MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 80

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Caleb's half-opened lips froze, the unformed smile of the noble next to him froze on his face, the streamers flying from the heads of the court entertainers got stuck in mid-air, and the wine glass that was knocked down by someone's hand stopped a second before it hit the ground, and the liquid hung in the air. over the carpet. Everything else in the entire space faded away, turning into a pale background painting, leaving only two divinely favored people looking at each other from a distance.

who? An Xu thought, the Sullivan family?

Another divinely favored person laughed lowly, as if he heard her heartbeat.

"Sullivan?" He smiled and shook his head, "It is only craftsmen who created our mortal bodies. The blood relationship I am talking about is something greater."

An Xu found that Noah's lips did not move, and his voice seemed to enter his mind directly. She wanted to stand up, but she couldn't move at all, and Noah stood up as if no one was there, and walked through the long table and the crowd between them, everything that was penetrated was illusory. He stood in front of An Xu, stretched out his hand, and his fingers stopped a few centimeters away from An Xu's chest.

Noah raised his eyebrows in surprise, moved his gaze up, and met An Xu's gaze. An Xu looked at him eagerly, like watching a large roast duck, his eyes were full of appetite, without any fear or obedience.

Unlike the last time when he subconsciously felt close, An Xu is no longer influenced by him.

"So that's it," Noah laughed, "Although the growth is slower than expected, it is not too slow to be cured. In this case, I will give you a big gift."

An Xu was not surprised at all by what he saw, it is normal for dreams to be illogical. She didn't care to listen to the guy in front of her babbling, she focused on using willpower to move herself so that she could pounce on him and tear a piece of flesh from him. After some hard work, An Xu felt her fingers move, but at this moment, the pale scrolls around her gathered around her like a big cocoon, tightly wrapping her inside.

Everything in the hall regained its color, and the frozen voice also flowed again. A silver cup fell to the ground, Gululu rolled away, and the bright red wine soaked the servant's skirt. At this time, the court poet sang a high tremolo, singing about the incarnation of God sacrificing himself to save the world, the entertainer wearing a long streamer fell gracefully, and the accompanying dancers lifted him up to show that the hero was born from flesh and blood . The smiles on the faces of the nobles came one after another, and their mouths were constantly opening and closing like the vents of some sea creatures. Noah smiled at the nobleman next to him, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the **** the opposite side lying on the table.

Tomorrow night, accept that gift. The elder divinely favored one thought, as for whether you can digest this gift alive, it depends on your strength.

Caleb was taken aback by Miss Sullivan who suddenly fell asleep. He couldn't wake her up, so he had to leave the scene with the excuse of being drunk. The carriage took them to their foothold in Urburg, and the head maid Flora rushed to take care of them, but found that An hadn't drunk a drop of alcohol. The girl who was fine when she went out closed her eyes tightly, and fell into a dream that could not be awakened by patting.

"Tomorrow night is the conferring ceremony!" Flora said anxiously, "If you can't wake up tomorrow night, what should you do?"

"Crystal nucleus," the ascetic monk Lydia who had been standing beside him said suddenly, "Go and find the crystal nucleus."

While Anxu's men were collecting crystal nuclei everywhere, Chris was busy delivering letters.

Chris didn't go to the palace for the dinner on the second night, he needs to deliver some letters for Prince Ronald. He walked carefully through the grounds cordoned off by the royal guard, and slipped the letter into some secret place where no one should find out.

Because, that is the clarion call to summon the "rebels".

Prince Ronald did not share the contents of the letter with Chris, and of course Chris did not open it. But when he felt that the storm was coming, the branch leader of the Gale Knights tried to read the heart of his boss several times. Those vague emotions and pictures were enough to tell Chris what kind of ambition the prince was full of.

He saw Prince Ronald wearing a crown and holding a scepter, sitting on a golden throne.

The purpose of Prince Ronald's elite soldiers was not just for self-protection as he said. Regardless of whether the king's attempt to eradicate him was true or not, he planned to rebel at this grand ceremony. With the knights brought along, the noble supporters contacted, and the power of the Holy See probably added, the outcome is about 50-50.

The prince is not a person who likes to take risks. Chris guessed that he still has a way to win, but he is not yet qualified to know. Chris would champion him no matter what.

Although Richard II had the ambition to imitate Richard I who made the "covenant" and had a similar strong courage, he did not have the talent and tolerance of Richard I. Since he ascended the throne, he has tried his best to restore the style of the Middle Ages, admiring the blood of nobles and the identity of alphas. Among his close ministers are all noble alphas, and even noble betas are not favored. This trend is spreading from Urburg to the entire Yamenan as Richard II's position becomes more and more stable.

Chris tightened his cloak, looking at the ragged and lifeless people in the shadows, feeling sympathetic.

Of course, it is impossible for Urburg to have no poor people. Even if all the wealthy nobles in Yamenan settled here, they would not be able to fill this unnecessarily large city. During the king's wedding, blocks that were unsightly and too late to repair were blocked, civilians who could not afford to wear fine clothes were ordered to stay behind closed doors, and homeless people were driven to the garbage dumps outside the city to fend for themselves. off.

Although Prince Ronald has a lot of thoughts, is close to the church, and often does not match his words, at least he is willing to reuse non-alphas and non-nobles in his own territory, and he is much more merciful than Richard II. To this end, Chris is ready to become a rebel.

Because of this, he couldn't recognize Ann.

Chris remembered that yesterday, Ann rushed out from the crowd, bumped into a waiter who was carrying a tray, and almost tripped over an omega's skirt, which was quite eye-catching. She has grown a lot taller, and she has become much stronger and healthier. In four years, a childish girl has grown into an adult who is eye-catching. to him.

Ann's smell is not as aggressive as most alphas, she smells like a lake, not a calm mirror blue ornamental lake, but a lake that grows naturally in the wilderness. There are countless water birds inhabiting there, lush aquatic plants and water lilies grow on the water, and there are all kinds of fish swimming underwater. These creatures stir the lake water, making the vibrant water vapor smell diffuse, young and unrestrained.

Ann's hair has grown longer and is no longer messy. The golden fleece-like curls are braided behind her head. She looks a bit like the noble girl in Sullivan Manor when they first met. But her look was entirely Ann's, and it was obvious before she even called Chris's name. What nobleman would jump on a knight in a palace full of surprise? For a moment, it was like yesterday again. This is not the king's hall, but the grove outside the Alingu Theological Seminary. Ann would throw herself into his arms, and he would catch her.

It took a tremendous amount of willpower for Chris to keep himself from opening his arms.

If Ann showed closeness to Chris—with her utterly reckless attitude—Prince Ronald would surely find a way to draw her into the plan. As a divinely favored person, the quasi-head of the Sullivan family, Anna. Sullivan didn't need to stand in line to return to Abery to inherit the lordship step by step after the rebellion, no matter which side the winner was. Once involved in the rebellion, An will have to take huge risks.

Chris has heard a lot of rumors about the favored ones, but the rumors passing through the entire Yamenan are inevitably distorted, exaggerated and ridiculous to the point of no reference value. The memories of years of getting along covered up their first meeting again, which made him subconsciously feel that the Killer manipulating Thunderbolt was just an accident and couldn't be counted as a constant in An's ability. Chris is more used to treating Ann as the poor little girl who wears the chains of punishment when they get along, worrying that she will be injured or even die in the turmoil.

This is not the result of the failed rebellion. Once Prince Ronald and his side fail, Richard II, who suppressed the rebellion, will definitely start to liquidate. Even if she had never joined the rebel party, being acquainted with important people in the rebel party was enough to make Ann suspicious of the king, which obviously did her no good.

This is Chris's chosen battleground, not Ann's. He wasn't going to drag Ann into the water.

Chris is thankful that he has never stopped paying attention to Ann. Thanks to knowing that she will appear at the dinner in advance, he was able to reunite in a shocking way (yes, even if he is mentally prepared, the joy of seeing "Ann" again is still the same. It is shocking) to control myself, not to let "not acquaintance" become an obvious lie.

Apologizing to her after victory, Chris thought, would be better than dragging her down. Even if she fails and dies, making An feel that she has admitted the wrong person, it is better than hearing the news of the other person's death immediately after reuniting with a friend.

On the evening of the third day, Chris completed the task assigned by the prince and returned to the residence of the Gale Knights in Urburg. They lived in a remote and deserted place. The person in charge asked them to stay away from the knight area and stationed in a place far away from the palace on the grounds that there were omega in the Gale Knights. For this reason, the grumpy members of the group almost made sarcastic remarks to the neighbors. The Royal Knights clashed.

When the head of the branch came back, almost all the members of the group gathered in this small inn that had been cleared, either playing cards around, or throwing arrows at the target with a bored face, but everyone was fully armed.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked Hank.

"Stand by, just in case," Hank said, nodding into the room, "Zelda said it."

Although Hank is the most tactful and sophisticated, his military strength is really poor (even the youngest Adrian can hardly beat him), and he doesn't like to stand out, so he is at ease as the accountant and dog-headed strategist of the Gale Knights. Zelda is the most able to fight and has the most sense of responsibility and team honor in the regiment except Chris. Therefore, although she is not a member of the first batch of regiments and is sometimes too stubborn, she has become the adjutant of the Knights recognized by everyone. .

Chris nodded and said, "Tell Zelda if she asks later, I'll go to the palace."

Hank nodded, and Cherie stuck her head out from the crowd and shouted, "Can you bring us something delicious!" Her head was immediately pushed back by Nicholas.

The members of the troupe were booed by this voice, one said he wanted to see the bride at the wedding for them, the other said he wanted to see for them whether the adults who were entrusted with powers and arms were good-for-nothing; it would be best for someone to bring them back to him by ordering the dots. They opened their eyes; some people had their brains twitched and asked the invited guests if they could watch the king and queen's marking scene, and they were beaten up by their colleagues before they finished asking. Gina laughed and kicked the guy, and waved to Chris, telling him to leave this group of open-mouthed animals alone.

Chris smiled and shook his head, waved and walked out.

He hadn't gone far when Zelda ran out and called him. "Are you going to the palace?" Zelda said out of breath, "Stay here, in case His Royal Highness needs us?"

"His Royal Highness is in the palace." Chris said, "Relax, you are too nervous."

The dinner on the third day was the knighthood ceremony and wedding. Prince Ronald didn't let Chris come, but he didn't forbid him to go either. Chris wanted to see Ann's knighting ceremony out of his own selfishness.

"Perhaps His Royal Highness has something important to do?" Zelda was not persuaded at all, and continued to persuade, "Sir, please stay here! Didn't we go there on the first day, there is nothing to see..."

"Zelda, what happened?"

Chris looked at the adjutant's more tense face, feeling something was wrong. When he asked, the other party's expression became more rigid.

"Do you know something?" Chris asked seriously, "If there's any difficulty..."

"I will never harm you!" Zelda shouted overreacting, and bit her lip at Chris' surprised expression, with a struggling look on her face.

"You can't go to the palace," she finally said, "there will be an outbreak of beasts in a short time."


Zelda pursed her lips and said: "His Royal Highness gave me the anchor point of the teleportation array. I have tampered with the teleportation room of the palace. All the teleportation arrays are now connected to the Bungalow defense line and will be activated tonight. Now that the beast tide in Wenjialuo is not completely over, under the drive there, strange beasts will continue to appear directly inside the palace."

Chris stared at her in shock, her eyes dodged a few times, then became firm again. She said desperately: "Not only that, there are new teleportation arrays appearing in the southeast, northwest corners of Urburg. Remember the new one that the prince asked you to send? It's not a letter, it's a new type of teleportation array. Only we are safe here ...what are you going to do!"

Zelda knelt down with a thump, and grabbed Chris's leg tightly. Chris staggered under the inertia, and said anxiously: "Call everyone to destroy the teleportation array!"

"Then let His Highness fail, let the king destroy all the achievements of His Highness's reforms!" Zelda shouted, "A saint like you can't influence the devil at all, only blood can wake up those stagnant people! Only when those who oppress us die, can we take back what belongs to us in a fair manner! Haven’t you seen enough misfortunes!”

"Your solution is to lure alien beasts into the hinterland of Yamenan, and let innocent civilians bleed?" Chris asked through gritted teeth.

"That was a necessary sacrifice!" Zelda said enthusiastically. "Only after going through the pains of transition will we have a new world of equality!"

No, that's not it. Urburg lost its defensive function hundreds of years ago, and the supernatural beings raised by the royal family are good at various tricks to please the royal family. Especially after the three-day grand ceremony, their power may be consumed in beautifying the city. The king does have the Royal Knights, but Prince Ronald's Knights of Glory are also in the palace. I also know that what they will do is not to work together to drive away the beasts.

The alien beast is not a handy tool that can be borrowed, but a flame that cannot be controlled after being released. When they drive straight in, the safe base that humans have worked hard to build for hundreds of years, and even civilization may be destroyed in one go. and…

"Did the prince ask you not to tell anyone, including me, and remember to destroy all evidence?" Chris closed his eyes forcefully, "Zelda, have you ever thought about why the prince only asked you and me to do this , why was the Gale Knights placed in a safe place alone, but the Prince took the others to the palace?"

"Well, that's for the sake of secrecy, and you will definitely stop this plan if you know it, you are too kind..." Zelda's expression gradually became uneasy. Chris shook his head.

This is just one of the reasons.

Another reason is that Chris is much calmer than the aggressive Zelda. Reading some incomprehensible fragments in my mind finally came to fruition, unfortunately, pointing to a not-so-good answer.

"Don't you understand?" Chris smiled wryly, "Whether the prince succeeds or not, we are all scapegoats. The Gale Knights were abandoned from the very beginning."

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