MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 181 Conquer the Wolves Master (5)

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Conquer the Wolves Master (5)

First appeared in Jin, Jiang, Wen, Xue and Cheng

Wei Tingjun was not assured.

He held Ji Jinrong out and quietly followed Guy.

Guy has already held back the pain. Guy has never been a weak person, and if he has an easy-to-compromise personality, he will not move out of the settlement directly with Theodore.

In Guy's opinion, as long as Theodore didn't regret it, he didn't think their choice was wrong.

Gay has invaded this kind of thing, Guy has heard a lot, and even experienced it.

This happened to his mother and father. It is said that his father was a strong and paranoid man. After he realized that his mother was being occupied by evil spirits, he killed the evil spirits directly, and then held his mother and father's bodies together.

Gay has since become the weirdest orphan of the Tigers.

He inherited the beauty of his mother and father, but because he was too weak at birth, he could never have offspring. Originally he was devoted to studying astronomy and geography knowledge, which is still very shallow, and never wanted to be a partner.

But Theodor's enthusiasm moved him.

Guy is willing to accept Theodore and is willing to face the ups and downs of the future with Theodore.

Now, the evil spirit once again found the people around him.

Guy thought it might be the mother god's plan.

Few people know that Guy is not a real female. He is just as pure as Ji Jinrong. In order to conceal this fact, his father and mother-in-law led him to live outside for seven or eight years, and he did not return to the clan until the orcs' ears and tails of his peers could be gathered.

Maybe pure people are really ominous beings.

Guy thought pessimistically.

But even with such a sad thought, Guy didn't show anything. From an early age, he will not show weakness in front of anyone. The more uncomfortable and angry he is, the calmer his look will be.

He won't let others read the joke.

Guy went straight to the patriarch's house.

Theodore was there.

Everyone sat cross-legged, eating meat around the just-burned fire, and bursts of laughter from time to time.

Guy walked into the spacious cave.

There was a sudden laugh in the cave.

All eyes focused on Guy.

Guy only looked at Theodore. He found with sadness the moment he saw him. Theodore's eyes were ridiculously stunning. It was a stunning surprise to strangers. This shows that Theodore does not know him, and Theodore's body has been controlled by evil spirits.

This evil spirit is evil, and the first thing to return to the tribe is to dissolve the marriage relationship between him and Theodore.

Guy clenched his fists. Facing the dissatisfied, angry and disgusting eyes, Guy raised his head and stared straight at Theodore with amazement.

This guy who didn't know where it came from actually occupied Theodore's body.

But he couldn't help it.

Even his powerful father was unable to expel the evil spirits. What else could he do to get Theodore back? If he was as cruel as his father and killed this evil spirit directly-without saying that he couldn't do it, even if he could do it, it would be impossible to start.

Guy said, "I'll get back one of my things."

"Theodore" had already guessed it. The beautiful female in front of him was his partner Guy. It's no wonder that the bearded man didn't care about anything and wanted to be with this Guy-this Guy is so beautiful. Even if he can't have a child, there are countless males who want to be his partner.

For example, the young owner of the wolf clan who has not smelled.

"Theodore" suddenly felt like he was losing weight.

Knowing that Guy is so beautiful, he should not be in a hurry to dissolve the marriage relationship, at least a few times before occupying this female, tired of talking.

"Theodore" quickly returned to God. He said, "What do you want to get back?"

Guy walked towards "Theodore", stood not far from "Theodore", and fixedly looked at the necklace hanging on "Theodore" 's chest. There were animal teeth there, left by his father, which he gave Theodore when they got married.

That was the only thing his parents left him.

Guy said, "Animal teeth hanging on your neck."

"Theodore" guessed the origin of the fangs and quickly took it off. Although Guy is beautiful, "Theodore" will not be easily confused. But he is going to sweep across all ethnic groups. Sooner or later he will meet people who are more beautiful than Guy, and Guy will grow old day by day and become less attractive.

Therefore, there is no need for him to entangle with the female of this poplar flower.

Guy retrieved the temperature-bearing beast and held it tightly in his hand.

Maybe Guy's attitude was too natural and calm, and everyone around him forgot to say anything. It was so strange. There was no sad expression on Guy's face, but they felt a little sad. Many people think of the past. This was not the case before. Theodore always chased after Guy, but Guy always ignored him. This situation looks too weird.

Why is he so calm?

Theodore is also. As a male, will he really generously bless his partner with other males?

Many people have similar questions in their minds.

Guy turned and left.

"Theodore" watched Guy walk out of the cave step by step, somehow having an unspeakable fear in his heart. Before he could react, he took a big step forward and grabbed Guy's wrist.

Guy froze and turned to look at Theodore.

"Theodore" also froze.

When he touched Guy's skin, his heart shuddered inexplicably. The touch was so beautiful that he couldn't help imagining the feeling of holding Guy in his arms and pressing him under him. It would be even better if Guy could lose his calm and show a different expression.

"Theodore" said, "Don't you explain it?" Seeing everyone else listening in the cave, "Theodore" took Guy out of the door and walked to the empty land, tight Holding Guy's hand, "About your betrayal. If you explain clearly, there is still room for us to turn around ..."

Guy said coldly, "No."

"Theodore" was annoyed by Guy's attitude. It turned out that what kind of vision that beard must have liked such a shameless female. I heard that the bearded man has been chasing after this female before. This female will have such a proud temper. It must have been used by that bearded man!

"Theodore" let go of his hand. It's great. As a Tiger warrior, I will never tolerate such things.

Since the young master of the wolf dared to **** his partner, he had to be prepared to withstand his anger.

Sooner or later he will clean up the wolf, and then let the female in front of her kneel in front of her and ask for herself! "Theodore" glanced greedily over Guy. By that time, it ’s not what he wants to do?

Guy was extremely uncomfortable with Theodore's gaze.

The Theodore in front of him is definitely not the real Theodore.

Guy clenched the beast teeth in his hand, speeding up preparations to leave the tribe.

As soon as he stepped into the forest, Guy saw Wei Tingjun waiting there and Ji Jinrong in Wei Tingjun's arms. When he saw the young Ji Jinrong, Guy felt softened.

Guy thanked God for bringing this child to him, otherwise, he didn't know if he could face everything in front of him so strongly.

Guy said, "Let's pack up and leave as soon as we go back." Guy could clearly feel what Theodore's eyes just represented.

There is no love in it, only full possessiveness. "Theodore" wants to own him!

The thought of Theodor's body had been replaced by another soul, Guy felt unbearable.

If they stay in their original cave again, I don't know what Theodore will do.

They must leave.

Whether to avoid "Theodore" or to protect Ji Jinrong, they can no longer stay near the Tigers.

Wei Tingjun did not object.

Just now Wei Tingjun has seen "Theodore" move. Wei Tingjun was a little surprised at first, but turned around to see Guy's beautiful face, Wei Tingjun understood it: beauty has been a curse since ancient times.

Thinking of this, Wei Tingjun couldn't help but glance at Ji Jinrong in her arms.

Although Ji Jinrong has not yet grown up and her facial features have not grown up, she can already see the beauty model.

Thinking of all the previous encounters, Wei Tingjun couldn't help tightening his arms and pressing Ji Jinrong into his arms: "A Jin, I'll take you back to meet my parents."

Although not the most suitable time, Wei Tingjun really didn't want to wait any longer.

Ji Jinrong and Wei Tingjun have walked through so many worlds together. One look at Wei Tingjun's expression will know what this guy is thinking. He put one hand on Wei Tingjun's shoulder, raised one hand, and pressed Wei Tingjun's cheek hard, as if to hide Wei Tingjun's hiding nest.

Wei Tingjun's whole heart became extremely soft. He reached for Ji Jinrong's fleshy palm, and kissed him, saying, "Ajin, you are so cute."

Guy watched the intimacy between them, and the haze in his heart swept away. Watching them playfully, I feel that the world is bright and beautiful.

Theodore will return.

There were so many beautiful memories between them, how could Theodore not bear to return.

Until Theodore returned, he couldn't do anything calm.

He couldn't think of ending up with that fake "Theodore", nor could he let the "Theodore" invade himself with the convenience of the body. So they should leave. The life under the fence may also be difficult, but Wei Tingjun really likes Ji Jinrong-I heard that Wei Tingjun's parents are very enthusiastic and very good. Ji Jinrong will live happily when he reaches the wolf tribe.

As for his words, he is already an adult, as long as he doesn't worry about his life and as long as he is not disturbed frequently, he can take care of himself.

Guy's gaze became firm.

He will raise Ji Jinrong well.

When Theodore came back, he beat Theodore fiercely, and let him stand outside the door for three days and nights, and reflect carefully ...

Yes, just do that.

Guy thought so and packed up with Wei Tingjun.

Read The Duke's Passion