MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 143

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If the thunder and lightning were transferred elsewhere, An Xu would not feel strange so quickly. The hint given to her by Noah did lead her in the direction of "the other party is using the space ability", using another lightning ability user as an introduction, the half-truth and half-false illusion is the most difficult to break free. However, Noah insisted on letting the thunder and lightning hit Chris and the others, and also insisted on creating the effect of leaving no bones to disturb An Xu's mood.

When An Xu gave up attacking Noah, he had already begun to probe his spiritual tentacles elsewhere, searching for Noah's body that might be hidden elsewhere. But for safety reasons, she also added an extra layer of shields to Chris and the others. At the same time, their mental powers were in contact with each other, strengthening their connection, and positioning coordinates for each other.

From sharing the power of the giant bird to their coming to Alingu, Anxu and Chris didn't just spend their honeymoon together. Chris learned the way of hiding and the use of mental power, An Xu learned to adapt and digest the new power he got, and at the same time they also learned the common application of this power. This is absolutely unprecedented. After all, there is no divine creature that cooperates in a non-servile relationship in history.

Just like two people who each have a mobile phone with its own location and know each other's number, even if the signal here at Alingu is too bad to make a phone call, they at least know whether the other party is alive.

After Thunder cleared the field, An Xu's mental power swept over again could detect that there was no living thing on the ground, but the part of her mental power connected to Chris was not disconnected. If this was a power shift, how could Chris be alive? Be transferred elsewhere? Why is Noah so kind? At this time, An Xu only had a preliminary guess, and after the subsequent trials, she was a little bit sure that what she experienced was not true.

Anxu's large-scale attack is not as random as it seems. She tested whether the range of the attack could change, tested the effects of physical attacks and mental attacks, sonic attacks and light attacks, and looked for nodes; she also let herself be attacked to test what caused the damage. In the end, she discovered that this was not an illusion that created an illusion, but a "half reality".

Noah can make himself omnipotent, provided that An Xu believes that he can.

The ice, fire, wind and thunder are just illusions, but once she believes in the game, these phantoms become reality for her. The phantom created by Noah is the start, just like letting another real lightning-type superpower attack at the same time, the purpose is just to get people into the urn. Once he follows his train of thought, the players in the game will complete the whole world by themselves.

An Xu was really afraid of this, if she didn't realize it wasn't true at the beginning, God knows what would come up with someone as big as her brain.

Noah's illusion is like a magician's magic, once seen through, it loses its mysterious aura. This guy who claims to be a demigod is really not lucky enough to put it on someone else. Even if he guesses that what he is facing may be a phantom, he can't help but subconsciously take it seriously under such aggressive and continuous attacks. This is Nuo The reason why Ya keeps attacking Ansyria. It's a pity that An Xu's rough nerves and pain-free feeling are unparalleled in the world. She has forced this world to be a dream for so many years, and she doesn't take it seriously when Mount Tai collapses in front of her. I have encountered such a thing.

Realizing it was an illusion made things easier.

From the moment Chris shared the power of the meteorite, he began to hide himself. At that time, Noah had no skills at all, and he didn't realize that Chris also had a god, and he only regarded him as "the human follower of the **** Anna". The arrogant Mr. "Demigod" doesn't take a mere human in his eyes, and only regards him as a bait for the layout. Sending the ascetic monk Eva who has the ability of lightning to chase and kill him is basically a matter of convenience. Chris encountered a part of the imaginary imitation An Xu, and he was still in reality, and the spiritual power left by An Xu on him was able to use him as a fulcrum to explore the real world.

Before fighting the big devil, they had trained in the illusion. The boundary between illusion and reality is like a transparent door separating the two sides. As long as they find the slight difference between the two sides, they can find it out. An Xu's mental power in the real world and in the fantasy world are both sides attacking, which is as convenient as playing on an overlapping map to find faults, and quickly finds the difference node.

So, the person who is being beaten flying around now is Noah.

Since meeting, Noah's aura has been chaotic and unpredictable, like a weird ghost, and his real body relies on the tiny fluctuations captured in an instant. Noah is indeed a person who can use illusions to confuse mental power. Even though An Xu is grabbing him and beating him, he will still lose his trace from time to time.

It's like whacking a Bludger that's about to disappear, or whack-a-mole in **** mode. Noah, who was about to fish out and hide from somewhere else, made the final battle a bit funny.

An Xu resisted the oncoming storms, monsters, lightning, meteorites, etc. without changing his face. Sometimes these things are real, sometimes they are fake. Prepare with both hands. She broke the bridge of Noah's nose with one punch, turned the pretender into an afro head, gave him a panda eye on one side, and slapped Wuzhishan on the other. However, An Xu felt something was wrong when he hit him like this.

All the Noahs she had seen maintained that thin sense of existence, like a ghost. An Xu could see him standing there and hear him talking in front of him, but she kept intuitively feeling that there was something wrong with him. Among the so-called divine creatures affected by meteorites, if they didn't deliberately hide them, there should be that familiar and longing feeling between each of them, but I can't feel it here, and I can't feel it anywhere.

Maybe it's not accurate to say that, it's "feel it everywhere". The whole interior of the Alingu barrier is very evil, like entering magnetite with a compass, the pointer turns around, and you can't find the north at all.

There is a difference between the real Noah and the fake Noah, and the difference is very small. Even if you have caught it many times, it will take a lot of effort to distinguish it next time. An Xu should have found the right place, and the speed of Noah's recovery has become unable to keep up with the speed of the injury, but what is this unreliable feeling?

Is Noah weak? No, this kind of power that can invalidate Anxu's mental scan is definitely not weak. But every divine creature has its strengths and weaknesses. The most powerful sheep can only confuse people, and is finally captive by strange humans; giant birds follow their instincts, fighting with Anxu's wisdom and failing to win, and the use of spiritual power is not as good as Anxu's. Xu is flexible; Chris's enhanced physical strength can fight giant birds head-on, but in terms of spiritual and non-physical power, it is still not much better than ordinary supernatural powers; Anxu is best at thunder and using mental power, but her little The body can still be stabbed to death... Noah, a guy who is against the sky with illusion, is hanged and beaten after breaking away from illusion, it seems not incomprehensible.

In this great situation, what is the throbbing uneasiness?

It's like looking to the other side of the road through the fog, like a hot and humid summer dream, there is a light flickering, and a vague sound buzzing for warning, but you can't hear what it is, and you can't wake up to drive away the disturbance Mosquitoes of your lucid dreams. An Xu hated this feeling, for a while, she wanted to kill Noah directly.

Anxu's beating of Noah was not just a personal grievance. The attack on him was always accompanied by spiritual invasion. Anxu still had many secret answers that he had to get from Noah, and he had to know how to manipulate the ascetic monks. After doing this, she can kill him.

The Noah in front of him is extremely real, similar to the feeling of reading a giant bird. The feeling of grabbing the spiritual body cannot be imitated. As the reading deepens, Noah's memory fragments come one after another. An Xu couldn't find the problem no matter what, she simply focused on deciphering Noah's spiritual world. No matter what conspiracy there is, once she finishes everything, she no longer has to worry about being turned over.

Thirty percent, fifty percent, ninety percent...

The progress bar is getting closer and closer to completion, and the ominous premonition in An Xu's heart is getting more and more serious. In a rare moment of hesitation, the invasion came to an end.

The attack stopped, and the invisible blade was firmly stuck in Noah's throat, and he could be killed at any time after reading. On the guillotine, Noah, the God-favored man who was described as embarrassed, slowly raised his head, his expression stuck in a position that he didn't know how to describe.

An Xu's heart sank suddenly.

She has arrived at the expected place where Noah's spiritual core should be, and the memory fragments she passes along the way look the same. The closer to the core, the denser the memories and emotions, but when she pried open the last line of defense to Li Kan, An Xu was surprised that there was nothing there.

It's as if a secret agent kidnapped an evil businessman, broke open his safe, and found it empty.

The expression on Noah's face changed slowly. If this scene were placed at another time, An Xu would be happy to laugh at him, "Are you a sloth? The expression changes so slowly." But at this moment, the slow change is creepy, like a snake or a slug slowly sliding down the spine.

Noah showed a surprised smile, and then the smile grew bigger and bigger. As if unable to hold back, he laughed wildly.

The bruised and swollen guy started laughing wildly, tears streaming down his face, laughing so hard that he didn't even care that the mental blade cut his throat deeply. He laughed, laughed, laughing until An Xu was upset, thinking that killing this guy would be fine.

The invisible blade plunged into Noah's throat.

An Xu did what he said, and he didn't mean to scare him at all. He just planned to make this second-year-old patient who was laughing out of breath really out of breath. The mental blade cut off Noah's neck, quickly and accurately, and cut it so that only the skin of the back of the neck was still connected, and the whole head would fall off with a proper laugh. But Noah kept laughing, the head was shaking, but the laughter was full of air.

"Do you know, I got a prophecy." Noah wiped away his tears, and said with a smile, "'The spokesperson of the sky and the body made of golden blood, the gods have given you great grace. Make the blood of God no longer Flow, let man's blood flood the earth; no one can make you bleed on the day of the full moon, fellow scorpions devour each other, and the gods will eventually change their names'..."

Your neck is bleeding, An Xu wanted to say, some kind of indescribable premonition made her stare at the wound without saying a word.

Noah said: "This prophecy has not been wrong so far."

The blood on his face disappeared with his voice, and the head obviously fell in the shock, but there was no trace of blood on the cross-section of the head and neck that fell to the ground. This is fake too? An Xu thought. Then, such little things are no longer the most serious problems.

Anxu felt something in his own spiritual body.

At this moment, she suddenly realized why Noah's sense of existence has always been vague, why she can still catch no time when she clearly captured Noah's spiritual body, and why the inside of the Alingu Barrier is so evil...that's how it is. It was not because of the fact that the sheep was controlled by Noah as the eye of the formation, as previously guessed, but because Noah, who had already eaten the sheep but could not successfully conceal the overflowing power, constituted the entire Alingu barrier.

It is Noah's spiritual body that shrouds the whole A Ling ancient times. In this place, he is everywhere.

It's no longer a matter of opening the safe to find it's empty, but picking the lock, stepping inside, and finding yourself in the stomach of some carnivore. An Xu thought she was invading, but her efforts all the time had been to throw herself into a trap, and actively drilled down the esophagus into the stomach. The deeper she goes, the more she is trapped in an unrecognizable environment.

In the end, An Xu noticed the abnormality inside his mental body, and it was Noah who showed his feet.

On the one hand, he no longer needs to hide, on the other hand, he has started to do it.

"I'm so stupid." Noah laughed with his head on the ground, and his headless shoulders kept shaking with the laughter, "I'm so stupid, why do you think you are the same as me? How do you think you broke the law?" Is that illusion due to a firm will? It’s too funny, your strength is not due to bravery, but because of ignorance. In terms of self-deception ability, no one can compare with you!”

An Xu had goose bumps all over her body, the back of her head was hairy, and her whole body was cold, as if something was holding her heart.

"Anna Sullivan." Noah said, "You are awake."

Something seemed to be cracking, the last layer of ice thawed in the sun, and the city built on the ice finally collapsed.

An Xu fought a cold war, not quite sure what happened. She suddenly found that she and Noah were still facing each other in the sky, and the miserable full moon was still hanging high. She wanted to attack no matter what happened, when suddenly a wind blade cut An Xu's upper arm.

I don't know whether it's because of my limited ability or because I don't want to hit hard, but the wind blade was very weak, and it disappeared when it passed An Xu's upper arm, leaving only bloodstains as long as his fingers. The previous An Xu might not have noticed it, and he didn't bother to take care of it when he found it, but at this moment, An Xu's body tensed up suddenly, and cold sweat permeated his clothes.

She feels... pain.

The skin cracked open, irritating discomfort exploded in the brain, and the neglected limbs were suddenly full of senses. The tingling sensation spread from the upper arm to the brain, and then back to the arm, and the wound throbbed with pain.

How long has it been since you felt it? It's been so long that An Xu has forgotten, how many decades can an ordinary person live? But pain is the most difficult thing to get used to, and it can be recognized immediately when they meet again, and there is no possibility of admitting mistakes. Even if the sky is dark and the sky is dark, after such a blow, it is time to wake up from the dream and jump up.

An Xu didn't wake up.

Her eyes were wide open, everything around her couldn't be more real, especially the wound. She pinched her face hard, the pain was obvious to the touch. She lowered her head to look at her hand, it was white and tender, it definitely did not belong to An Xu's hand, she looked at it, and bit it down. Blood oozes from the place where she bit hard, and the wound stays there for a long time, hurting.


The pain was real, the body was real, the world she was in was real.

In this world, in the past ten years, everything is true.

The last layer of self-defense was torn off forcefully, too quickly, like tearing off a bandage on an unhealed wound, and a large piece of the belt was torn off bloody. An Xu decided to take this world seriously, but "living as if this world is real" and "this world is real, you will live here your whole life" are completely two concepts.

The determination Anxu made before is not the end, but the beginning. If she continues to live in a stable manner like this, she will truly integrate into this world in a few more decades, no, as long as it takes more than ten years, and even if she discovers the truth by then, her reaction will definitely not be the same. so big. An Xu is like a person preparing for a winter swim. He just changed his clothes and was doing warm-up exercises by the pool. Noah's unexpected push pushed her directly into the icy water. Apart from cramps and sinking, it is difficult to have any other possibility .

how could be? really. An Xu thought.

A world of supernatural beings might be a new kind of life...but is that the world? The world I live in? Am I a powerful supernatural being, the helm of a faction, the brave man responsible for saving the world and the big devil? Just me? She thought it was impossible.

Not to mention the above-mentioned nouns that have nothing to do with her no matter how they sound, just as a supernatural being, he can use unscientific supernatural powers... In the real world, how can people fly?

The moment this thought appeared, An Xu fell from mid-air.

She fell straight down in perfect harmony with the laws of physics, like a stone dropped into water. Not far away, Chris let out an exclamation, and wanted to run over to catch the opponent, but was stopped by Noah's strength. An Xu bumped into a tree, she rolled half a circle among the dense branches and leaves, rolled down from a place where the branches were thinner, and hit the hard ground.

The tree was at least four meters high, and even if it was blocked by the canopy, falling from this height would be hard enough. The pain of the impact quickly spread throughout her body, her foot and many ribs were broken, her calf landed poorly, and the fully broken bone was protruding through the skin. She heard screams, as if they came from a distance, and when the tide of pain that could drown a person receded a little, An Xu realized that it was herself who made the sound.

An Xu moved slightly, and the pain from that little pulling made her eyes go black, and the pain caused tears to flow down. The severe pain made her want to knock herself out. Fear and pain were entangled together, like tarsal maggots.

Ninety percent of the people living in Yamenan have better endurance than Anxu. Although she has lived here for more than ten years, there are many disasters, but she has never really tasted what happened to her. pain. It is similar in my own world. An Xu is a child born in a peaceful area in a peaceful era. He has never been beaten or fought with anyone. Cut your fingers. Looking at her as such an ordinary person, her embarrassment is completely understandable.

But other people who don't know anything about it, think so?

Chris swung his sword at the invisible wall, and Lydia was attacking what stood in their way. Their eyes were full of concern and worry. The two people who knew Anxu the most in Yamenan had never seen her in such pain. They were all anxious and wanted to save Anxu from the unknown and terrible torture.

However, their benevolent eyes fell on An Xu, like two thorny whips, making An Xu's face completely lose all color.

Because of the pain—much lighter than the various incidents that Anna encountered, not because of resisting the Holy See, nor because of defending human beings and fighting against the evil side, but the pain of falling—a person who was in a state of embarrassment, screamed, and even cried ,who is it?

anna. Sullivan goes forward bravely, but Anxu often hesitates.

anna. Sullivan was fearless, but Anxu was afraid of pain and death.

anna. Sullivan is strong, wise, and strong; Anxu is weak, not smart, and almost weak compared to the former.

What does "someone really" look like? It is said that it is the most real when there is no supervision, but if you are in a dream and know that you are dreaming, it is like playing a game. Sometimes the choice is made only because of the absurd reason of "handy". The "someone" formed under such circumstances is completely different from the person in real life, just like you can't conclude that the person who chooses the good camp in the game is the great hero, and the person who chooses the evil camp is the great devil.

The An Xu who felt that she was dreaming was different from the real An Xu.

An Xu suddenly discovered that "self" does not exist.

She is no longer An Xu, she can't remember what An Xu once looked like. The memories of the past are not as vivid as the life in Yamenan. Compared with the days when I almost remembered every detail after gaining the ability of photographic memory, the plain past has faded, blurred like an old tape from decades ago. She can no longer go back to her hometown and see no one who knows An Xu.

She is not Anna either. Sullivan, this beautiful body belongs to someone else, the name and surname belong to someone else, and the identity and status belong to someone else. Her golden finger came from Anna's desperate fight, and then Anna died. The things she wanted - family approval, strength, family - were either occupied by her or easily destroyed by her.

She is not the Queen of Thunder, not Duke Anna, or the one favored by God. People who believe in her believe in an illusion played out, those who love her love a coward who can't take responsibility, and the people who know her, who they know, is really her?

Or was it the handsome character she played, who she hadn't been, and wouldn't be, who didn't exist?

Is she the one Lydia is calling? Is she the one Chris is worried about? The person she loves, what loves her? Who are you in love with? That world can never go back, and no one in this world would like her real and ugly self under the powerful and beautiful shell, a time traveler, identity stealer, role player, and liar. They don't need her, don't even know her.

After taking off this shell, who is she?

What is left of her?

An Xu has the power to heal herself. To her, no matter how serious the fall looks, it is just a small injury that can be healed easily. Unfortunately, she couldn't even think of treatment.

The powerful force is unruly, not to mention that most of it is plundered from the giant bird. Relying on his indestructible self-confidence and restraint, An Xu smoothed out the power in his body so that it could operate step by step. But under this strong shaking, the energy she suppressed with one hand suddenly lost control like a devil who saw the master's weakness.

An Xu couldn't control it, she didn't even believe she could do it, so how could she really do it? All the energy in the body was in a mess, violently impacting every meridian, if he couldn't survive, An Xu would die by himself.

But Noah didn't want to wait anymore.

He stopped beside the convulsed compatriot, tapped her forehead, and a light spot appeared on her chest, flickering at the position of the heart.

"It's really troublesome to have no one around to help you." Noah sighed, suddenly raised his head, and looked at the two people who were blocked on the other side. Chris and Lydia were still attacking the barrier without giving up, and Noah looked at the ascetic monks among them, showing a happy smile.

"Come on, Angel." Noah said, "Use your dagger to take out the fragments of God for me."

Lydia stopped all movement, her eyes were blank.

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