MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 13 Conquer the Grassroots King (13)

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The two strolled under the moon.

Such peace and leisure have never been before.

At that time, the situation in Beijing was strange, and Ji Jinrong asked Wei Tingjun to go to the border to avoid the disaster. Wei Tingjun was reluctant to leave at first. Later, the news of his brother's death came from Bianguan, and Wei Tingjun left Beijing with tears.

At that time, Ji Jinrong had a breath in her chest, dragging the sick body over her back, so that the soldiers at the border could not be dragged by herself. I didn't want my actions to fall into the eyes of the old lady and others, and secretly pushed him when the party traitor murdered the prince and elected Li Yan, making him unexpectedly ascended the throne.

In retrospect, that was no accident.

In the past, his elder brother was unlearned. The old lady Fu taught it for him, but he abducted a few younger brothers to play, leaving only Ji Jinrong, who could not move, sitting in the same place. From then on, the old lady was extremely strict with Ji Jinrong, demanding even higher than his elder brother.

At that time, the old lady Fu had already planned.

Ji Jinrong was also at that time, and gradually took on the things he never wanted to carry.

That is too heavy for a person who lives one day less.

Fortunately, he has very close friends, three dynasties ministers who have the heart to help the community, and the "town general" who returned from the border-not to worry too much when wandering in front of the gate.

However, after all, I still think too much, and my body is not as good as a day.

For Ji Jinrong, there are still a lot of regrets in her heart. He and Zhennan King bypassed the Royal Garden and came to the Arrow Pavilion. He Tai led the people to light, and the entire school ground was bright like daylight.

Ji Jinrong turned around and looked towards Zhennan King. He smiled slightly and said, "Well, practice for three months, you see."

King Zhennan said, "OK."

He Tai brought Red Horse to Ji Jinrong.

Zhennan King stepped forward to help Ji Jinrong mount.

Ji Jinrong is not very satisfied: "Are older, take care of yourself." This body is too small, coupled with the fact that it can't keep up with food before, it is significantly smaller than its peers, and it is half as short as King Zhennan Even if you have to get on horses, you have to rely on others!

The king of Zhennan laughed. "Your Majesty will grow taller soon," he said.

Ji Jinrong always felt that Zhennan King was laughing at himself! He snorted: "Don't look down on people."

The king of Zhennan focused on Ji Jinrong: "The minister did not underestimate His Majesty, and he hoped that His Majesty would grow up faster than anyone else."

Ji Jinrong's ears were hot with his hot eyes.

This guy has something to say! Don't think he can't hear it! When he saw the ridiculous things in the harem, this guy was still a stone without any hint!

Ji Jinrong sat on his horse and met Zhennan King for a moment, and suddenly shouted, "Stone."

The king of Zhennan gave a quiver, and the palm on the horse trembled slightly. He depressed the tremor in his heart and said, "Being there."

Ji Jinrong said, "Well, I can shoot arrows."

You can ride a horse to open the bow, you can taste everything you want, and you can go wherever you want. There is nothing faster than this!

Zhennan Wang looked at Ji Jinrong's smiling eyes, panic acid in his heart.

In this world, no one knows what day Ji Jinrong once lived. When Ji Jinrong was in a coma, he could not wait to throw out all the plays that Ji Jinrong had instructed—what is the common people in the world, Guan Jijinrong! What's up with Jishan Rong of Jiangshan Society? Why should Ji Jinrong work hard for them!

Ji Jinrong's life would have lived one day and one day less!

Some people say that Ji Jinrong is good at calculation and full of wit, but when Ji Jinrong came to the world for nineteen years, which day did he live happily for himself? Even knowing that her life is about to end, Ji Jinrong has no time for pain or fear, but instead arranges for the successor in an orderly manner.

And he is the one chosen by Ji Jinrong.

After Ji Jinrong's march, those who won Ji Jinrong's commission took turns to persuade him to take the throne. They said that if he did not succeed, Ji Jinrong would not rest in the spirit of heaven.

He just doesn't want Ji Jinrong to rest in peace!

Just do not want Ji Jinrong to completely disappear from the world!

His Majesty is still so young.

It was too young to see what the Jiangshan club he was interested in looked like.


Since the heavens are unjust, he naturally goes against the sky!

Now he does it.

His Majesty told him that he could shoot arrows.

His Majesty can ride a horse.

His Majesty tried everything he wanted.

King Jinnan said, "The minister is watching here."

Ji Jinrong rode into the school yard on a red horse.

The target of the arrow was set a hundred feet away.

The red horse went into the lights.

Ji Jinrong's face glowed with bright lights, with a little seriousness on his face.

Pull the bow and let the arrow go.

Pull the bow again, and then drop the arrow.

Riding a half circle around the school ground, arrows were inserted into ten targets.

Arrows hit the bullseye.

Ji Jinrong said that "I can shoot arrows", naturally, it is not simply pulling the bow. King Zhennan opened up the meridians on his body. His limbs and body were thousands of times more flexible than before. His riding and shooting skills had already made rapid progress after three months of hard training.

Even with a live target and a big bow, it was not too difficult for him.

King Zhennan stood in place, watching the figure silently.

In such days, they dare not think about it before.

When Ji Jinrong came back on a red horse, Zhennan Wang reached out and took Ji Jinrong off his horse. Ji Jinrong did not refuse.

The king of Zhennan embraced the people, feeling that the sweat on Ji Jinrong's body was very smelly. He said, "Your Majesty, the minister is very happy."

Ji Jinrong said: "I am also happy."

Therefore, stop looking at him with that worried and sad look.

King Zhennan's heart pounded.

His Majesty was so close to him that he could reach into his arms as soon as he reached out his hand. His Majesty does not blame his transgression, nor does he blame his wishful thinking.

His Majesty saw his struggle and pain in his eyes.

His Majesty is always used to being nice to others.

King Zhennan slightly folded his arms and hugged Ji Jinrong: "Your Majesty, I miss you so much," he gazed at Ji Jinrong's eyes, "from the moment he left His Majesty."

Ji Jinrong's ears were slightly hot. Instead of avoiding the eyes of Zhennan King, he faced the King of Zhennan directly and shouted a name: "Wei Tingjun."

The king of Zhennan stunned, and then calmly responded, "He is here."

Even though the two had long been silent, Ji Jinrong heard the Zhennan King respond in this way, and his heart was still slightly warm.

There is such a person in the world who is willing to enter the world for him and find a glimmer of vitality. If he is not touched in his heart, it is of course false—not to mention that he was always sick, and Wei Tingjun was always with him.

Ji Jinrong said, "Some things, I don't understand." His eyes were slightly bright, "However, I can, try to learn."

Zhennan King froze. He said: "Chen-"

Ji Jinrong interrupted: "I know." He paused, "What you want, I know. But, I don't understand."

From childhood to age, Ji Jinrong was not easy to trust people. Otherwise he dragged such a body and died early in the dark deep palace. He has the confidence to be a bright monarch, the confidence to deal with everything in the world, and the trust and love alone cannot believe that he can do it.

So Ji Jinrong said that he didn't understand.

King Zhennan's heart curled slightly.

How can Ji Jinrong understand?

Even after returning to the big week, Ji Jinrong was only nineteen years old. In the past ten years, Ji Jinrong spent almost all on the sickbed. At first, I was thinking about how to survive, and later I was thinking about how to bring Da Zhou out of the predicament of the building. How can I think about what happened? You Lennon Lennon.

Zhennan Wang reached out and embraced Ji Jinrong into his arms.

Ji Jinrong is still young and smaller than him. He can easily hold Ji Jinrong tightly.

King Jinnan said, "Your Majesty, the ministers don't understand. The ministers are always afraid that the ministers will be pushed too far away from the ministers. Sometimes the ministers will even think that if they say nothing, nothing Let His Majesty know that he may be able to accompany His Majesty as he did before. But Chen knew that His Majesty would never trust a chaotic thief, "he tightened his arms," ​​he always thought that His Majesty would raise his court soon Sword, kill Chen, the gangster who offends Tianwei. "

Ji Jinrong gave a slight meal.

King Zhennan knew him very well.

If Zhennan King is not Wei Tingjun, then when Zhennan King returns from the west, he must be greeted by a knife and axeman who is ready to start.

Ji Jinrong is not a softhearted person, after all, the environment in which he grew up does not allow him to be softhearted. Without the influence of the old lady, he would not even care about Da Zhou Guomin, nor would he care about Da Zhou people.

Ji Jinrong said, "Yes," he said without hesitation. "I thought about it."

Zhennan King is not sad.

This is His Majesty, no matter what is good or bad, his Majesty will admit that he is never afraid that others will hate him for it.

How could he be resentful?

King Jinnan said, "So, it is a joy for the minister to let His Majesty allow Yunchen to" try to learn. "His Majesty," he pressed his chest against Ji Jinrong's back. Since you said 'try to learn,' you have jumped so fast that there is no way for him to slow it down. "

Ji Jinrong clearly felt how Zhennan King's heart was beating.

He did not break the arms of King Zhennan.

After a while, Ji Jinrong said, "So, should you tell me, if so, what will you do if I go back from here?"

As soon as the words came out, those around him suddenly became stiff.

Ji Jinrong turned to look at Zhennan King, waiting for Zhennan King's answer.

King Zhennan had a dry throat.

He knew his Majesty was extremely intelligent, and even if he suppressed that so-called system, his Majesty could still predict what would happen in the future.

He had long been burdened with murder, and the main brain would not allow him to return to Da Zhou with Ji Jinrong.

And when Ji Jinrong came, he could no longer completely destroy this time and space, leave this world and enter the next world; he was even less likely to seek a usurper and make Ji Jinrong the king of the country.

Maybe when "mission fails", he will pay the price for past sins.

Obviously before that, he was only thinking of one thing-he only wanted to see his Majesty again, and he was satisfied as long as he could see him again. It can be seen that he greedily wants to cross that boundary again; beyond that boundary, he-and he feels that this life is too short-especially under his clan, he asks "What will you do? "Time!

What will happen to him?

Maybe the body disappeared and disappeared.

The face of Shang Ji Jin was full of questioning, and King Zhennan could not speak.

Ji Jinrong's heart sank slowly.

Everything in the world has its cause and effect. Wei Tingjun created all the iniquity for him. To the day when he could no longer be brazen, it was natural that he paid back his former sin.

Ji Jinrong's face was angry: "It's just a fool!"

The King of Zhennan clenched his fists.

King Jinnan said: "Your Majesty, the minister does not regret it." He looked at Ji Jinrong, "the minister will never regret it." At that time, his majesty was so small that he could not eat what he wanted to eat, and he could not go where he wanted to. What can't be done.

No matter what the future, it is important to be able to see his Majesty again, to allow his Majesty to taste the world's delicious food, and to see the great mountains and rivers.

This is an option he will never regret.

Ji Jinrong looked at the stubborn look of Zhennan King and could only say, "Xiliang is up, plan again."

King Zhennan said, "Your Majesty, rest assured, Xiliang will soon be settled down." He lowered Xiliang, and naturally digested well, so as not to be torn by its hind legs in the future.

After finishing the business, King Zhennan said again, "Your Majesty, there is a team of maritime caravans coming back tomorrow. Would you like to see them?"