MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 123

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The rats stopped.

Outside the teleportation room, the swarm of ground squirrels pounced on the last two soldiers stopped in mid-air; in the corridor, the swarm of rats bit the soldiers' teeth and stopped. In many, many wards, people who were still fighting or just dying recovered their lives. They got up in surprise and looked at the stationary enemies around them.

The monsters that were unstoppable not long ago seemed to have been pressed the still button, half of the corpses were pushed to the ground by invisible hands, and the rats floated up together with the corpses that were mostly eaten by them. They stopped motionless close to the ceiling, and then, with a "snap", they disappeared out of thin air.

Slow down time hundreds of times, and the naked eye can only capture the way these things disappear. It was as if a black hole appeared in their bodies, causing them to collapse from the middle until there was not a single hair left. The hospital was swept clean in an instant, leaving only the shocking survivors.

Alva stood up abruptly and pushed open the window. In the sky outside the window stood the reinforcements brought in by the signal flares, and there was only one person, her long light golden hair shining brightly under the silver moon.

Just this one person is enough.

"My lord!" the captain shouted excitedly.

"It's Lady Anna!"

"The Earl is here!"

There were cheers one after another in the messy hospital, and the tense strings in the air suddenly relaxed. Some people got up from the ground, and more people fell to the ground with a plop, finally feeling the real feeling of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe. The rat plague was like a disaster movie that was turned off halfway. Hell suddenly returned to the human world, and the survivors wept with joy.

An Xu fell to the ground, and before she had time to say anything, Alva, who leaned out of the window with most of her body, grabbed her.

"Where are those things?" he said eagerly. "Where did you get them?"

"What? Rats and corpses?" An Xu hesitated, "In short, it won't cause infection anymore."

"I mean are they still there?"


"Can you take it out?" Alva asked impatiently, "Did you eat it?"

An Xu felt shot in the knee.

Count Anna gained omniscience and omnipotence after upgrading, but she usually does not open the field. She is not like some life-saving and vigilant guys who are always paying attention to the surroundings, and she is not like some wild animals who regard detection as their instinct. It can only be said that this guy's life is too smooth, and he does not use this new plug-in ability on weekdays at all. Consciousness—a frivolous and wasteful approach that will gnaw teeth at the teeth of a wave of ambitious people who want it. An Xu stretched out his mental tentacles towards the hospital after seeing the signal flare, and the mental tentacles covering the entire area identified the threatening creatures.

Then she felt...a little hungry.

So many ground squirrels combined, gathered into a somewhat familiar longing. Up to now, An Xu has been able to distinguish this kind of hunger#thirst from hunger, and she can feel that what attracts her is some kind of energy. Of course, these rats were not as difficult for her to control as the firebird. How to put it, the difference between the rats and the giant bird was like a hundred-fold dilution of industrial flavors and natural flavors.

A poor knockoff, but one still feels the original, and a similar appeal.

So An Xu's next move after controlling them can also be imagined.

Strictly speaking, decomposing and absorbing those things is indeed no different from eating them. An Xu felt a little uncomfortable when Alva pointed it out. It's like being pointed out that you ate worms after eating a super delicious unknown new dish.

Alva saw the answer from her expression, he closed his eyes hard, and said, "I need live sick creatures."

"Is half a corpse okay?" An Xu asked.

"Half-dead corpses are not good, they are re-infected." Alva shook his head, "I have paid attention to this batch of ground squirrels. Each one has a different degree of infection. If we can find their habitat..."

"They are raised in a unified manner in the farm. There shouldn't be much abnormality during the day, otherwise someone will report it." An Xu interjected.

"Then someone interfered again." Alva said gloomyly, "It's okay, this is easier to find the source than the plague under natural conditions. They must have something that caused the plague in their hands, and it is likely to be a living thing. Find it Give me."

He looked back to the hospital, and not far away, the two soldiers were helping their comrades in the corridor. The comrade who was thrown down by the rats was still breathing, but his body was dripping with blood. The strong people in the hospital have stood up again, and the survivors have organized to clean up the mess. There are many people who need to be admitted to the isolation ward. They seem to have been sentenced to death with a reprieve. In the end, whether they recover or die in pain depends entirely on the doctors who work hard to study the epidemic.

"The sooner the better," said Alva, "please."

The effort to find the black hand behind the scenes has never stopped. The Throat of Nightingale officially separated a branch called "Mynah" this year. The mission of "Mynah" is different from that of "Nightingale", which collects information from high-level people, and focuses more on the market. And it is not limited to the task of inquiring about intelligence. They mobilized as soon as they found dead rats in the well, but so far there is no good news. Anxu had also participated in the search operation before, but unexpectedly it was fruitless.

The problem is, she doesn't know what to look for.

It's like finding a needle in a haystack, no, it's harder than finding a needle in a haystack. If he knew what the needle looked like, An Xu would definitely be able to find it, even if it would take a lot of effort to cover the entire ocean inch by inch in his area, which is not yet big enough. But the "behind-the-scenes" thing is not another creature, nor does it have particularly strong characteristics that allow Anxu to distinguish them from the crowd.

Of course, she can monitor all places covered by the field like an artificial intelligence system. In theory, she can monitor and monitor everyone at the same time and collect all information. However, An Xu does not have the ability to filter and distinguish all the information. The information she gets is stuffed into her head, just like using Google Maps. No matter how the images on the computer screen cover the whole world, you can only click on part of them at the same time. , pay attention to that small piece.

Today's An Xu is like a half-god, with an omniscient perspective, but without the ability to analyze "omniscient".

Inspired by the attack on the hospital, she begins her quest to find a creature that can give her the Firebird feel. But I don't know if the opponent's energy is too weak or something, An Xu's repeated scans failed to find any abnormalities. After the hospital incident, the man behind the scenes retreated again.

Doctors' research has made new progress, but it is not optimistic. The potion that Alva took out can restore high fever, coughing up blood, cysts and other diseases, but it is useless to the half corpse bitten by the monster. The doctors only slept for a few hours a day, and then Alva started to take refreshing drugs, couldn't sleep for a few days and nights, and stuffed things into his mouth when he was hungry. When An Xu saw him again, he was taken aback.

This middle-aged man, who could be called beautiful, was haggard within a few days, with two big dark circles under his eyes and sunken cheeks, but his spirit was terribly excited, like a vampire crawling out of a coffin.

"It's impossible!" Alva looked like he was going crazy, "Intravenous injection of antibiotics, the evil spirit that caused the epidemic should definitely be suppressed, it was completely successful in the petri dish, why not on the half corpse? This cannot be explained! Could it be that my Is there something wrong with the ability? No, my ability is just speed, and it is alchemy in essence...Is it a god? Devil? Wizard? Stop kidding!"

An Xu looked at the crazy Alva, and felt like he saw a scientist who doubted science because of unexplainable things. She had Chris knock him out, and the doctor definitely needed a good rest.

Alva's semi-finished vaccine is not useless. It can treat patients who have not been bitten (such as the cause of eating undercooked monsters, drinking contaminated water, and being infected by the patient's saliva), and it can also treat patients who have been bitten Those who have passed have a longer duration of onset. Patients who used to turn into half-corpse and die within a week can enjoy half a month of sobriety.

An Xu felt that he was already very remarkable, as amazing as creating a special medicine for the plague within a week. The only problem is that this epidemic is not limited to the plague, Alva only cured the part of the Black Death, but he was helpless against the part of the biochemical crisis.

It is too difficult for a medieval fantasy doctor to treat diseases in future science fiction films.

Before half a month passed, a **** man rushed outside the lord's mansion. "I am the leader of Mynah, and I have an urgent matter to see the Earl!" said the green-eyed young man, holding a sack tightly in his arms, "Stay away from me, I'm infected."

An Xu felt something strange the first time he detected him, something was about to come out, but he missed the goal. Jay, the leader of mynah, untied the sack in front of her, revealing the cage inside. Inside the cage was a huge mouse with scales in its fur and blood-covered eyes. It slammed into the cage and slammed into Anxu's side crazily. Jay could hardly catch it.

"It's a very long story." Jay smiled wryly. "Long story short, we found the rest of Ronald, but they were discovered. I released the monster mouse they locked up, and the only group of mynahs who went there was me." They survived, more than half of them were killed or injured, and the others fled, but I grabbed the most disgusting looking one and ran back, hoping my idea was right."

Countless thrilling dangers and sacrifices were mentioned in a few words by Jay. An Xu was a little stunned, like a game protagonist who found that the main plot had been completed in a place he didn't know, and a group of people who didn't leave their names exchanged sacrifices for the victory . Her eyes moved, and she found something under the cage.

"What is this?" she asked.

"The things they put in the cage before." Jay said, "I don't know what it is, but I brought it back together."

It was a piece of parchment as big as a cage, with strange things drawn in dark red lines on it. An Xu stretched out his hand and pulled it out, accidentally tearing it in two.

The moment the paper was torn, the existence of the monster in front of him suddenly jumped out in An Xu's induction, as if he had taken off his invisibility cloak. The thin induction became bright and bright in an instant, and the feeling similar to that of a firebird (although much weaker than that of a firebird) made An Xu salivate for it immediately. If it had been like this before, she swore she would have found it across a city.

What's with the paper? What's up with the mouse? What is the relationship between birds and mice and plague? Before the thought was finished, Jay had already collapsed.

The only surviving hill mynah had multiple penetrating wounds, his arms were bitten off, and he was still suffering from a high fever. It was a miracle of willpower that he could survive this far and explain the situation clearly. The healer saved his life first, and the nurses gave him antibiotics, but they couldn't do anything about his swollen body, which was swollen faster than other patients, so they had to call the doctor.

Alva looked at the apprentices who had been separated for several years, and his usually stable hands trembled.

"I brought it back alive, teacher." Instead, Jay smiled weakly at him, "It's good to see you."

"They told me. Good." Alva said stiffly, looking into the other's eyes, his throat so dry that he couldn't speak. Those green eyes, which used to be clear, were cloudy as if they were covered with a film, which should have been the scene of the end stage of the infection.

"Teacher," Jay looked at him, his voice getting weaker, "I..."

"Stop talking! Shut up and have a good rest!" Alva interrupted him.

"You won't even let me say your last words, will you?" Jay complained with a smile.

"Shut up." Alva said forcefully, "We'll think about that kind of thing in fifty or sixty years."

No one dies, the doctor thought fiercely, and even if there was a **** of death, I would not allow it to **** someone from me again.

At this time, An Xu was beside the cage, trying to catch the flash of inspiration in his mind. She looked at the restless monster in the cage, meditating, and Chris next to her looked at her thoughtfully, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

Before the chief knight had time to turn his premonition into a mind reading, An Xu stretched his finger towards the cage. Chris realized her purpose the moment she moved, and he was so startled that his hair stood on end, and he quickly rushed towards Earl Anna. The knight mobilized his speed to the limit when dealing with a strong enemy, and his reaction was extremely quick, but something stood in front of him, stopping his hand that stopped Anxu in midair.

Chris's pupils shrank suddenly, reflecting Ann's fingers stretched into the cage.

Of course, the monster that had been desperately baring its teeth and claws at her didn't waste this opportunity. It snapped at the finger that threw itself into the net, tearing off a piece of flesh. Earl Anna's withdrawn finger was missing a small piece, blood gushed out immediately, and it hurt terribly at first glance. It's just that it wasn't the wounded man who screamed, but Chris who was standing next to him.

"Ann!" He yelled terribly, the spreading blood red made Chris feel like his scalp was going to explode. At this moment, the force that restrained him was released, and he rushed to An Xu's side, holding his hand in his hands in a bewildered manner.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay." An Xu comforted, feeling happy to be cared for, "I won't die."

"How do you know you won't die? All the supernatural beings are infected!" Chris shouted uncontrollably, "You can obviously block it! Why don't you block its teeth even if you can block it?! "

The knight was so outraged that he didn't even add any honorifics. It was the first time An Xu was scolded by him, and he shrank his neck from this outburst, and felt a little novel. Her indifferent relaxed mood can be seen without mind reading, Chris looked at her bleeding hand, the half-dead face and her relaxed expression kept alternating in his mind.

He suddenly had a strange thought, and asked hesitantly, "You...will it not hurt?"

"Yes." An Xu said bluntly, feeling moved by the mystery, "You were the first to find out."

I can't blame others for not being careful. I can only say that there are so many unexpected things about An Xu that it is easy for people to overlook the small anomalies in a large number of anomalies. know Anna. Sullivan's pain-free family members concealed it as a stain. After that, people in the seminary regarded her as a strong bone to support her. After that, most people felt far away from her, and the close-fitting bound milk Lydia is an ascetic who accepts pain as normal. It can only be said that An Xu can live well until now, thanks to his bound milk and strong self-healing ability.

Ann felt no pain.

This answer seems to have uncovered some blind spot, and many weird details suddenly have answers. Pain is a way of self-protection. It is difficult for a person who does not feel pain to learn to protect himself, and it is even more difficult to understand and sympathize with the pain of others. What would life be like without pain? Chris couldn't imagine it, but he suddenly understood the gap between Ann and the world.

For her, the world lacked a sense of reality—the chief knight accidentally touched the edge of Anxu's thinking from conditions that were not quite right.

"Everyone may die." He said weakly, "Have you never thought about the consequences of being infected? Some supernatural beings still retain their abilities after turning into a half-corpse. Do you still remember the wind-type supernatural power?" A capable man, he killed several people with his wind blade. If you become like that, everyone you have protected will die because of you."

"Sure enough, you are worried about other people's safety. I thought you cared about me." An Xu half-jokingly said, spreading his hands at Chris's helpless expression, "If I become like this, you will kill me." kill me."

Chris' expression went blank.

"Half-dead people have bad brains, don't they? It couldn't be easier to fight monsters that can only attack but not defend. No matter how sharp the attack is, my body is like this. Here, touch and see the neck, is it lightly pinched?" Can it be broken?" An Xu grabbed his hands and put them on his neck playfully, "Chris must be by my side when I become a half-corpse, so come and be the hero who kills the devil Go! I prefer to die by your hands."

The knight's lips quivered, and he looked like he was about to cry.

Although it looked like he was about to cry, Mr. Knight would still do this when the day came. An Xu was inexplicably convinced of this. A person who will abandon Xiaojia for everyone has never been a good match, but she still likes this kind of person—perhaps because he has the confidence (the devil's) that he can survive safely even if he is abandoned by the other party, and that he can be the winner in love and killing each other. On the contrary, she felt that such a Chris was a little pitiful and cute, which made her a little bit unbearable.

An Xu let go of his hand, shook his head, and said seriously: "I won't die. I felt it before I stretched out my hand."

Chris kept the pathetic expression of "It's over, this kid is talking nonsense again".

...Well, it sounds a little unreliable.

But it really is a feeling, like a tiger standing next to a mouse, knowing instinctively that he is at the top of the food chain. An Xu could sense this mouse, she didn't feel any danger, nor did she feel any kindness, she just felt: It's good to eat this.

The favored person reached out to the monster just to confirm her guess. After the evolution, her control over her body has increased a lot. The mouse bit her and injected the poisonous bacteria (let's call it that) into her body, but it was equivalent to giving An Xu his hole card.

This tells Anxu two things: 1. This inferior creature really has nothing to do with her; 2. She seems to know what is the unscientific factor that drives Alva crazy.

When handing over the live mouse monster to Alva, Anxu provided the second experimental material. She said to Alva: "Draw my blood, or dig a piece of meat, I think it should be useful."

Alva gave her a suspicious look, but at this time, he could only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

On the second and third days, An Xu who was bitten remained normal.

On the fourth day, Alva combined something extracted from Anxu's flesh and blood with the previous antibacterial drug to create a new injection. The first injection was given to Jay, a volunteer who was already not quite awake. He struggled and screamed for half an hour, and fell into a coma for several hours as if he was powered off. Then his fever subsided and his breathing became stable. On the second day, Jay opened his eyes, his pupils green as new leaves in the morning light.

"Good morning, sir." He said in a hoarse voice.

Alva smiled, and the doctor, who hadn't slept for some time, leaned on the wall and slid down.

Vaccines for Junkrat disease were born in the second month after the plague appeared.


The man in the cloak was shambling along a path.

Her breathing was heavy and cloudy, as if something was stuck in her chest. Her cloak was so thick and dirty that one could not tell what color it was. It must have been a tramp. But it was strange that such a man suddenly appeared alone on the road to Urburg.

The guards of the small city thought so.

A guard walked up to the beggar, yelling and trying to drive her away, but the beggar fell as he approached. The guard cursed unhappily, and walked over to try to kick the corpse away, but he yelled.

"What's the matter?" his companion asked lazily.

"Damn it, rat!" He kicked his bitten foot angrily, and saw several black figures running away from the corpse, "I've seen one with lice, but never one with rats!"

He cursed and kicked the body to the side of the road, where a dead man would collect the body of the tramp. None of them noticed that there was a weird smile on the face of the dead person who was once named Heidi.

Read The Duke's Passion