eyes and said profoundly.

"It's a bit serious."

The Kasei behind him has been driven crazy by his own peak, although the power is really strong and terrible, but if it is not an ability, but the ice cone formed after the entity, it will not be removed with the decoration robot. Yet! What is the Marshal thinking? !

Read The Duke's Passion