MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 112

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Count Anna was badly injured when she fell from the sky, keeping doctors, healers, and exorcists busy. They cut open the flesh and cleaned the crushed bones, sterilized them, and used healing techniques again and again. Even the healing ability could not make the earl intact.

In this world where the great nobles are equipped with magical healers, going to the battlefield is still a matter of risking one's life. Some of the victims died immediately on the spot before treatment, some died of wound infection, and some died after treatment. Healing abilities are not omnipotent. The best healers can heal the huge wounds that run through the body, but they cannot regenerate severed limbs. To put it simply, if a whole body is lost, the healing technique is useless, and there is no way to make that part grow back as it was.

Jane's father, Marquis Samuel, who retired after a broken leg, is an example, as is Chris, whose lost organs (simply speaking, omega's reproductive organs, or uterus) have no possibility of repair. He is well aware that healing powers have limits too, which is why after seeing Ann's fallen body, the chief knight has her broken body in his nightmares every night.

The skin and some of the muscles of the favored person were charred, and both hands were completely fractured, leaving only a few tendons still connected to the body. Her internal organs were also injured, and it was a terrible mess, like a fruit with a good shape but a smashed inside. The doctors had to cut her open, drain the blood, tidy up the messy internal organs and let the healer treat them piece by piece. Chris couldn't help here, so he could only wait outside the operating room, listening to the doctors say that it was an incredible miracle that the Earl was still alive.

The chief surgeon, Lydia, is a healer herself, which made the operation less labor intensive. The success of an operation does not mean that everything will be fine, it only declares that the lord can live for at least a few hours.

After a short intermission, the doctors gathered for a meeting, and the next minor operation began immediately. The inside is treated first, and then the outside. The carbonized dead tissue is carefully peeled off, and the healing technique catalyzes the growth of new parts. Chris watched Ann lying on the hospital bed, from a piece of half-cooked roast meat to a tightly wrapped cocoon, and then to a patient with dark and light colors.

It seems that all he can do is to watch, there is a whole team in charge of healing Count Anna, there are holy people praying for her, and there are well-trained servants who take care of her, all of them are better than a knight who can only fight and kill .

Flora, the head maid, is a very competent nanny, but Chris is very unwelcome.

Earl Anna has many burns on her body. Before she fully heals, in order to avoid infection, her ward requires exorcists to use cleaning abilities every day. Those who take care of her and those who visit the sick need to wear the same white gauze as the doctor, wrap Hair, cover nose and mouth, to avoid bringing in evil spirits. According to tradition, omega mourning for their alpha either wears a black veil, or enters a monastery to become a chaste white-clothed person (a less strict place can also become a holy person), as the name implies, dressed in white. In the eyes of the head maid, Chris who walked into the ward wearing this white gauze seemed to be cursing Anna.

Chris didn't stay with Earl Anna, not because of Flora's rejection, but because there was really nothing he could do for her. All aspects of Ann are taken care of by more professional people, and Chris can only stare at her when he goes. Doing that can only make him feel better, and it will not help Ann's injury. Instead, Chris is really needed elsewhere.

There are many loopholes in the rules at the initial stage that can only be discovered by bumping into examples, which need to be standardized after discussion; there are always a lot of things to be compensated after the war, and there are so many parts that need to be reviewed and approved... At this moment when all the high-level and middle-level people are understaffed , the generals of the border army and the officials of the city hall are very busy, and Chris, who is the general and chief knight, is also very busy.

He can do well in this area.

As a weak side not favored by the previous rules, Chris was able to think about problems from the perspective of the most common civilian soldiers, and was able to calculate gains and losses from the overall situation as the leader of the Knights. After this battle, the chief knight's strength, bravery and reliability have convinced all those who fought side by side with him, and many measures after the war convinced the frontier army and his family members of his fairness and carefulness. The topic of "building a memorial monument" he proposed was unanimously approved by the generals of the frontier army. After Earl Anna woke up, it would be submitted as a military proposal.

Mr. Knight is very busy, and occasionally finds time to take a look at his alpha during this busy break. This did not satisfy the head maid, but made her furious. Flora thought it was inappropriate for an omega to go out and run around when her alpha was seriously ill, instead of shedding tears every day and peacefully praying at home.

"Is he busy looking for another family?" She said sharply, "How many alphas does that unruly Omega want to change?"

This word was passed to Chris' ears, and he could only smile bitterly. It must be intentional for the head maid who is extremely strict in family management to spread this word, and there must be many reasons for her high-end and foreign style. It's a pity that Chris doesn't know anything about "the twists and turns that an omega of a noble family should understand", and he gets a headache if he thinks too much. If an omega has to understand this, he really doesn't look like an omega at all.

However, what exactly does "the omega look like" look like? The mother who abandoned her husband and son without hesitation is an omega, and so is he who leads the army with a sword. When he was growing up, his father stayed away from home all the year round on the Tibes defense line; his father's old subordinate, a veteran who retired due to injury, taught him the skills of using the sword and the virtues of knights; His only thing is "you have to fight for what you want"... Chris woke up from the memory, shook his head, and continued to work on the matter at hand.

Maybe he really didn't have the luck to enter a relationship as an omega.

Count Anna awoke two weeks later, recovering to a degree that would have cheered the doctors, but feeling depressed. She was like a bear in hibernation, she couldn't get up even if she had to tug, but after getting up and shaking, she fell to the end of the bed, as if she was just sleepwalking.

The doctors couldn't find the problem. They only speculated that she might have overused her abilities, and she would recover after a period of rest.

The first thing Count Anna said when she woke up was "Five more minutes of sleep", and the second was "Where is Chris?". So even though she fell asleep within two minutes after she finished speaking, the loyal headmaid held her nose and went to invite the first knight. Fortunately, the visitors no longer needed to wear white veils. There were a lot fewer things to be busy, and Chris was able to spend time with Count Anna from time to time.

He took Ann out in the afternoon of this day. The doctor said that the lord is best to bask in the sun for a while, and she herself hates being exposed to the sun, so Chris put her under the shade of a big tree. Ann's eyes can be blocked by the shadow of the tree, and the dappled sunlight through the shade of the tree can shine on her again. The weather is just right at this time, neither too cold nor too hot, and it is a good time to take a nap in the open air.

The bench under the tree was hard, and Chris sat on it, resting Ann's head on his lap. The dots of gold among the leaves projected on her hair, making the curly light golden hair reflect a metallic luster. You can really feel how soft these metal threads are by touching them. Chris gathered the messy hair behind Ann's ears and combed it several times.

Staring carefully, Ann's hair is really light in color, maybe closer to silver than golden. Like lightning piercing a dark cloud, dazzling like a ray of light. When the God's Favored One is awake, most of the time it is as bright as light and as sharp as lightning. Now that it is almost drooling in sleep, it looks very gentle and harmless, innocent and cute.

Like a big cat stroking its lap on a bench in the afternoon, Chris couldn't help relaxing, even sleepy.

He feels calm.

It has been a long time since I felt this kind of peace and stability. Many years ago, Chris could feel this kind of peace every time he met his friends who were trapped in the seminary, but he never felt it again after the reunion. There are years of gaps in which we don't hear from each other, the various positions of the king and the rebels, the deceit and gender-related bad debts, and it is really exhausting to calculate.

In fact, as a victor who owns a prisoner, or as an alpha who owns him, Earl Anna is not bad. Among all the fates that Chris envisioned, this one can be called extremely lucky. Ann is a wise and benevolent lord, and Chris is happy to serve her allegiance, it's just...

Chris couldn't tell either.

The head maid came to him in private and said, "The Earl loves you so much, why are you dissatisfied? Who are you showing this to?" Flora and many servants serving the Earl thought that Chris was "spoiled." ", "forgot my position".

A noble, rich, powerful and young alpha, who is neither married nor has a lot of lovers, brings a sinful omega who is deprived of everything by his side every day, gives him delicious food and drinks, and even gives him an absurd position in a daze, Such rare affection and grace! If it were them, they would have already devoted themselves to serving the adults with gratitude. Many young servants have already made up a happy life between themselves and the Earl in their minds, including how to get along with the future Countess and defeat many lovers to become the final winner and so on. They unanimously hated Chris, who was so well-off but didn't know how to cherish and didn't know the good and the bad. They felt that this kind of guy who was in the blessing and didn't know the blessing was a lesson.


The knight married the princess whom he had only met once, and gained fame, wealth and beauty at the same time; the beautiful commoner Omega married the king. In the eyes of most people, this is a happy ending, but Chris has never been fascinated. Sometimes he felt that this kind of "favor" was far inferior to sitting with An in the grove of Alingu, eating messy things, and laughing about the present and the future.

When Count Anna was unconscious before, the holy man also came several times. In addition to those who came to pray, there was also a holy man named Karina who tried to wake up the Earl in other ways. "I've met people who are perfectly fine but never wake up, and people who have a healthy mouthpiece but can't speak," Karina said. "Their illness is probably not in the body."

"Soul" is a religious concept, and "spirit" is related to supernatural powers, so Karina called the disease she was studying "mental disease." She felt that Earl Anna couldn't wake up, maybe she didn't want to wake up, and suggested Chris to call his name.

Chris accepts Karina's concept of "mental illness" well, after all he's watched eccentric Aaron return to normal under her care. But he was a little surprised to say that he might wake Ann up, "Me?"

"You are the count's omega." Karina replied.

"I'll give it a try," Chris said, "but I don't think the markers do that."

Unlike the deified AO bindings in poetry and scriptures, marks are actually purely physiological. To put it bluntly, it's the same way dogs can smell spheres of influence from each other's urine.

"It doesn't refer to physical things, but... some stronger connections." Karina smiled mysteriously, "The way you look at her is not just an omega looking at his master."

Maybe that's the problem.

Chris was thinking about miscellaneous things absently, and stroked Ann's hair unconsciously. His index finger wrapped around a strand of pale blonde hair, and gently touched her cheek along the hair. When the Earl fell down, a flame burnt mark spread from the collarbone to the chin. The wound was very deep, and there was still a faint red mark left after it healed. In Chris's opinion, this did not damage her beauty at all. He looked at the red mark and just thought, how painful it must have been at that time.

The knight lowered his head somehow, and put his lips on the mark. It was a completely subconscious move, like putting a burned finger on your lips, as if the pain could be erased with just a touch. Chris didn't realize what he was doing as he leaned over until he touched the fine, soft skin. He felt a little embarrassed, thankful that there was no one in the courtyard, and hurriedly wanted to get up.

Then he touched Ann's lips.

Her lips were very soft, starting from the lower lip touched by her, heat suddenly swept across Mr. Knight's face. He hurriedly raised his head, with a face that was red to the ears, looked around like a thief, his heart beat as fast as holding a sword for the first time.

It's not that Ann has never kissed him, it's just that, uh, the earl's eating is not very good. Compared with kissing, "gnawing" is more appropriate to describe it-biting by a hungry tiger or licking wet like a puppy, let alone.

There was no one around, An slept unconsciously, her mouth was half-opened, and when she had no evil thoughts, she thought she was childish, but now she felt that her slightly parted rosy lips were like some kind of brightly colored wild fruit, which made people's eyes blind Can't move from there. Chris's eyes blinked non-stop, and he reached out to touch the place he just brushed, feeling like it was burned. He pursed his lips again, as if he could transfer the touch of his lower lip to his upper lip.

What am I doing? Chris thought, wiping his mouth vigorously, as if that would erase the stupid thing he had just done. He knocked on his head, and looked around again. There was no one, and now was not the time for someone to check on Ann.

He stared at Ann for a long time, held his breath in a mysterious way, and lowered his head little by little.