MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 212 Conquering the Town General (12)

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Conquering the Town General (12)

That's right, but not what you want.

Ji Mingyuan's words struck Xu Qingze's heart. Ji Mingyuan was the only accident in his life, just like that rare travel.

In the dream, the rest of his life is what his parents expected. After that life, he had no regrets.

Isn't a person like him suitable for this life?

In the next life, he should live like that.

Just in this life, Ji Mingyuan's accident became even more elusive.

If you like it, Ji Mingyuan doesn't like him as much as you do in your dreams. You like to give up everything and go to Huangquan with him. But if you don't like it, Ji Mingyuan is more crazy and unscrupulous than in your dreams.

This Ji Mingyuan makes him more helpless than in a dream.

Xu Qingze said, "So what?"

Ji Mingyuan looked at Xu Qingze quietly.

Yeah, so what? Would Xu Qingze change even if he knew it was not what he wanted? No, Xu Qingze will not. Xu Qingze will never put himself first. He has parents and a world in his heart, and he alone does not have him.

Ji Mingyuan said, "Nothing." He leaned down and kissed Xu Qingze's forehead. This man doesn't feel bad about himself, he feels bad. In the dream, the lingering obsession, I do not know when it began to take root, sprout, and grow quietly in the heart again, and when he found it, it was so deep-rooted that it could no longer be removed.

Then don't pull it out.

He is not Xu Qingze, he wants to do it, he can't do it.

Ji Mingyuan said, "I'm not as stupid as you are." He reached out and held Xu Qingze's palm, "I want to do everything I can to get it; no one wants to push it out."

Xu Qingze buzzed.

What does Ji Mingyuan mean?

Ji Mingyuan said, "Although I don't know what you want, I will help you avoid what you don't want." He paused, "such as marrying a wife or something."

Xu Qingze was so angry: "Ji Mingyuan!"

Ji Mingyuan laughed. He kissed Xu Qingze's cheek: "Do you still want to marry a wife? I won't agree."

Xu Qingze looked at Ji Mingyuan: "Don't you marry?"

Ji Mingyuan said, "Of course, do you think I am like a wife?"

Xu Qingze: "..."

This man is wild and ridiculous. Where is he like to be a family member?

In retrospect, Ji Mingyuan did not marry a wife in his dream.

Ji Mingyuan said, "What? Fair?"

Xu Qingze was too lazy to return to him.

The more Xu Qingze did, the more happy Ji Mingyuan was. What he did not like the most was Xu Qingze's perfunctory coping. Every time Xu Qingze called him a "king", he couldn't wait to teach this person fiercely. Now that Xu Qingze was arrogant in front of him, he felt rather open.

Ji Mingyuan said, "The battle is about to start. I'll show you my skills."

Xu Qingze is inexplicable.

In the afternoon, he couldn't see Ji Mingyuan. When he asked out of the camp account, he realized that General Zhen Guo had given him a man and quietly penetrated the enemy and prepared to attack the enemy camp at night.

Xu Qingze was nervous.

He wanted to ask again, but thought that the changes before the battle were unpredictable, and he could not get any answers, but only returned to the camp and stayed.

Useless is a scholar, at this time he can do nothing.

Xu Qingze sat quietly for a while and picked up the book on the case and looked. He turned a few pages absently, remembering that the book was collected by Ji Mingyuan, and he couldn't read it anymore.

It was the northern wind of the night, dark clouds covering the moon, and Shino could not see a trace of light.

This is a good time for night strikes.

Xu Qingze was not sleepy, but closed his eyes unconsciously while lying in bed. He didn't dream, but he woke up in the middle of the night.

For the first time, he realized so clearly that everything was different from "in a dream."

As soon as it dawned, Xu Qingze rose.

He went cheekily to coach Wei Tiechuan and waited for news in the main camp.

Wei Tiechuan was still there, but the lieutenant was not around, and the camp was mostly empty. It seemed that he was up earlier than him. Seeing Xu Qingze coming, Wei Tiechuan was not surprised, and greeted Xu Qingze to sit down and let people serve food.

Wei Tiechuan smiled brightly: "Qingze, my father and I are also acquaintances. Since you came to my account, you have to eat well, lest you go back to lose weight, your father will definitely rush with me." He carefully studied Xu Qingze, I look at Kiyosawa, you seem to have lost a lot. "

Wei Tiechuan is a very friendly person, not like a general, but an uncle next door. Xu Qingze relaxed his tension and laughed, "Daddy can't lay this on Uncle Wei."

As he was speaking, the voice of the messenger was spreading outside: "General, victory! Victory!" As the voice moved from near to far, the curtain in the tent was lifted, and the messenger stood there, "General!"

Wei Tiechuan laughed and cursed: "All have opened the curtains, come in."

The messenger came in happily.

It turned out that as soon as Ji Mingyuan set out last night, he was ready here. Before the day was dawning, several vice generals set off. It is said that they also assured Wei Tiechuan that they would return and have breakfast.

At this time the soldiers brought the food.

The joke is still true.

It seems that the night raid was quite successful.

Xu Qingze breathed a long sigh of relief.

Wei Tiechuan was in a good mood, and now he sat back to his place and greeted Xu Qingze: "Come and come, Qingze, hear this good news, it is worth eating an extra bowl!"

The elders said that Xu Qingze naturally would not refuse.

After they had eaten, someone returned one after another. This time, the Northern Barbarians sent 50,000 people to attack this road, and some people were scattered throughout the country. The northern Xinjiang's 13 states suffered great losses.

Wei Tiechuan is a good defender, but he is not good at attacking. This is the first time he has taken the initiative. With a good start, Wei Tiechuan's mood was naturally extremely good. He had breakfast and took Xu Qingze to welcome the returning soldiers.

Xu Qingze stood beside Wei Tiechuan, searching among the crowd. To his disappointment, he did not find Ji Mingyuan in it.

Is Ji Mingyuan injured? Xu Qingze jumped.

Wei Tiechuan seemed to see his thoughts and said with a smile: "Know that you have a good relationship with the three kings, go to him. He got a little injury, got an arrow in his leg, and couldn't move. He fell behind. You think earlier Go see him. "

Xu Qingze froze. Feeling that everything between him and Ji Mingyuan fell into the eyes of others, and his face was a little embarrassed. But in their opinion, it is impossible to guess his true relationship with Ji Mingyuan, right?

After all, this man has always been the most courteous, and if his parents weren't saddened by the death of his grandmother this time, he wouldn't propose to let him travel.

No one would have thought that he, who would never be disturbing, would mingle with Ji Mingyuan, and the more entangled, the harder it would be to separate.

Knowing that he and Ji Mingyuan could not be seen through, Xu Qingze said frankly, "Then I'll go."

Wei Tiechuan nodded and ordered Xu Qingze to lead the way.

Xu Qingze went around to the wounded soldier, but found that Ji Mingyuan was not there. After looking for a while, he saw the guard next to Ji Mingyuan come over: "Xu Gongzi, Wang said that he will look for you when he is hurt."

Xu Qingze: "..."

Xu Qingze was too lazy to think what Ji Mingyuan was playing, and turned around and walked back.

Wei Tiechuan was surprised to see him return so soon. When asked, Wei Tiechuan laughed and laughed, "He doesn't want to see you on tiptoe. The child has the best face since he was a child. He hurt his leg when he first entered the battle. How could he show up in front of you?"

Xu Qingze: "..."

Wei Tiechuan also talked about Ji Mingyuan and Xu Qingze about the situation. Compared with Ji Yu, he and Ji Mingyuan are actually more familiar. Wei Tiechuan knows what kind of person Ji Mingyuan was from an early age.

Xu Qingze listened, inexplicably envious. Ji Mingyuan has been a wanton person since he was a child. He has never cared about the opinions of others. Whether others are jealous or regretful, they cannot affect Ji Mingyuan.

Ji Mingyuan dared to pull the beard of the old Chinese soldier, and dared to ride on the shoulders of the emperor to scatter. He is the most admired girl in Beijing, and the most chic and willful among his peers.

If he hadn't seen Ji Mingyuan out of control, Xu Qingze might have thought that Ji Mingyuan would never care about anything.

Is it because he understands that even if he cares nothing can change, Ji Mingyuan made himself live more freely?

Ji Mingyuan at this time is not the same as Ji Mingyuan in his youth.

Xu Qingze sighed.

After another period of time, Wei Tiechuan cleaned up the remnants of the North Barbarian army and returned the news of Dajie. Xu Qingze has remained in the army and followed Wei Tiechuan to learn a lot. When he thought he would learn to return to Beijing with such ease and joy, Ji Mingyuan appeared again in front of him.

Ji Mingyuan is still wearing a beautiful dress as usual. His legs and feet had apparently recovered, with a smile on his eyebrows, and he asked with a grin, "I haven't seen you for many days, have you ever missed me? When Xu Qingze saw Ji Mingyuan's appearance, he thought of what Wei Tiechuan said. Now that Ji Ming is far away, he also put away his worry.

Xu Qingze said, "I think."

Ji Mingyuan froze. He looked up and down Xu Qingze, feeling that Xu Qingze today is not the same as usual. Rao is always calm, and he can calm down when encountering anything. After hearing Xu Qingze uttering the word "think", he was really surprised.

After being surprised, the ears gradually turned red.

Even Ji Mingyuan didn't expect that he would get hot with such a simple sentence. The man in front of him was always so cunning. He always thought that he had been completely captured. This man showed him a different side and made him feel fresh and interesting. He was reluctant to let it go.

Ji Mingyuan said, "I think too." He looked at Xu Qingze steadily, preventing Xu Qingze from discovering that his ears were hot, "I think of you every night and I can't sleep."

Xu Qingze smiled: "It's just because of good looks that you don't want me to see you on a stump, so you don't want to appear in front of me right away?"

Ji Mingyuan: "..."

Seen for a few days, his Qingze was broken.

However, seeing the obvious smile in Xu Qingze's eyes, Ji Mingyuan felt that endless sweetness was spreading in his heart.

I really don't know what curse Xu Qingze cast on him, but he was overjoyed when he heard such a joke.

He had been entangled with Xu Qingze for three lives, and at this moment he felt that he was closer to Xu Qingze.

Xu Qingze no longer looked at the shadow of "Yan Mingyuan" through him, nor was he unwilling to die twice.

Ji Mingyuan said, "Xu Qingze, you really torture people."

Xu Qingze said, "I never thought of torturing anyone."

Ji Mingyuan said: "Yes, you can only torture yourself." This person has always been the most forbearing. If it wasn't for reunion with Ji Jinrong, Xu Qingze would be dormant in his life.

There was nothing to like, nothing to do, and getting rid of the shackles that had been tightly attached to him, but Xu Qingze was not happier.

Such a guy always knows how to torture himself to the point that it hurts him.

Xu Qingze laughed: "No."

That night, the enemies of Da Zhou were fighting in blood before the battle, and he could only toss and turn in the camp. He felt this feeling many times, the selected monarch died, the successor monarch was crazy, and he could only stay behind and wait for the news ahead.

Useless is a scholar.

I will not do it again.

Xu Qingze looked up at Ji Mingyuan: "Teach me to practice martial arts. You don't have to kill the enemy to win, as long as you can protect yourself."

Ji Mingyuan's heart jumped.

He also laughed: "Don't you want to be my army division?"

Xu Qingze said: "It's all right."

Ji Mingyuan was really surprised. He said, "You saw me with a peerless talent, afraid that I would threaten the kid you chose, and thought of staring at me in the army?"

Xu Qingze looked naturally: "Yeah, that's it."

Ji Mingyuan said, "Well, I promise you." He kissed Xu Qingze's forehead, "Who told me to like you."



Ji Jinrong was held on his lap by Ji Yu. Ji Yu watched the chapter and he also watched it. Ji Yu noticed and didn't care, but asked, "Can Jin understand?"

Ji Jinrong answered sternly: "Yes."

Ji Yu laughed.

He pointed to a sentence on the memorial saying, "Read it to your father."

Ji Jinrong obeyed obediently and did not miss a single word.

Ji Yu is not surprised, everything in the palace can't hide his eyes, others are trying hard to pull the prince down, big and small, all try to come up to him. Only Ruan Lingyun and Ji Jinrong, who did not call them, would not come. Ruan Lingyun practiced his guns as usual, Ji Jinrong was busy studying and playing with the children.

The child is like his mother.

The more Ji Yu thinks, the more she likes it. He didn't even think about it. One day he didn't call Ruan Lingyun and Ji Jinrong? He doesn't always call people, he will deliberately go over and see.

Do Ji Jinrong and Ruan Lingyun have to ask for something that others cannot ask for?

Ji Yu continued to hold Ji Jinrong to watch the seal.

When seeing Beijiang's report, Ji Yu picked it out and said, "Your uncle Wei is really bold, so that your uncle Huang would lead someone to attack at night."

Ji Jinrong's gaze fixed, and he looked up carefully. After watching it, he exclaimed like a little adult: "Uncle Huang did a good job, this night raid was wonderful. If he hadn't taken the enemy camp, Uncle Wei might not have won the opponent's 50,000 troops so quickly."

Ji Yu said, "Oh? Ah Jin knows so much, can you tell?"

Ji Jinrong pointed to the last paragraph on the memorial: "It was written like this." That was Wei Tiechuan's praise to Ji Mingyuan.

Ji Yu: "..."

He smiled.

It is also the straight-tempered guy of Wei Tiechuan that will boast Ji Mingyuan like this. If you change someone, you've avoided it for a long time, right? And let Ji Mingyuan go into battle, really bold!

Compared to him, Ji Mingyuan has a rare talent, and he is the first in both literature and martial arts. If it hadn't been for the "嫡" character, he might not have been able to sit in this position.

He had been jealous from the prince until he ascended to the throne, and his illness gradually weakened. He wandered around the Ghost Gate several times. Sometimes he thought if Ji Mingyuan really wanted to grab it, just ask him to grab it. But after several temptations, Ji Mingyuan actually seemed to do so unintentionally.

However, the people under him saw such suspicion, and now they had a clear relationship with Ji Mingyuan. Originally, Ji Mingyuan had a broad friendship, and at this time, no one was willing to deal with him again.

It's only Wei Tiechuan who dares to boast about Ji Mingyuan in the play.

Ji Yu was tired of the days when Er Yu was cheating. Wei Tiechuan made him feel better. He said: "Your Uncle Wei is right. When your uncle returns to Beijing, I will declare him into the palace and let him tell you more about the night attack."

Ji Jinrong said, "OK!"

Ji Yu was tired, and Xuanlai Taiyi massaged himself.

Ji Jinrong was arranged aside and enjoyed the Taiji massage with him.

Two people, one big and one small, are lying side by side, looking at the father and son.

After half an hour, Ji Jinrong was sent out by the housekeeper.

Wei Tingjun has been waiting outside and immediately met Ji Jinrong when he came out. He stooped to pick up Ji Jinrong, smelling Ji Jinrong's breath on Ji Jinrong's body, and his heart was a little irritable.

Ji Yu's more and more painful love Ji Jinrong was originally a good thing, but he still wanted to **** people back from Ji Yu.

Ji Jinrong and Wei Tingjun have been together for so long, how can they not see what Wei Tingjun is thinking. He pinched Wei Tingjun's neck: "General Wei, have you nothing else to do?" Guarding him like this every day, does Wei Tingjun have nothing to do?

Wei Tingjun said, "I have something to do, and I have been busy when I was out of the house. Don't you think the situation is better in northern Xinjiang?"

Ji Jinrong has nothing to say.

Wei Tingjun said: "Your three uncles have great talents. Use him more, and we will worry a lot."

Ji Jinrong said, "If you want to use him, he will let you use it?"

Wei Tingjun said, "That's natural."

Ji Jinrong: "..."

When it comes to Ji Mingyuan, he will inevitably think of Xu Qingze again. He glanced at Wei Tingjun and said, "Did you hide what I did?"

Wei Tingjun said, "Of course not." He just wrote to Ji Mingyuan to impart some experience.

Ji Mingyuan had the patience and Xu Qingze spent so long, which shows that he was really interested in Xu Qingze.

But being in the heart doesn't mean you can eat your mouth, and eating your mouth doesn't mean you can chase people. After getting news from Ji Mingyuan's confinement of Xu Qingze from the people below, Wei Tingjun knew that Ji Mingyuan was finished, and if this guy went on like this, he might end up in an irreversible situation.

Wei Tingjun wrote to Ji Mingyuan with kindness, and "pointed" Ji Mingyuan carefully.

Sometimes knowing that it will be used, many people still do it.

For example, Ji Mingyuan today.

Wei Tingjun did not lack Ji Mingyuan's "help". He felt that the trouble was Xu Qingze. This Xu Qingze is Ji Jinrong's friend. He couldn't get Xu Qingze away, he had to rely on others.

Knowing the recent situation of Ji Mingyuan and Xu Qingze, Wei Tingjun was very satisfied. He said in a pleasant tone: "I ordered someone to send some fresh fruits from the south. The south has a warm climate and there are many fruits and vegetables in the winter. It has just arrived today and it's still fresh. Let's go back and try.

Who is Ji Jinrong? He has been with Wei Tingjun for so long, how can we not see Wei Tingjun's weirdness. Thinking of this man's usual style, Ji Jinrong couldn't help worrying about Xu Qingze.

"I write a letter to Kiyosawa first," he said.

Wei Tingjun: "..."

So Xu Qingze just hated it.

Read The Duke's Passion