MTL - I Heard You Are an Alien-Chapter 97 He is from the Shi family

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If you talk about Lu Kong, Yi Ti doesn't think it's a big problem, because each family may not have only one offspring. Shouldn't it be strange to meet other Shi families? But then she knew it was not that simple.

Although everyone in the big circle party can participate.

However, there are only a few special parties. At that time, the current leaders of each inheritance would only bring their own "recognized" descendants, that is, the future leaders of this sect or family that they pretend to be. This means that the people approved by the Shi family have changed.

I used to be that decadent youth, but now I have changed to another.

According to Lu Kong, although this is not common, it is not a special thing. After all, who has no accidents?

In this regard, Yi Ti's only thought is--

[You are actually the representative of the descendants of the Lu family? 】

[... what is your skeptical look? Brother's talent for practice is very high! Although luck ... cough, but! After paying the price, I am the only person in our family who can summon the covenant monster at the fastest speed. The future is called a big one! 】

Yi Yiti still doubts this.

After all, this guy's luck ... if he becomes the "head" in the future, will it really not affect the whole family?

The two were chatting with each other, and Cecil was still acting as a quiet beautiful man, but the young man had returned to the cabin with his hands in his pockets, and still looked like a laziness. Many people want to rush up to grab his shoulder and shake it hard, so that this product is a little more spiritual.

Many people can't help but have the idea: This guy won't kill the patient completely, right?

But the following radio shows that everything is completely the opposite, he successfully rescued the patient who fainted by the toilet.

The stewardess who was skeptical before came over in three or two steps, sent a glass of water, and said with a sweet smile, "Sir, what water you just asked, may I have any more?"

"Can I smoke?" The young man answered with a dead eye.

"Uh ..." The stewardess smiled again, "Sorry, this ..."

"Then there is no need." As he said, he drank the water in the cup, and then took out a lollipop from his pocket, peeled the packaging bag and put a stopper in his mouth. Put it in the hands of the stewardess, "Troubleshoot it for me."

"... Okay." The stewardess twitched and left.

And the other people on the sidelines also made a black line. What kind of person is this?

The lazy-looking young man indifferently glanced in the cabin, his eyes suddenly fell to Yi Ti, but after a moment, he turned his head back again, took out the blindfold and put it on his eyes again, closed his eyes and raised his mind, soon Then he snored slightly, as if everything was just an illusion.

Even though she was facing away from each other just now, Yi Di knew the matter very clearly through the knowledge of God. If she read correctly, that guy's concern should be land and air?

"He seems to know you." Although Lu Kong said that they only met once as a kid ...

"Of course," someone said incredibly. "Brother is so handsome, of course, it is very impressive."


Yi Ti, who was still sympathetic to the stewardess, drew the corner of her mouth, turned her head resolutely, closed her eyes again and leaned on her own alien. She no longer cares about a certain shameless guy.

At the same time, she intentionally or unconsciously paid attention to the previous pair of young men and women, the men were refreshing and handsome, and the women were charming and charming. They wear similar sportswear and sports hats, but the main color of men's clothing is light gray, while women's are white. The latter, like Yi Ti, was ponytailed, which is not surprising. The strange thing was that the former had left shoulder-length hair and tied his back with a rubber band. Although it is not ugly in terms of his looks, is it normal for normal men to not have long hair now? Well, except for her family, Cecil, he is an alien and does not belong to the common sense of the earth!

As expected, after the passengers gradually became quiet, the two whispered again.

"Frightened me, but nothing happened."

"It's better to sleep. In case of any bad premonition, I will kick you off the plane directly!"

"Don't do this, no matter how much I am your brother ..."

"Hum, I don't want a brother like you, who has a bad body."

"... you don't want me too." Cover your face.

Uh ...

Only then did Yi Yi know that the two were brothers and sisters. But this is also normal. After all, she is not Xue Ye, who is extremely sensitive to blood. It is impossible to discover that the other party is related by blood.

However, this discovery made her feel kind, unreasonably, brother and sister.

However, this brother is obviously not as strong as her brother, but this is also normal. There are so many people in the world and so many brothers, but there is only one Yi Shao.

Thinking of this, Yi Ti could not help but bend her mouth slightly, and then heard the guy Lu Kong whispered to her home Cecil--

看 "Look at her laughing so rippling, I dare to pack tickets, she must have dreamed of other men! You have to be careful."

Yi Yi Ti: "..." Is this guy looking for death, or is it looking for death?

Then she heard Cecil's answer--


"... Are you" Oh "?"


"Are there any other responses? Are you jealous or angry?"

第一 "First, Titty didn't fall asleep at all, so she can't dream;" Cecil replied sincerely, "Second, I'm talking to other men, too, Titty is not angry; third ..."

"Are there third?"

"Xiao Ti is almost angry when I hear what you just said."

"... King's life!"

Lu Kong burst into tears, and it turned out to be a crooked pot with a crooked stove. Wang Ba looked at mung beans, and the things gathered by people and groups. Cecil, this guy who looks honest, didn't expect to be bad inside! He was cheated!

飞机 In his painful "summary of experience", the plane successfully landed.

的 The elder brother of the pair of siblings did not have any bad feelings.

Soon, Yi Ti and others got off the plane. When they approached the exit, they unexpectedly found someone raised their hands and said hello.


人 This person is not someone else, but the "Shi Family" in Lu Kong's mouth. At this moment he had a cigarette in his mouth, but he hadn't lit it. He stuck one hand in his trouser pocket and the other hand held the lighter. He said, "Go out and say, I'm a smoker." Sticking to his lips, there was no tendency to fall.

After I finished speaking, he turned around and walked away, and even more magically felt that the sneakers slipped out of the slippers.

Lu Kong was silent for a moment, and asked silly, "What's the situation?"

Yi Yi Ti looked at Cecil and said that I really didn't want to answer such a question! Moreover, in the eyesight just now, she was sure that the other party didn't seem to remember her at all. Of course, this was also normal. After all, it was just a glimpse at that time. If it was not for the gravel portrait, she would not remember such a "passer".

So a certain alien is very kind to do it for him: "He should want to talk to you."

"... Of course I know such a simple thing! The question is what does he want to talk to me about?" Lu Kong, who feels that his IQ has been despised, is very unsustainable!

"Probably why you haven't changed for so many years." Yi Ti turned her head.

Lu Lukong: "..." Although he seems to be praising him, why does he feel scolded? So he asked Cecil, "What does she mean?"

"Probably ..." The young man whispered, "IQ." Although it was a bit rude to say that, he felt that Xiaoti expressed that.

Lu Lukong: "... Hey!" After all, he is despising his IQ! !! !!

Don't make trouble!

His IQ is 888!

Amount ... Although it hasn't been tested, it won't be less than fifty!

Although these words were spoken, a few people actually went to the exit non-stop. The three of them, only one of each other, and they are in the public at large, what are they afraid of! Not to mention, Lu Kong knows that a girl who seems very soft around is actually ... an iron tyrannosaurus who can squeeze the bricks into slag! Hehe, if he knows that this Tyrannosaurus has recently upgraded, I don't know how he will feel.

The city of F where Lu Kong ’s house is located is only a medium-sized city, and there are not so many regulations such as "no smoking on the road", so as soon as you leave the airport, lazy young people ... Cigarette took a deep breath, and his face was full of expressions of "Dao Dao Sheng Xian". Those who passed him wanted to report "Uncle Police, there are some people taking drugs!", So they went around, so the place where he originally came from left him with a circle.

Yi Yi Ti and others went over.

"Emma, ​​it's a shame to be with that guy!" Lu Kong murmured low.

Yi Yi Ti: "..." Only you are not qualified to say this, okay!

Seeing a few people approaching him, the young man nodded his head and said, "Shi Jingle." During the talk, he still used the "no smoking" stunt, "Little Master Lu Family, it's been a long time. Hey, what is your name Here? I remember it seems like ... Lack of water? "

"... I'm Lu Kong!"

Shi Shijingle nodded indifferently: "Oh, surely there is no water."


"Okay, show the way."

"Ha?" Lu Kong was stupid, "Lead the way?" Why did he show him the way? !!

Yan Shijingle raised an eyebrow: "Did Father Lu say to you?"

"What did you say?" Lu Kong stunned before he reacted, "Is it for Ajan ..." If not, he couldn't imagine why the old man wanted to invite the people of the God Needle family to come home.

"That's right." Shi Jingle nodded again, looking at Yi Ti and Cecil standing next to Lu Kong. "They don't seem to be in the circle, right?" No doubt, he didn't notice their breath. Different.

"It's my friend!" Lu Kong subconsciously "kept secrets for Yi Ti", and answered with a firm chest, "I'll take them back for a while."

Although Shi Jingle felt that the other party's words were a bit problematic, he didn't take it seriously. He was a doctor who was likely to make soy sauce all the way through, and was not interested in the private affairs of the employer.

Immediately, a few people started to walk towards his house under the leadership of Lu Kong.

After half an hour.

Shi Jingle took off his **** without knowing the first cigarette in his mouth, and looked at Lu Kong with a helpless expression: "Can you explain why we who should have taken the bus actually returned to the airport? "

Lu Lukong: "..." Will he say that because he has no money to take a taxi and then gets lost again? !! TAT