MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 139 Conquer the Son of the Demon King (13)

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Isi quickly calmed down.

He asked Leofil to hug himself to the ground. The two walked out of the alley, and they happened to meet a mask dealer. Aisi stepped forward and put a beautiful Protoss mask on his face, and a sorrowful Demon mask on Leofil's face. Say, "You're so fierce, it's good to wear a demon mask."

Leopold's heart pounded again when he saw Icy taking off the mask. Hearing Aisi's words, Leofil laughed instead: "If I walked forward with Her Majesty's hand, wouldn't it be the Devil and Protoss choosing winter lights?"

Isi said, "It's not just the two of us doing this anyway."

Leopold heard Isi's words and immediately held Axi's palm. Unsurprisingly, Aisi's palms were a little moist and apparently exuding sweat.

Leofil never thought he could be so innocent.

His palms were sweating too.

Leofil said, "Sir, where do you want to go?"

Isi said, "Since you're already posing, Leo, don't you call me" Your Majesty "?"

Leofil stared deeply at Aisie: "What should I call you?"

Isi teased Leo Phil deliberately: "Just call me Master."

"Observe," Leofil said. He held Aisie's hand tightly. "My dear Master Aisie."

Aisi smiled and walked forward with Leo Phil. He found that he still couldn't hypnotize himself, so he put on Leo Phil's mask of demons like masochism.

That's right, don't indulge.

You must always remind yourself that the person in front of you is not Leo, but Leo Phil, the son of the demon king, evil and swaying. He will never fall in love with anyone from the childhood games.

While claiming to love him, this person sent someone to confuse Yulian's nurse, and asked her to go to Yurian to say that he and Yurian were born in the wrong order.

Leopold's intention is easy to guess.

Leopold was very secretive, but since he knew Leopold's identity and was always concerned about everything about Julian, how could he not find out?

Aisi was thinking of falling in love with Leo until Leofil was tired of leaving. But just now, he found that he couldn't do it. He couldn't deceive himself like that.

Now that the teacher has promised to teach Julian, Leopold has arranged everything, so let them all get what they want.

Yurian wants the throne, Leofil wants the "son of the gods" to completely fall and lose everything-let them do it.

Just Marcos ...

Isi frowned slightly.

He hoped that Marcos would stay with Julian, but he wondered if he could persuade Marcos.

Talk to Marcos when you go back.

With a determination, Aisi followed Leofil intently. Leofel apparently did some homework and introduced Aisi to all kinds of winter lights clearly. And he's obviously a funny and talkative person who will never make Acy feel dull.

Aisie felt that if he and Leofil were not on the opposite side, they might be very good friends.

After the confusion left on the hunting day had dissipated, Aisy's mind was clear. He found that he and Leo Phil were really similar people, both were good at deceiving, and both were indifferent. Before he set out, he wanted to indulge once, but at this moment he was only thinking about how to get rid of it all--

Maybe he's really fed up?

I ’m fed up with staying on the throne, I ’m fed up with everyone ’s respect and estrangement, I ’ve been fed up with everything I ’ve endured for so many years-I find that I also want to be willful once, and I also want to have a sincere heart After lover, he wanted to get rid of it for the first time.

Even though, this lived up to the expectations of their father-in-law.

But he wanted to see the outside world.

He wanted to get rid of the shackles on his body and live as "Isi Alexander". Perhaps after leaving, he will not let go, he will stay on the edge of the empire and protect the empire in other ways-just do not want to be the emperor of the Alexander Empire.

He worked so hard to restore the brotherhood with Yurian, but he couldn't afford a temptation by Leofil. What else could he say?

Whatever he wants, he is willing to give it to him.

More importantly, if he stays on the throne, it will not only serve the empire, but will also lead to a devil like Leofel.

Leofel had no interest in the little Alexandrian Empire. As long as he left, Leofel would follow.

Leopold has now affected Julian.

Assy remembered Leopold's hostility to Marcos, and as the devil's son, he always acted with impunity. Will such a guy let the person he hates live? No, Leopold will definitely find a way to get rid of Marcos-nothing else, just to make him feel better.

Maybe the teacher can see it, right? He knew it before he made such a decision. So when he said "want to fly away with my lover", the teacher offered to teach Yurian so that he would not worry about it.

Their mentors and apprentices have always been so tacit, they don't need to say anything to understand each other's thoughts.

Thinking of his "escape plan", Aisi was in a state of enthusiasm.

He had to put down enough bait before Leofil could follow his plan. Let Leopold's "interest" in him become even stronger-

Attracting-tempting, but not just their demons.

Aren't they just games?

Who can't play?

Aisie bent her lips slightly, and clenched Leofil's hand gently, saying, "Leo."

Leofil heard Aisie's soft voice, and his heart seemed to be swept by a very light feather. He stared at Aisie: "My dear Master Aisie, do you have any instructions?"

Isaiah said, "There are so many people."

"Of course, this is the biggest bazaar before the winter," Leofel said. He knew the customs of the Alexander Empire as if he were the Alexander Empire-and Aisie was an alien .

Isi said, "Close your eyes and count five silently."

Leofil obediently closed his eyes.

Before he started counting, it seemed that Aisie broke his hand, and Aiswain's soft lips pressed against his lips. It's not too wonderful to kiss like this across a mask, but Leofil felt that there was an unspeakable pleasure flowing to his limbs, making every pore of his body relax.

Before waiting for Leofel to be a guest, Aisi has turned away from him, with a smile: "You can start counting."

Leopold felt itchy. He was happy to play with Aisi in this kind of fun, so he didn't open his eyes immediately, but actually counted them up.

Leofil opened his eyes, but found that Aisi had disappeared.

There were people around him, and he couldn't tell where Aisie was. If it wasn't for the temperature left by Aisi in the palm of his hand, he would have thought that everything that had just happened was an illusion. He hadn't brought Aisy out at all!

Leofil fixed his eyes, and looked around, trying to find Aisie from the crowd.

Leofil's nose was supposed to be very sensitive, but there were suddenly a few vendors selling spices around him. The rich flavor covered up the remaining breath of Aisie, making Leofil indistinguishable.

It's naughty.

Leofil was not angry, but kept turning the crowd to look around. His Aisy was so clever that he couldn't even figure out which side he was on. He could only look around blindly and intuitively.

Leopold walked a full street before he heard a shout from behind him: "Leo."

Leopold turned and saw Aisie standing under two orange winter lights with a smug smile on his face. He narrowed his eyes and looked at him as if he had stolen a fox. .

Aisie said, "You're so stupid, you haven't found it for so long." He looked at Leofil with a smile. "If I really want to hide in the future, you must not find me."

Obviously Aishie's tone was like a joke, Leopold's heart shrank slightly when he heard this sentence. He was looking at Aisi in situ, the white porcelain skin looked so delicate under the lamp, as if it were the most proud work of heaven; and those beautiful eyes reflected the bright lights around, deeply attracting everyone Someone looking at him.

Such Ai will always be the object of love for others.

Leofil stepped forward and took Aisie into his arms. He clasped Aisi's waist tightly, and moved Aisi's mask upward to reveal his tender lips. The next moment, he did not hesitate to pick the sweetness he had longed for.

It wasn't until Aishy's lips were slightly flushed that Leopold pulled back and said, "Your Majesty, this is punishment."

Isi looked at him angrily: "What punishment?"

Leopold said: "Punish you so that I can't find you." He held Aisy's waist tightly. "This time, you won't dare to commit it again."

Aisi said, "The next time I don't show up, won't you find me?" He narrowed his eyes with a smile. "How can you punish me if you can't find me. So I'm not afraid!"

Leofil caught Aisy's lips again.

This time, Leofil didn't let Acy easily, but instead rushed Ai to the wall behind him and kissed him hard enough. Even if Aisi's body was weak and his breath was gradually disordered, Leofil didn't end. Instead, he plundered the "territory" that he should have belonged to him.

Aesie's chest was sloshing and she felt her breath was a little difficult to sustain.

Leofel let him go, and said to the tip of his nose, "Your Majesty, I don't allow you to say such things. If you really think that way, I'll lock you in bed so you can't go anywhere , Can only stay with me forever. "He held Aisi's waist to help Aisi stand." I can't bear to do this to you, so you better not think like this. "

Isi was so angry.

Is this the true face of Leofil? Just let him get tired of ending, and never allow the prey to escape before he gets bored.

what is this?

Aisie also didn't hide her anger: "I haven't promised your pursuit yet!" It's too soon to want to lock him in bed at this time!

Leopold said: "Sorry, Your Majesty." He gazed at Aisi, "I thought Your Majesty would take the initiative to kiss me, which means you have agreed."

Aesie was silent.

Leopold said: "I don't want to conceal my nature before I meet you. I'm such a person, and I will never let go of someone I like." His eyes have the ambition to win, "Even if you, Nor can I take away the person I like from me. "

Isi said, "You have such a terrible idea."

Leopold raised an eyebrow: "Where is it scary?"

Aisi said, "A person's life is so long. How can he like the other person's life because he accidentally fell in love?" For example, he was attracted by "Leo" these days, but he is not sober now? The so-called "like" is so unreal and unbelievable, how can it last? He stared at Leopold. "Maybe I like it now, but I don't like it when I wake up. Maybe I like you today and I like Marcos again tomorrow. Who knows this?"

Leopold was patiently listening to Aisie, and his anger ignited when Aisie said, "Like Marcos."

Marcos Johnton!

This man's position in Aisi's heart was too big, even Aisi thought of this guy for the first time.

Leopold was calm on his face, but had decided to kill Marcos Johnton. He didn't allow such a person to live in this world, and just thinking that Ace might fall in love with another person-and this "other person" was Marcos, Leo Phil was jealous of going crazy.

Since this person appeared earlier than him, then disappear sooner!

Leopold said: "My and Her Majesty's views are different. I think once you fall in love, it is a lifetime thing. Everyone has only one heart, this heart can only be given to one person-it is absolutely impossible Split in two for different people. "

Aisi felt ridiculous. This guy is obviously a **** who is well-known in purgatory. He is ridiculous and turbulent. He would say such things.

Undeniably, that kind of love made Aisie very emotional. It's a pity that these words were all false and shameless lies, just to trick him into giving up his heart.

Everyone has only one heart. If you hand it over easily, the other person doesn't take it to heart? Then it seems too stupid to surrender it.

Isi didn't want to be a stupid person.

Isai said, "What if the person you like can't?"

Leofil looked at Aisi deeply: "I will find a way to make him do it."

Isi said, "You mean to tie someone to the bed?"

"I don't want to discuss this with you, Your Majesty," Leofel said. He reached out and stroked Aishie's disguised face. "If you tell the truth, you will be angry, but I don't want to lie to you. If I like someone If he can't, it's one thing to tie him to bed ... "

Aisy's heart throbbed.

He glanced up at Leopold's somber eyes: "On the other hand?"

"I will kill everyone he might like. Of course, if the other person can kill me, he can come and kill me."

Isi's back chills.

He thought he had used Marcos to stimulate Leofil.

If Leopold's "favorite" includes "prey" like him, is Leopold ready to kill Marcos? This would explain Leopold's hostility to Marcos!

Leofil's words seem fair. Who actually dares to strike Leofil?

Not to mention that Marcos can't win against Leofil. Even if Marcos can kill Leofil, it is impossible to do it. Leofil is the devil's favorite son. If he died in their empire, , Then their empire will definitely welcome the revenge of the entire demons!

Even the Protoss dare to use the earth as a battlefield against the Demon. How can a human empire contend with the Demon?

By then the entire empire will be in ruins, and no one will survive.

Before realizing this, Aisi just moved on the thought of leaving. But aware of this, Aisi had made up his mind completely.

This is the distress he brought to the empire.

He couldn't let Leofil stay in the empire.

He had to lead this terrible devil from the empire before Leo Phil started to kill Marcos.

It seems that we must hurry up and plan the "runaway" route.

When the idea of ​​leaving just came out, there was a negative element in it. Aisi didn't feel sad, but was a little excited. Suddenly found that he had to leave, the excitement in Aisie's heart was quenched.

He took a deep breath, trying to make sense with Leofil: "You're wrong."

Leopold humbly asked for advice: "What's wrong?"

Isi said: "If the person you kill is very important to someone you like, you will make him hate you forever." He lowered his eyebrows. "He will never forgive you."

Leofel just felt angry.

Isi said this to a wild species who didn't know where it came from? !! Although they didn't name anyone in this conversation, they all knew it well. The person he liked was Ace—and the one he wanted to kill was Marcos Johnton!

This Marcos Johnton really couldn't stay.

Anyway, he wasn't prepared to do it himself, and killed Marcos Johnton, and Ace couldn't count it on him.

It's just a lot more work and more thorough.

Leofil leaned down and kissed Ace's forehead: "Since Your Majesty said so, I'll correct it. His Majesty can leave anyone with him as long as he likes it." He took Asi's hand, "I use God's Swear by name, it will never hurt anyone around you. "

Ace has never seen such a cheeky person.

This guy is a demon, what use is it to swear to God? Does God still testify that his vows fail? "It's better to do that," Isi said.

Leofil loved how Essien raised his chin and talked to himself.

Compared to the helplessness and fragility in a dream, this kind of Aisie fascinates him even more.

"Of course, how could I lie to you?" Leofil said.

Yurian should also speed up a bit, he has to let the succubus help Yurian more "somewhat".

He wants to keep Acy only by him.

Let Aisi only ask him for help--

Let Acy willingly go back to purgatory with him.

As for the Alexander Empire, these ministers who seem to love Aisi-as well as that of Marcos and Yurian-will disappear completely from Aisi's heart.

By that time, as long as he is free, he can accompany Aisi to do everything Aisi wants to do.

"I love you so much that I will never force you to do anything you don't want to do, nor will you do anything you don't like me to do."

Read The Duke's Passion