MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 194 Conquering the Wolf Master (18)

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Conquering the Wolf Master (18)

First appeared in Jin, Jiang, Wen, Xue and Cheng

With the full support of Dawu Taote, the workshop was quickly built. The beauty of this workshop is that it can be produced in an assembly line, and a large number of candles can be produced at the same time after the mold is made. It can be said that as long as the raw materials are sufficient, three or four thousand can be produced in a day!

Don't say that Dawu Taote was surprised, even Xu Qingze was surprised. If there had been such productivity in the past, the court finances would not have reached the limit. Xu Qingze was keenly aware that what Ji Jinrong and Wei Tingjun experienced may be very different from them.

Ji Jinrong was so bad that he encouraged Dawu Taote to hold an "opening ceremony".

Tout has always been cold-shouldered, and this festive opening ceremony has made him a great sense of accomplishment. During this time, the more he looked at Ji Jinrong, the more he thought it was pleasing to the eye. He always took Ji Jinrong with him when he was doing things.

Ji Jinrong is naturally not interested in being a big witch, but he is interested in controlling the big witch Taote. Since he was thrown here to sit on the cold bench, it shows that Dawu Taote is not reused by Prince Charles.

Such people are bound to be unwilling, and it is easy to win over them.

Xu Qingze relied on the former "sales channels" to quickly spread the candle market.

It's all here now.

Dawu Taote smiled every day, his eyes narrowed, and he became more and more fond of Ji Jinrong. Naturally, he would not be stupid enough to report this piece of fat.

Just kidding, where can he still enjoy such a good life now? The glorious fortress used to fear him, but it was only a means of fearing him.

Now, it's different. Since the ore they were asked to turn up was scarce, civilians were full of admiration when they saw him. What's more, his private library was stuffed with candles exchanged with treasures, and his collection was more abundant than that in Wangdu.

Now he can straighten up and invite other big witches to visit his house!

Dawu Taote is in a good mood every day.

Ji Jinrong is also very happy. The emperor is far away, and Ji Jinrong relaxes so much that he wanders behind Dawu Taote cheerfully every day. Seeing that the construction of the new city relies on human load, Ji Jinrong pondered for a moment, and made a pulley-shaped puppet on the wall, and mounted it on a ladder-like shelf. As long as you turn the puppet, the staircase-like puppet can carry debris such as sand, stone, dirt, etc. without any effort.

The great witch Taote has long wondered about Ji Jinrong's imagination, and he is even used to leaving Ji Jinrong to do something.

The great witch Taote may never realize how terrible this "habit" is.

Ji Jinrong soon mingled with the civilians and soldiers in the shining fortress. Compared with the great witch Tao Te who once threatened them, Ji Jinrong's feeling is not only kind but also kind, and his affinity is more than a little bit!

Even Xu Qingze was not as popular as Ji Jinrong.

Xu Qingze is not surprised. You should know that Ji Jinrong, but the one who can get the approval of the third prince and his father, killed a **** path with his weak body and became Wei Tingjun's biggest support at the border. No one can do better than Ji Jinrong in capturing people's hearts.

Ji Jinrong is both the spokesperson of the Dawu and the lord of the lord.

Chatter quickly became Ji Jinrong's personal guard. Chatter said that Ji Jinrong saved his father and he wanted to be loyal to Ji Jinrong. Chatter is not stupid. He can see Ji Jinrong's ambition, but also what Ji Jinrong needs, so he gave his loyalty as soon as possible.

To the surprise of Xu Qingze, Wei Tingjun didn't chase after him for the first time. Judging from the observations made during several contacts, Wei Tingjun seems to have changed a lot. The terrible suffocation on his body has completely disappeared and replaced by Ji Jinrong's deep affection.

No matter how many times he met, Xu Qingze was a little incredible. Of course, Xu Qingze has reason to believe that Wei Tingjun is posing in front of Ji Jinrong.

Since Wei Tingjun couldn't come, Xu Qingze was much more relaxed. Together with Ji Jinrong, he reorganized the shining fortress and turned it into their important base.

Day by day, more and more industries like candle work, the great witch Taote has completely gone, never mention Prince Charles again. At this time, the teacher of Dawu Taote went out of the mystery, and asked the big witches from all over to return to Beijing, presided over the ritual ceremony, and feel the power of the mother god.

Although the Dawu Taote was reluctant, he did not dare to resist his teacher's order, so he had to discuss with Xu Qingze and Ji Jinrong about returning to the capital. The glorious fortress has developed to the present level. Some things are not so important anymore. They can pick something to donate so that they won't be suspicious of their vigorous development in the past six months.

"Ajin, you go with me to Wangdu." Dawu Taote said finally, "You have very good talents. Let me see if the teacher wants you to be my disciple."

The big witch is very particular about inheritance. As long as the teacher is not dead, the disciples cannot choose their own disciples without permission, and the teacher must nod. This will ensure that all big witches are "chosen people."

It is actually a guarantee that all big witches are controlled by the same person.

For example, this generation of big witches is controlled by Tao's teacher.

Ji Jinrong readily agreed, packed his bags and Dawu Taote together and went to the capital.

As soon as Ji Jinrong left, Xu Qingze received a letter from Wei Tingjun. Wei Tingjun simply explained the situation of the wolf tribe. The seven wolves returned and learned that Ji Jinrong had been away for half a year, and they felt uncomfortable because they failed to destroy the "source of power."

If Wei Tingjun was not rescued in time, they might all confess there. As a cost to rescue them, Wei Tingjun's body was invaded by evil spirits. Wei Tingjun has a strong mental power, and the evil spirit can control his body for a very short time, which is almost equivalent to not having it.

But not now does not mean there will be no future.

The purpose of Wei Tingjun's letter is to allow Xu Qingze to protect Ji Jinrong well, and try to hold Ji Jinrong's schedule back, so that he has enough time to resolve this matter. As the "host" of the evil spirit, Wei Tingjun can more intuitively feel the existence of that source of power, and even feel where the constant power is going.

Xu Qingze looked at Xin Long and put it away.

Xu Qingze knew what Ji Jinrong and Wei Tingjun were going to do. They wanted to destroy the source of strength and drive away the invading evil spirits.

Xu Qingze knew that Ji Jinrong and Wei Tingjun came to this world in a different way from evil spirits.

Therefore, Xu Qingze did not mention such a thing from the beginning: he is also regarded as an evil spirit, and his power to control this body comes from the direction of Sanchuan Canyon.

Their Majesty's father was invaded by evil spirits, Prince Charles was invaded by evil spirits, and even Wei Tingjun's body was dormant with evil spirits who might compete with him at any time-

Evil spirits must be removed.

He would never be an obstacle to their Majesty's advancement.

Xu Qingze burned the letter by the candlelight and wrote a letter to Wei Tingjun at his desk.

Ji Jinrong did not know Xu Qingze's determination. With Xu Qingze guarding the shining fortress, Ji Jinrong was very relieved. Along the way with Rob and Chat, Ji Jinrong was not lonely at all, and reached the capital of the lion kings deliciously and deliciously.

The kings are far more prosperous than the shining fortress.

Perhaps because of the existence of the great witch, the entire king was shrouded in a beautiful glow, as if gathering the brightest sunlight in the world.

Ji Jinrong saw a lot of people coming and going on different mounts. Compared to the so many worlds he has experienced, this excitement is actually nothing, except that the closer to Wang Du, the more obvious the abnormality in his body.

Each of his pores widened, greedily absorbing the surrounding air, as if there was something in the air that made them happy.

Ji Jinrong can feel that something similar to spiritual power is constantly accumulating in her body.

This is the hometown of this body.

Ji Jinrong took a deep breath and looked up at the tallest building in the capital. That's the lion's watchtower, which is said to overlook the entire lion territory-of course, only the most powerful can do it.

The great witch Taote thought that Ji Jinrong was blinded by the prosperity of Wang Du, and couldn't help laughing: "Ajin, you finally have what you should be like at this age." Although usually Jin Jinrong is also cute, she is only familiar Too much to prevent Dawute from treating him as a teenager.

Ji Jin smiled gloriously, and said blind words with open eyes: "I saw such a big city for the first time."

Tao Te has always been a marginal person. He had no chance to meet the teacher alone. The matter of accepting Ji Jinrong as a disciple can only be brought up after the sacrifice. The big witch had a residence in Wangdu, so Ji Jinrong quietly moved to Wangdu and did not attract anyone's attention.

Tao Te thinks that Ji Jinrong is still a half-year-old boy, and he doesn't restrain him. When he visits his friends, he lets him go freely. The brilliant fortress is getting better and better. Under the suggestion of Ji Jinrong, Taote decided to find some allies to digest the good things in his hand.

Benefit is the best olive branch.

Ji Jinrong is not worried that Taotra will not be able to find his allies.

Tao Te is busy "making alliances", Ji Jinrong is free to try new things everywhere, and from time to time, he shares with Wei Tingjun his newly discovered delicious food.

Wei Tingjun seems to be a bit busy lately, and there is always one or two contacts every few days. Ji Jinrong was a little suspicious, but Wei Tingjun said that it was all right, but all seven wolves were injured, and he had too much to do.

This half-truth dispelled Ji Jinrong's doubts.

Ji Jinrong happily played in Wangdu for a few days, basically understanding the situation of the lion kingdu, and also learned how the half-brother had been doing recently.

More importantly, Ji Jinrong met Prince Charlie far away at an auction.

Compared with Xu Qingze's speculation, this meeting—or the unilateral observation of Ji Jinrong, made Ji Jinrong more accurately judge the conclusion: This Prince Charles is indeed his third uncle!

Combined with the news from the seven wolves, today Prince Charles is not only an evil spirit, but also an extraordinarily powerful one—the vast majority of the power of the source of power in the Sanchuan Canyon is delivered to the lion side!

It seems that to get the bearded Theodore back, Prince Charlie must be settled first.

Otherwise, these evil spirits that rely on that kind of power to survive will definitely prevent them from destroying that "source of power"-