MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 96

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Wen Yan’s face was innocently lying on the bed that had been cleaned up. He just wanted to eat a grain of meat. He got into the jar and couldn’t pull out his shame. He knew it. It was actually hit by Devitt! I simply hate to bury myself in minutes.

And after the Devitt guy picked him up from the ground, he said something to the person who was flushing at the door with a blank expression. "I saw it? It's fine."

Although the person at the door nodded like a garlic, but Wen Yi always felt that the stupid big tone sounded like a minute to translate, it was stupid like this, see clearly?

This is really too wronged. You must know that Wen Yu’s luck in order to break the glass jar was originally taken out for God’s unconsciously, and then it was broken on the ground. What it became like, as long as he stood up and refused to admit that he was related to him, the Dewet guy couldn’t argue with him anyway. If you know that your appearance will be caught by the other party, you can't avoid breaking the glass jar. It's better not to use Aura.

If Wen Xinxin thought about it, he felt very sad inside and felt that he had lost the whole world at once.

Devitt, who disposed of the glass residue on the ground, looked at the little fox who fell on the pillow. He also felt funny. He couldn’t understand how the little guy would eat a card to his head, thinking of just a thrilling scene, reaching out to catch a small The white fox's claws, "The strength is really big."

Wen Yan's four claws pushed his fingers together, and he whimpered in his throat, his eyes motionless, and he continued to have no love.

"The next time I come across this situation, I have to come to me. Can't do this anymore. What should I do when I step on the glass?" Devitt continued to reach out and touch his face.

"Hey." How can this kind of thing happen next time, this time should be your illusion! I know that this person is not well! Gentle, once again push Devette's hand away with a soft pad of meat.

Looking at the little guy's face, Deweit escaped the sharp claws, pinched his meat pad, and then glanced at the glass residue that had been processed. His eyes were faint. "Why do you try your strength?" So big?"

"Hey!" What is it about you, just do you have nothing to do with each other? I have always mentioned that he does not want to face.

Wen Wei glanced at Devitt angrily, then continued to lean on the pillow, his ears squirming weakly, half of his face was squeezed by the pillow and his eyes were almost invisible, the big tail was in front of the body, and the four claws stretched straight. The whole is a state of lifelessness.

Seeing his soft appearance, Devitt felt itchy in his heart. He wanted to reach out and touch the little guy's face. However, he was pushed away by four paws again. The force was not particularly strong. Devitt smashed. Rubbing his eyes, his fingers are still stuck on the meat pad of the little fox. He presses it inside, and the little fox pushes it outside. Several rounds come down, and then with the dejected look of the other side, Devitt wants to laugh inexplicably.

After playing with Wen Hao for a while, after hearing the terminal sound of the information from Casse, Devitt went out to another room. Before going, I did not forget to pour a small dish of meat out and put it warm. In front of you, talk to comfort the fox that is about to die. He didn't expect that this little guy would like to eat meat, so it would be too bad to break the jar. The glass is too dangerous. Later, people will find something that is not easy to get hurt even if it is broken. Better.

The gentleman at the end looked at Devitt’s head and did not look back. It was very unhappy to see that he was placed in front of the meat in front of the hill. It was this thing that had just lost his face, this time. Putting him in front of him is like ridiculing him.

Wen Hao thought so, staring coldly at the small meat to see the meeting, and then rushed to bite a big bite.

After eating two cans of dried meat, the temperature was finally full, and after I had a big yawn in the quilt, I remembered something. Looking up at Devette at the other end, this guy still didn't close the door this time, but it didn't affect his doing business. Wen Hao took the bed and dragged the bag of water to the center of the bed. Then he sat on the stone for a while and felt the warm and abundant aura inside. These things are his most cordial in the world. There was, and after I opened my eyes happily, Wen Yu began to absorb it.

A familiar aura slowly flocked to Dantian. This feeling is really too long. The long-lost Wenyu couldn’t help but make a screaming voice, silently shouting in the heart, to be more, but also more many! I felt that the energy gently wrapped up the demon, and finally flowed to the limbs. The gentleness of the body seemed to be stretched out. Although it was not enough, the feeling of aura was so good that he liked it. Not long after, Wen Yu was immersed in it. The idea that he only intended to **** two or three pieces first was completely forgotten in the back of his head.

Devitt, who went out, had to deal with the official document, but the scene just in his mind could not be scattered in his mind. When he wanted to come, he opened the optical network and laid it down on the search. "The strength of the beast can have How big." Soon, countless results came in. Devitt opened the top one and saw a detailed introduction to the beast.

"The strength of the beast is mostly proportional to the body, and the ability is the same. The smaller the body, the weaker the ability. If the cub is a large cub, the strength will be slightly larger than the small cub, but the power Stage changes, most of which occur at maturity, are also the reason why the cubs are generally weak."

That little guy is only a little bigger, and the fox should be bigger and bigger. He can't imagine the little guys growing up to the size of the page that is dozens of times larger than the size of the person. Devitt is somewhat dissatisfied with this answer. However, Archie also said before that this little guy's ability to identify the energy stone is not possessed by the beast. Perhaps the possibility of it is really going back to the capital star, and Lin told him.

Devitt thought, he was about to turn off the interface, but when he slipped down, he suddenly saw another one.

"In ancient history, the time when the beast had the power was much earlier than the Terran, and they all had the power of a thousand, but the time was too far away, and it was impossible to examine its authenticity..."

Devit's gaze is locked in this whisper, thinking that the little fox likes the water-based energy stone, the broken glass jar, and the little fox that looks too small compared to the glass jar. Touch the chin.

Just when he silently wrote down this article, turned off the optical network, and prepared to continue to read the official document, suddenly he was acutely aware of the vibration of a trace of energy.

Devitt looked at his movement. In the next second, his terminal received an alarm--in Assyria, the search engine for energy operation on each hangar was very fine, because too strong energy appeared, it would The aeroplane has a very large impact, especially military aerospace, which will be more cautious in this regard. Looking at the energy density of his room displayed on the alarm, Devitt looked deep and looked in the direction of the bedroom.

This density is already very high, that is, because such intensive appearance is in his room, it is only a warning, and replaced with another place, the Guard on the hangar will act immediately. But he just didn't run the energy at all, and this room except him...the only little fox.

Stretching his hand on the screen, there was a monitor of the bedroom, watching the little fox on the bed pulling the energy stone, Devitt's thin lips.

His energy nucleus felt the movement of energy around the body, and there was already a swaying phenomenon. He adjusted it for a while before he pressed the sway as much as possible. However, the energy absorption in the bedroom did not seem to end. Devitt was a little surprised. different. This level of energy absorption, how can it be seen is also possible for the s-class Terran, and look at the situation of the little guy, is it intended to **** in ten?

Such a large amount of energy, even if it is him, I am afraid not to try it easily. Excessive energy absorption will aggravate the formation of energy storms, but the expression of the little guy looks like a slap in the face, it is like absorbing dozens of energy stones. The same is true of the old abilities of the year.

Devitt was silent for a long while, canceled the alarm with the authority of the marshal, and then stared at the little fox on the screen and watched it. He looked at the white fluffy face with the eyes that were smashed, very pleasant, and the white paws. Stepped on the energy stone, the meat-like meat on the side of the hill has been eaten up by it.

I can eat it.

Devitt thought, to stabilize his energy core, just open the monitor and start to look at the official document. His little fox is usually easy to be violent, but Devitt still believes that it still has its own set of principles, so in this matter, Devitt chose to believe the judgment of the little fox. Half an hour later, he also rejected the email that Archie was worried about and decided to let the little fox absorb the energy with peace of mind.

After all the ten pieces of Lingshi have been sucked clean, Wen Yu secretly pinched a shackle in his heart. With his cultivation, the aura in his body can form a cycle, and can even breed aura, but that It must be done in the case of his complete recovery. He still does not make up the crack on the demon, so the aura of the body still needs to be saved. The situation of the overflow can never happen. When it is just absorbed, it is slightly scattered. It fell a bit, but at that time he couldn’t take it, and there was no way.

The abundance of the body makes the warmth of the mood pleasant, too lazy to care about these gains and losses, and the things that go to the instrument to gather the gods are also pushed back by him. Anyway, the aura can be opened, now...

Hey, hey, he is hungry. Wen Hao lazily stretched out on the bed, thinking that it was time to eat. He remembered that the order had been sent for the past two days, but Devitt still seems to be still working?

I really can't take this kind of human race. I don't think it is warm. I wonder if these people know what it is to enjoy. Is it interesting to work like this every day? When I was in that room, this person often worked while he was practicing and sleeping. It was just like doing nothing, it was a waste of life.

However, he just absorbed the energy and feel good, just remind the guy to eat.

Seeing the little fox on the bed retracting the small claws stepping on the energy stone, Devitt turned off the monitor intently. After half a minute, the little white fox walked away from the room. Come out, jump to the chair opposite Devitte and continue to jump to the table.

However, things have changed dramatically at this time.

I saw that the little fox slammed into the table, and when he rushed over, he did not forget to throw Devette a lucky eye knife, and the furry big tail was also smashed. But in the next second, the little fox's body began to sink.

At the moment when I noticed this, Wen Xin’s heart was cold. His two front paws struggled hard to pull on the table twice. As a result, there was no place for him to borrow money. His claws were more and more jealous. The more quickly, the sooner, I heard "啪叽---", Wen Yu fell straight from the corner of the table to the floor.

In a word, Archie’s gloating expression immediately became stiff, and then he began to bitterly. Yes, what qualifications does he have to ridicule the little foxes of the family? The little guy sticks to Devitt so tightly that he can give a small energy stone. He was accepted for inspection, and his habit of running away from home has not changed. The wave is not there. The annual physical examination is the number one problem, and it never comes with cooperation...

Looking at the well-behaved little fox, Archie gritted his teeth and squinted at the bird standing on the window sill, his beast, learning, learning!

Archie walked out of the room angrily, and Devitt followed him directly. He didn't look at Wen Hao again. He felt that he couldn't help himself.

It’s just that he turned directly and fell into the eyes of others, meaning it’s not the same. Wen Hao was very angry and patted his paws in the check box. The hair on his face was filled with dissatisfaction. While holding his own pebbles, he thought, this should be the singing of the former people. The so-called sorrowful resentment of the kind of person who turned around and did not return, what is it called... **** man, right, **** man!

When several other doctors saw it, they also showed a bit of gaze. When they received the hire, they thought that the marshal really cares about this beast. The young beast is always sensitive. Especially for unfamiliar human beings, the marshal may not say that he is accompanied by the inspection. There is no such thing as comfort. Sure enough... even if it is a knot, the beast is still a beast, and the marshal simply does not care, guarantee him. Most of the health is also limited by the contract.

“It seems to like energy stone very much?” A young doctor in the veterinarian team looked at the soft white fox on the small water bed with some curiosity. He felt that the little guy was still very well-behaved. Willing to do the inspection."

"Well," Anna, the female doctor who started the examination, looked at the data in her hand and reached out to touch the little fox with great satisfaction. She was not angered when she was hiding. She bowed her eyes and bowed her eyes. "I will take two more for you." Play, you have to be embarrassed."

Wen Hao didn't understand, but I felt that this woman was pretty good-looking, so she licked her tail and her black eyes stared at Anna. She sucked her nose from time to time, and she looked at the latter with a dull look.

Someone screamed and said, "Don't, it's just a beast. Anna, are you really going to get five colors to play with it?"

"How to say is also the Marshal's beast, Cohen, attitude convergence point." Anna's random voice came from inside, and could not help but sigh, the beast was not valued, really willing to do this line too little, There are many people with different opinions.

"What Marshal's beast, I saw the Marshal just impatient, and the head did not go back to the ground, and did not care about it." The person named Cohen was very scornful of Anna's statement, but also looked away A gentle look, "But then, such a weak beast can match the marshal, but it is really good luck for eight lifetimes."

Devitt is not there, there is no translation machine, Wen Hao can't understand their dialogue, just fascinated by the faint green pebbles in his hand, I am very happy.

This world is spiritual, and Wen Yu can feel that such a small Lingshi should not be stored too small before it is used up. The same stone accumulates dozens of hundreds, let him Going back to mana, maybe you can try to open your own instrument.

Thinking of this, the warmth of the eyes flashed a ray of light, as if to see the hope of remedying the demon. He shook his tail, stretched out his pink tongue and rubbed his nose, and an abacus flashed through his head. The length of time to open the device was based on Reiki, and he had to repair his body. It should take a lot. The spirit stone does not know, but I don’t know how to sell the stupid big man who left him alone. How many Lingshi can I change?

Wen Yu began to think about this problem seriously. At the same time, the color that was standing at the door from the beginning was also staring at him. This kind of sight temperature is of course perceived. At first, I didn’t care. When I was bored behind, I couldn’t help but glance at the bird. When the bird first came, he was busy with Germany. Witt did not have a good time watching the other side.

However, this look, but it is watching Wen Yan could not help but smile and laughed out, shaking on the mat, making the researchers around it very strange, only the purple bird knows what he is laughing, eyes Send a strong condemnation, "Hey!"

That's right, it's a bird with pure purple flowers, but it has a bunch of fake bird feathers, and it's full of killing Matt. The most important thing is... it doesn’t face either side. Knowing what happened, I even posted a circle of pink fur, but it was authentic pink, it seems that I don’t want to mention more funny.

Wen Hao simply couldn't understand what Archie had any obsession with the color of the bird's feathers. To make it look like this, I had to take a name called Cai Cai.

Thinking of this, Wen Hao couldn't help but be grateful. Fortunately, Devitt did not make any self-proclaimed name to him, even if he did not recognize it, he would die.

Use the claws to put the piece of Lingshi into his arms, and gently wow his tail. He wants to know where the stone comes from, how can he get it, although he can't communicate with humans here, but there is no Is it a bird? Although it is a bit ugly, but the age should be quite old, know a lot?

Wen Hao thought, while narrowing his eyes and staring at the color, "Hey!" Silly bird, do you know this kind of spiritual stone?

"啾啾啾---!" However, the purple bird did not take care of him, and directly screamed.

"Hey!" Don't pretend to be stupid, know that you understand! Wen Yan said, the female doctor Anna also came back.

"They are very happy talking about it?" Anna said with a smile. She took a few new pieces of Lingshi, and one of them was full of energy. The most important thing is that the one full of energy is still a water stone. ! The gentleness of the Dangdang is the most familiar to Wen Yu!

This aura is changed in the past, more or less is considered a top quality stone, not to mention in this aura of the world, the energy contained in it can really make the fox unable to stand up.

Wen Hao didn't lick the bird in an instant, turned his head, and the black eyes stared straight at the Lingshi in her hand. The little expression made Anna laugh. "You really like these little stones." ”

"Oh." One second turned into the warmth of the innocent little white fox, as a fox demon, Wen Hao is very shameless to enjoy the benefits of the skin.

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