MTL - I Heard You Are an Alien-Chapter 140 Big fat sheep

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Yi Yi also summed up some experiences and lessons on this matter, she said to someone, "What can you say to me in the future, don't be alone and think in your heart, you know?"

"Hmm. Little Ti is the same."

"Is that what you say?" She has always been frank! Well, on some less embarrassing issues.

After a while, the little couple went to the noodle shop together. I have to say that the guy's gas field is painful. The owner of the noodle shop saw him as "poor" and actually gave him a bowl of noodles for him. By the way, he did something to Yi Ti. "You can't bully people like this ..." education, made her really embarrassed, but people are also kind, she can't leave the table and leave?

After a meal, the two went hand in hand to Antique Street.

Although I have been in the city for a few days, this street Yi Ti is the first time. To be honest, this is not a characteristic street of this city. Unlike the local unique medicinal materials street, almost every city has an antique street with shops and stalls. Every day, countless people gather in it, and there are also countless real or counterfeit products that continuously pass transactions between people.

In recent years, there have been a lot of TV programs related to this, and many of the Internet novels are based on this theme. This has further increased the popularity of the antique market, and even made many people who have no interest in this past. Young people join in.

Of course, many of these people came for the purpose of "finding leaks."

For them, the probability of picking up leaks is slightly higher than the middle five million, and if you can pick up that leak once, hey, it's sent!

传说 Many legends about "leakage" have also been circulating among the people in this street.

For example, someone bought a worn-out vintage car on the street, but it turned out to be an early product of a foreign car company. This has been until today's car companies look for it in order to run a car show. As a result, the buddy hit the Grand Canal, so he took a broken car for a new car worth millions and a check with a lot of zeros hanging on it, and he reached the pinnacle of life ever since.

For another example, a person bought a gourd in the store with a dim color, and as soon as he returned home, he found that there was something in it. It turned out that the carvings on this gourd were the work of a master, and the patterns on this gourd were carved only once in a lifetime. So, this buddy has reached the peak of his life ever since under the "funding" of a certain collector.

For another example ...

It is precisely because of these legends of "Going to the Peak of Life" that countless people have come here. Some return home, some return empty-handed. Some think they have made a profit, but they have actually lost; some think they have made a loss, but find that they have made a profit. Who's right? The four words "destiny and impermanence" are perfectly suitable for use here.

This is about what makes it attractive.

And those who have been in this street for a long time must bring their own "identification of light", such as Yi Ti and Cecil who came slowly holding hands, with "injustice" written on one face and the face of another It says "Big Head", and together it is "Big Fat Sheep"!

There is no reason for it. Except for some special cases, most young people generally don't have a good vision; especially young people who are busy in love will easily spend a lot of money for their lovers. The guests"!

Many bosses of roadside stalls looked at each other for a few moments and secretly sighed. I don't know who will be the lucky one to kill the sheep today.

Yi Yi Ti did not know that she had "stared". Even if she knew that she was not afraid, the money was in her pocket. Unless she agreed, she would never fly out, not to mention that it was not a place of disorder.

Cecil came to this kind of place for the first time, and looked curiously, his excitement overflowed with words. She is not surprised at all, because this guy seems to have always been interested in the antiquities of the heavenly dynasty.

"If you are interested, just check it out."

"But aren't you going to buy gifts?"

"There is no fixed goal anyway. Maybe you just picked it up!"

The first half of the sentence is obviously true, but the second half of Yi Tie is a bit exaggerated. During college, she and her roommate in the bedroom were influenced by television and novels. In a semester, they particularly liked to visit antique streets. Everyone more or less I bought back some "antiques" and thought that they were rare. As a result, I checked ... ha ha ha ha ha ...

After eating the instant noodles for a month collectively, everyone regretted it and never went again!

As the saying goes, "Without diamonds, don't take advantage of porcelain." Without this ability to discern, it's better not to hope for a big leak. And she has only one destination today, which is "Yeheju" recommended by Zhao Mingqi to her yesterday. His saying is "The boss there knows me well, and you give me my name, and he will give you some good goods." Look, the bid will not be too dark. "For Yi Ti, this really helped.

Cecil listened to Yi Ti's words, and immediately pulled her to squat to the roadside stall, because Suttana Star has no stalls, he has always been interested in this form of sales.

When the two of them came, the 30-year-old middle-aged man who had been holding the stall immediately became happy and laughed out the big smoked teeth. After inhaling the last cigarette in his hand deeply, he glanced proudly at the "envy, envy and hatred" bosses around him, coughed softly, and said, "Two pick slowly."

This is not that he does not want to do this business, but that the young people now do not know where they have come to the conclusion that "the more enthusiastic the hospitality, the less genuine goods on the stall," leading them to have to show this face, Ma, it's difficult to do business these days! You must learn to change your face!

Cecil crouched on the ground, her head on her knees, her eyes gleaming at the old objects on the ground, as if looking at it from a close distance was enough.

Yiyi Ti smiled at her with a smile, reached out and picked up a copper coin with the words "Yongzheng Tongbao" inscribed on it. I don't know how many protagonists of the novel started from a copper coin, and it was also the first antique she bought. And there were a bunch of "Shunzhi Tongbao", "Kangxi Tongbao", "Qianlong Tongbao" on the stand ... It was a lively gathering of grandparents and grandchildren.

Boss smiled secretly: Well, I know you want to buy copper coins, purposely new!

But to his disappointment, the little girl just looked down and put the things back on the stall.

At the same time, Cecil finally shot. He grabbed a dark object that looked about the size of a palm and looked like a wooden block.

He squinted at him and watched it over and over again. He seemed very interested. Yi Ti asked the boss, "What's that?"

Boss smiled, and said in a long voice, "This thing has its origin ..."

(500 words are omitted here)

所以 "So, this is a piece of wood dug from the grave?" Yi Ti, who was almost dizzy, came to such a conclusion.

"Little girl, you can't look down on her. Funeral and funeral, if this is not a good thing, will people carry the funeral? Not to mention ..."

(300 words are omitted here)

Yi Yi Ti: "... stop." She wiped her sweat, "so it's a mysterious wood, right?"

"... You can say the same."

She saw that Cecil really liked it, and she wanted to buy it, but he was too obvious, and I'm afraid he would be slaughtered. Sure enough, the boss put out a palm directly and said very politely, "Five thousand yuan."

Yi Yiti immediately realized that she was regarded as a fat sheep. Although five thousand is nine cows and one hair for real antiques, a piece of black wood costs five thousand yuan, which is a bit too exaggerated, it is a steal.

What she didn't know was that the boss had originally thought of a higher price, such as 10,000! Because they look comfortable in their clothes, but considering that the price may be too high, they may hit the chicken directly, so he only made 5,000 with "hate."

When the young man on the sidelines heard it, he immediately put down the wood in his hand and said to her, "It's too expensive. Don't buy it."

Yi Yiti knew that he was telling the truth, but the more she did, the more she was reluctant to make him "aggrieved"! Not just a piece of wood, buy buy buy! Fu amount, what is the psychology of this president?

After a counter-offer, Yi Ti returned the price to 2,000. By the way, he could take three things at his stall.

She knows that there is still considerable moisture at this price. From just three choices from the stall, we can see that there is nothing worthwhile in this pile of things. However, she was really not good at bargaining since the past, and the boss' eloquence didn't know how good it was, she almost fainted her.

But the price has already been set, and there is no point in tangling. And if it makes him happy, that's not much.

So she raised his arm with her shoulder: "What else do you like? Choose it."

Cecil nodded obediently, reached out and picked it up on the stand.

The boss looked at it and found that he took a small copper incense burner (this thing is worthless, deliberately made from wholesale), an empty wooden box (collected with the wood, the inside was originally empty, I do n’t know before What is it?), A copper coin (come! These young people like to buy this!).

"Is this all right?" Yi Ti asked him.

"Hmm!" Cecil held the pile of things and smiled contentedly.

When Yi Yi saw that he was happy, he felt happy physically and mentally.

Then both happily hugged and left.

The boss is also hizi, hizi, Emma, ​​fat sheep! A few more!

When I saw the two "big heads" walking away, someone next to me said sourly, "It's so happy to watch people go, I'm afraid I picked it up!" Why didn't he catch the big sheep?

Boss ignited a new cigarette and scoffed at the man's words: "Come on, you haven't seen the block, can you let it go?"

The man stopped talking.

A stall owner across from him said, "You made a lot of money this time. I remember that you received less than twenty dollars for that wooden block?"

The boss made a gesture: "Twelve."

"Huo! Make a net profit more than 100 times!"

A group of people are so envious, why do n’t they have that luck?

此时 At this moment, someone poured cold water again: "Maybe they have liked the last three in the morning!"

The boss shook his head and laughed even harder: "Now the little young people like to be smart by themselves. They always fancy something and don't say directly. They have to buy something else and let me give it to him. Really What do you like, what do you like? When I ca n’t see it? ”The young man saw the wooden block at first glance, and the ones he took afterwards were indeed taken on the spot, which can't fool him!

"Do your three add up to thirty yuan?"

"Just right."

The others whispered.

So, injustice! Why don't you come to my house to buy something? !!

At about the same time, Yi Ti suddenly sneezed and rubbed her nose.

Is n’t he saying that a practitioner is hardly sick? What happened?

Read The Duke's Passion