MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 74

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It’s also a coincidence that the table that Wen Yan climbed on was just the one where Mark sat.

Wen Hao is still entangled in the soup on his ear, the black eyes are a little bit, the kind of damp heat and damp heat has a sticky feeling, so that the warmth that has always been clean is a bit unbearable, so I saw the plate placed in front of myself. At that time, he still had some reaction, but he glanced at the man who gave him the plate. This person tasted a bit familiar...

A gentle look, wait, this is not the one who sent him the knot!

Wen Yan immediately tightened his teeth, and the naked eyes in his mouth were all gone. The mark at the other end was unconsciously preparing to pull out his handkerchief to wipe his ears.

Mark and ordinary soldiers feel different about this fox. Others may only think that this is the Marshal's beast. In Mark's eyes, this is what he brought. The weakness of the little fox along the way is in his eyes. Now, I can run so well, my heart is still very comforting.

Wen Hao still bites the meat, and it is not convenient to fangs, but the eyes are smashed, and the dangerous light is shining. Seeing that the hand is getting closer and closer to him, Wen Hao is wondering how to bite it up. The hand was cut off in the middle of the road.

"I am coming." Devitt's low voice appeared behind the gentle head, and the soldiers who had been whispering around all of them snorted in an instant, one by one, straight up, and called the marshal one after another.

The gentleman who was dismissed from the scheme with the anger in his chest, loosened the meat in his mouth, and opened his claws to pounce on it, but was stopped by Devitt's hand to stop Mark.

The unscrupulous little fox was hugged directly into his arms, and Devitt took out his handkerchief and wiped the little guy’s ear with the broth. He was fancy, didn’t talk, and continued to use the chopsticks. The big meat bitten by the little fox was caught on the plate. After everything was done, Devitt reached out and touched the fox head. "Oh."

After Devitt touched it, the dark eyes lit up. When he saw that Archie liked to touch his own bird's head, he didn't understand it very well. He had a good head and had a good touch. He had a fox himself. The skills immediately began to be self-taught.

Not a good touch, it is very good touch!

"Hey!" Hey you! Different from Devit's satisfaction, the warmth of that head was quickly blown up, and when the man who saw Zhou Zheng looked at Devitt, Wen Yan felt like a fox that was sacrificed. Grab the face of the flower.

However, it is clear that Devitt did not understand what Wen was thinking. He only thought that the little guy was suddenly making a noise, holding a plate and leaving the restaurant under the watchful eyes of everyone.


After returning to his room, Devitt put the plate and the little fox on the table, and he sat back on the big bed.

Wen Hao was mad at him. He felt that he and the man had just been invincible. The problem was that the guy who had contracted with him did not stand on the united front with him. He even stopped him from taking revenge. However, he gave the guy a super big meeting in the first place. He was not only rude, but also made him unhappy, hehe... This meat is delicious!

The little fox, who was still angry with the circle on the table, licked the meat in front of her eyes. Some of them resentfully took a bite, and then they were instantly taken away by the taste of food. The big tail behind them shook and swayed. The meat on the big plate is big.

While eating, I ran to the tea cup next to my cup to drink some water. I put out my tongue and rubbed my nose. In the tender gravy, I thought it was really soft, biting and thin. It's tender, but it doesn't scatter, it's very tough, and it's not only delicious. The sauce is something he has never eaten. After the buds are blown up, it is very memorable. Biting, quickly smashed a whole piece of meat bigger than his body.

After eating, I cleaned my mouth, and I sat down with a warm, sloppy paw. I said that if I could eat such a delicious thing every day, I might not be bad here.

After all, it is an irreversible fact to tie this thing.

Thinking of this, Wen Wei swept Devitt's direction, and there was still some embarrassment in his heart. From the time he came back to the time he was eating meat, the man did not say a word, and he did not touch him even if he touched it. This is quite abnormal. Things.

So, when the gentle eyes swept over, I saw Devitt seem to have fallen asleep? No, the man's face was a bit white, his brows were tight, his forehead was covered with fine, dense sweat, and his face fell from his well-defined face, and his mouth became a straight line.

The physical condition seems to be very wrong. From such a long distance, Wen Hao can feel that there seems to be something in the body of the guy who is rambling. When he just eats, Wen Hao is attracted by the delicious food he has never had before. I didn't notice this. After hesitating for a while, Wen Hao jumped from the table to the bed, then stood on Devitt's body with a light hand and stopped at his lower abdomen.

It is here.

In the position of the lower abdomen, Wen Yan stunned the girl with some doubts. The energy of this person was radiated from this place. It should have been methodically going to every part of the body, and then formed a cycle, but now it seems like no The head flies collide in this place. Wen Yan rubbed his eyes, stretched his claws to touch DeWitt's wrist, and found that the other's body is also very hot, it seems to be trying to restrain this energy.

But it is difficult to restrain the energy that has lost control. Especially this energy seems to have been out of control for a long time. It has become a storm in the place of Devitt's lower abdomen. As the owner of energy, Devitt is obviously I don't have the ability to resolve the storm, but the energy is completely uncontrollable. In fact, the difference between Wen and his own demon is not big.

Devitt seems to be really uncomfortable. Even though he is lying on the bed like this, he is also tight and tight, and he does not dare to relax. He has been thinking for a while and decided to take off Devette's clothes.

Yes, I have to take off my clothes. This person is so hot that he has to start directly from the skin, even if it is to use spiritual power to resolve, and can not be separated by clothes.

But... what clothes are too tight! Why is it so hard to take off!

After spending a full ten minutes, it was not easy to untie the button on the neckline. I was so sullen, I turned my head and licked the pale white Devitt, and stretched his claws and patted him on his chin. Re-wearing such a thick and tight clothes, I want to kill / kill! So he hates humans the most, what can be worn in the clothes! Don't know what it is to be honest? It’s hard to get fixed on the body with tight clothes. It’s still a day-to-night change. It’s not too much trouble.

The little fox who had no patience snorted twice, but the person who had already fallen into a semi-coma was not woken up by him at all, so the little guy pouted biting the second button with his mouth, and did not expect to pull. Two times he was bitten down!

Wen Yan’s eyes lit up, as if he had found the New World. When he rushed on, he bit the third one. While biting it, he did not forget to use his claws to open Devit’s clothes. The original ironed clothes were also ruined by him. One minute later, along with the messy buttons on the bed, Devitt's chest and lower abdomen skin were completely naked/exposed, and together with the crumpled clothes that had been stepped on by gentleness, it was particularly messy.

Wen Yan eyes appreciative, I really don't want to say, this man's skin is still very good, especially this abdominal muscles, hard and soft, especially tough.

The white-haired paw presses on the top, and then presses it again. The fullness of the temperament/desirable warmth comes back and forth on the abdominal muscles, leaving a lot of suspicious white fur, and then I took a bit of energy and went in.

“Hey!” I received a huge surprise early in the morning. Wen Hao was so happy to fly up, and when I went up, I wanted to use my claws to pounce the bag bigger than his body.

At the moment he rushed up, Devitt raised his hand a little, and the little fox slammed into the air and fell on the bed. However, Wen Hao didn't mind. He quickly got up and wanted to go to the second time. This time, Devitt simply reached out and fished the whole fox, and at the same time he turned over and lay on the bed.

Wen Hao was somewhat faltered by such a big move. His body was too small. Even if Devitt reached out and dragged his lower body, he subconsciously approached Devitt’s body and lowered his center of gravity. Point, shrink into a small one.

After standing still, I continued to reach out and grab the bag of Lingshi. After being blocked by the other party, I was somewhat upset. "Hey." What do you want, and promised to regret it now!

“Like so?” Devitt reached for a gentle nose.

Wen Yan’s nose was still very sensitive. He couldn’t help but shake when he touched it. When he wanted to continue blinking, the door was opened and the door was opened. Wen Yu turned his head and found himself twisting. In the wrong direction, there is no door in the eyes.


No, Wen Yan’s eyes widened, and then he discovered that it was not the room he had slept last night.

Noticing the doubts in Wen Yan's eyes, Devitt touched his head and was "insensitive."

"Hey!" Wen Yan immediately turned his head and made a superficial expression.

The person who came in was Archie, and he saw the music. "You are very good in both of you. When you get up in the morning, you will quarrel."

... who has a good relationship with him!

When Wen Hao groaned, he wanted to jump from Devitt's body, but he was stopped by the latter's hand, and the ambition of the Han Dynasty was broken.

Stopping the temper of Weng, Devitt looked at Archie faintly, the latter shrugged his shoulders. "Yesterday... Hey, Devitt, when did you give the little guy a name?"

"Come on." Devitt gently pushed, and Wen Yu fell on him, screaming at him fiercely. The former saw his eyes and reached out and touched his hand on the gentle little belly. The hustle and bustle of the hair shook in an instant, and it was very comfortable to lie down and made a fox with no bones. The eyes were satisfied and the claws were pulled to pull the bag of Lingshi in front of him.

"I really have no bones, I am still quarreling." Archie joked, but with the experience of the previous two days, he also wondered, after obtaining a white eye of the little fox, he found a stool, "small Bone gas, was it scared yesterday?"

What a weird name... Wen Xin thought, really can't expect people from different worlds to resonate with him. In fact, what Devitt, what Archie, the name is blaming, no one he thinks is good!

So he turned over and used his **** to face Archie, then shook his tail, and he didn't want to care about him.

Archie didn't mind too much. He continued to smile with his eyes open. "How do I let the color play with you?"

After this sentence was finished, Wen Wei did not respond, but Devitt opened his voice. "Is it not less than lunch?"

"There will always be a special way." Archie’s voice fell, Devitt heard a burst of roaring sounds from the door, and looked at the past, only to find that when Archie came in, he did not close. The next second, the purple bird appeared in the doorway in panic.

Aki smiled and didn’t return, "Close the door."

The color that had already flown to Archie snorted in the air, turned back and stepped on the door with the paws, then slammed into Archie's arms and licked his hand.

Wen Yukou was a distraction. After hearing the sound, he couldn’t help but open his eyes curiously and then sneaked through his small head.

It turns out that Archie is holding a fake bird feather in his hand, is it that he saw it in the purple bird yesterday, looked at the panicked plain purple bird, and the two pinks on his face? Wen Yu and later realized that these two pinks are probably not fake, and people are naturally born with beauty.

This point, so that Wen Yi, who originally wanted to pretend to be very cold, suddenly couldn’t help but laugh.

So, when I got up early in the morning, I found out that my bird feathers were dull, and I rushed out to find the owner’s purple bird. I saw the fox that was lying on the bed... the eyes were full of light and ridicule.

"Hey!" I feel like I have been betrayed! I don't wear clothes, it's not only you can watch it! The purple bird rushed into Archie’s arms.

Wen Hao came to the mood, stood up and slammed a small paw on Deweiter's abdominal muscles, and the momentum was awkward, "Hey!" Ugly died!

"The feelings are good, and they will quarrel when they meet." Devitt said, reaching out and licking the little fox who swayed Wu Yangwei.

"... can't be friends anymore." Archie reluctantly reached out and put the feathers on the purple bird. The bird finally calmed down. Yes, calm, this little guy put on the killing horse. As if he had found the armor, he did not even drill into Archie’s arms. He stood on Archie’s shoulders with arrogance, and then snorted and screamed.

When Wen Hao saw it, I felt that the bird was not wearing clothes and didn't want to take care of him. At that end, Devitt took out an energy stone, a fire energy stone, very small, in the moment he took it out, Archie's face flashed a trace of surprise.

"This, do you like it?" Devitt put the gentle claws from the bag of water-based energy stone to the fire energy stone.

In addition to being comfortably touched, the usual gentleness is still very resistant to Devitt's touching his claws, but this time, but there is no resistance, his eyes are tightly on the little stone.

Wen Hao black beads ordinary eyes lit up, staring at the meeting, I thought, this is a good thing.

This stone, don't look at the big stone in Bidevit's big bag, it's much smaller, but it's 10,000 times better than those, like the big bag, including yesterday from the doctor. The stone in hand is all one time. In other words, those stones are actually saving stones. The spiritual power they can absorb is limited. When they are finished, they are used up, and the stones are useless.

This is not the same.

This piece is not an ordinary Lingshi. In the past, it will probably be a treasure that the human races who are not good at absorbing the aura of the heavens and the earth compete for it. It does not need to absorb the aura, and itself can create aura with it. It is a small one. The reiki of the reincarnation, the aura that is sucked out in a single time is no less than the other spiritual stones he sees in this world, and this stone rests for a while, and will brew a new aura again.

In the apocalyptic continent, Wen Yu is definitely not invisible, but in this world of aura, such a small thing, the use is much higher.

If it is a water system, then he said everything is what he wants.

Wen Hao was a little pity to think of, holding the piece of Lingshi with his claws and pushing it in the direction of Devit.


"Oh." No, it doesn't matter if you want it. Maybe you can use it for a different wood system, but the fire system is really not suitable for him. It is a little more with Devitt, and this stone is surrounded by Devitt. Breath, at first glance, this guy is wearing it all the year round. The moment he took it out, Archie’s surprised look is probably because of this.

"Do you think it is small, or do you like it?" Devitt asked a little bit.

Wen Yan started his eyes and understood Devitt's temptations.

He doesn't want to be too clever. If Devitt is a sinister person, it is definitely not a good thing to be too smart before he recovers. According to the previous situation, this person is not a bad person. Moreover, this guy is swaying around. Ruze is posing.

And assuming that Devitt knows his own needs, and then gets a lot of energy stones, then his demon will recover quickly, which is imminent, and he will not be able to pay for his own remedy afterwards. Anyway, this guy There are more problems on the body, and there is that contract... Even if it is not toothy, the Terran cannot have the ability to unilaterally untie the contract.

Let the people in front of the line get a large amount of Lingshi, obviously much faster, and if you just rely on yourself... Wen Hao looked down at his little paw.

"Oh." In my heart, I decided, Wen Hao called, and then pushed the stone forward. After pushing it, I even stretched my claws and patted it on Devette’s hand, then patted it again. The water in the bag is the energy stone, and it is directed to its direction.

Archie snorted in surprise.

Devitt did not respond, but also deliberately pushed the stone in the direction of Archie.

Wen Yan looked at him, and some of them disgusted and licked their mouths. I thought that this stupid big man would not understand it yet? It’s really troublesome to be stupid, or is it a self-knowledge with such a baby? So he screamed twice, then patted the fire stone and patted Devitt's hand, and used his small claws to pull Archie's hand away.

Devitt's gaze moved, grasping the claws of the little fox from the good, and gently pinching it in the palm of his hand. "This gives me, that bag for you?"

"Hey!" It’s true to me, but can you not touch it!

Wen Yan’s face was innocently lying on the bed that had been cleaned up. He just wanted to eat a grain of meat. He got into the jar and couldn’t pull out his shame. He knew it. It was actually hit by Devitt! I simply hate to bury myself in minutes.

And after the Devitt guy picked him up from the ground, he said something to the person who was flushing at the door with a blank expression. "I saw it? It's fine."

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