MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 46

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The purchase ratio is 60%, and the subscription or waiting for 24 hours can be broken. Oh, what is it? "Cook!" Archie was uncomfortable in his heart. He couldn’t help but squeeze his fist. "What do you say? ?"

Lin is older than 90 years old. He is committed to scientific research institutes for more than 60 years. Today, many researchers and even front-line military doctors, for example, he used to be Lin’s students, because they are students, so Aji Cai I know what Lin is like, and I am a researcher who is struggling in the front line of scientific research. Lin Lao’s unmarried and unpregnant life has nurtured countless fruits in scientific research. Many breakthroughs in the pathology of the empire are his merits. It is said that it is impossible to lead the relevant fields for decades or even a hundred years. But on the power, he is afraid to play with Cook a finger. So Cook said something, so Archie couldn't help but think about it. He is still here. When he is not here, how many grievances has Lin received in this group of people who only know the power?

"Hey, what do you mean by me? I am worried that Lin’s memory is not very good. I personally reminded me, is it good to be good?” Cook looked at Archie inexplicably. “More, you can I have to ask clearly, these two rooms were finally won by me for Professor Lin. What temper are you making in this mess?"

Archie was just as strong as he was, "I---"

"Well, don't make a noise. This is not the place where you can argue." Lin Lao waved his hand. "I have already written it for a long time. It will be sent to you later. If nothing happens, you should go back first." ”

After saying this, Lin Lao looked back with some worries. The beasts were all neurotic, the spirit was very weak, and with a little influence, they were all likely to have a violent reaction. Many of the wounds were knocked out after being stimulated.

Sure enough, Cook’s loud voice has already caused many of the beasts to stir up. Lin can’t help but frown. At this time, Cook still keeps his mouth in his ear. “Lin, how can I have nothing? This all met the Marshal. How do we say that we have had a relationship for more than ten years? This is not ----"

When Cook’s words were not finished, he found that Devitt’s expression from the beginning was not quite right. The side of Archie’s face became a bit weird, and it was discovered that Cook’s voice was obviously lowered, and there was no such thing as a beast. Lin Lin, who stopped, is a glimpse.

"Cook?" Lin old twisted his head, his eyes swaying up and down in a group of people coming in with Cook, and finally returned to Cook. "You spray perfume?"

Wen Yan saw with his own eyes that when Lin asked this sentence, Cook’s face was immediately distorted, and he quickly buried his small face in Devit’s arms and sneaked his eyes and smirked.

It should be sprayed. That little magic can't consume much of his spiritual power, but it can make a strange smell. This kind of trick has always been used to tease those who don't know how to play, but don't underestimate this stock. It tastes, no one seven and a half months, it just can't go down.

The fragrances of the Terran on the mainland are relatively light, so they can be successful in the past. He did not expect that the human race in this world can adjust such a strong fragrance, but what use is it? It’s not that hard to hear.

But this taste... seems to be a bit irritating.

The very frugal gentleness did not re-use, but buried the small nose deeply in the folds of Devit's arms, and relied on the little fragrance of the latter to liberate his nose, and could not help but look at it. Turned around, some doubts.

From the beginning, he felt a mess of aura, the source is not here, but it is very close to here, what happened?

“The lab doesn't allow any irritating taste to appear, you go out.”

Lin's face is a bit ugly, but Cook's face is more ugly than him, and no one can keep a good face when everyone is disgusted with his smell.

Besides, does he want to be so stinky? As a person who must look at a pair of glasses every morning, it is definitely not what he wants in public. The problem is that he doesn't know where the taste comes from. The second is not willing to let go of such a big opportunity to touch Deweit's bottom line. What if you want to find a perfume to find a way to cover it? In the face of so many of his colleagues, he was disgusted in front of his head, and this stinky even did not know how to defend himself. Is he desperate?

"I have been walking for a long time." For a long time, I still couldn’t say thickly, "I am not, I don't, I don't think it's so stinky." Cook shrugged. "I am going out, OK, just outside the door." You---"

Anyway, he is not interested in this house, but Devitt's inspection is not possible in this room. He just has to wait outside and then rely on them to do Devitt's inspection.

However, the face of the Cook’s words has not been finished yet, and a few people have slammed a loud bang, “砰----”

The group of people in the room was blown up by this loud noise, and only Devitt and Lin Lao sharply turned their eyes to the same place.

"Oh." Hey, you know, really, □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ The ones that are closed there are all big ones. This one is rioting, and the rest still don’t know what it is.

Wen Yan thought, and grabbed Devette's clothes. "Oh!" Stupid big, you can't hold the messy aura, but don't go to the excitement. If you want to listen to the elders, you can listen. Can you live a long life?

However, the two sounds that Wen Yu called were all overwhelmed by the two loud noises that came from there again. The old face of Lin, who had reacted to it, changed and went to the end of the room. Archie and Devitt also immediately followed. Cook stood hesitantly, and for a moment, he gritted his teeth and went up, putting his gaze on Devitt.

With the metal door opened by Lin, the scene inside appeared in front of everyone. It was a research room larger than this space, but it was not a transparent isolation box, but one by one. Extra large metal chains and collars, there are dozens of items in a house, all of which are used to tie those, the body is almost the same as people, even people who are several times larger, and those wounds on the beast are said to be outside and outside. The beast is as heavy as it is, but it is not dying. On the contrary, all eyes are full of unnatural red light. In that room, a medical person does not have... Oh no, there is one.

The gaze fell on the person who was obviously topped, and who was weakly coughing in the corner. The gentle eyes flashed a strange, morphing monster?

"Chen Xiong!" Lin Lao suddenly shouted. It was difficult for him to know that he would lower his voice at this time. However, he had not had time to walk a few steps to the room, and he was stopped by a gesture from the inside.

"Professor Lin!" Archie also quickly reacted. His eyes fell on the giant beast closest to them. I saw that the iron ring on the beast's foot was not known. I was actually taken off two. The remaining two are also a crumbling look. Looking at it, it should be the largest in the entire research room. It is as high as □ meters high, and the limbs are strong and powerful, although the body is full of blood and wounds. But the eyes with red light can make people instinctively afraid.

"Hey, hey!" The color that had been squatting on Archie’s shoulder suddenly flew up, and looked like an anxious one. If it was at a big point, no one at the scene would suspect that it dared to rush in and give Chen Xiong a sigh. come out.

Aqi swallowed, and gave Lin the old to the wrong-looking Cook. He looked at him with a look of fierceness and looked at the other side and pulled Lin, and then turned to look at it and seemed to have stopped. The beast, and the needle in the hands of Chen Xiong, thinking that it should be a tranquilizer, a small voice, "Chen Lao..."

"I will come out myself, you don't move, the calming agent has already been beaten. If you have more people, it will be alert." Chen Xiong's weak voice came out. As he spoke, he slowly stood up from the ground and saw. When I was flying in the air, I muttered a little, "What is it called, I don’t know if you are beating me, I will not come out after a while."

Archie apparently still has no peace of mind, carefully moved forward two steps, trying to reach out to pick up Chen Xiong, and Chen Xiong’s leg should be hurt, limping must be careful not to make a sound, go very slow.

That's too late.

Wen Yan swept the sorcerer's eye, caught a slight vibration of the other's throat, stretched out his claws slightly, and hesitated to save the morphing monster, which can be shaped. In this world, it should be rare. Let's catch something that might ask you some information ---

But soon, Wen Hao did not hesitate, and only a moment, the huge monster suddenly burst into an angry scream, and then violently broke the last two chains completely, seeing it Chen Xiong’s direction ran away, and a bite of fangs had already opened--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fast.

Can't stop it, you can save it, but the evil spirit of that monster is so chaotic, you can still have a paw down!

Devitt, who saw the speed of light rushing out, has pushed both Chen and Aqi into the danger zone. When he turned back and picked up the chains on the ground, he wanted to copy the crazy beast, and the latter suddenly rushed in his direction. , a sharp scream.

It’s not the anger of anger, but the use of the power of Dantian, all the violent energy in your body! As soon as it was said, all the beasts of the two laboratories began to move, and a screaming overwhelming screamed almost over the roof of the entire research institute! Seeing Devitt’s suddenly stiff body, Wen Hao sneaked a sigh of relief and rushed out like an arrow from the string. I saw a white light flashing, and the beast suddenly opened a powerful barrier, separating the chaotic aura from the Devitt boundary, and the little fox that was originally placed on the ground was already standing. On the top of the behemoth.


Compared with the sound of the snoring, I don’t know how many times the sound is so young and crisp, but it seems to cover the incomparably vast energy, piercing the eardrum of each beast, even the few people not far away, also feel I felt as if I was deeply shocked by something. The original turbulent research room was almost silent for a moment.