MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 157 Admission to double-sided doctors (6)

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Admission to double-sided doctors (6)

This night, not only Xue Shuyang dreamed, Lu Xize also dreamed. What he dreamed of was not the past, but the "future". In that "future", the Lu family was destroyed. Their parents died to protect Xianling Mountain. His sister's life and death are unknown. He "awakened" on the ruins of Xianling Mountain, but he did not get much recognition. The self-cultivation world is plunged into turmoil and chaos.

A person's strength in such a troubled world is as weak and weak as a ant.

Lu Xize, you are a waste!

Countless cold eyes, countless mockery, countless downholes.

Between heaven and earth, only cold despair remained. But he couldn't die, he couldn't just die like this, he had to figure out why his parents died, and he had to figure out what happened--why did the Lu family, who had always been known for their charity, end up in this end. He also wants to make himself stronger, find his sister Lu Dongling, and become a person who can protect his sister from wind and rain.

Lu Xize felt blood in his mouth, but still moved forward with his teeth.

Go forward, go forward, and continue forward.

As long as you go far enough and high enough, you can see the truth.

Suddenly, Lu Xize trembled.

He saw a familiar figure.

that is--

that is--

"Who promised you to come here!" The man looked cold and pulled out his sword.

The sword pierced his chest.

The other man sat up and coughed while holding his chest.

It looks like he will lose his breath at any time.

Lu Xize thought viciously.

Lu Xize held the sword in his hand and pulled out the sword that had fallen into his flesh little by little. The entire palm was already dripping with blood, but he didn't feel any pain.

Because the heart hurts more.

It turned out that the person who reached out to himself in crisis was not his good person.

The church itself holds the sword well, the church seeks its enemies, the one who lives in this cruel world, just treats him as a furnace.

Lu Xize hated the tears in his eyes.

His tears made it all more of a joke.

This man has always known who his enemies are, and he cares and protects his enemies as lovers. How could he be half-hearted about him? But it's only because he's still useful that he'll be saved.

How could he forget that this man hated him the most.

It is he who is so stupid that he will sink in that little goodwill that he never cares about.

Lu Xize held the blood that was seeping out of the wound and vowed word by word: "I Lu Xize donated my blood and my life, I only wish I would never meet Xue Shuyang forever!"

Lu Xize opened his eyes suddenly.

The moonlight was shining in front of the bed, shining like silver frost. That dream was too real, making Lu Xize froze. It's a dream, it's a dream, it's just a dream. He gritted his teeth and clenched his wrists so that the chaotic spirit would no longer flow around. This dream is so real that Lu Xize feels like everything has happened.

Maybe it's because something in the dream is true.

For example, Xue Shuyang used him as a stove.

For example Xue Shuyang has always hated him.

No, there are differences. At least this time, Xue Shuyang didn't strike him after Lu Jia's death, but let him be the winner after his car accident. So it's still different, it's just a dream.

Lu Xize persuaded himself in this way, but he still planted the seeds of doubt in his heart.

If this dream was a warning to God, then he must not let the Lu family repeat the same mistake.

Lu Xize's eyes flashed bitterly.

Although there were not many details in the dream, he knew very well that a large family like the Lu family could not be easily wiped out. Either Xue Shuyang, an alchemist who emerged out of thin air, became Nei Ying, or Lu family had an inner ghost-or both.

He can't help Xue Shuyang for the time being.

But those guys in the Lu family can still clean up. Being soft on the enemy is cruel to yourself! Lu Xize got out of bed and dressed, and he stepped out of the lounge and saw Xue Shuyang refining medicine there, his expression focused and serious.

If everything in the dream is true, Xue Shuyang should study refining medicine to save that person, right? Lu Xize thought about the dream, but with a smile on his face: "Dr. Xue, what medicine are you practicing?"

Xue Shuyang's gestures in his hands were a stun, and he saw that Lu Xize was so energetic that he was not tortured to a pitiful appearance in the evening, and his guilt was lightened suddenly. Since Lu Xize was interested in alchemy, he could teach a lesson.

Xue Shuyang shoved a stack of books beside him: "This is for you. You lay the foundation first, and I will teach you something else."

Lu Xize smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Dr. Xue is so generous, he gave me so many cheats after going to bed ~"

For some reason, Xue Shuyang felt uncomfortable when he heard Lu Xize's words. He took out these books to Lu Xize, but in fact did not mean it, it was not used as compensation after tossing Lu Xize in bed.

But since Lu Xize thought so, he didn't have to explain it, lest Lu Xize misunderstand something.

Xue Shuyang said, "Watch them all in three days."

Lu Xize slightly surprised: "You are so optimistic about me, so many books only give me three days!"

Xue Shuyang stopped talking.

Lu Xize was sure, it was Xue Shuyang who had spied on him in the dark recently. In order to observe the furnace Ding he selected, Xue Shuyang really didn't have a master's face, and even followed him secretly. Fortunately, he didn't even say much about Song Yan or Tang Yu. This person wasn't staring at him all the time, otherwise, how could he fight this guy-everything was seen through.

Lu Xize pulled out the phone and asked Song Yan to bring the wheelchair to pick him up.

Xue Shuyang listened, and frowned: "Your injury is already well."

Lu Xizei was right-hearted: "I didn't do it all. I feel like I still have pain all over my body, so I should recover in a wheelchair."

Xue Shuyang was silent. Lu Xize's pain all over his body was not because of the injury last month, but because he tossed Lu Xize too hard in bed. With Lu Xize's indulgent temperament, it is normal to push in a wheelchair and let him walk, so he won't play the painful set.

Rather than let him hold Lu Xize back, or Song Yan holding Lu Xize back, using a wheelchair is more acceptable to Xue Shuyang. He acquiesced in Lu Xize's behavior and continued to refine medicine in front of the instrument.

Song Yan came quickly, and Lu Xize sat back comfortably in his seat and motioned for Song Yan to help him carry the stack of books.

Back at the apartment, Lu Xize breathed a long sigh of relief. He estimated that Xue Shuyang would not spy on this for a while, and slowly said, "Call Tang."


Lu Xize read the book given by Xue Shuyang one day.

Instead of rushing to find Xue Shuyang, he went to the library tower. Uncle Blind still sits on the first floor, like a statue. Lu Xize smiled slightly, revealing two shallow smiles. With a smile on his face and a natural smile on his voice, Lu Xize asked, "Uncle blind, can you tell me where all the books about refining medicine are kept?"

Uncle Blind's eyes were more white and darker than glances. Upon hearing Lu Xize's inquiries, he moved his eyes slightly and turned to Lu Xize's direction, as if he was "gazing" at Xize.

After a long time, Uncle Blind asked: "Getting started?"

Lu Xize said: "I have already seen the introduction, I want to know if there is anything special in our family, such as Xiaoyao San Shiquan Dabu Wan or something. Oh, I just give an example, blind uncle, don't tell me Dad said. "

Uncle Blind: "........."

Uncle Blind said: "On the bookshelf on the third floor and the third column on the left, you will find it if there is a fate."

Lu Xize said with a smile: "Thank you." He asked afterwards, "Do you think it's possible that someone can dream about the future?"

Uncle Blind's heart jumped more seriously, "gazing" at the direction of landing Nishizawa. Just when Lu Xize thought he couldn't get the answer, the blind uncle said again: "It's possible, 'the emperor' can be."

Lu Xize said, "The Emperor?"

Uncle Blind said: "The Lu family will have a 'people emperor' every few hundred years, and he will become the leader of the cultivation world, let the entire cultivation world conclude a 'covenant', and lead the cultivation world through the calamity. But now ' The influence of Renhuang will be getting lower and lower, and the possibility of getting through the calamity will be lower and lower. Maybe in the near future, the cultivation world will completely disappear. "He explained lightly," So the previous generation of Renhuang 'After the' covenant 'dissipated, the Lu family was allowed to develop a secular branch and gradually integrate into the secular. "

Uncle Blind confessed the past of "The Emperor of the People", his tone was very plain, but Lu Xize could feel the deep sorrow in Blind Uncle's words.

Lu Jiashou has always dissatisfied many people in Xianling Mountain. If Lu Jianan's strength and character had not passed the standard, I am afraid that the Lu family has now become the target of many attacks. The existence of "The Emperor of the People" has long been a legend. Even when Lu Xize came out in this generation, many people only looked at it as a joke.

After Lu Xize became a well-known insult, everyone laughed: Look, the so-called "people emperor" is just that. That was just the existence that the Lu family used to gild themselves, similar to the emperors who used to say "Xiangrui" and "Fengtian Carrying" all day long.

Lu Xize said, "They really dreamed of the 'future'?"

Uncle Blind said: "I don't know far away. The last 'Emperor' did dream of the beast tide coming. He took everyone to prepare for the fight against the beast tide in advance. If not, "The Emperor of Ren" will not be greatly injured, but can only be trapped in Xianling Mountain and cannot fly. "

Lu Xize said, "That's the case."

Uncle Blind asked a rare question: "Did you dream?"

Lu Xize blinked, instead of telling the truth, but smiled and said, "No, I just heard about the Emperor of the People, and I'm a little curious if it's true. Since you all say this to a blind uncle, it must be That's right. Thanks. I'll go upstairs and see if I can find the book. "

The blind uncle did not speak again.

Lu Xize asked Song Yan to push himself upstairs. Even Lu Xize didn't know what was going on. Since he woke up, he used to speak only three minutes to each other. The remaining seven minutes can't detect his true thoughts except for knowing the world and himself. . Even though his father, Lu Jianan, trusted Uncle Blind and Xue Shuyang no matter how much he used to put on a mask in front of them.

Perhaps in the face of this absolute strength gap, no matter how many conceals are doomed, but Lu Xize still does not want them to see themselves through at a glance.

The other party is already so much stronger than themselves, and then let them completely grasp everything they have, it really does n’t even know how they died.

Since he had died once in a dream, he was still so embarrassed and so embarrassed-so miserable way of death, Lu Xize naturally did not want to repeat the same mistakes again.

Lu Xize went up to the third floor and searched along the bookshelf that Blind Uncle said. Soon, Lu Xize found a lot of interesting baby classics. He has a good memory, and he can remember all of them when he scans them. In the eyes of others, he looks like he is looking for books. In fact, he has "scanned" them all. To the mind.

Uncle Blind ’s guidelines were correct. Lu Xize actually found the legendary “Shiquan Dabu Pill” and “Xiaoyao San” on the third floor. Hearing the names will tell you that these two elixir medicines have blue pills. Similar effects can aphrodisiac and kidney, commonly known as "Jin-gun does not fall every night."

Lu Xize narrowed his eyes with a smile, took the paper and pen in a casual way, and copied Dan Fang from above.

Lu Xize satisfied Song Yan to push himself downstairs.

As soon as I got downstairs, I met a few inner door children and two cousins.

Lu Xize looked away and found that the two cousins ​​were debilitated. At first glance, they were emptied by wine.

Lu Xize happily greeted them: "Yo, cousin, you are early, why did you go last night? It looks like three hundred rounds of battle, you are really fierce."

The two cousins ​​heard Lu Xize's greetings with a smile and a little sullen. They were only trained for this in the morning.

Isn't it normal for young people to go out and have fun? If this happened to Lu Xize, their beloved owner would certainly boast, "My son has grown up!" It's like the old stubbornness in their family.

But in the end, Lu Xize was the son of the owner and his "eldest brother". The two cousins ​​had to obediently say hello: "brother."

Lu Xize likes to see others feel wronged but have to give in. He nodded happily and took out the Dan Fang just transcribed: "I don't think you're in good spirits. I'll make some elixir for you in the future, so that you can live alive every day!"

The two cousins ​​were inexplicably surprised: "When did you learn alchemy, Brother?"

Lu Xize smiled: "I haven't learned yet, but Dr. Xue feels that I am talented and has accepted me as an apprentice. I have decided to teach my whole life what I have learned. I actually refused, because there are so many fun things after all. Things are waiting for me to do, but Dr. Xue told me a lot of the benefits of refining medicine, but I did n’t kneel and begged me to learn from him, so I reluctantly promised him to come. ”He shot to two cousins. Dan Fang in it, "I'm going to practice these two things first, and I'll send them to you after I've refined them, so be sure to be useful!"

Two cousins: "..."

Thinking of Xue Shuyang's cold face, I always felt that Lu Xize's words were not credible. But after seeing the name of the medicine on Dan Fang, the two cousins ​​immediately looked forward to it again. If this thing can be refined, it's okay to try it, because it's a "tonic" and it can't be eaten.

Seeing them moving, Lu Xize quietly led them aside, and lowered his voice and asked, "In exchange, you have to tell me where you are going to be happy, and I will try the 'effects' when I look back."

The two cousins ​​looked at each other and both laughed. They instantly took Lu Xize as their own, took out his mobile phone, and sent Lu Xize the contact information and address. They all praised: "This is not an ordinary red light district. It is very tall. If you are going, we can recommend you to the club." It turns out that this place still has a membership system, and you must recommend it to join the club.

Lu Xize expressed his understanding of the heart: "Okay, you recommend me back in the past, and you all know my mobile phone number. I will send the membership charter when the time comes, and I will see what process to go."

The two cousins ​​nodded again and again, "That big brother, you remedy the elixir, remember to give it to us."

So the two sides had a harmonious and friendly exchange. They reached an agreement in the good atmosphere of "everyone is an old driver." They said they would meet again next time to exchange experiences. Under the silent "gaze" of blind uncle, Lu Xize was happy

The young people today are so coquettish that they treat you as their own person in a few words and pour everything out. They are really good children.

Lu Xize appreciated their frankness and decided to send the elixir directly to their father.

As for whether their father kept working hard for them to give birth to two younger siblings, or if they were as frank and cute as they were when they handed the elixir intact—that was not something Lu Xize considered.

After three days of traveling, Lu Xizeyou traveled with her cousins ​​and cousins ​​from time to time, and her family was so much better. Many people would come forward and talk a few words on the road. The style of "brother".

Of course, many of them came up to test whether his injuries were good.

Lu Xize once sighed, and then began to boast that his talent was valued by Xue Shuyang. Xue Shuyang knelt and begged him to learn alchemy, as if he was afraid that others would not know how powerful he was.

That kind of exaggerated speech sounds guilty to others.

It is because the injury is not good, and maybe even not, that he will find confidence in other aspects.

It is estimated that Lu Jianan saw that his son could not practice and became disabled, so he begged Xue Shuyang to accept him as an apprentice.

It is estimated that Xue Shuyang heard Lu Xize's remarks, but he had the heart that struck Lu Xize?

Even if you accept a waste as an apprentice, the waste still says that he kneeled and begged for it to be an apprentice!

In such a situation, no one can be happy. Many people are secretly gloating.

#Seeing that Lu Jiada is so stupid, they feel relieved #

Xue Shuyang was really annoyed.

In the past two days, he has encountered several people on the road. These people have stopped him in unison, and he opens his mouth and asks, "Listen to Xiao Ze, Dr. Xue, please kneel and ask him to be an apprentice?"

Xue Shuyang heard these words over and over again, and he even had the heart that strangled Lu Xize.

Lu Xize was busy with the Go contest.

Lu Xize hasn't adjusted his mood these days, and doesn't want Xue Shuyang to go to bed for the time being, so he organized a Go support group after the late repair. The name is called Common Progress, and it is a good name for our school. After listening to the school's Go teacher, he appreciated Lu Xize and freed up his chess room for them.

Ye Haotian was unwilling to come. Later, with the mentality of knowing oneself and one hundred wins, he came to this Go mutual aid group. Unexpectedly, he would not be able to leave. Lu Xize was so cunning. He actually gave him the position of leader of the team and opened his hand and waved the flag.

With respect to the adoring eyes of the members of the group and the earnest expectations of the teacher of Go, Ye Haotian felt that ... he seemed to be on the thief ship.

Why is it that the creator can easily play with Su Xiaomei on one side, but he has to guide others!

Ye Haotian endured for two days, finally did not hold back, and stepped forward to challenge Lu Xize. Lu Xize slightly surprised: "How did you find me, leader?"

Ye Haotian said, "Do you remember that you made this group?"

Lu Xize was innocent: "No, everyone organized it together with their own ambitions. How did it happen to me? My chess skills are very poor, just to make up the numbers."

Ye Haotian wanted to hit him.

He lowered his face: "If you don't use your strength to come with me next time, I won't care about it."

Lu Xize reluctantly said, "All right."

Su Xiaomei gave way, allowing Ye Haotian to sit opposite Lu Xize. The chessboard was cleared quickly, and Lu Xize sacked first. His chess style was very stable, and he was drizzling. He could not see the way, but it was definitely different from Ye Haotian's murderous style.

This is how to play peacefully, but eat half of Ye Haotian's sunspots.

Ye Haotian looked dignified, but Lu Xize still had a soft smile on his face, as if he was a spectator drinking tea and watching a movie beside him.

Ye Haotian lost.

Ye Haotian didn't even know why he lost.

Lu Xize's chess path does not seem to be a bit offensive.

Ye Haotian glanced around to see the crowd, and stood up and said, "I'll go back first."

Seeing that Ye Haotian had been hit a little, Lu Xize couldn't help feeling a bit guilty. It doesn't seem to be kind to dispel others' fighting spirit so early. He waved his hands to disperse the people in the mutual aid group, and asked Song Yan to push himself to keep up with Ye Haotian.

The school road was already dark.

Ye Haotian walked ahead, Song Yan pushed and landed, and Nishizawa walked behind. The three of them were quiet and didn't speak, only footsteps rang in the darkness.

After walking through most of the school routes, Ye Haotian couldn't help but finally stopped and scolded, "What are you following me for?"

Lu Xize said, "No, I can't follow you. Isn't this going to the school gate?"

Ye Haotian said, "Aren't you usually going to the west gate?"

Lu Xize touched his chin and smiled a bit more: "I didn't expect Brother Ye to pay so much attention to me, do you even know which school door I go home from?"

Ye Haotian was dumb.

Lu Xize said, "Actually, we don't have much resentment, do we? I don't really want Dong Ling to marry you, but if you think about it, if our position is changed, you shouldn't want your sister to marry me?

Ye Haotian turned to look at him, as if surprised that he could reason.

Lu Xize felt wronged. He has always been the most reasonable person. If anyone doesn't listen to him, he will find a way to get someone to beat the other person obediently!

Lu Xize said, "So I was in a difficult situation before, you are understandable, right?" He sighed, and touched his legs, and sighed a little sighingly. "After one death, I figured a lot Thing. In fact, if you really like Winter Spirit, I don't mind her spending a hard time with you, but you don't like Winter Spirit, right? "

Ye Haotian couldn't refute the bright eyes of Shanglu Xize.

Lu Xize said, "I just don't understand why you don't like Dongling to keep this marriage contract? It's all the ages, and it's been a long time since I was unwilling to get married." He paused. Dayton, "You don't want to break the engagement, is there another reason?"

Ye Haotian looked at Lu Xize for a while and said, "If you give me the opportunity to see Shen Qiqiu after winning the game, I will tell you the reason."

This is an acknowledgement of Lu Xize's inference.

Lu Xize didn't think he would fill in a few chicken soups, and Ye Haotian would tell him everything because of his confidant. Ye Haotian can say that this is already very good. He nodded and said, "No problem, but wait until I win."

Ye Haotian stretched his face and walked forward.

Lu Xize let Song Yan continue to push himself to keep up.

Ye Haotian was angry: "Why are you keeping up?"

Lu Xize smiled like a flower: "I just called someone to drive the car to the east school gate." He yelled at Ye Haotian. "By the way, I also let you feel the anger of my sister. She really felt that you were following her that day, but Not to trouble you for no reason. "

There are street lights in front of him, and the orange light is sprinkled on Lu Xize's face, which makes his smile look beautiful. It is Ye Haotian who has seen many beauties, but still shakes God involuntarily.

This guy really looks good.

Ye Haotian silently retracted his gaze.

Good looks are privileged. Even though Lu Xize had troubled him so much before, he now feels nothing. He even had a ridiculous thought in his mind, thinking that Lu Xize was really a good brother, and made a waste of his sister's marriage regardless of his image-at least in the eyes of everyone, he was indeed a waste.

This is really ridiculous.

Ye Haotian shook his head and shook off ideas that shouldn't be in his head. Not to mention Lu Xize is a man, even if Lu Xize is a woman, such as Lu Xize's sister Lu Dongling, he has never been soft-hearted!

Ye Haotian snorted, quickened his pace, and completely disappeared from Lu Xize's eyes.

Lu Xize smiled slightly.

Ye Haotian is really interesting, at least much better than Xue Shuyang, and get along easily. If the Lu family is not facing a lot of crises, he may try to make friends with Ye Haotian-even let Ye Haotian and Lu Dongling get more contact and cultivate their feelings.

It's also good to have such a brother-in-law, usually no worries no one can make fun of.

Lu Xize asked Song Yan to pick himself up in the car, and then asked the driver to take him directly to Xue Shuyang.

When Lu Xize was pushed into the alchemy room, Xue Shuyang was still intently operating in front of the instrument. Perceived the arrival of Lu Xize, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and he told Lu Xize one thing: Xue Shuyang was not in a good mood now.

Lu Xize smiled.

Knowing that Xue Shuyang was in a bad mood, he was in a good mood.

Can't win, can't he give Xue Shuyang a little bit of a block?

He knew that some people in the Lu family were afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and would definitely repeat his words to Xue Shuyang. As for whether Xue Shuyang would find him to settle accounts, Lu Xize was not worried at all. Since this guy wants to use him as a long-term furnace, how can he not make him trouble.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't endanger your life.

Lu Xize asked Song Yan to go back. He came to Xue Shuyang in a wheelchair and asked with concern: "Dr. Xue, you don't look well. Did you not sleep well last night? Although you are fascinated by medicine, you are immersed in scientific research every day. In the meantime, I wish I could be two angels in one day, but I also need to cherish my body. The body is the capital of revolution, it exhausts oneself, and what I want to do is definitely not good. "

Listening to the "sincere" concern of Landing Nishizawa, Xue Shuyang reached out and rubbed his hands on the back of Nishizawa's neck, as if figuring out where to start, and he could easily take Lu Xize to death.

Lu Xize was not afraid at all. Hey, hey, let me die. Where do you go to find the furnace tripod, you have to find a furnace tripod practicing "Tian Yan Jue". If it's so easy to find, Xue Shuyang doesn't have to hold his nose to bed with him, right? Alas, he was really wronged.

Xue Shuyang could see clearly the anomalous gliding under Lu Xize's eyes. He knew that this little devil would not obediently be his hearth, and it was only a few days before he told everyone that he was kneeling and wanted to accept him as an apprentice, which was really bold. Is this true that he will not clarify such things to others? Knowing that he couldn't openly tell all the Lu families, "Your young master is regarded as a stove by me."

Seeing the proud look of Nishizawa landing, Xue Shuyang's breath suddenly disappeared.

Forget it, this guy can only get back his face like this.

Xue Shuyang was not in a hurry to "replenish", but took the landing to Nishizawa to recognize the medicinal materials.

He did not ask Lu Xize how he read the book, but went directly to teach.

Lu Xize must admit that Xue Shuyang is actually a very good teacher. At least this is the second time Xue Shuyang taught him the real thing. However, he has already mastered the basics required by the refining pharmacist. You can basically get started.

Of course, this is also related to him being a genius. Lu Xize boasted, and seriously wrote down everything that Xue Shuyang taught.

When Xue Shuyang finished teaching, Lu Xize asked with interest: "May I try it?"

Xue Shuyang nodded.

Lu Xize pulled out a batch of medicinal materials from the schoolbag hanging near the wheelchair, and began to refine the elixir with Xue Shuyang's "advanced refining equipment" in the alchemy room.

That's right, what Lu Xize wants to make is the one that he set out to make at the beginning, "Xiao Yao San", which is also known as "Golden Gun Does Not Fall Every Night". This is left by a senior pharmacist named "Fan Dong". Lu Xize thought that it must be a very great senior. After reading the instructions of the senior pharmacist, he was fascinated by it and he could not wait to be born in that era. , Get to know that great old pharmacist!

Xue Shuyang kept watching.

Seeing Lu Xize's medicinal materials, Xue Shuyang felt a bit wrong. After seeing Lu Xize facing Dan Fang recorded in his mobile phone, he began to refine the elixir with certainty. He also set up several alarm clocks to remind himself. Xue Shuyang didn't know what to say it is good. He paused and asked, "What are you going to make?"

Lu Xize stomped his feet and raised his hands to cover Xue Shuyang's mouth. He said casually: "Quiet, don't disturb my first refining. If it fails, it will be bad. I promised my cousin to give them. "

Xue Shuyang narrowed his eyes.

When did Lu Xize get along well with the rest of the Lu family?

Xue Shuyang stopped speaking, but his hands were not idle. He held Lu Xize's waist straight, trapped Lu Xize in his arms, and said lightly, "If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Because of the "dream" relationship, Lu Xize repelled Xue Shuyang's approach. However, he quickly overcame this trivial matter. He approached Xue Shuyang and took a comfortable posture in Xue Shuyang's arms: "Of course, you are my teacher!"

Speaking of this, Xue Shuyang thought of the "rumors" spread by Lu Xize. His arm tightened, and Lu Xize was caught in his arms. He asked coldly, "I heard that you said to others," I beg you to make you my apprentice? "

As soon as Lu Xize was stagnant, his body was slightly stiff, as if he was afraid he would become sour. Then he straightened his neck and snorted, and said, "I've been tortured by you so much. Don't you allow me to be addicted? You are too stingy. Even if I tell others, others won't believe me Yeah, they came to you and said that they were purely wanting to divorce our relationship. "He laughed as he talked, turned around and pinched Xue Shuyang's neck, and kissed Xue Shuyang's cheek, quite proud. "They must have never imagined that we would have such a relationship, let them go blind."

Xue Shuyang felt that he should not be polite to this little ghost.

Even though the little ghost was tormented on the bed, he was still alive after getting out of bed. Xue Shuyang couldn't help kissing Lu Xize's ears. I didn't know why. The little ghost in front of him couldn't help but hold him in his arms 蹂-躏, as if trying to rub him into the bone blood. It wasn't that there wasn't a stove that suits him before, but he couldn't raise any interest-even before long, he had no interest in Lu Xize.

But since this time, the little ghost in his arms suddenly gave him a great "sexual interest", making him anxious to tie him to the bed all the time, never let him contact anyone, and never let him拈 Hua Cao Cao everywhere.

This is incredible for Xue Shuyang.

Xue Shuyang always felt that Lu Xize had completely changed his personality, and such Lu Xize made him look away. His eyes always followed Lu Xize, trying to cross Lu Xize's sly eyes, to see exactly what kind of soul was hidden under Lu Xize's slippery appearance.

Xue Shuyang's kiss turned into a bite.

Lu Xize trembled slightly.

Every time Xue Shuyang kissed him, he felt that Xue Shuyang was about to eat him in his stomach. This feeling was a bit scary. Lu Xize couldn't help but want to avoid it, but he could only stay in Xue Shuyang's arms and let Xue Shuyang do whatever he wanted.

This feels really bad.

Lu Xize closed his eyes, hoping that darkness would alleviate this uncomfortable feeling.

Xue Shuyang said, "You are so good, you don't look like you." He raised his hand and landed on Nishizawa's neck, as if looking for a place to fit his mouth. "I am going to allow you to resist. Imp, but if you do n’t want to resist, You must completely submit to me. "

With regard to Xue Shuyang's robber logic, Lu Xize was too lazy to bother. He narrowed his eyes with a smile, opened his eyes and stared at Xue Shuyang: "It takes ten minutes to refine the elixir. Would you like to come first?"

Xue Shuyang raised an eyebrow: "Ten minutes? Only enough to end the game yourself?"

Lu Xize's ears turned red: "Nonsense!"

Xue Shuyang said, "That's why you practice Xiaoyaosan?" Just by listening to the name, you can guess what Xiaoyaosan was used for. Happy, isn't that the meaning of men's happy? Thinking of what Lu Xize said when he was going to learn alchemy, Xue Shuyang thought this guy was really cute.

Lu Xize was surprised, "How do you know?"

Xue Shuyang easily snatched Lu Xize's mobile phone and opened the Dan Fang stored in it: "Isn't it plainly written on it?"

Lu Xize looked at Xue Shuyang's eyes suddenly differently: "I didn't expect you to be such a person, actually peeping at someone else's cell phone!"

Xue Shuyang: "..."

Sure enough, I still want to strangle this little ghost.

As he was talking, Lu Xize's phone rang, and the melodious ringing sounded particularly abrupt in the quiet alchemy room.

Lu Xize glanced, and found that it was one of the two cousins ​​who had established a "revolutionary-life friendship" with him last time. He took the phone back from Xue Shuyang and did not avoid Xue Shuyang. "Cousin, what's wrong?"

There was a sneaky voice from that cousin: "Brother, your application for membership has been approved. I will send you my membership card the next day. When your legs are fine, I will show you your face again, you must be He'll love it there. "The last laugh penetrated the phone and floated in the alchemy room.

Lu Xize said, "Okay, thank you cousin."

Lu Xize hung up the phone and met Xue Shuyang with an inquiring look. He was about to put away the phone, but Xue Shuyang took it again. Xue Shuyang followed the call record just now and pulled out the text record of Lu Xize and that cousin just now. After seeing the communication on the top, Xue Shuyang's face turned dark.

He froze and asked, "What's up with this Yafeng club?"

Lu Xize Xinkou Hu Yan: "I know it by listening to the name. It is particularly elegant. It is where we exchange piano, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy." He kissed Xue Shuyang with a smile, "Dr. Xue, you look like Cha Gang's wife It surprised me ... "

Xue Shuyang said, "Do you know what happened to the last person who lied to me?"

Lu Xize's neck was cold.

He reached for his cell phone.

Xue Shuyang grabbed Lu Xize's wrist with no effort, but just made Lu Xize feel that his wrist would be cut off at any time. He said lightly: "I ask again, where is that?"

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy