MTL - I Heard You Are an Alien-Chapter 122 So-called role song

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Long Xiaotian (XXOOXXOO) 13:28:54

I didn't lie to you, I did, wait for me to see how to let it go.

Next came a crazy swipe of the screen, and the words "嗷嗷 嗷" continued.

Yi Yi Ti was searching for how to transmit audio, and suddenly saw an avatar flashing in the lower right corner-formaldehyde.

She opened subconsciously.

I found out that this guy was calling in both the discussion group and the private chat.

Formaldehyde 13:29:22

Howling Tian Xiaotian.

Formaldehyde (XXOOXXOO) 13:29:04

Howling Tian Xiaotian, please answer when you hear!

Yi Yiti wiped her sweat, so why is this guy so anxious? Did someone go to Russia again? No, it's not, it's really not her fault.

After chatting a few words, she found out that this guy came for what she said in the group.

Xiao Long Xiaotian 13:33:50

Are you in the group?

Formaldehyde 13:33:54

Heke, we lurk low-key.

Yi Yi Ti: "..." means that she has nothing to peep at the girl's conversation, otherwise how could she see what she said in the first place.

到底 How busy is this guy?

According to formaldehyde, this kind of character melody can be undertaken by Wei Feng, it must be propagated, and ... kekeke, try to get more out of the surroundings.

Yi Yi Ti thought, the role song, this idea seems to be good. After many animations become popular, there will be corresponding character songs, she thinks it can be tried. But maybe this time try to get readers involved?

Immediately, she explained her thoughts and formaldehyde a little.

The latter said that it was necessary to ask the "superior" for a solemn attitude, as if they were doing "underground work." After that, Yi Ti passed the version of Ling Yu "I Will Remember You Every Time" stored in the computer to formaldehyde. Soon after, the song was hung on a special page of "Shame of Online Games" and was also placed. The top.

Yiyi Ti copied the connection and dropped it directly into the group, feeding the young girls who were waiting to be fed.

After that, there were some swipe screens like "嗷嗷 嗷, deserved to be genuine, super nice!", "Qiu Tao Tianle's opening song!", "Qiu Suxing Zhi's ending song!" In response to the requirements of the character song, it attracted numerous applause.

Although there are only two tunes in animation at present, they have given the audience infinite confidence, because they are both excellent works. Of course, this is also normal, after all, it is all the music that has been all the rage in the universe.

The beauty of music has nothing to do with age, sex, and race. Anyone can feel appreciation and touch the soul for it.

Among the two songs, the overall support for the opening song is the highest, while the ending song is slightly lower in the overall support, but it is particularly loved by female compatriots.

Compared with the movement of the title song, the ending song is slightly sad. The name of this song is translated as "this rainy day" and the lyrics are very simple ...

【This rainy day. 】

【A person. 】

【Long to the end of the street. 】

Uh ...

【This rainy day. 】

【A person. 】

[A period of thought that blurred the memory. 】

Uh ...

Through the repetition of similar lyrics and touching melody, the lyric purpose was finally achieved.

In order to match this ending song, Yi Ti's deliberately made animation is also loved by many girls.

I was on such a rainy day. Ling Yu stuck her hands in her pants pockets without an umbrella, and walked alone on the street. Beside him were hurried pedestrians and hurrying vehicles. He had an extinguished cigarette **** in his mouth and walked down with his head down.

What he didn't know was ...

边 The street I passed by ...

The corner I passed by ...

的 The bookstore I passed by ...

的 The restaurant I passed by ...

Uh ...

Countless people saw his body.

The next moment, these people picked up an umbrella, or pushed open the door, or walked across the road, or picked up a plastic bag ... catching up with his back.

When the music of the ending song gradually stopped, people could clearly see that an umbrella was covering Ling Yu's head through the water reflections on the ground, covering him with the drizzle.

A hazy figure was standing behind him.

The camera walked along Ling Yu's body all the way, and finally fixed on the hand holding the umbrella.


I left a suspense.

到底 Who was it in the end? First, everyone stepped behind Ling Yu and set up this umbrella for him?

And, very coincidentally, almost all of the people who followed were Han Chinese. No way, who makes almost all men in the "Brave Alliance"? This is definitely not the problem of Yi Ti, but the problem of the unruly guy at Shishida!

But this seems to be subtly poking some cute points. Not only did some people start to assign them according to CP, but some people actually stunned for this, enumerating various "clues" to prove who the last person to umbrella is!

In the end, some people even found Yi Ti and Sand Stone directly and asked who this person was!

The two responded very tacitly at the time--

Xun Long Xiao Tian (XXOOXXOO) 15:24:22

Large sandstone.

Vermiculite (XXOOXXOO) 15:24:23

Howling sky is great.

Xun Long Xiao Tian (XXOOXXOO) 15:24:25

Uh ...

Vermiculite (XXOOXXOO) 15:24:25

(捶 Table laugh)

So a group of people started to brush up their CP (Hey!), And this thing passed.

But in private, the guy at Sandstone really asked her who this hand was.

For the original author, of course, she has nothing to keep, just to say--

Xiao Long Xiaotian 15:27:30

I was born of Su Xing.

Xun said so because Su Xingzhi is Yi Ti's favorite male character except Ling Yu. Keke, female readers read books, especially male authors. In most cases, the favorite character is male, unless a female character is truly shaped and very attractive, but the author who can do this is rare. There is no reason for it-the author is a man.

Yi Yi Ti is a standard protagonist. Whether it is a novel, a TV series or a comic book, she stands firmly on the protagonist's side, and especially hates various secondary 2 bosses. At this point, she and her cousin Huang Quan coveted each other. Although she didn't understand why she would talk to her brother-in-law every time she said this sentence, she just felt the spirit.

Su Xingzhi's role in the game is an ice mage. He is cold and has very few words, but his heart is very hot. The typical "face cold and heart hot" type, saved him from the strange group for the first time. The priest's lord. Of course, he learned afterwards that this non-mainstream was deliberately rushing into the strange group to enjoy the "feeling of blood." Later, because of a task, he and the male leader bound the team and cleared a hidden copy together.

Ling Yu, whose account name is "翎羽", also found a major secret of "Step Frost" in this ghost-filled copy-he is super scared of ghosts.

Knowing that everything in front of me is false and non-existent, but from the moment I saw the "ghost", my body was completely unable to move. With the passage of time, the heartbeat frequency became higher and higher, and then was directly kicked by the game warehouse. Offline.

坑 This kind of daddy thing is undoubtedly a big point for female readers.

Afterwards, "You covered your eyes with cloth and shot in accordance with my instructions." Ling Yu also blasted the heart of a group of people. In short, it was "super invincible cute!"

The most enjoyable thing so far is that after finally making a copy and sharing the extremely rewarding prizes, Su Xingzhi said, "I will kill you as soon as I say it," according to Sandstone. He "ice-cooled his tone very stiff, apparently hardly ever said anything like that, so he behaved awkwardly," and the man ’s sentence, "Kill you a priest, are n’t you man?"

After his death, he "ran away."

Of course, after several more encounters, he was successfully abducted by the team members and became a member of the "Brave Alliance". I also deeply found that there are many more abnormal people in this world than him ... at least he was born of helpless innate reasons, and these people were completely looking for himself. At this point, he embarked on the road of (unintentionally) abandoning discipline and never returned.

最近 In recent chapters, several groups have captured the captives, and the other party shouted the slogan "Don't kill or recruit" in order to discuss the conditions in order to squeeze more linings. Su Xing said expressionlessly, "Go to death," and then killed the yelling captive A. Just as the little companion and the remaining Captive B were stunned at his "cruel hands", he calmly took out a teleportation scroll and asked, "Do you want to revive and block people?" After the others vomited blood, they asked, "What if they do n’t come back to life or go offline directly?" He calmly replied, "Hire someone to keep it," and between the words, he pulled out a heavy gold bag-yes He is an abominable rich man.

Captive B disarmed on the spot: "Brother, I recruit, I recruit everything, don't waste your money, give me 呗."

The rest: "..."

After Captive B's confession was completed and he got the golden bag, Su Xingzhi said, "So you left?"

"... what else do you want to do?"

"He died, but you didn't die, and you got the money. Do you think this is good?"

Captive B suddenly realized: "Yes! Brother, you also killed me 呗, otherwise I am sorry to see my teammates."

怎么 "What to do if something breaks?"

"I'll send it to you. I don't have any valuable equipment anyway."

So, Su Xingzhi killed him sharply, and picked up a ... money bag from the ground, just the one he just sent out. The guy picked up the money bag, tilted his head slightly for a moment, and silently shoved it back into his parcel.

After the incident, Ling Yu swears that he absolutely saw 0.1 millimeters in the corner of his mouth! So this guy is definitely intentional!

Of course, what the truth is, I'm afraid only Shishi knows it.

易 Anyway, Yi Ti is adorable. He is adorable.

So it's too normal to set the umbrella supporter as his true heart.

Formaldehyde 15:27:40

Hey (shocked) (sad) It turns out you are a **** guy ...

Formaldehyde 15:27:45

I am so grateful that I haven't suffered your poisonous hand till now. (Sweat)

Yi Ti was bad at the time—lifting the table! What the hell? !!

Even now when I think about it, I still feel that the pit father is extremely incomparable and cannot look directly.

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