MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 38

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On this day, I worked hard in the research institute and insisted on rushing to the first scene to see the lively researchers. Not only did I see the corridors where the insects were all over the place, but I also fortunately witnessed Devitt who had not appeared in the public vision since the recovery. The marshal and... the scene of his house where the Mao Tzu was arguing.

To be precise, it was his family's hair troupe straight up the small chest and screaming at the scene of the marshal's fierce screaming for half an hour.

And there is such a short paragraph, after being recorded as a video, anonymously sent to the Star Network, although it was quickly harmonized by the Star Network administrator, but still can not be sent up in a few minutes, it is in the online world The speed of rapid propagation.

Soon, various forums still have different posts with different postures.

Among them, [video, have you seen it? 】 This post, with a high amount of reply and praise, in a forum proud of the crowd.

Pig: I saw it. It can be said that the small group is really cute. I admire the Marshal's self-control. I will definitely not be able to hold back the big tail!

Anti-common □ Association: Oh, Marshal Devitt has also fallen, let a beast climb over his head, the face of the Assyrians has been lost by him, really disgusting.

Overbearing Marshal, handsome squad: I am going, what ages are there, and how is the anti-coretry idea of ​​this kind of dirt still ah, my male god's great achievements and casually smashed out two can kill you, and give Assyria shame? Please shut up.

Original Chicken: Why are you paying attention to the beast? Is it only me that I noticed that the video was at 12 minutes and 22 seconds, when the camera was shaking, there was a black thing on the ground, all around was clean, the floor was black, there was No big **** analysis, too awkward?

When did the white dumplings have a name: +1, saw it, and the big **** next door had a large **** with professional software to pause and enlarge the small corner, which is undoubtedly a bug. But the shooting location is a research institute. How can there be bugs? And before the white dumplings lived in the light and watery, everyone could see it. In the video, there was a lot of hair that was reversed. The claws looked hurt, and the marshal kept giving it. I want to know when the official can justify it and give an explanation. If the marshal is attacked outside, it will be harmed by the villain at home. I am chilling for my male god.

Yes: Xinhan +1, the Zerg invasion of the inland is not once or twice, basically related to the personnel of the agency, now well, directly into the research institute? The military said that it is a good guard? Don't push the pot to my newly recovered male god?

Just right: What, everyone is very sad about this happening, but my cousin is a research institute. The specific situation is not convenient to elaborate, but I heard them say that although the number of bugs in this attack is not small, the mother seems to be small. The white scorpion solved, saying that Xiaobai Tuanzi would have the ability to release five or seventy-eight ice cones and pierce the mother. Now the inside is investigating and not giving news to the outside.

Flying:? ? Is it true that the upstairs white dumplings can dissipate? Isn't it possible for those research institutes to say that the beast can't have an ability all day long?

Is it true: Can a beast have a nuclear power? ? Really fake, don't be tempted.

Cute and more: I rely on, I will know! I felt strange when I had 50,000 abilities. I also had a contract beast, but the two idiots at home could not receive one tenth of my smart head. I said that it was wrong to play 50,000. ! Therefore, the trouble of saying that the beast is useless is self-defeating. It is so strong in the ancient beasts. After a few decades, have you really cleaned up the things engraved in the genes? From today on, I will take my family's two fools and stand firmly on the Marshal's side!

Kaka:! Ah, if it is true, the marshal’s luck is really good enough to explode! Xiaobai Tuanzi is so powerful! Not at all embarrassed, I want to be 100% blessed!


On the Star Network, related posts are like the fire of the stars on the original, and they are ignited quickly.

The earliest question about whether there are any abilities in Bai Tuanzi is also reflected in the violent discussion and the powerful data proofs produced by various great gods. After changing to discuss how strong such a small white scorpion is, why Will have an ability, Xiaobai Tuanzi is just a mutation, or it means that Assyrian’s understanding of the beast has been a problem.

As they discussed, they constantly called on the military and the House to stand up for an official response. For a time, public opinion clashed.

At the same time, the small squad that was relished on the Internet was gentle, and in reality, it did not live up to expectations.

Forty minutes ago, Devitt found that every time he looked at him, Wen Hao would be very proud to close his eyes and open his head, and his small chin would rise and live a little proud look. However, this little pride did not succeed in arrogance. After discovering that he had twisted his head, Devitt still had no movement for a long time, and the little fox would quietly open one eye and sneak in the direction of Devit.

That look is not so cute, and Devette, who is checking the corps on the other side of the squad, looked up and just hit the gentle one. He couldn’t help but reach out and lick the little fox. face.

Wen Hao was getting better and better, and the position of the gang was a soft piece of meat, which was especially good.

Devitt pinched, and added a sentence, "I will not run again in the future."

God knows what the mood of the Dewet Academy is to find a fox during the time when Wen Wei runs away.

However, it is obvious that he is in a mood that Wen Yu can't understand. The little guy is still thinking about the products of Devette's hundreds of houses and two mines that Mary has exposed to him. It sounds like a good family. Tears and pretends to be poor.

con man!

Warm and eager to think, subconsciously want to stretch the claws to push Devitt, express his full resistance.

But his claw was hurt. When he reached out, he felt the tingling sensation from the front end. Wen Yan only reacted, so he only shook in the air and wanted to take it back.

Although it was just a passing speed, Devette at the tip of his eye saw that the claw was not right--the place where the palm of the hand was not hanging down naturally, there was a feeling of not being able to force, and it was a little soft. Awkward, coupled with the less natural curvature of the curve, is completely unmistakable when it was scratched.

So Devitt immediately reached out and caught the paws in the air.

If you are the first in the frosty law, you can't talk. Wen Wei feels that this rule is very reasonable, especially his scorpion, which is a milky voice. Whenever he talks, he has to break the task no matter how cold it is before.

So even though the claws were a little painful in Devette's palm, Wen Yu still resisted and didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Devitt looked up and down for a long time with his warm claws. It was confirmed that he was injured, and after he was not light, his face became a bit ugly.

If you change to the usual time, he will definitely let people go to the veterinarian at this time, but the face that Cohen fell on the ground allowed Devitt to directly filter the choice. He decided to bandage himself.

I reached out and gently tried what it was like to have a gentle claw injury. After confirming that there was a bone injury, Devitt’s voice was a little bit distressed. “Pain?”

Wen Yan licked the tip of the nose, this injury as long as he has aura, he can recover in minutes.

However, I thought so, the white-haired paw placed in Devette's hand was not recovered, because he has no aura now, and he is really afraid of pain.

I am afraid that the cold is afraid of pain, so Wen Wei used to be so afraid of fighting.

Seeing the furry fox with his head down, Devitt decisively found a medical cabin with Wen Hao.

Bone injury and skin injury are not the same. With the medical technology of Assyria now, the wound is relatively small and the wound can be solved painlessly. Although it can't reach the second healing, it is very fast.

In contrast, the bone injury is more complicated. It is inevitable to deal with the pain. What's more, Devitt's experience in treating the wound is basically from his own body. With the help of the instrument, he has tried his best to relax the technique. The action is unprecedentedly cautious, and whoever he is, can feel the tenderness of the Marshal Marshal from his movements.

And Wen Hao, of course, is also very cooperative... rushing at him.

From Devitt's attempt to find the location of the warm bones, the gentle cold frosty law broke down in one second, and the two rounded back legs supported the floor and pulled back. The other uninjured paw also extended. DeWitt’s hand, after discovering that it was useless, Wen Yu began to mourn with a tone of confrontation.

"嗷---" pain---

The fox is sharp, and the fox screams. It is not only sharp and can be described. The voice is full of emotions. Anyone who hears it, I am afraid that Devitt will miserably pluck his fox fur.

Devitt pinched the place where the white-haired paw was not injured. He screamed with sorrow and blocked the attack from Wen’s at any time with his arm. It was very difficult to use his other hand to give him medicine. By the way, several appliances were brought. .

"Hey!" As soon as I saw the cold metal objects, Wen Yu’s heart was instantly pulled out and cold. He was so angry that he could stand up and twist his body into a difficult one. In the arc, I want to play Devitt’s face, "嗷嗷嗷--"

However, the difficulty of this face-lifting action is still too high, which brought a serious load to Wen’s waist. It didn’t take long for his small waist to hold up. He sat down on the cold table, and the whole fox After a pause, but after sitting down, Wen Hao still did not give up and continued to stretch the claws to push Devette's hand, "嗷---" really hurts.

Wen Hao can't say that it's a stupid big move, or that his body is weak after the body is small. Anyway, Devitt runs out of the aligner. After the bones are rubbed, Wen Yan feels that his eyes are subconsciously sour.

At that time, when the liquid was clearly swirling in the eyelids, the little fox was stunned.

He didn't want to cry, but the so-called four-pronged heart, when the bones were picked up, the pain went straight into the heart, and then he couldn't hold back - this is too fox!

I feel that the moist liquid is spinning in the eyelids. The warmth keeps the blood flowing, and the heart can not flow off. The nose is raised and the small head is raised. The corner of the mouth is drooping, and even the breathing is light.

The tears of the big demon can't be easily lost! Drop a drop of meat!

Devitt at that end was already tight in his heart. After all, the gentle screams were very devilish. Listening and listening, let Devitt feel as if he was not dealing with the wound on his claws, but was groaning. The gentle neck is the same.

With this kind of magical pressure, it is not easy to deal with the wound, tied with a transparent waterproof electronic fixing strap, Wen Wei is not called, Devitt thought that this torture is finally coming to an end, the result turned It was discovered that Wen Shu’s pair of black bean eyes turned around and shook Devette in an instant.

He took Wen Hao into his arms and felt the pain of the heart stabbing and stabbing. He kept reaching out to touch the warm back of his hair. His mouth moved a few times and he could not come up with any comfort words. Can constantly raise the body temperature, and then let Wen Hao tightly attached to him.

And the thief's gentleness in Devitt's arms seemed to be getting the same. He quickly plunged in, and wiped away the tears at the speed of lightning. He looked at the size of two drops of beans on DeWitt's chest. Water stains, a look of relief, I feel that my idol baggage is finally saved.

From this point of view, Wen Yan is indeed a very fascinating fox, and not to thank Devette who saved his idol bag. On the contrary, he also broke the can and began to swear.

At the beginning of the hustle and bustle, Wen Yu would still use the words seriously, a very reasonable way, but after he reached the head of the Xingtou, he would not even say anything in a moment, just an all-night, very The words are concise.

Devitt decided to go to meet Mori in an hour, and he had his own considerations. But what he didn't expect was that the hour he set would eventually become a scene where he was warm, savage, biting, smashing and grabbing. It can be said that the family law has covered every minute. One second.

And the craziest thing is that Devitt actually thinks that such a little fox is also very cute...

And in the fortieth minute, the kettle in the third hand was handed to Wen Hao. "Is it thirsty?"

The movements and pets in the eyes are like a veteran M.

Wen Wei heard a sneak peek at Devitt. It was like blaming him for sipping a kettle so late. However, the orators are all resting, and they are passionate and rest.

After finding a perfect reason for his pause, Wen Hao bowed his head and extended the pink tongue, trying to roll water out of the kettle.

However, his head just came together. There was a water column suddenly in the middle of the kettle. He was warm and stunned. He suddenly remembered something. He took the tongue angrily and shot it on the kettle. Hey!" Why haven't you replaced it yet!

He saw that it was mad, this guy can simply go to the top of the fox ranking top.10!

This kettle, after Devitt returned to the capital star, under the advice of Archie, specially bought for Wen Hao, very small, very light, round and flat.

What's more special is that there is a small water spray device inside, which is bought by Devitt after Archie said that "the beast is more like to drink flowing water."

After the kettle is opened, it automatically senses that the lid is gone and begins to circulate through the water, spraying up at the center to form a small hot spring.

This design was rejected by Wen Yu, because the kettle did not know whether it was with the owner, and the reaction was particularly slow. When it was used for the first time, it started to spray water two seconds later. At that time, Wen was unprepared, and his head had naturally gone down.

The kettle was just like his mischief. As soon as his head went over, the small fountain in the center began to rush out, pouring water with a warm head!

If it is a good day, it will be solved, and then a 365-degree hurricane can be solved. The problem is that the water sprayed from the cup is concentrated!

The furry white hair on the head of the brain was poured out of a puddle, and the face was lifted up, and the water droplets immediately seemed to be unstoppable, falling down the middle of his eyes.

Only a few drops of violent water dripping in the middle of his fur pit looked like a mini fish that could be stuffed with a half centimeter!

At the time, Wen Hao was licking the wind for a long time, so it was not easy to clean the water on the forehead. But after the hair was wet, it was usually harder than when it was wet. Devitt specially gave him a rocket head hairstyle. It’s a slap in the face of Devit’s knees.

You should know that Wen Yu sometimes even sits up in the middle of the night with his eyes closed. He has been arguing that he has inexplicably reversed the back of the small vortex. The requirement for smooth hair is very high.

The claws pressed on the kettle, and I remembered the unfortunate past. Wen Yan raised his neck. "You give me a kettle."

"Well, go back and change." Devitt's eyes are filled with a smile, and in his mind, he is thinking about Wen's last time being drenched.

"Hey!" Wen Hao called two times to express his deep anger. "No, I am very angry now, so you have to change it for me now."

Wen Yu is a believer who has something to say, and everyone is emotionally frank, otherwise the more the more the Lord.

Usually, when he is too angry, he will remind each other.

The little friends who used to play together deeply understand his temper. Every time when Wen Yan coldly said "I am very angry", those little friends will slyly find food for Wen.

But Devitt, for the first time, met Wen Wei’s appearance, straightened his face and seriously said that I was very angry, just like the country fox first saw the food street and could not hold back, the eyes bent More powerful.

Wen Yan was stunned at the time. He pushed the kettle open and turned to jump down. Even the injured leg didn’t want to be in control. It’s good that Devitt had the last experience, and he quickly grabbed the temperature. Oh, put him in his arms.

"Are you in the house of gas?" Getting along for so long, warm and arrogant, nothing more than just a few things.

Wen Wei ignored him.

"I was wrong, apologize." Devitt's low voice did not hesitate to apologize. The speed is so suspicion that he is perfunctory, but the seriousness in the tone is real, "How can you forgive?" I?"

Wen Hao was held in his arms and couldn't move. He raised his head and stretched his claws to scratch Devette's chin. He was caught by the latter.

The temperature was awkward, and the meat pad was on Devet's lips. He didn't take it back for a long time, so Devitt kissed him again.

This time, the white-haired claws seemed to be awake, and they received the electric shock. The warmth paused, and the eyes fluttered and flickered. I thought about it and said, "Energy stone can't be less."

"Okay, I will give it to you before, and I will arrive tomorrow."

Wen Yan put his head in his head. "I won't lie to me in the future. I have to tell the truth to me, say a lie, I will..."

The little fox paused for a while and found that he still couldn’t really remember how he could threaten Devit.


"I will always be angry, and may even kill you." The fox who is not much bigger than the palm of the hand said this sentence, the weight can be said to be very heavy.

Looking at Wen’s look, Devitt touched his head. "Okay."

It seems that Devitt promised too quickly, and Wen Wei still stressed that he didn't feel relieved. "What should I tell you---"

After a pause, Wen Hao felt that such an emphasis was not enough. So he added what he considered to be the most important thing for human beings. "Look for a wife to tell me!"

Devitt did not seem to think that Wen Hao could make such a request. "Although I will not find it, but it is good."

For Devitt's statement, Wen Hao is obviously very disdainful. "Hey, you guys are talking about it, really found a wife, and squinted all day long."

He used to see it in the ruined mainland. There was a high-cold general. He was usually cold outside. When he saw a champion, he smiled like a chrysanthemum.

The little face of the general was transferred to Devitt. Wen Yan’s face was disgusted, and the little **** moved, ten centimeters away from Devit. If the little tail becomes like that in the future, it is really the face of his big brother.

At the end of Devitt, he looked like a mountain and walked ten centimeters.

As he thought about it, he reached out and touched his warm back. For the first time, he felt that this little guy had feelings for him. Maybe he was afraid that he would have to leave his family and then let it go.

Thinking about his life, Devitt is serious about ensuring that "I am different from them."

Read The Duke's Passion