MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 7 Conquer the Grassroots King (7)

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Upon waking up, Ji Jinrong found herself stripped clean!

It's smooth!

It's smooth!

Even the jacket and pants were taken off!

Think about it, it is cold at night, and the autumn quilt is not too thick, and if you strip it, you will naturally lean to a warm place.

So when he woke up, Ji Jinrong was clinging to the king of Zhennan, looking at him as if he took the initiative to join him.

Ji Jinrong was about to get up quietly, but he was hugged by Zhennan King and hugged him.

Ji Jinrong blushed: "Presumptuous!"

Zhennan Wang reluctantly said, "Have your Majesty always only said this to his ministers?"

Ji Jinrong's ears turned red.

The king of Zhennan laughed, his chest trembled slightly. He let go of his hand clamped around Ji Jinrong's waist, and did not go too far.

He turned over and got out of bed, getting clothes for Ji Jinrong.

Seeing that Zhennan King was going to put it on himself, Ji Jinrong said, "Let others come."

Zhennan Wang Chong turned a deaf ear, and stepped forward to put on Jin Jirong's closet. He moved slowly, but with irresistible toughness. After arranging Ji Jinrong's long hair behind his back, Wang Zhennan said again, "What are the differences between His Majesty and others?

Ji Jinrong: "..."

At least the housekeeper didn't dare to look at him with that kind of wanton look!

King Zhennan said, "Your Majesty, you will never force you to do what you don't want to do." He reached out and fastened Ji Jinrong's loose front, as if he had already practiced thousands of times. What he does, he still hopes that His Majesty will allow his servant to work for His Majesty. If His Majesty is not happy, then His Majesty scolds him and punishes him, such as Chen Ganzhi. "

For so many years, his most painful part was that no matter what he did, no matter how harsh his words, his Majesty did not respond at all.

Ji Jinrong's gloomy eyes towards the south king of Shangzhen, his heart seemed to be stunned by something, sullen. Obviously his eyes were as presumptuous as usual, but he couldn't get angry.

Because what was hidden in those eyes was not the desire he thought.

There are some things that Ji Jinrong is unfamiliar with that Ji Jinrong does not believe.

You used to live in the deep palace, with less true feelings, you fight for more, tear open the outer skin of peace and joy, and there are purulent sores everywhere.

Ugly and dirty.

He couldn't clean himself. Really clean people, how can they live in that kind of place? His father-in-law was an old man, and the intrigue in the harem was completely invisible, and he spoiled a woman with a wicked heart.

Even his sick child did not escape.

However, he was so blessed that he killed her and killed her son. Some things he didn't do, but it was indispensable.

I remember the old Zen master of Huguo Temple praying for him, shaking his head and commenting on "good faces, bad bowels and lungs." Of course, this comment came only from the old Zen master, into his ears, no one else had heard it.

Even Wei Tingjun, who later let him give birth to the trust of Jiangshan, was nothing more than the little wolf dog he had intentionally raised at first. After all, he often couldn't get out of bed, and some things had to be helped by someone—one-handed-taught—and taught, and it was easier to send.

Seeing the eyes of Zhennan Wang looking at himself, Ji Jinrong couldn't help but think of Wei Tingjun's expression when he mentioned his sweetheart—happy, happy, and mixed with a little bit of expectation.

He had never felt that kind of mood. And a person like him who always wants to use others will probably never get such feelings.

Ji Jinrong used to live a life less one day before, and never thought about it, now he has a healthy body and can't help but feel a bit sour in his heart.

A little envious, even a little jealous.

Sitting in this position, you may never be able to extravagantly ask for the word "sincerely."

After all, he never gives people the sincerity, how can others give him the sincerity.

Ji Jinrong obediently opened his arms and let Zhennan King help himself to put on his coat. King Zhennan is going to go on a march, and he intends to let him take charge of himself. It is impossible for him to let go of this opportunity to win over the available people. Until then, peaceful coexistence with King Zhennan is the correct way.

Ji Jinrong finished washing and put on the clothes for practicing riding and shooting. Seeing that King Zhennan had no intention of leaving, Ji Jinrong could only go to the school yard with him.

He waited for the **** to change people, but He Tai still came along and personally led the red horse for Ji Jinrong.

King Zhennan's horse was also taken out. He said to Ji Jinrong: "Since Your Majesty is interested in practicing riding and shooting, then come and teach His Majesty before the soldiers go out."

Zhennan King ’s proposal is not excessive. Everyone knows that Zhennan King ’s archery is the best in the world, and it is the dream of countless people to get him to teach himself. Ji Jinrong intentionally got along with Zhennan King peacefully, nodded, and said, "OK."

The Zhennan King really pointed out Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong has a good understanding and a good memory. The key that King Zhennan said was quickly remembered in his mind, and he corrected all the actions that had been blinded before.

When she got sweaty, Ji Jinrong finally hit the bullseye with an arrow!

Ji Jinrong was a little happy.

King Zhennan was also a little happy.

Teaching Ji Jinrong to shoot archery and riding is equivalent to touching Ji Jinrong's waist and grasping Ji Jinrong's hand. Ji Jinrong will never refuse or dislike it.

After practicing riding and shooting, Zhennan Wang and Ji Jinrong shared breakfast together.

Zhennan Wangchao made crab buns. They were very small, but there were only three in a cage.

He pushed it in front of Ji Jinrong.

The white bun skin is thin, like cicada wings, a bit transparent, and you can see the crab yellow with butter and butter inside. Ji Jinrong immediately forgot about the wounds she had just caught. She picked up a crab-yellow bun and bit it down. The whole bun was half missing. The crab-yellow was completely exposed before it came out. The color was bright, the taste was delicious, and the special taste of crab-yellow was retained. , Make people appetite.

Ji Jinrong finished eating one, realizing that Zhennan King was looking at himself, and couldn't help but say, "Divide you one?"

The King of Zhennan said, "No need." At this time, several eunuchs from Chuanshan came, and placed two cages of steamed crab-yellow buns in front of Zhennan, and the porridge and snacks were served one by one. Are twice as much as Ji Jinrong!

Ji Jinrong: "..."

King Jinnan said, "Your Majesty is too weak to eat more." He again suggested, "If His Majesty is willing to--"

Seeing that King Zhennan was about to "unblock the body's meridians," Ji Jinrong interrupted: "So much! Enough!"

Zhennan Wang Renjun couldn't help it.

Ji Jinrong decided to keep fit during King Zhennan's expedition, so that King Zhennan could no longer say "Your Majesty's body is too weak"-this body is obviously 1,000 times and 10,000 times better than before!

With enough to eat and drink, it's time for the officer.

Ji Jinrong pondered over the early affair with Zhennan Wang. Since the early emperor's succession, the early dynasty is equivalent to cessation, and even the original lord has never seen the shadow of the early dynasty.

If even the courtiers can't see it, what is the meaning of the so-called "pro-government".

Ji Jinrong was about to speak. King Zhennan spoke first: "Your Majesty, autumn hunting is about to start soon." He estimated and said to Ji Jinrong, "About ten days later. After the autumn hunting, the minister set off to the west. Minister hope In addition to practicing riding and shooting in the past ten days, His Majesty also practiced the Qiubao Festival. "

Ji Jinrong frowned. Can this body finish the sacrifice without stuttering?

King Zhennan comforted: "Your Majesty can do his best."

Ji Jinrong said, "Hey try."

Now that he has taken over this body, he naturally has to assume the responsibility of the original owner. Regardless of whether he will die in the future, he will still be the king of a country until that time. It is a matter of praying for the spring for the people. Li Chun prays to the heaven for good weather and good clothing. It must be so every year.

King Zhennan said: "If your Majesty is not afraid of hard work, you can reopen the dynasty after the autumn hunt, and order Baiguan for three days, one small dynasty, and seven days, one big dynasty." Hair, "All things in the world are determined by his Majesty Qiankun."

Ji Jinrong didn't expect that he hadn't mentioned it yet, Zhennan King said it first.

It seems that Zhennan King is really not the "disabled thief".

In the first place, "the chaotic thief" will not "return politics" so generously; in the second place, Zhennan King and Wei Tingjun are really different. If Wei Tingjun is a person like Zhennan King, he would not call Wei Tingjun " "Stones"-that guy is so boring and scary, where is this clever, wanton person like King Zhennan!

It seems that he has to master everything here as soon as possible in order to find out the "chaotic thief"!

Ji Jinrong nodded and said, "OK."