MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 102

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Uproar is not enough to describe the order to fire all staff.

Charlotte's expression was numb, and she had nothing to say to the order that the lord slapped his head. If things go on like this, sooner or later, the second-in-command woman will have to go to the medical team to see if she has a stomach problem. Out of a sense of responsibility, she still treated a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and went to persuade Earl Anna.

"Many families on the border of Bangalore have been prominent for several lords." She said, "When the lords have promoted their cronies throughout the history, in order to facilitate the transmission of government orders, they will also honor the previous nobles. At least they have a firm foothold in the defense line. Before, you need to put on a posture, even if it’s just a decent face.”

"That's why the new lord will be left with years of dirt." An Xu spread his hands, "It's time to clean up."

"Are you going to throw out all your furniture and leave an empty house with nothing else?" Charlotte asked.

"They're not furniture, they're just moths." An Xu said disapprovingly, "'The lords of flowing water are nobles made of iron'? Don't be kidding, the foundation of this society is not those innocent guys, but ordinary people. "

It is generally believed in this world that nobles, the Holy See, and supernatural beings belonging to the former two are far superior to ordinary civilians, even though the number of ordinary people is hundreds of times their number. This unbalanced pyramid will not collapse for the time being, because there is indeed a natural barrier between the two camps: spiritually, ordinary people lack knowledge and culture, and are ignorant; physically, the strength and physical fitness of ordinary people and supernatural beings are very different No, an uprising of hundreds can be suppressed by a few, if the impromptu mob doesn't disperse first.

This is also the confidence of the nobles. The opponents of the nobles can only be other nobles. Count Anna, who is understaffed, does not need them. Does he want to be a poor commander?

An Xu naturally wouldn't be a bare-bones commander, and neither should she.

Ordinary people have no knowledge? Then teach them, let these ignorant people learn the most basic knowledge and etiquette and shame (of course, it is the etiquette, righteousness and shame stipulated by Anxu). The education system in Thunder Castle and Abery County has been initially established, and the feasibility of promoting education has been proven, and experienced teachers accompany them with teaching materials.

Ordinary people have no force? Their lord himself opened it up, and the chief knight has a set of military training methods to train ordinary soldiers (including beta and omega) without special abilities into light cavalry and crossbowmen. Researchers who have no power to restrain chickens can also use "glass bottles" to throw burst fireballs from fire-type supernatural beings. The chief medical officer in the distance may have already taken out the artillery. The priceless fine steel can be mass-produced, and the electric grid of the electric ground squirrel can also electrify people.

The future that ordinary people can create appears in An Xu's mind, and all that is lacking is time. Therefore, she doesn't need to keep these arrogant moths at all.

The order declaring all nobles to be illegal spread throughout the Bungalow defense line, forcing most of the nobles here, including the neutrals who pretended to be ignorant of this confrontation, to the opposite side of Earl Anna. They vowed to take away all the troops under their command for the lord's perverse actions, leaving Earl Anna no one to use. Earl Anna's reputation has deteriorated several levels, and even spread to Urburg, and people of any status will sneer at her absurd behavior.

However, it is not without benefits.

A few years ago, Prince Ronald's recruitment order was eventually reduced to the private affairs of the Glory Knights. The most outstanding ones went to Chris's Gale Knights, and most of the others were put into the border army. People who have not been reduced to cannon fodder after living until now have become veterans who are indifferent. These speculators who couldn't find a way out with Xungui tentatively moved closer to Anxu.

The way to get closer is to surrender to the newly released first knight.

It is hard for ordinary people without status who have stayed on the border for several years not to know Chris, not only because he is an omega. The branch leader of the Gale Knights, the knight named Chris is kind and not easy to fool around. The most important thing is to be strong. It can be said that apart from being an omega, there is nothing worthy of criticism about him. He was known to be humble, impartial, dependable, approachable - and it's funny how, among most lords and fellow knights, Chris. Field, on the other hand, was known for being arrogant and disrespectful.

Maybe it's because he didn't treat them "enough" "like an omega".

The vulgar lower-level frontier soldiers don't pay attention to etiquette like nobles. They don't care whether the morality and chastity of their immediate superiors are flawless, and they don't know how to be loyal to famous families. They only know how much money they can get in exchange for being a soldier, whether the general is someone who will let them be cannon fodder, whether they are strong enough to fight against the alien beasts, and let them survive the next wave of beasts. The nobles were declared illegal, which meant that apart from their private army, their teams could no longer obtain the money, food, and salaries that they could get under the previous exploitation, and could only live by themselves in the beast tide.

So, when the nobles let go of their rhetoric and left, they found out in embarrassment that they could take away less than half of the army.

A large number of soldiers who came here for the recruiting order changed their families, but she would not refuse anyone who was willing to abide by Earl Anna's rules. The local soldiers who had no back door to leave also chose to stay. With Chris as a guarantee, they thought it would be easier to protect their lives and interests—you see, even the sinner Chris was pardoned. The top soldiers who have worked for the rebel party will not be liquidated - anyway, Earl Anna is the lord appointed by the king and blessed by God.

Chris quickly reorganized the new border army, and many establishments did not need to be changed, because their entire team and entire establishment came. He met the defectors in a formal manner, as if he had never been in trouble, and the acquaintances he met had never avoided him.

"You have such a good temper." An Xu said, "Those people who call you brothers and sisters now don't see them come out at first."

"If they speak for me, they may be implicated by me." Chris said calmly, "It's as long as they are fine."

"Why are you like a clay figurine, without any anger at all?" An Xu frowned instead, and poked his cheek, "Those people probably told you behind their backs, saying that you only became me by sleeping. knight."

"This has been said since the first day I became a knight." Chris said lightly, "At least I am indeed sleeping with you now."

An Xusheng was stunned for a long time, after realizing that it was a self-deprecating joke, the person who said it was actually in a good mood at the moment. Chris was writing the statistics of the number of border troops, the names of the commanders of each formation, etc. An Xu looked at his profile. Although he didn't smile, his eyebrows stretched, and he was obviously much more relaxed.

"Chris," she called.

The knight turned his head and looked at her questioningly.

"Smile?" An Xu cast a wink and teased.

Chris smiled, his eyes curled into crescents, and he seemed accustomed to her mischief. An Xu asked again: "What happened?"

Chris thought for a moment and replied, "Do you need a weapon craftsman?"

Chris's fame at the border brought unexpected surprises. A little beggar stopped him halfway, grabbed his trousers and passed out. After wiping the little beggar's face, Chris realized that he was also an acquaintance.

The son of the weaponsmith Maria.

Maria and her child were attacked after the Gale Knights incident. Maria died, and her child Aaron escaped. It is hard to survive in this icy and snowy world. He couldn't speak because of the stimulation of watching his mother die, but as if to prove his usefulness, the child started making bows and crossbows shortly after he woke up.

At present, the medical team is temporarily taking care of Aaron out of sympathy, but the treatment of the staff is of course much better than being rescued.

An Xu was short of manpower in all aspects, and nodded immediately after hearing Chris's description. She couldn't help but regret that she was one step too late, a talent who can figure out a crossbow by herself! What is properly placed in the game is a unique character with a name and avatar. If you miss the event flag, you will not be able to enter the camp. Alas...

Only sites with a high degree of control can receive people, and in places where people cannot be recruited, various small branches are carried out with time, and once missed, there is no chance of recovery. Even if it is all illusory, because of the impermanence of dreams and the unknowability of things, many things still seem to have only one chance, just like people cannot step into the same river twice.

She rested her chin and looked at Chris' profile. In the past, he always frowned more or less, with many things in his eyes, and invisible fatigue shrouded his face. An Xu ordered him to "smile", and the knight would smile obediently, quite reluctantly. She could tell that Chris was either trying to get on her nerves, or that he didn't have the strength to laugh, it wasn't funny.

That kind of Chris is not unattractive, his tiredness, and the way he forcefully squeezes out everything left to An Xu, are quite cute to her. An Xu understands that he doesn't like her, and to please her is not to save himself from being tormented, but to appease her so that she will not torment others. This kind of saint is very cute, so cute that it arouses sadism.

It's not that An Xu's nerves are so gross that she can't feel other people's emotions at all, it's just that in this dream, she can live well without looking into or caring about other people's emotions. She has the confidence. An Xu knew that if she suddenly turned back at this time, she could easily turn Chris into a joke, break his wings, drain the last bit of vitality from his bones, and let him return to his home with nothing and no choice. In the arms of alpha, spend the rest of my life in a world with only her.

In that case, he won't joke with her anymore, and he won't smile easily anymore.

The bad taste was about to stir in his heart, An Xu thought about it for a long time, and felt reluctant.

With a little bit of resentment at being ignored by the other party for work, she walked up to Chris, squeezed into his arms, sat on his lap, put her arms around his neck, and stayed there motionless. An Xu fell asleep on her omega like a cat lying on the keyboard.

The first winter when they came to the Bungalow defense line passed in such a mess, and when the spring was approaching, a new troublesome thing confronted them again: Lent Day was approaching.

Remember, Ansu killed the bishop.

As the day of Lent approached, the absence of the monks became more suspicious. The populace might not mind what gender the First Knight was, but they would definitely mind Lent without a prelate.

Charlotte didn't discuss this matter with An Xu at all. She had already given up on her boss in this regard, and felt that if she told An Xu, she could only get a simple and rude answer of "whoever refuses to accept it" (she guessed it right). Charlotte had been looking for wandering priests everywhere, and the people she contacted rushed to the Bungalow defense line before Lent.

In addition to the priests who are fixed in the monastery and the church, there are a large number of priests who travel around, experience, ask for alms, and look for jobs elsewhere. Most of the regular priests would not travel to such backwaters. Charlotte had already decided to recruit the priest Yeluzi, as long as he had a good face, he could pretend to be a senior priest by packaging it, and just fool the locals who didn't know much.

When the person she contacted arrived, Charlotte didn't know whether to say her luck was good or bad. There were a lot of people who came, more than thirty people, enough to support a worship team. A group of holy people came, that's okay, it's quite common for holy people to travel in groups (since traveling to Yamenan is too dangerous for ungrouped omegas, even holy people), it can also be done when there is a lack of priests Preside over the worship service. The problem is that among this group of saints, there are actually three wearing the holy emblem of St. Andrew's Seminary.

A holy man with many rules, Alingu, the capital of fanatics, and St. Andrew's College, the cradle of shepherds.

Charlotte has begun to think about whether to take extraordinary measures to avoid leaking the news.

However, this group of saints didn't ask anything about what they were invited to do. Instead, one of the saints at the head made a surprising request, that is, to see Earl Anna.

"Count Anna has so many things to do every day, I'm afraid I don't have time to see you." Charlotte said tactfully.

For your safety, it is better not to see him. thought Charlotte.

"Sorry, I have to see her." The leader of the Holy One whispered softly, "I used to be a classmate of Lord God's Favored One."

You God-Fated Lord burned an alumnus wearing a holy emblem to death, and even tore a bishop with your hands. thought Charlotte.

"Please tell my name, Lord Favored One." The holy man chuckled behind the white veil, "I think she would like to see Esther."

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