MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 109

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It felt like rushing into flames.

No, it was like rushing into the flames. The higher he went up, the more Anxu felt the heat wave coming towards his face, and his eyes were baked dry. There was not a single cloud in the sky above the Vengalo fortress, and the water vapor was evaporated when the fire crows approached. Even if you create a protective layer for yourself, it is still uncomfortable to plunge into the fire.

Anxu has never stopped meditating, nor has he stopped exploring his abilities. She can shatter and absorb things close to her, and this ability can also create a protective layer that wraps around her body. What is attacking her? Then destroy that thing. Anxu's "protection layer" has not had a defense limit so far, because it is not a protection ability in the first place. The best defense is offense. This sentence can be said to be the best comment on Anxu's protective layer.

She pierced through the fire crow cloud like a bayonet. The flames and fire crows that rushed over her head and face all disappeared without a trace when they entered her defense range. Occasionally, a fire crow that didn't know whether it was good luck or bad luck brushed past her. , lost half of his body, and fell straight down. It didn't take long for An Xu to fly, and the strange beasts who had seen her power learned to behave. They separated, avoided her, and rose as she rose.

Soon An Xu found himself surrounded by a group of fire crows, countless fire crows were flying around her, they were so fast that they all looked the same, making An Xu unable to tell the difference between the southeast and the southeast. northwest. In this situation surrounded by flames, she couldn't bear to close her eyes, even a thin layer of eyelids couldn't block the light in all directions, just like trying to take a nap under the window sill under direct sunlight.

An Xu couldn't help raising his arm to cover his eyes.

The move saved her eyes.

The moment An Xu stretched out his hand, something rushed out from the crowd of fire crows. The sound of its flapping wings was submerged in the fluttering and chirping of birds, and the wind that arose at the moment of rushing out never gave her a warning. In other words, An Xu never thought that anything could hurt her, even the existence in her mind that made her feel strongly.

She is so arrogant.

The body of the favored man suddenly deviated from the expected flight path. She seemed to be hit by a speedboat in the water, and she rolled backwards uncontrollably, rushing a long distance before coming to a stop in a daze. An Xu subconsciously stretched out his hand to stabilize himself, but found that his right hand was completely out of control. She opened her eyes and saw a black and red patch on her right arm.

The forearm of that hand had a very severe burn, the flesh was pitted, and there was a deep wound with bone visible on the forearm. Not a drop of blood fell from the cut wound, and the cross-section showed a terrible scorched red. An Xu glanced at it twice and didn't dare to look again. Looking around, all he could see were the same fire crows.

She rushed to the side abruptly, and all the fire crows in her path were emptied. There is no problem with the protective layer, and it is definitely not these ordinary beasts who can break through the protection. What will it be? An Xu was very sure that it was the "that thing" she sensed, but she had no idea what that thing was.

An Xu felt a kind and familiar existence.

What is the law in it? Something in St. Andrew's Theological Seminary (didn't see it, the feeling was the strongest), the snow cloud on the border of Tibes, the huge white bird in another dream (?), another Noah, another god, gave her this There is absolutely no common ground for things that feel this way. Could it be the bird? However, the white bird was covered with frost, and it couldn't feel a bit of coolness in this hot place that made people sweat.

An Xu didn't have time to think about it, and a sense of danger that made his scalp tingle exploded in his back. She didn't have time to dodge at all, she just felt that she was hit in the back by a sledgehammer, and the powerful impact knocked her out.

An Xu felt that his internal organs were squeezed into a ball, and he almost wanted to vomit his stomach out. She flew quite a distance, touched her back with her left hand, and a large piece of the clothes on her back was burnt, and the scorched fabric and flesh stuck together. There was a very shallow scratch on the vest, piercing her spine obliquely. It seemed that if An Xu hadn't thickened the defense of her whole body to her back at that moment, that thing would have pulled out her spine.

Surrounded by endless fire crows.

There are endless red everywhere, and if you open your eyes for a long time, small black spots will appear on the retina. The ears were full of irregular and noisy sounds, the fire crows fluttered and danced, and the extremely unpleasant croaking sounded together. All five senses are useless here, as if deaf and blind are in someone else's home. An Xu can sense that existence, but at this distance, her sensing is like a map with insufficient accuracy, two small dots overlap, and it is impossible to distinguish the subtle position difference.

An Xu took a breath, and a golden arc erupted around her, like an open sea anemone.

Since the evolution, Anxu's attack has become much weaker. She used eight-part lightning to cover only a few meters away, and the layer of fire crows closest to her fell down one by one like scorched ants.

However, only so thinly.

The place that should have been emptied by lightning was still covered by flames, and the fire crow was safe and sound. No, it wasn't the surviving fire crows that were emitting flames, but the engulfing flames protected the fire crows!

The lightning collided with the flames, the flames were stronger but more scattered, the two were evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other. And at the moment when thunder and fire collided, the divinely favored person suddenly had a strange feeling that the two had the same origin. It was the flame of "that thing", and An Xu came to such a realization that we... are things of the same level.

An Xu smiled.

In all the battles, she had an overwhelming advantage, and her biggest enemy was her own endurance. This kind of pleasure is of course as good as playing games with modifiers, but what's the point of always beating the mobs in Novice Village with a full-level tuba? Most of the enemies' skins are very brittle. So far, only those who don't want to brush can't fail, and there are not even ones that require a lot of effort to max out. It makes An Xu feel "I'll fall before I hit you/one can hit There is no "Lonely as snow.

Someone asked An Xu, is it interesting to spend several hours repeatedly fighting a difficult monster? Don't you find it very annoying? An Xu's answer is: Of course not! God-level equipment that is easy to obtain will shorten the lifespan of a game a lot. The sense of accomplishment when I practice for a long time and rack my brains to max out the difficult boss is the joy of playing this game.

This is An Xu's mood at this time.

The agitation of the spirit core gave her goosebumps, and compared to the sense of danger, the strong feeling that made the chills stand on end was clearly desire. At this moment, she suddenly understood the other party's reason for attacking her, and it must be the same as hers.

I see wild monsters like experience packs, and I expect wild monsters to see me as well.

There was a small fluctuation in the flame on the right, and something rushed out like a flash, An Xu still only had time to reinforce the protective layer on the right. Feeling that the time interval between the attack sign and being attacked was too short, the thing was dying, and she was knocked out without even seeing the figure of the other party clearly.

She flew to the left with the burn on her right shoulder, and before she could get rid of the inertia of staggering, the sense of crisis exploded above her head again.

The shield and his left hand moved upwards at the same time, and An Xu's body sank in the next second, and the hand covering his head dropped. That thing used far more strength than before, and the left hand made the sound of bones breaking, and it couldn't control it at all. The divinely favored one who couldn't feel pain couldn't judge how seriously she was injured, but if she felt pain, she would have passed out due to the excessive pain at this moment.

This doesn't work, you'll just be pressed and beaten. An Xu frowned, and quickly sorted out what he could do in his mind.

lightning? It can be said to be the origin of all her abilities, but the weakened range attack cannot break through the defense, and the high lethal single-target attack can only take effect at a distance of a few feet outside the body. Melee combat needs a strong body to support, and An Xu can't bring a meat shield to the sky. A thin-skinned mage like her own has no advantage against this agile type. Her hands were already unable to move, and a few more blows would kill her enough.

flight? If it is not for the ability to fly, it will only have worse results in the face of air strikes. An Xu's flying ability is more like floating. Her speed is not fast and she is not flexible enough. Even now that her hands have been crippled, she finds it difficult to maintain flat marks, like a fish without a tail fin. She couldn't possibly outshine this dexterous creature of the sky.

detection? This is the ability Anxu needs most now. She has a way to use supernatural powers to strengthen her eyesight and hearing, but it's not that there are no traces here, but all kinds of traces are mixed together. Strengthening the five senses in the Huoya crowd is like putting the ear close to the tweeter, let alone distinguishing, the possibility of being abolished by the treble is obviously greater. An Xu recalled that when she was in the plague quarantine area of ​​Fort Thunder, she could precisely control supernatural powers, weave a power grid, and become an omniscient spider at the center of the network. But now that the arc can't go far, she's like a search engine that's disconnected, unable to spread it at all.

All these thoughts were completed in just a moment, and the favored man counted the cards he could use in his hand, but he couldn't find one that could win. Anxu doesn't have any special means of winning by surprise. After all, what tactics does a lion need to face an ant? For a long time, her victories can be described as "crushing" and "complete victory".

Just like that thing treats her now.

"It" didn't give Anxu much respite, and before she could figure out a way to deal with it, the attack started again.

An Xu squatted down suddenly, and rolled herself into a ball, with layers of defense covering her body densely, like a hedgehog that has only encountered an enemy. The thing bumped over, maybe because An Xu was covered with a thick enough turtle shell, maybe because it needed time to recover from the previous heavy blow, the next attack didn't break the defense, but it was hit as a ball Going is by no means a comfortable thing.

Anshu almost vomited out.

That thing didn't stop, An Xu kept repeating the process of being bumped to one side and then to the other, the roller coaster was not as exciting as this. She tried to open her eyes wide, but only saw a swirling orange-yellow in front of her eyes, with white and black light shining through the orange-yellow. Is that something she really saw, or did her eyes get lost?

An Xu felt like an unlucky ghost in the arcade who had suffered from the opponent's ultimate move, the sky and the earth kept spinning, and she could no longer distinguish between east, west, north, south, up, down, left, right, and even the time became strange. A few seconds seemed like hours, and her curled up body became sore and limp, as if she would stumble loose at any moment, and her enemy was probably waiting for this moment. After another heavy blow, An Xu vomited out a mouthful of blood, his eyes went dark, and he couldn't see anything suddenly.

She didn't faint, and the chaotic voice still rang in her ears, but her eyes were blacked out. The anxiety of being constantly dazzled by the light source receded instead, and An Xu felt a strange calmness of staying out of the way. She breathed a sigh of relief as if she had finally turned off the splash screen display, and thought desperately, how good it would be to turn off her ears.

And then Anshu couldn't hear it.

The best earplugs are not as good as this effect. The world seems to be covered under a tight quilt, and there is no sound. Only the feeling that her body is still being hit from time to time proves that she is still in place. This sense of helplessness of losing common tools will scare most people, but An Xu is relieved by this, and has a feeling of "it really is".

all fake.

What about turning off the sense of smell? — her nose could no longer smell the burning smell in the air.

What about turning off the sense of touch? ——She couldn't feel the discomfort of clothes sticking to the wound, the stickiness left by the surging sweat, or the impact of being bumped.

What if you turn off all bodily sensations?

Suddenly, the heat and cold disappeared, the sense of orientation that was upside down disappeared, and the whole space seemed to be paused. No pain, no sight, no hearing, no touch... nothing, this is the real nothingness. An Xu floated in the void, as if he had jumped into a game bug without textures, as if he had fallen into the chasm of a dream.

However, in this void, there is still something.

That is Anxu himself.

She saw a woman of medium height, with blond and black hair, and a blurry face. She thought about Anna. Sullivan, Anna. Sullivan's face appeared; she thought of Ansu, and Ansu's face became clear. When the two faces faded away, the woman's figure also began to become blurred, turning into an indescribable brilliance.

It was "I" - the realization came to her mind.


Her thoughts suddenly began to move at a thousand times faster speed, and all kinds of thoughts were unprecedentedly clear. What should I do if the spirit core becomes only able to eat but not vomit and cannot use range attacks? What principle does the thunder and lightning ability simulate other effects? The problem is solved at this moment.

An Xu felt unprecedentedly relaxed, no, it was not unprecedented, he hadn't felt it at all when he broke free from the chains of God's punishment! She began to be amazed at how casually she could do things like this. How can people who feel that they have lived a normal life endure the life of wearing heavy shackles and being glued all over their bodies?

She could have been sharper and stronger than she is now!

The soul is the source, the spiritual power is the power produced by the soul, and the supernatural power is just a "form of expression". Just like electric current can drive heaters, fans, horns, cars, etc., the ability driven by spiritual power should not be such a narrow and fixed thing. To put it a bit exaggerated, as long as the soul is strong enough, there is no ability that cannot be used. This thing is simply a product of idealism. There are only differences in strength, and there is no type restriction.

Having said that, "Don't limit yourself" is not as easy as it sounds. Superficial concepts, subconsciousness and what you can do are mutually confirmed. Except for people with great luck and great perseverance, I am afraid that only people with such crazy brains like An Xu "Outsiders" are aware of this.

An Xu, who got a big advantage by mistake, is not lucky for this. She also dislikes that she is limited by her inertial thinking when she is awake, and her dreams are not big enough.

She could feel the inside of her spirit core, the golden dead threads transformed by supernatural powers were being condensed little by little, and something extraordinary was being weaved. The spirit core didn't become a miser who didn't listen to his commands, and it was completely force majeure that he couldn't activate the ranged big move. It's as if a saturated sponge that spews out water with light pressure has become a magnet, a black hole, where energy is easy to absorb but hard to get out.

But is this really useless?

Most of her abilities were used to build the spiritual core, but An Xu's soul is full and energetic, and she can completely deal with most problems. It's like a rich man with ten thousand dollars who keeps his gold bankbook and credit card, and only stares at the one hundred yuan in cash on hand, living a miserable life every day, how can he be so stupid!

I'm basically the kind of rookie who doesn't know the skill button if the pattern is changed, An Xu said with emotion, so it's too wrong to be hacked to death by the monster if I can't activate the skill!

In realizing this, the void dissipates.

She "seeed" every feather on the surrounding fire crows jumping in the airflow, "heard" every cry of this group of noisy beasts, and "felt" the trajectory of the huge fire crows circling and flying. The detection doesn't necessarily need the thunder and lightning that can't be deployed now, as long as the tentacles of mental power are stretched out.

How should I describe it? An Xu doesn't need any of his senses when his mental power is fully activated. Within her psychic powers, she is nearly omniscient and omnipotent.

"Nearly," unless something else stopped her.

Ordinary creatures with this ability are ants that will not cause trouble at all. The only one who can face her is another "omnipotent".

They faced each other from a distance, and at the moment of "looking at each other", everything around them solidified, and the sky became an arena for the two of them. "That thing" is a white bird the size of a house, and its feathers are also flames. Unlike the fire raven with crimson or orange wings, its whole body is burning with white flames, like the rays of the sun.

Ah, found you. An Xu thought.

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