MTL - I Heard You Are an Alien-Chapter 176 Mourning brother (4) (non-parents)

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This carefully woven "trap" continues ...

In every day they live together.

Every time she noticed that she had a new and different response, the joy in his heart also increased, but at the same time, the strong possessiveness also surging day by day. The closer you get, the more you can't stop. Sometimes he even thinks that if his entire design becomes empty by accident, then maybe it will really have serious consequences ...

But fortunately, for now, everything is fine.

缇 Yi Tie felt more trouble than his older brother who had unknowingly turned black. because……

觉得 She thinks she cares about her brother going too far.

Wu Mingming would not have done this before, but since it was known that they were not brothers and sisters, the situation seemed to have changed slightly. She didn't know where this sentiment came from, but ... did other sisters feel red-hearted when they saw their brother?

I should, no ...

She thinks that this is wrong, but if the emotion can be controlled by reason, then the mind may not exist.

Moreover, she sometimes felt vaguely that she didn't want to control at all, but was quietly indulging it because ...

Time is quietly passing in this delicate situation, and from time to time, scenes similar to this happen--

"Brother, I have finished reading the book!" Yi Ti opened the door, leaned her head in and said, "Is there anything else?"

绍 Yi Shao, who had just finished folding the quilt, stood upright and said, "Yes, there are, but you can't just watch this all day long."

"I know." Yi Ti wrinkled her nose. "Isn't this a good test this time? Besides, you have an older brother." Hey, there is an older brother who takes advantage and doesn't need to worry.

Wu Yishao sighed and pointed to the bookshelf: "Go find it yourself."

"Huh." Yi Ti nodded and ran straight to the bookshelf, inserting the book in her hand back to the original position, and incidentally picked another book. It took me a while to choose, she was turning her head and telling him, she accidentally saw her erect brother standing in front of the cabinet, taking off her pajamas, exposing a muscular upper body and a very beautiful line line.

She screamed subconsciously.

He turned his head, looked at her doubtfully, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xun originally only saw the side, and now she saw the entire front. This recognition made Yi Ti's face flush suddenly. She quickly lowered her head and said, "Nothing, nothing."


"Really, really, really." She blushed even more, and now she just wanted to leave quickly, except for nothing else.

However, he came to her, holding her face with both hands, leaning closer, staring at her eyes seriously, asking softly and slightly hoarsely, "Xiao Ti, your face is hot, Is it really okay? "

Yi Yi Ti: "..." This is terrible!

Her gaze glanced from Yi Shao's still naked body, moved to his face stiffly, but was instantly lost in his extraordinarily deep eyes. Too close, her brother's breath seemed to be sprayed on her face, and the faint smell of toothpaste was the same as the taste in her mouth. Just thinking about it that way, a strong shame rose up in my heart. Just looking at it, looking at it, she suddenly felt that the situation was not quite right. It was almost ... she couldn't help but post it.

This way ...


She was so embarrassed that she pushed him away, and the book originally held in her hand fell to the ground instantly.

"No, it's okay!"

After saying this, she hurriedly picked up the books on the ground and ran out like a frightened bunny.

Yi Shao stood in place, slowly turning his head, watching the door that closed suddenly after a muffled noise, and his eyes slowly fell to the hand that just held her apple-like cheek, and the corner of her mouth slowly lifted With a smile, he kissed his fingers gently.

Xiao Xiaoti's taste ...

At this time, Yi Ti, in her own room across the wall, shrank on the bed, her hands clinging to her chest, feeling the heart that almost jumped out, her heart was panicked, surprised, and a secret sweet.

I just saw my brother's body, why is it so ...

Mingming has seen it before, why do you feel extra special this time ...


She covered her mouth subconsciously, then covered her entire face again, tightening herself tighter.

想 She thought, she finally knew what happened to her recent abnormality.

because of her……

I fell in love with my brother.

Once aware of this, it seems that this emotion will increase every day. But at the same time, she knew very well that it could not be told. Brother just treats her as a sister? Although they are not related by blood. Once you say ... this peace will be broken. Maybe my brother ... will never treat her like this anymore. As long as I think about it, she will be very scared.

and so……

【Like this now? 】

I like my brother secretly, quietly, and unknown.

I won't cause him any trouble.

Although he won't get more, he won't lose anything.

This way ...

I'm fine, right?

She decided to maintain the status quo.

But obviously, this is not what Yi Shao wants.

He can clearly feel that Xiao Ti has a good impression on him, but he can also clearly feel her stumbling.

He can't take that crucial step first, because he's not sure, or he's not confident enough. Although he has 90% certainty, what if the truth is 10%? What if he took a step back, but only got back or ran away? He cannot afford the consequences of failure. So he was waiting, waiting for her to take that step first, as long as she was willing to take this step towards him, he would take the next step.

and so……

[Little Ti, come to me. 】

Maybe a little more "stimulus" is needed.

Yi Yi Ti didn't know she was pressing hard, she just felt a little upset. Since entering the university, although my brother chose a local university to take care of her nearby, she still stays at the school for a few days a week. In addition, because of various sounding dangerous reasons, her school began to compulsorily live in high school sophomores and above. The chance to meet him was suddenly less than before, almost only on weekends.

However, the less you see, the more you miss.

Or, it is precisely because you can't see it, this kind of thought is particularly obvious.

It's a rare weekend to meet, my brother's stupid guy actually said, "I'm having a party with my classmates today, and I'll be back later." It's awful to leave her alone at home for dinner!

She Mingming went to the supermarket to buy his favorite food when she came back, thinking about making it with two people. Now she can't lose her spirits ... let's make a bowl of instant noodles.

Yi Yiti almost eats instant noodles with her teeth gutted. After washing the dishes, she sits on the sofa and watches TV. She occasionally looks up at the wall clock in the living room, and feels that time is passing too slowly.

Why didn't you come back?

Just wait, wait ... wait, wait ...

The long-awaited opening of the door finally sounded.

Yi Yiti rushed to the door in a short stride, and yanked it open before the door was completely opened by people outside.


Since my brother started college, every time I see him, there seems to be a new change. The biggest change is not the hairstyle, appearance or figure, but the temperament. In this way, he took off his past student spirit little by little, and was about to become a handsome young man.

"Don't run so fast." Yi Shao touched her head with a warm big hand, and handed a bag of things, "give you a barbecue."

"Uh-huh!" Yi Ti was so happy that the previous frustration seemed to disappear in an instant. But she didn't pick it up immediately, but spread her hands. "I'll hang your clothes."

She Yi Shao took off a slightly thick coat with a smile and handed it to her.

Yi Yiti hugged her coat and turned towards the hanger. She likes to do such things. Whenever she feels the clothes in her arms are warm and abnormal, and ... it is full of brother's smell. Thinking of this, her face was reddish slightly, as usual, she sniffed carefully.

Then ...

Her face changed.


My brother's clothes will smell perfume.

Obviously not the feeling of male perfume, sweet ...

Her heart sank in an instant, and she forgot to move. Until "awakened" by his shout ...

"Little Ti?"

"Ah? What, what?"

怎么 "Why do you suddenly stand still?"

"... No, nothing." She shook her head and tried several times before hanging her clothes.

He stood at the table and smiled at her: "It's going to be cold. Come over and eat."

"Oh." She walked over, feeling only the heavy footsteps, heavy, as if pressed to her heart. Sitting opposite his brother, after taking the chopsticks he handed to himself, Yi Ti hesitated for a while before asking carefully, "Brother, today ... did you eat with your classmates?"

"Well, yeah, what's wrong?"

"Is it ... a female classmate?" If you eat with a female classmate, it is normal to get a taste.

But he shook his head.

"No, they are all male students in the same bedroom."

"..." He lied to her.

If it is only accidentally contacted, it will never leave such a rich fragrance.

时 When it comes to the person you like, every woman seems to be able to immediately become a detective.

However, she has no mood to think about the other, and only thought about one thing intently-her brother lied to her and lied to her for the sake of others.

"What's the matter, Xiaoti? Start again. Don't like to eat?"

"... Well, I don't want to eat, I want to go back to rest." She lowered her head, stood up with both hands on the table, didn't want to eat, didn't want to talk, didn't want to see him, just wanted to return to the room as soon as possible, and then ... pain Burst into tears.

She did exactly that.

However, the moment she turned around, her hand was pulled.

明显 There is a clear sense of concern in his voice: "What's wrong? Is your body uncomfortable?"

Yi Yi Ti only felt that the pain in her heart was more severe: since you decide to lie to me, then don't care about me!

同时 But at the same time, she knew very well that this kind of anger was unreasonable. The elder brother ... the elder brother clearly did not make any mistakes. The wrong person was her, and she had unrealistic delusions.

She sucked her nose, took a deep breath, and tried to keep the words flat without any hint of crying: "No, I'm fine."



I held her hand and let go.

At the same time, Yi Yiti's heart slowly fell into the valley.

Then ...

"Go to rest, then, this is for you."

A cold thing was stuffed into her hands.

She raised her hand in astonishment, and saw a heart-shaped glass bottle in her palm, which contained pink perfume and a faint scent ... just smelled just now.

"this is?"

"I bought it for you." He replied with a very natural expression. "I ran into it and thought you might like it. The taste is not bad. You are also a big girl. Use some ..." Feel your chest warm.

She has rushed into his arms.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

不 She didn't answer, just shook her head desperately, and her little head rubbed his chest cutely.

"It's so big, what a spoiler."

While comforting her, ... slowly twitching the corners of his mouth.

【Right, that is it. Xiao Ti, care more about me, more ...]

Read The Duke's Passion