MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 140

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An Xu and his party soon arrived at their destination.

Broadly speaking, the place name "Alingu" is not just a city. It includes the unique holy city of Alingu, as well as a large area within its radiating range, where many small towns and villages are dotted with dots. People who mention Alingu seldom think of these insignificant places, but they are indeed a part of Alingu, existing in this fog that Anxu cannot fully detect.

An Xu couldn't scan the entire area, but when flying over the sky, the naked eye could still see the general situation of the underground.

From the Great Penitentiary to the destination in Anxu's induction, there is still a not-so-short distance in the middle, and they passed two settlements during such a distance. One is a small village, and the village at the foot of the holy city is not much larger than the villages in small places. The other was a small town that, from its size and buildings, seemed prosperous by comparison.

However, when they saw these two places, there was no living resident there.

The small village is very bright, as bright as the present great penance. No matter what it used to be, now there are only ruins left, and the huts are like torches, and the flames engulf everything. It wasn't that anyone bothered to start the fire, but that there were too many fires and the killers didn't bother to put it out.

Before the flames were lit, everyone was dead, even the family dog ​​raised by the villagers to guard the house. These untimely dead bodies covered every part of the village, as if they were once chased by something terrible and ran around, but in the end they still couldn't escape the fate of death. There were a lot of messy things on the ground, broken lanterns, bamboo strips that had been trampled to pieces, and some valuable small jewelry. They were left on the ground in the panic of their owners, engulfed in flames, and no one picked them up. The murderer didn't come here for money at all.

The fire was undoubtedly very fresh, and so were the corpses on the ground. The wounds on most of the corpses were clean and one-shot kills. Lydia inspected the corpse lying at the entrance of the village, not yet engulfed in flames, which she said was the work of an ascetic.

Compared with this "brightly lit" small village, the town is very dark. Outside the territory of Anxu, most of the residents of Yamenan still work at sunrise and rest at sunset, reluctant to waste lamp oil. They flew over, almost thinking that there was nothing unusual about this quiet town, if there was no smell of blood wafting along the wind.

The smell of blood is so strong that even a hundred meters above the sky can be overwhelmed by this smell. The residents of the small town have all died, and the bodies are still hot. Their resistance seemed much weaker than that of the people in the small village. Most of them seemed to be unresponsive, and they were killed before they even had time to escape.

Many people lay in their rooms, a few died in the street, the lanterns were not knocked over, and everything seemed to stay where it was except for the violently broken door. Such a quiet and cooperative death is even more chilling than the last scene where the victim struggled desperately.

An Xu decided not to think about it, the most important thing at the moment is to reach the place she sensed, so that the problem will be solved easily. She could feel that Chris was already furious, and An Xu adjusted her mood to the game mentality she used to have for a while before suppressing the anger in her heart.

If this is a slap in the face, the big devil will know that he has done something wrong.

They didn't go down to observe any dead city, and flew straight to their destination. The closer she got to the sensing place, the more An Xu felt that something was wrong. She gradually realized that the other end of the thread was not a manipulating hand, but more like... a ball of thread?

Countless threads are tangled together, some of them are intertwined with each other, forming a messy thread ball. An Xu has never seen this kind of spiritual body, what is this? Schizophrenia can't split so much, can it? Another guess flickered in her mind, and before she could think about it, they saw the target.

a city.

To be precise, it was a small town, and that town was no more prosperous than the one they passed by before. As far as it was concerned, there was nothing special about it. However, there are still living people there, probably more than 20 living people.

There are more than a dozen people walking in the town, they come in and out of every house, their actions are resolute and light, and they hardly make much noise. What they are doing is very simple, and there are only two things to sum up: breaking down doors and killing people. Strangely enough, none of these men met with the slightest resistance when they killed many times their number.

The ascetic monks in khaki robes slaughtered the remaining residents like mowing grass. The bodies of most of the townspeople were already lying on the ground.

The victims are as docile as lambs, no, lambs kick and bleat, but these people kill without saying a word. In the world of Anxu, there are also prisoners of war waiting in line to be slaughtered, but the obedience of these prisoners of war is rather another cowardly desire to survive. They feel that their resistance will not succeed, so they dare not take the risk of dying in resistance immediately , I would rather line up obediently and pray for the one in ten thousand miracle of "it just happens not to die when it's my turn". As for the residents here, they don't feel cowardice, nor do they have the "piousness" of being killed obediently, only a weird calm.

The spiritual tentacles stretched out by An Xu can obtain a lot of information. It can not only collect the appearance of things, the sounds they make, the smells they can smell, etc., but also the emotions in people's hearts can be conveyed to An Xu's heart. Ability is the form of expression, and mental power is the pure energy on top of it. After defeating the fire bird, if An Xu wanted to, she could even spy on other people's thoughts, just out of respect for the people around her, she usually didn't use this trick.

The victim's heart was chaotic and calm, and he didn't look like he was sticking out of danger at all. They stood beside the corpse, facing the butcher's knife that was about to fall on them, each of them was not frightened or afraid, and even relaxed as if they were going home.

An Xu immediately activated her ability at the moment when all these things entered her range of mental power, and her shield unfolded on everyone within reach, blocking all killing moves. The invisible hand crushed all the ascetic monks to the ground, and Anxu quickly swept over the town, killing all the murderers and victims in the same way.

There are hundreds of corpses in this town, nine survivors, and twelve ascetics.

These twelve ascetic monks created the hundreds of corpses mentioned above.

They landed at the door of a hut, and Lydia ran to the old man who fell on the ground. He was the only one of the five people in the room who was still alive. The light of the healing technique shone on the old man's neck, and he smiled warmly at Lydia. An Xu stared at him, that dazed smile never changed, no matter when he was rescued for treatment, or when his neck was almost chopped off.

At the same time, An Xu was still observing others. Out of range considerations, she threw the survivors and ascetic monks onto the ground nearby. Every survivor has a blissful appearance, like those saints who have gained great peace in the legends. The ascetic monks were not as docile as the former ones. They were all struggling on the ground, just like Lydia who was once locked in a cell.

An Xu tried to wrap them layer by layer like he did with Lydia, and cut the strings on the marionette.

She experimented with one of them, the oldest of the ascetics. The mental power isolated the ascetic monk layer by layer until there was no more power to affect him. Anxu hoped that he would recover his sanity like Lydia, even if he stood up and scolded them heretics who hindered the plans of the Holy See. However, as the last trace of strength was withdrawn from the man, the ascetic relaxed extremely abruptly and remained motionless.

It may not be appropriate to say that relaxation is appropriate, it is more appropriate to compare it to a puppet with a broken string. An Xu's spiritual tentacles penetrated deep into his brain, which was empty and empty, like a living puppet. He was obviously still breathing, and even blinked, but this person was not "alive". There is no emotion in his heart, no thinking, not even the fluctuations like animal instinct. It was as if, when the great thread left his brain, his inner core was also drawn out.

An Xu probed deeper without giving up, and she was able to detect some memory fragments. The memory is very, very monotonous, nothing more than food, drink, food, shelter, and transportation in the Great Penitentiary. It’s just a simple record, like a video recorder that doesn’t work well—is this unreasonable at all? At the same time, she probed the head of a resident, a peddler who opened a shop. The memory in the peddler's mind was mixed with the anger of being extorted by scoundrels, the warmth of his family, and the joy of collecting money from the stall...Memories are very personal things, no Probably without personal emotion, as everyone's memory should.

Except for these ascetics.

She repeated the procedure with the other ascetics, each attempt yielding exactly the same results. Of the twelve ascetic monks, none of them woke up from the control dramatically. They lay quietly on the ground, like dead people who would gasp.

An Xu suddenly understood.

She has the ability to make the controlled people out of control, but she is not strong enough to make dead things give birth to their own souls. These ascetic monks who grew up in the Great Ascetic Academy, were repeatedly brainwashed and trained, never saw the outside world, never experienced the life of normal people, did not form their own personalities at all. And the invisible voice that summoned them was the last straw that crushed their thin souls, and after the power was driven away, there was nothing left.

"It's useless to them," An Xu said, "These ascetic monks don't have their own ideas at all, and it's useless to end those controls..."

Unless she can keep these people under control for a moment, they will revert to their old ways at any time and become killing machines again. They are completely hopeless, and there is probably only one way to deal with them.

An Xu looked at Lydia and was a little bit embarrassed. She didn't want to sentence her former compatriots to death in front of Lydia.

"Kill them." Lydia said suddenly.

Both Anxu and Chris froze for a moment, Lydia had a calm face. Ever since she entered the Great Ascetic Abbey, she has been expressionless, falling into fugues from time to time. They were worried about Lydia's mood, so they didn't talk much about the ascetic monk, but now she took the initiative to speak up.

"It can't be cured, I know." Her tone was unexpectedly calm, "Living is atonement, and going to the Kingdom of God after death is liberation. Ascetic monks think so. Please satisfy them."

Lydia knew what the ascetics thought, she had been one of them.

Every day of the ascetic monks is very painful, they are used to this, and they never feel that something is wrong, just like a normal person is used to the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Day after day, year after year, they practiced in the Great Ascetic Abbey. Today is similar to yesterday, and tomorrow will be the same as today. Short life is not a curse for them at all. They are waiting for the call of the gods, and it is a joy to go to the kingdom of God. On the one hand, it is because of piety, and on the other hand, even after brainwashing, such a life will not be pleasant for human beings.

Death is liberation, and suicide is a crime, so ascetics practice hard. An assassin who came from the Great Penitentiary, never sacrificing his life.

An Xu exhaled, and the mental power that enveloped the ascetic monks suddenly stopped, creating twelve new corpses.

"I will cure you." An Xu said abruptly, "Lydia will definitely live past forty, don't worry."

Lydia smiled suddenly, and she said, "You have cured me."

The turning point in the fate of the ascetic Lydia lies in monitoring the favored Anna. Sullivan's mission, when she left the Great Penitentiary, she never thought that her life would change. She was unaware of her transformation, she still piously insisted on morning prayer and evening prayer, and regarded herself as an ascetic. Only when she returned to this land and saw her former compatriots did Lydia realize how much she had changed.

An Xu smiled back, just as she was about to say something, her expression changed.

A crow flew up from a branch, it passed through Anxu's domain, and was about to flap its wings and fly away. This is a very common crow, and Alingu can be seen everywhere this season. However, An Xu brushed the spiritual tentacles of its body, but felt a trace of unusual energy.

It is much smaller than that of the ascetic monk, but the energy is similar to the source.

An Xu's mental tentacles turned into an iron claw in an instant, grabbing the crow fiercely. The "probe" opened to the maximum penetrated the weak spirit of the crow in an instant. An Xu felt something, and the next second, the force used to grab the flat-haired beast suddenly closed, crushing the crow into a meat paste.

The moment the crow died, there was a small fluctuation not far away. The fluctuation was as small as plucking the strings of a piano tens of kilometers away, and it disappeared in an instant, and that place was beyond Anxu's detection range. She shot towards the source of that vibration like a bullet, and the person hidden there immediately entered her spiritual realm.

The man in the robe of an ascetic monk nestled next to a not-so-small beast. If An Xu hadn't stuck so close, he would have used that beast to obscure his own existence. An Xu could feel that kind of energy in this person's body, which was much stronger than other ascetic monks, but at best it was at the level of a rat monster. She sneered, and her invisible hands strangled his neck.

The ascetic was lifted up.

An Xu could feel the unstable power in the ascetic monk's body. He probably had recently ingested something that catalyzed this power, and it seemed that he would be out of balance at any time. She flew into the air and was so bored that she didn't want to continue playing this chasing game.

She said, "Noah, come out!"

When the scope of influence of mental power is reduced, An Xu can't use mental power to spread her voice to every place, but she can amplify her own voice. Anxu built a temporary barrier of effect in the ears of Chris and Lydia, and her voice resounded like thunder, spreading throughout Alingu, stirring up waves of echoes among the mountains.

"Get out by yourself, or should I drag you out?" An Xu said.

A series of responses repeated An Xu's words, but Shanlin didn't give her an answer. She waited for a few seconds, and then let go of the ascetic monk's strength, and the ascetic monk fell all the way until he fell to the ground.

It is not surprising that the black hand behind the scenes did not show up. If the other party would take action for the safety of an ascetic monk, he would not let the matter go to this point.

"You don't even have the guts to face me? Are you worthy of being called a quasi-god?" An Xuyang said, "Wait, I will kill every priest in the old church, destroy Alingu, and destroy the cathedral. Burn it down with the Seminary, like a monastery!"

"It's better not to do that." A voice said, "I kind of like cathedrals."

Suddenly, a person appeared in midair.

It happened very strangely, one moment the place was empty, and the next second there was a figure there, like the work of a bad editor. The sky was gray, and although there was no light in mid-air, the moon tonight was big and bright, and there was no shelter to cover it, so the face of the uninvited guest could be clearly seen. He stood very calmly, with a black and white collar, a decent black robe, and a silver holy emblem pinned to his chest.

He was dressed in black, and his hair and eyes were also black, but his ivory skin was as bright as the moonlight. The holy emblem, which symbolizes the origin of St. Andrew's Seminary in Alingu, is engraved with a statue of a **** and a curved shepherd's staff. When Anxu glanced at it from the corner of his eye, he felt that this thing was on the opponent's body. It looked like a sheep with tentacles Entwined in it, there is a breath of evil gods.

"Also, you're right." Noah smiled at An Xu in a good mood, "I'm no longer a quasi-god."

Noah exuded a weird atmosphere.

Noah just happened to be a step outside the reach of Anxu's mental tentacles, so precise that people doubted that he did it on purpose. An Xu didn't consider the issue of face at all, Da La La took a step forward, and the opponent's domain did not appear in An Xu's induction.

A Linggu's barrier is a big gel, and the giant bird's domain is a firecracker that explodes at one point. Although it cannot penetrate the opponent's domain, Anxu can at least roughly sense the opponent's level and attributes, and at least he can feel his presence. . But Noah, whom Anxu regards as his great enemy, has no particularly clear boundaries around him. There is only a strange feeling in his body, how should I describe it, it is neither smell, nor color, nor even emotion—the other party is so strict that he can’t read his heart at all—but something similar to… density.

The inside of Alingu is a large gel, and Noah is the firmer mass among them.

"Then what are you?" An Xu was on guard secretly, and said casually, "True God? Haha, this joke is really funny."

Noah laughed dumbfounded, and shook his head kindly like a wayward junior at home. His smile is very kind, and when he smiles, he is very beautiful, the kind of beauty that has a halo on the back of his head, making people want to put his hands together and worship. An Xu refused to accept this, and took half a step back in disgust.

Noah is very likable, and his smile has a terrible affinity, as kind as the siren song. But now, An Xuche is completely immune to this magic power, and she can see the very incongruous part in Noah's smile.

There was no smile in his eyes.

Noah's eyes were bottomless, like two abysses leading to nowhere. When he smiled, those eyes looked on coldly, like two dead objects pinched in the mud on the statue of a saint. This kind of incongruity completely destroyed his kind smile, just like the uncanny valley theory, it gave people a dangerous sense of strangeness.

"How is it possible?" Noah said kindly, "I failed to integrate the last part, I'm just a demigod."

"Okay, I want to know where the 'last part' is." An Xu curled his lips.

Noah nodded and said: "Although it was earlier than I thought, the seeds planted have yielded better fruits than I expected. All the waiting is worth it."

"Wow, I'm getting goosebumps, I don't want to fit in with you, okay?" An Xu said dryly, "You know, every demon king who tried to train brave men to relieve boredom was killed in the end."

"Because they are demon kings." Noah laughed, "but God is different."

"You are really self-indulgent and have no sense of shame." An Xu rolled his eyes, "Will you hit me or not?"

"Why are you always in such a hurry, Quasi-God Anna?"

"Maybe it's because you're procrastinating?"

"Don't you want to know why I..."

Noah's voice paused, and his figure flickered in mid-air. Anxu launched an attack at that second just now, and the sharp edge condensed by mental power attacked Noah thousands of times in a moment, and the airflow even produced a sonic boom. However, Noah was unscathed, and even his hair was not blown by the wind.

"Ah, my impatient compatriots." Noah sighed, but there was no anger on his face, "Don't you want to know what I did? Why did you become a voter? What secrets did the Holy See hide? Why did this happen to the ascetics? A mutation?"

"Didn't you do it?" An Xu sneered, the mental attack had turned into a long whip, and a new round of attempts began.

"It's me, but why would I do this?" Noah tilted his head, smiling like a spring breeze, "Be patient, friend, you can't start the battle until I want to."

"That's for sure." An Xu kept talking, she faintly sensed something in the attack, "Why do the villains always like to explain their plans? Do you think I will fall for you again?"

"Last time it was just smooth sailing, didn't you also benefit from it?" Noah replied, and then said immediately before Anxu opened his mouth: "After this battle, there will only be one god, no matter the outcome, we will never meet again .Please listen to it, it won't take long."

"Well, you'll suffocate if you don't talk." An Xu suddenly put away his attack, and lowered his hands lazily, "First of all, I want to know why you insist on telling me? Are you really afraid that I will take the opportunity to kill you? "

"Because God is doomed to be alone." Noah said, "Becoming a demigod, the only existence I can communicate with is you. After becoming a true god, I have no one, and I don't need to communicate with others. Let's say goodbye to the world." Last indulgence. Besides..."

The priest with black hair and black eyes looked up at the sky, showing a strange smile.

"Just take it as it is, the moon is very round tonight."

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