MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 135 Conquer the Son of the Demon King (9)

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Leo Phil said frankly, "Your Majesty twisted his feet."

At first glance, everyone else understood what was going on. Just now Aisie had been directing Leofil to hunt him for the desired prey. When Leofil successfully killed the wild bear, Aisie jumped off the horse and watched. Wild bear, did not expect the place where he could not settle, and suddenly let his feet get stuck in.

Aisi's talent is actually not bad, but he has been cultivated as an heir to the Empire since childhood. He spends a lot of time every day learning how to govern the country and how to handle government affairs. He is only slightly better than ordinary people in learning martial arts.

Aisi likes hunting, and just likes the feeling of riding a horse through the woods. He rarely does anything by himself.

Lying on Leopold's back, Aisie said suddenly, "I used to be careful with Marcos before I dared not get hurt."

Leopold heard "Marcos", and his face was not very good. He repeated Icy's words suspiciously: "Don't be hurt?"

Aisi said, "Yeah, don't dare get hurt," he said with a bit of sadness. "At that time, my father was very strict with me. If I got hurt, he would never let me do that again. There was a period I had an accident when I was playing with Yulian. My dad even sent Yulian to his side. I begged for a long time and my father didn't pick up Yurian. "

Leofil listened to Aisie's words and understood why Julian was so jealous of Aisie. Obviously twins, but they were treated like this just ten seconds later, and whoever changed would feel uncomfortable.

Isi said, "I used to hate Dad," he tightened Leopold's neck. "After Dad died, I knew how hard it was to govern an empire. Dad was very hard at the time, right? So he didn't Ways to love me and Julian as much as other people ’s dads. "

Leopold rarely told the truth: "You can always find a reason for the mistakes of others."

Isi retorted: "Dad is not wrong ..."

Their dad just chose the empire between family and empire.

Leopold said, "Can you forgive your father, can Prince Yurian forgive him?" His tone took a little seriousness, "Or, did you forgive him? Why did you replace him?"

Isi froze.

He had thought that Leo Phil would take the opportunity to comfort him, but he did not think Leo Phil would question him like that.

Is he forgiving their father for Yurian? Why did he forgive their father for Yurian instead?

Isi said, "I, I--"

He lowered his head, his gaze falling in front of Leofil's wide chest. Although his father was very strict with him, he loved him from a young age, he would care about him, he would blame him, and he would teach him himself. Of course, it is easy for him to forgive him. But what about Julian? As long as he was young, as long as he encountered what happened with Yulian, whether it was Yurian's fault or not, the father would first punish Yurian, and finally sent Yulian to the side of you.

Isi said, "I was wrong."

Hearing Aise's wise admittance, Leofil didn't know why she had to be outspoken just now. He clearly should take the opportunity to comfort Aisi, and separate the relationship between Aisi and Yulian. Why did he point out Aisie's biggest problem?

From the observations these days, Aisi is a very intelligent person. As long as he knows where the problem is, he can definitely find a way to make up for it and save it. Didn't this add a lot of obstacles to his plan?

Leofil was annoyed, and suddenly felt that Aishy's warm nose came closer, as if he was about to kiss his ear. Then he heard Aisi praise sincerely: "You weren't like your father just now," Aisi said, "you were a lot like a teacher just now!"

Leofil frowned.

He couldn't help asking: "How old is your teacher this year?"

Acy froze, and replied, "The teacher is eighty-eight years old this year. What's wrong?"

it is as expected! Leopold gritted his teeth and said, "I'm less than twenty-eight this year, Your Majesty." He directly expressed his dissatisfaction. "I don't want to be like your dad, and even less like your teacher-the eighty-eight . "

Aisie was having a hard time, listening to Leofil's serious refutation and couldn't help laughing, and his hot breath sprayed directly into Leofil's ears.

Leo Phil felt his ears hot and itchy.

He could not wait to get to the night right away, and taught this guy who didn't know how hooked he was.

Leofil kicked Aisi's **** freely.

Ace's face flushed.

He said, "You, you wanton!"

Leopold confessed, "Your Majesty, I hope to be your lover."

Isi was quiet.

Leofil didn't press hard. He said, "I don't expect Your Majesty to promise you right away. I only hope that you don't treat me as someone of other generations. Your Majesty, although there are many people who are loyal to you, I can see that you are very tired. If you feel you can't support it, tell me the distress hidden in my heart, I will always be your listener. "

Leofil's voice was normal, but what he said made Aisie throbbing.

If he hadn't found Leopold's identity, if Leopold really only fell in love with him at first sight, he might really fall in love with the person who said that to him.

Sitting in that position was so lonely that he couldn't talk to anyone about many things, not even Julian and Marcos.

Some things he didn't like, but he had to do it for the empire-many times he really felt difficult to support.

So, even though he knew that Julian didn't like him, and he didn't like it from a young age, he still wanted to work hard to repair the brotherhood between them. He hoped that his brother and his brother could love and help each other like many brothers in the world.

He even wanted to create opportunities for Yurian and Marcos to keep the two most important people together.

In this way, they can stay with him forever.

However, what Leofil said was false.

Somehow, Ace suddenly felt extremely wronged. It was as if someone had suddenly given him what he wanted most, and when he happily reached out to pick it up, he found that it was just a beautifully wrapped empty box with nothing at all.

Isi wrapped around Leofil's neck.

His tears fell to Leofil's neck.

Hot and moist.

Leofil was shocked.

Isi cried?

Is he crying because of his comfort?

Leofil suddenly thought of his father.

His father was a demon king, and for a long time he was not as close to everyone as Ace's father. Later he grew up a bit, ran to crying and questioned the Demon King, why didn't he like him and let him be born. At that time, the devil was silent for a long time, sitting there watching him crying quietly, and then hugged him after he cried, saying mutely, "I don't dislike you, Leo Phil, I don't dislike you, "The demon king, who never looked so impersonal, sounded hoarsely," I love you, Leofil, I love you and your mother. "

Since then, he has changed from the cold-eyed "sinner's son" to the devil's favorite son. As if he wanted to make up for him, no matter what he wanted to do, the demon king would promise to directly pet him into the most lawless existence in purgatory.

That is, since then, he resents the "mother" who has never met. Why did she kill her father who loved her so much?

Why should my father endure physical pain every day and night--

Endure long and terrible loneliness day and night-

Yes, lonely.

Isi too, sitting in the highest position.

In front of the most lonely person in the world.

Leopold said, "Sir, don't cry."

Isi clenched Leofil's neck.

"I will be by your side in the future," Leofel said.

Ace's tears fell more fiercely.

Leofil felt his heart was almost broken by Isi. The person on his back is still so small, but he must be so happy every day, because he is His Majesty the Emperor, he is the so-called "son of God", he bears the hope of all people-so he must be strong and brave, so there is no One would remember that he was still a teenager and he didn't have all the things a young man should have.

Just as Leofil wanted to put Aisie to the ground and hug Aisie in his arms, Aisie let go of his hands and wiped the tears on his cheeks. Isi's voice was steady, without the slightest trembling: "Nonsense, I didn't cry."

Leopold's trembling voice was very distressed, but his mouth could only say, "Yes, Your Majesty didn't cry."

Ace's nose was sore again.

He will not forgive Leofil, he will never forgive Leofil!

Obviously not really want to give him, why tell such a lie to him. It didn't matter if it didn't, he didn't think about it in the past-but he really feels tired now. He felt that he might really be seduced by the devil, knowing that it was fake, but he couldn't help but think "how good it would be if there was such a person."

Aesie embraced Leofil again.

At this moment, he assumed that Leofil was "Leo", not the son of the wandering Demon King. He leaned his head against Leo's neck and felt the warm temperature of Leo. Slowly, he felt a little sleepy, his eyes slowly closed.

Just a moment, just a moment.

When "Leo" carried him back to the camp, he opened his eyes.

When he opens his eyes, everything will return to his usual appearance.

When arriving at the camp, Aisie did not wake up.

Leofel asked someone to wrap Aisi in a cloak and carry him all the way back to the palace.

It wasn't until she arrived in the palace that Aisie slowly woke up.

Seeing everything that was familiar around him, Aisi froze. The only stranger in front of him was the man who was hugging himself to bed. It took him a while to remember that this man was Leofil, the devil's favorite son. Isi found that her throat was a bit dry, and she swallowed a few times, relying on saliva to lubricate her voice: "I want to drink water."

Leofil heard Aisie's words and put him on the bed: "Your Majesty is awake?" As he said, he walked to the table and poured a glass of hot water for Aisie. "It's hot, drink carefully."

Isi took the hot water from Leofil, held it and didn't drink it immediately, but looked at Leofil and said, "You just carried me back?"

Leofil couldn't help rubbing Aisy's head: "Your Majesty slept soundly, we don't want to wake up His Majesty." His eyes were full of distress, "I heard that His Majesty always couldn't sleep well." This was him The old waiter outside the door whispered a whisper when he carried the others back.

If it weren't, how could anyone around Isi get him into Icy's bedroom.

To Leopold's pitiful gaze, Aisie closed her fingers holding the cup.

He will never forgive Leofil.

Isi drank the water and said, "Is the prey brought back?"

"Others should have brought them back," Leofel said. Except for him, none of the new members of the Royal Legion who went to the hunting ground were clear about what to do. Leo Felton paused. "I'll ask."

Even Leofel himself felt incredible. Even if Aisie didn't send him to run a leg, he would willingly do anything for Aisie.

Want to know what he did during purgatory?

But he was so happy now.

Leofel took the prey list from Waiter Rose and walked back to Aisie's place to show Aisie.

Aisi picked up the pen and made a few sketches on the list, asking people to dispose of their prey and reward them to the officials' homes. Even if he just relaxes on the hunting ground, Aisi can't play purely. Such rewards will happen after every hunting of him-although the officials don't lack this game taste, the meaning given by the emperor is natural Different.

Leopold watched Aisie knowingly distribute his prey, and the inexplicable distress in his heart became more vivid.

If Aisie didn't hold him crying while on the hunting ground, Leofil would surely feel that Aisie was attentive to everything, even calculating such things. But Leopold now feels that Aisie is too tired to live like this. If she can, Aisie also hopes to live as carefree as ordinary teenagers.

Leopold waited for Aisie to finish the prey, took it on his own initiative, and said to Aisie, "Your Majesty, take a rest."

Isi said, "No, I'll see the teacher." He looked at Leofil. "You help me divide the prey."

Leofil said, "Okay." He asked again, "Is it over the library tower? I'll pass after I finish."

Aesie nodded and said nothing.

Leofil could detect that Aisie was a little awkward, probably because he was crying in front of him. With this in mind, Leofil didn't say anything, and turned to do the work that Isi entrusted to himself.

Aisi ran up to the top of the library tower and watched the mountains in the distance breathe out.

Ace's teacher is a serious old man. He looked at Isi and said, "Isi, you are shaken."

The old man didn't blame, but he was ashamed. He said, "Sorry, teacher."

The old man said, "No, you are not sorry to anyone." He paused and sighed, "You are the only one who is sorry."

Isi countered: "No."

The old man looked up and looked at Asi.

"I want to," Isi said.

It was his own wish to prop up the empire after the death of his father.

Aisie was told that it was his responsibility since he was a child, so he has been studying and adapting very carefully.

Aisi had thought about escaping all this, but when he panted to the center of the library tower, watching the magnificent sunset outside the window and the bouncing squirrels on the treetop, Aisi's heart suddenly calmed down.

He loves the empire, the grass and the trees of the empire, the birds and beasts of the empire, the ministers who occasionally aggressive, cares about the empire but think about the empire everywhere, and he hopes to see this every day Beautiful sunset, he hopes to see everyone's face with a smile every day.

Isi loves this everyday.

If someone must sacrifice, someone must be in the dark, then let him.

He is willing to let him count, no matter what to let him give up.

He didn't believe in God very much, just that the people of the Empire needed a belief that allowed them to persevere in the calamity, so he let the whole Empire know that he had been awakened as the "son of God"-he was their shield, he was theirs Guidance, as long as he stands firmly in front, the people of the empire will never be timid.

The empire rises and falls, and darkness always passes.

Aisi laughed and said to his teacher, "Every time I see the teacher, I feel very calm. Teacher, thank you."

The old man looked at Acy with a complex look. Rather than saying that he gave Aisie peace, it was better to say that Aisie came to the library tower every time she was feeling calm, climbed up the high stairs, looked at the gorgeous sunset, and convinced herself to move on.

The old man said, "Aisy, don't let yourself be too hard."

Isaiah said, "How can I work hard?"

The waiters and waitresses were carefully prepared for food, clothing, and transportation, and the ministers also loved him and were loyal to him. If you think about it, he is really hard.

Just greedy.

Isi said, "When the giant's affairs are resolved, I will throw the empire to Yulian, and then travel around with my lover," he laughed, a little more lightly, "It seems I want to start from Start cultivating Yurian now. "

The old man was a little relieved to hear Aisi say so. Previously, Aysi's mention of "the future" was always only related to the empire. Now, Aisi finally has himself in the "future". He said, "You have Yurian come to me every three days."

Isi froze.

The old man said, "Aren't you going to start training Julian?"

Isi was moved for a while. How could he be so worried? There are already many people who are good to him! The teacher obviously didn't like to be disturbed, but was willing to come and teach him Julian—Isi suddenly didn't know what to say.

When the old man looked at Aisi, how could he not know Aisi's thoughts.

Aisi is the strongest and toughest child he knows. He sees all the means of others and uses all the means of the world. But Aisi has the softest heart. Even if others only give him a little good, he will feel that he has got the best things in the world.

The old man said, "That's it."

Isi said, "Thank you, teacher." He stood up, "I'll go back first."

Aisi stepped out of the old man's study and ran into Leofil standing outside the door.

Leofil's eyes were tender: "Your Majesty, do you want me to carry you down?" The collection tower is very high, and Aisi's teacher likes to stay at the highest level. It is very tiring and time-consuming to walk up and down.

Isaiah said, "No."

Leofil followed Aisi and walked down.

The two walked to the half of the library tower in silence, and Leofil finally couldn't help breaking the silence: "Is your Majesty just now saying true?"

Ace paused and looked back at Leofil.

Leofil said, "Your Majesty said just now, to leave the empire with your lover and give the empire to Prince Yurian?"

Aisie was a little upset: "You overhear?" It was his conversation with his teacher, and he didn't want anyone to hear it.

Leopold said: "I said to wait for you, Your Majesty, and you nodded." He didn't feel like he was eavesdropping, "I just stood outside waiting for Majesty."

Isi didn't speak.

Leofel was still asking, "Your Majesty, are you telling the truth?"

It is undeniable that Leofil was so excited when he heard that. If Icy really thinks that way, he should consider no longer encouraging Yurian to usurp the position and help Icy do what he wants to do-and then bring Icy back to purgatory.

If he had just arrived in the Alexander Empire, Leofil would never believe that he would have such an idea, after all, he hated humans-and even hated the "son of God"! But now he felt as if something was rushing deep in his heart, trying to break an invisible barrier.

He wanted to be the man in Ai's mouth, the "lover" who accompanied Ai to travel around.

Leofil looked deep into Aisy.

It must have been a terrible curse on him.

Aesie stared at Leopold's sober eyes for a moment.

He said coldly, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Leofil's look changed.

He could not wait to press Aisi under him severely, tearing Aisi's cold mask. Obviously shaken, obsessed, crying at him, sleeping peacefully at him-why did you treat him with this attitude in a blink of an eye?

Leopold stared at Aishy's face with a hawk-like glance. "Your Majesty, isn't it me?" He swears that if Aishy says "No", he will tear that person up. broken.

He swears in the name of the Devil!

Aisie said, "Why do you think it's you?" His eyes, which seemed to eat Leopold, "have nothing to do with you."

Leofil was somber.

They didn't speak again all afternoon.

After night, Aisy fell asleep in the early morning.

It wasn't long before he fell asleep, and Aisi felt that "the man" was back.

This time, the man didn't lick and kiss him, but just played with his hands-playing with his body, teasing every sensitive point on him. The opponent's actions were a bit rough, as if he wanted to burn his soul. His hands and feet were not tied, but he couldn't move at all, and he could only let the other party manipulate it.

Aisi tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't see what the other person looked like. She could only give a broken □□: “Do n’t ...

A cold voice came from the darkness: "Say, you belong to me."

Isi said, "No."

The hands tortured him harder.

But until it was bright, Aisie still said the same thing: "... No ... I don't belong to anyone."

He will not belong to anyone.

He will not be seduced by the devil.

He will never forgive Leofil.

Never will.

Read The Duke's Passion