MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 118

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This late winter in Urburg, the topic of conversation among the nobles revolved around a premature baby.

The king's and new queen's children were unexpectedly born at the end of the year, rather than in the spring of the following year, as experienced elders at court thought. It was a frail baby as light as a kitten, with eyes the same color as a king's. Richard II was overjoyed by this, and despite everyone's opposition, made the frail little prince the crown prince.

"I knew he would be born this year! Those old fools! Those wicked priests and alchemists are fools!" Richard II said ecstatically, "His name is John, my grandfather's name. My boy will be a great king, the great King John IV!"

Urburg once again held a three-day and three-night celebration, much larger than when the king's firstborn was born. Lesser criminals were pardoned, and nobles were exempted from taxes for the year. Ford, the jester who understands the king's thoughts best, devised different ways to present such and such long poems, and various "auspiciousness" that people with a little knowledge thought were not worth making a fuss about. The king accepted them all and rewarded them generously every time . This series of carnivals is enough to make everyone understand the king's joy and determination, and no one dares to touch his bad luck.

In other words, those who dare to touch him don't intend to do so.

Many people who thought it was too funny to let a child who might die at any time be the crown prince were too funny, waiting for Prime Minister Roland to continue to persuade him. However, Duke Roland changed his previous momentum of repeatedly speaking, closed his mouth, and began to properly complete the king's order. Richard II got ready and waited for a few days. When he found out that the other party was really doing his job conscientiously, he felt embarrassed because he blamed the other party for his own mistakes. He rarely softened his stance and compromised a lot. matter of opinion.

This is actually not surprising. Duke Roland's boring private life, unsmiling expression, and outspoken personality made it easy for the nobles who came into contact with him to regard him as the kind of straightforward person who only relied on his family and keen eyesight. In order to gain a foothold in the court. However, it is impossible for a person who does not know how to adapt to remain in the position of prime minister to this day.

Roland only knew what things were within the king's bottom line and could be fought for, while others were impossible. The case of Lichu undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

So he didn't say anything, but made another note in his heart.

If you want to make a premature baby the crown prince, let it be. Duke Roland still has a lot of things to do. He is almost the busiest person in Yamenan, and he has more things to deal with than His Majesty the King. Whether the king is hunting, having a banquet, going out with his lover, or doing other leisure and entertainment, Mr. Prime Minister needs to work overtime diligently. Of course, because Richard II is a very suspicious king, all of Roland's work needs to be submitted to his superiors in the end, waiting for his approval, signature and sealing seal.

Roland. Holding a pile of urgent documents, Wellesley walked into the king's study on a summer afternoon. It was supposed to be the office time of His Majesty the King, but there was no one in the study. The clerk said that His Majesty the King had gone out on business, but he hesitated and couldn't tell where the other party had gone. Roland immediately understood that Richard II probably started some entertainment on a whim, and it was probably related to Mrs. Cynthia.

Since having the predicted prince, Richard II seems to be relieved, and the nerves that were tense after Prince Ronald's rebellion suddenly relaxed. That didn't make His Majesty the king much more talkative, but made him a lot more slack. Richard II liked to hang out with his lover more and more.

Roland asked the clerk to send someone to urge him as soon as possible, telling His Majesty that there is an urgent item that must be sent this afternoon. The other party nodded in response, and repeatedly persuaded the prime minister to keep the documents and not wait here. Roland was about to nod, but his eyes scanning the study room suddenly caught something.

He picked up the pen and tapped on his finger.

There was not a single sheet of paper on the desk, but the quill was set aside, its ink nib still wet. Roland twitched his fingers and said, "I'll just wait here."

"This, my lord, is this inappropriate?" The clerk said with a bitter face.

"What's wrong?" Roland sat down on the chair next to him, his sharp eyes swept over him, "Give me a cup of tea, old rules."

The clerk backed away grimly.

A few minutes later, the door was opened, and the person who came in with tea was not the clerk or a servant, but the new queen Eve.

Roland stood up, staring fixedly at the red-haired queen, and raised his eyebrows. "Therefore," he said, "it was you, Your Majesty, who was the one who wrote the documents in this study."

"You don't seem too surprised?" said the Stuart queen.

"I'm surprised." Roland replied, "I never thought that His Majesty the King, who despises omega so much, would let an omega review it for him."

"His Majesty the King thinks all omegas are fools, that's why he asked me to do it for him." Eve nodded gracefully, "I'm just a living stamp, responsible for stamping some documents that don't require brains. You Is there any document requiring the king's seal?"

Roland handed her the urgent mail in his hand.

The Stuart queen took the papers, undid them with great skill, and spread them out on the table. The Duke watched her quickly scan the cursive words. Although she was very fast, she looked too carefully compared to the "stamping without thinking" in her mouth.

"Your Majesty," Roland said suddenly, "I heard that the little prince was supposed to be born this spring, and his premature birth was an unfortunate accident, isn't it?"

"An accident that pleased His Majesty the King." Eve said without raising her head.

"So, was it an accident?" Roland pointed out.

"What can make His Majesty the King happy can't be called an accident." Eve said, "Since it is His Majesty's hope, it is an 'inevitable' appointed by God."

The Duke looked at the Queen's face, her face looked ruddy and lovely, not like an omega that was accidentally born prematurely not long ago. He saw the queen's slender fingers holding the quill, and the pen turned like a sharp sword in her hand, leaving a few sharp strokes. Those few strokes made up the king's name, and some parts feel a bit inconsistent when you look closely, but the killing spirit in it is similar to the king's own handwriting.

Roland wanted to know how deeply prejudiced His Majesty the King, who had seen her writing, would continue to believe that the other party was a weak and stupid little omega.

"Is Her Majesty the Queen telling me that the crown prince's premature birth was caused by man?" he asked aggressively.

"You're joking." Eve replied calmly, "Where is there a supernatural power that can make a child born early and ensure the safety of mother and child?"

"There are no such abilities, but as far as I know, there are alchemists who call themselves 'doctors' on the border of Tibes and Abery County." Roland said, "These people without abilities can use seemingly Ordinary methods can cure diseases that can't be cured by supernatural beings. It is said that they even cured a plague. Some rumors make people unable to help guessing that these 'doctors' may have some methods that we don't understand, and they can create Safe accident."

"What do you think of the doctor?" asked the queen suddenly.

"They are not as good as those who can heal the wounds, but ordinary people can learn this, so that they will have an advantage in numbers in the future; and in some diseases, they seem to have more credible effects than priests." The prime minister was uncertain for a while. The reason why she changed the subject, said cautiously, "As for more, I won't speak rashly until I understand it clearly."

"What about the composition of the staff?" Eve asked.

"Even if there are nobles who are addicted to alchemy, we cannot expect all doctors to come from noble families."

"What about gender? Doctors are mostly omega, and many people say it's the result of a wizard's makeover."

"The so-called wizards are just nonsense." Roland said simply, "I think this is an effective use of manpower."

Seeing that the queen's expression softened a bit, the prime minister paused and said again: "Please don't change the subject, Your Majesty the Queen."

"Maybe it's just as you guessed." Eve said lightly.

Roland opened his eyes wide in surprise, not expecting the other party to admit it so easily. He looked at the red-haired omega in confusion, and some guesses in his mind were overturned by himself.

"With all due respect, my lord prime minister." Eve put down her pen and looked at him without fear, "His Majesty needs a crown prince born before spring, so the heir must be born this year. As you have seen, he Believe in that prophecy so much, even if the child is congenitally deficient, it may die at a few years old, or it may develop into a beta or even an omega in the future - His Majesty has never thought of this possibility. If the orthodox heir is not born last year, I am afraid that His Majesty the King will wipe out all A 'suspect' tinged with red."

"You are too alarmist."

When he heard the first few sentences, Roland thought the other party was shirking responsibility, but after hearing it, he couldn't help but refute. Eve's face remained unchanged, she just shook her head and took out something.

It was the king's handwriting, and Roland, as the prime minister, had seen it countless times, whether it was wording, sentence, or style. Before he had time to wonder why the Queen carried this thing with him, he was stunned by the contents of the handwriting.

"Ridiculous!" he blurted out.

This is a handwritten letter that can shock all the nobles. It says that in order to purify the golden blood of the nobles, starting next year, the inheritance rights of noble betas will be cancelled.

The alpha and beta of the nobility have the right to inherit the family property and title, as long as they are the firstborn born in wedlock. Although an omega does not have legally protected inheritance rights, if the omega is the only son of a noble family, he or she can marry an alpha and inherit the family business after giving birth to an heir. In the edict drafted by Richard II, the omega is completely divided into the property of the married alpha, and the beta is regarded as an imperfect defective product. Both of them are deprived of the right of inheritance, and the false heir is considered a crime.

To put it simply, only an alpha can inherit the family property and title of a noble. If there is no alpha among the descendants, the property will be handed over to the royal family after the noble dies.

"This is simply ridiculous!" Roland had to put down the handwritten book, so as not to accidentally crump it. He walked back and forth anxiously in the study for a few times, making a gesture to leave the study: "No, I have to stop His Majesty the King."

"Please be careful, this matter may be difficult to change." The queen said.

This was exactly what the Duke of Roland wanted to swindle. He stopped at the door and looked back at the queen who was sitting there. This His Majesty sat in an even and stable position, showing no signs of panic at all.

Roland put away his anxious expression, he felt that they could have a little open talk.

"The national treasury is short of funds, and the evil consequences of entrusting too many nobles are showing. Our Majesty needs to take back part of his property and status." The prime minister said, "The power of 'gender identification' is in the hands of His Majesty the King, and he can choose to be removed from the nobles. surname, but this method is completely unsuitable for use now. If this opening is opened, the nobles will attack each other and the illegal war will be multiplied several times. Now that we may have friction with the Holy See at any time, it is equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst and self-destruction Wall."

"You made a mistake, my lord." Eve smiled, "His Majesty the King will indeed use this to declare some disobedient alpha patriarchs as illegal betas, but he really wants to transfer all betas and omega from noble heirs Get out of the team."

"What?" Roland asked incredulously.

"This is not government affairs, so you may not be very clear about it." Eve said, "From last year to this year, according to the data reported in the newspaper, the number of awakened powers among the divided nobles has decreased by one tenth. But Counting the fact that the nobles concealed their status as 'waste alpha', the number of newly born supernatural beings is probably less than one-sixth."

The prime minister was speechless.

He understood what had happened, and the biggest difference in this regard was that since last year the king no longer asked for holy water for baptism from the Holy See. Before that, Roland vaguely felt that the second baptism with holy water had awakened many newly differentiated people, but due to insufficient samples, he couldn't be very sure. Fortunately, His Majesty the King personally ordered that the nobles who were divided after last year become the control group.

The results of the control group were shocking. Thinking about it deeper, it made Roland feel cold all over his body.

"The king thinks that excluding beta and omega from the heirs can increase the rate of ability awakening?" He asked with a headache, frowned.

"He thinks that only alpha is the one that perfectly inherits the golden bloodline, while beta and omega are inferior products." Eve repeated the absurd words smoothly, "He thinks that only letting alpha continue the bloodline can purify the bloodline that has been diluted by time, and regenerate the bloodline. Bring back the ancient glory."

Duke Roland did not speak, because it would undoubtedly be impolite to laugh at the owner of the study in the king's study.

"I see," he simply said.

Roland understood that Richard II was so stubborn on this issue that he couldn't listen to people's words, and His Majesty's inflated arrogance did not allow him to ask the Holy See for holy water again. It's hard for him to commit suicide. Up to now, Roland didn't even think about how to persuade the king, he started thinking about other ways.

"Why?" Roland asked suddenly, "You have said enough and done too much today. As His Majesty the King, the Prime Minister of the Toland Dynasty and Yamenan, I can hang you for this." .”

"You won't." Eve laughed.

Roland raised his eyebrows questioningly at her.

"Your gentleness and...forgive me for telling the truth and overly conforming to the rules over the years have caused many people to forget the demeanor of the sharp-eyed eagle, but I am the daughter of the Stuart family." The queen said.

"I remember Marquis Samuel. It was I who caused him to leave the border of Thebes with a disgraceful reputation. He changed from a wolf of red flames to a despondent person now." Roland nodded to her, "This That's what confuses me, I guess your sister and your father hate me."

"It's not you who turned Red Flame Wolf into a drunkard, but his own weakness." Eve said something that sounded cold and heartless, but a nostalgic smile appeared on her face, "At that time, I was still young, I hated you, but then I realized that you are a selfless person."

"No one who asks me will make up such a compliment." Roland laughed.

"If you are a blind follower who only listens to the king's orders, you will let my father stay on the Tibes defense line until you die there for the so-called glory and unnecessary advancement. If you are for fame Lilu suppresses political opponents, you will prevent my sister from continuing to garrison the Tibes defense line, and you will not let my sister, who was still very young at the time, slowly take over the rest of my father's troops, all the way to the present. To put it bluntly, you offend us But you support us, just for the stability of Yamenan. I think 'selfless' is the best way to describe you."

"I'm just loyal to my job." The prime minister pursed his lips.

"There is no more admirable quality," said the Queen, "and that is why I risk putting my neck in your noose."

"Your neck is safe."

Roland stood by the door, watching Eve carefully again, or for the first time, instead of simply looking at the clever Vase Queen. He finally stated: "It is also expected that I will see you here."

Eve smiled inscrutablely, picked up the cup of tea that Roland hadn't touched, and took a sip.

Then choked and coughed.

"I'm used to drinking sweeter tea. Adding two spoons of honey and four pieces of sugar will help my work. The servant probably forgot to tell you." Roland said innocently. I feel a little better about today's terrible mood.


The birth of the little prince did not affect the Bungalow defense line much. It seems that with the area where Earl Anna is stationed, all the people have become calm.

Just like the already-named Thunder Fort, the ever-changing Vengalo defense line has also produced settlements that can be called cities. This cold city in the north is called "Spring City" because the interior can still be as warm as spring in the harsh winter of freezing everywhere.

Winter is coming and spring is coming, summer is coming and spring is going, and Spring City is gradually getting on the right track. Everything went step by step, the changes were small and smooth, so that An Xu couldn't find anything worth recording.

Having experienced the experience of the last beast tide and another year of preparation, this year's Bungalow line of defense can be said to be fully armed. Veterans who have been on the battlefield for a year bring new recruits who have expanded their recruitment. The former wants to avenge their past shame and create another glory, while the latter eagerly wants to become a new legend. Those who performed outstandingly last year have now become non-commissioned officers, and the martyrs who died for Bengalo last year are all on the memorial monument, and their relatives have been properly placed.

Count Anna, the lord, personally presided over the inauguration ceremony of the memorial monument. The names of the martyrs were carved on the tall stones, and the position was very conspicuous, and everyone who entered Wenjialuo could see it. To this day, there are still flowers placed beside the memorial tablet every day, and there are people who come to worship and even pray.

Among the people who died in battle were the people of ice and snow. These people introduced the idea of ​​"ancestral spirits" into the army. The soldiers worshiped their comrades in arms, hoping that the spirits who died in battle would bless them. This kind of thing, which is more like a certain culture than belief, was spotted by a theater troupe and wrote a script based on this theme. Since then, the activities of worshiping heroic spirits have been widely spread in Wenjialuo. When tourists and tour guides began to appear in Spring City, the Memorial Monument really became a scenic spot.

In terms of making money, people are always self-taught. In every era and every place, smart people will find novel ways to make money. Last year, Solomon, a wealthy businessman who confiscated the body of the alien beast and took it to the inland of Yamenan for an exhibition, made a lot of money. This year, he visited Wengalo again. When the animal tide alarm came, he refused to go back immediately and stretched his neck out. Looking forward, my mind is full of exhibits that can be collected this year, and whether I can bring back live exhibits.

This year's Bungalow's beast tide has come amidst much attention and anticipation, but it is like a sequel to a dog-tailed mink, and the scale is so small that people feel that it is too unsatisfactory. How exaggerated? The death toll is zero. The people who came to count have verified it several times, and the people who were questioned were all anxious. "What are you doing lying to you!" An impatient soldier said, "We still hide someone's death? Everyone's family is waiting to get a martyr's subsidy!"

The above-mentioned soldier who couldn't speak was educated by his comrades because of his crow's mouth.

After this anticlimactic beast horde, rumors emerged in Wenjialuo: the existence of God's Favored Person/Queen of Thunder/Lord Anna can drive away the horde of beasts.

There are many phenomena to prove what they said, well-founded, and very alchemy. For example, when the Favored One was in Tibes before, they killed a large number of strange beasts in the first year, and the tide of beasts in Tibes was very weak from the second year onwards. For example, before the Queen of Thunder came to Wenjialuo, the beast tide in Wenjialuo was very serious. For example, Earl Anna fought 800 rounds with something unknown in the sky last year (guess), fought **** battles, and beat the opponent to flee (still guess), and this year's beast tide in Bangalore is also lukewarm. All these things made Tibes' once popular talisman of God's Favored one quietly circulated again.

An Xu subtly felt that some places were a bit accurate, because this year she could only vaguely feel the firebird. Is it true that you only need to brush the first year's copy for each map? Is this a magical beast guarding the map or something? An Xu didn't think deeply about it, she was busy and lived a comfortable life, and when she was comfortable, she became lazy and didn't want to use her brain.

This comfortable and peaceful day lasted until autumn. The holy Karina came to see Anxu with a look of haste, begging her to save their compatriots.

In a city in County Samelow, southeast of Spring City, a New Church saint was to be burned.

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