MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 88

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An Xu looked at the closed door and touched his nose with lingering fear. On the one hand, she felt that Alva was in a really bad mood now, and it would be better not to disturb others, but on the other hand, she felt that this kind of thing would become more troublesome if it dragged on. An Xu was afraid that he would forget about this after a while, and Chris would die if his durability dropped to a certain level. With that in mind, she prepared to continue knocking on the door.

"My lord!" Chris stopped, "I was injured many years ago, and there is no possibility of healing. Please don't... don't bother Mr. Alva."

You can't hide your illness from the doctor, An Xu thought, even if it can't be cured, it's better to have a checkup. She knocked on the door again, and Chris grabbed her hand. An Xu turned to look at him, he let go of her wrist in embarrassment, and stopped talking.

The knight's expression rarely reminded An Xu of the general environment of this world, and the physical examination related to infertility may be a bit difficult to talk about. A hundred years ago, the barren omega was still considered a monster, but in places other than Thunderbolt, the "that" disease of the omega was considered to be related to prostitutes and wizards, and it was an indiscreet disease, even for nobles. Can sneak to the Healer for healing or pray to the Holy One.

Is it for this reason? In such a backward place that does not pay attention to hygiene, any disease can be called dirty disease, right? An Xu complained in his heart. Getting sick is an unfortunate thing, and she doesn't think that if the misfortune falls on certain people in certain positions, it becomes a stain worth fighting against. But An Xu looked at Chris's trembling lips, and it was rare for his conscience to realize that it would be embarrassing for an acquaintance to check.

"You go first, I'll talk to Alva." An Xu said.

She stood there, ready to wait for Chris to leave before knocking on the door. Chris was stunned, and asked at a loss, "Where are you going?"

"Anywhere is fine." An Xu said casually, "Don't run too far, remember to come back at night. If you can't find a place, just give my name and ask for directions, and someone will tell you."

She waved her hand, seeing that Chris didn't move, she asked him if he had changed his mind and wanted to stay. The knight shook his head immediately, and quickly exited the corridor.

Chris stopped when he reached the place where the door and Anxu could not be seen. The head maid Flora was not here, and the ascetic Lydia left first. Earl Anna did not have the habit of bringing guards with her, so the captured knight found that there was no jailer guarding him at all.

No one followed him, but the surroundings were not empty. It is not as noisy as the market, and it is much busier than the private mansion. Many people come and go in the corridor, most of them are in a hurry, holding something, and nodding when they meet each other is regarded as a greeting. When I came here just now, I was full of thoughts about "the alchemist named Alva". Now Chris has the energy to look around. He saw many people in white robes, not the kind of white robes that the saints cover their heads and faces. , but a relatively close-fitting and convenient white dress, only a small number of them covered their faces with white gauze.

There are a lot of omega, a lot of beta, not a single alpha.

Chris hesitated, chose a direction arbitrarily, and walked forward. He walked quickly, avoiding the closed doors, passing through many houses and courtyards, all the way to the edge of this large building, and no one came out to stop him, rather most of them were busy. Busy people turned a blind eye to him. Chris saw a side door, ajar, and the street outside.

What exactly is this place? he thought bewildered. Variant of the Abbey of the Holy One? In what capacity did the alchemist stay here? The knight hesitated for a moment, pushed open the door, and stepped out.

Someone jumped up from the ground and wiped their eyes with the back of their hands indiscriminately.

"Uh, hey!" The man took off his hat, scratched his head sheepishly, and said, "Sorry, I got sand in my eyes just now."

He is a young man with green eyes, probably just differentiated, and the alpha smell is still very weak, with two red eye circles, he looks even more childish. Chris looked at the first alpha he met along the way, and didn't know what to do here to respond appropriately, so he just nodded in silence.

"I haven't seen you before, did you just come?" The alpha said familiarly, "I'm Jay!"

"Good day, I'm Chris."

"Nice to meet you, Chris! Are you a new medical student or logistics?" Jay wiped his face, swept away the slightly sleepy expression just now, and showed a friendly smile, "It's always the first time I come here. Is it easy to get lost, and there is no senior to take you? Do you need help?"

"No, I'm..." Chris couldn't figure out how to introduce himself, so he said, "I'm brought by Earl Anna."

"Miss Anna is back?" Jay said in surprise, "Is she here? She must be looking for..."

At this point, Jay's voice froze, he was like a deflated ball, his head and shoulders drooped.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked.

"It's okay, oh, I'm so sorry, I made you laugh when we first met." Jay patted his cheek in distress, "I've been split recently, and there's a lot of trouble."

"It's always like the sub-gender differentiation." The knight comforted.

"Yeah!" Jay sighed, "If only I were a beta."

Chris raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said, "Alphas who want to be betas are rare."

"What's wrong with beta? Beta is the best gender! It's not sensitive to pheromones, it can work well with any gender, there is no inconvenient period, the stability of the three genders is the highest, and it is the best experimental assistant! How is it like alpha? !” Jay complained bitterly, “What’s so good about an alpha, isn’t it just having multiple knots on your penis? Common people like us don’t necessarily have supernatural powers when we become alphas. Even if we have supernatural powers, nine out of ten are useful. Not too big. And smelling the smell of omega will turn into a sperm-brained idiot, and the smell itself is too pungent..."

"Where did you hear that?" Chris couldn't help laughing.

"I... the person I like." Jay said lowly, "It's good to become an omega, although there will be inconvenient times every season, but other than that, it's as good as beta, much better than alpha. "

"Physiologically, yes," Chris replied.

It's a pity that compared with the laws of nature, the artificial rules that people set for themselves are more closely related to people.

Throughout Yamenan, gender differentiation is a major event in life. Aristocratic families have tried every means to make their children differentiate earlier, so that they can set a policy for future training: whether to be a church housekeeper for marriage, or to study politics and lead the family to the future. Higher position? Except for a small number of families who can only rely on omega marriages to climb up the ladder, from princes and aristocrats down to common people, most people will be extremely happy for their children to grow into an alpha (even if it is a waste alpha).

Chris smiled wryly in his heart, if this young man really differentiated into an omega, he wouldn't take it for granted.

Jay glanced at Chris, and suddenly said, "This is the first time for Chris to come to Thunder Castle, right?"

"Yes." Chris nodded.

"Sure enough." Jay smiled, "Is Chris free now? If you don't mind, let me show you around?"

Feeling the kindness of the other party, Chris nodded.

"Let's start here!" Jay led him back, "This is the 'Medical School', where Mr. Alva answers questions and conducts experiments. 'Medical students' also study here. This big house on the left It is the library, which stores the books written by Mr. Alva, and also sells paper and pens cheaper than outside. The row of rooms on the right is the laboratory, with equipment made by supernatural beings. In addition, there are also volunteers, experimental animals and The corpse. The outermost house is the classroom, and Teacher Alva will give regular lectures, and usually medical students take turns to give lectures on what they are good at, and anyone who abides by the rules can sit in on the lectures.”

"Teaching alchemy?"

"You can say that, but now everyone calls it 'medical skill'. People without supernatural powers can also learn it. Although the effect is not as good as that of the healer, it can still stop bleeding in an emergency. It can also be used to treat diseases that cannot be cured by the healer. Those who can wait to die have the hope of living well."

"It sounds unbelievable..." Chris muttered to himself, then looked at the people passing by and asked, "Is the one wearing the veil a chastity?"

"No, it's just to avoid contaminating the experimental samples with saliva, and to avoid inhaling bad things. Wearing white clothes is to facilitate the detection of stains."

Jay explained as he walked, and many people greeted him with smiles along the way. His popularity seemed quite good. They passed room after room without seeing an alpha. Chris asked if only betas and omega were accepted here, Jay shook his head.

"No." He said a little gloomily, "Mr. Alva doesn't teach alpha...but he doesn't restrict medical students to teach. Anyone can come during public classes. It's just that it's busy farming season recently, so there are no public classes. "


"Hmm! Potatoes are now in harvest season!"

The young people took the knights to board the "public donkey cart" that runs every ten minutes. It took them dozens of minutes to reach the vast field, and it took another few minutes before they went out. The area of ​​the field is far from comparable to that at the beginning. The field expands again and again, and several expeditions can only repel a little bit of dense forest. People's desire for a good harvest retreats again and again. There are paddy fields on the flat ground, and terraced fields on the side of the hills. The golden fruits and green leaves cover the artificially reclaimed open space, making this land harmonious as if it were a miracle of nature.

Jay pointed to the tiny ants in the field and told Chris that this was their masterpiece.

The donkey carts that left the fields went to the coal mines, and ash-covered people came and went. There is a long, winding track in the pit, and the earth and rocks that only a few adults can pick up can fill a cart and are pushed out along the track. These carts loaded with mineral deposits will be processed in a factory not far away to produce farm tools, ironware, paper and pens... and so on.

"Recently, everyone is preparing honeycomb-shaped 'coal'," Jay said. "It is much more resistant to burning than wood, and there is enough stock. No one will freeze to death in winter."

They go to school. Adults have gone through emergency literacy for the time being, and are preparing for winter livelihood in the busy autumn, while the elderly, children, and infirm people who cannot help for the time being are still studying. They learn to write a letter, read a book will use the words, learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and higher numbers (thousands, ten thousand, one hundred thousand million, enough to count the numbers of a city or even a country), learn the world Laws, even if only the most basic and low-level ones. Children learn the most, they learn what they are doing and think about what they want to do in the future.

No matter what family they come from, no matter what gender they are, because these children are the first generation to choose, and they have lived in Thunder Castle since they were sensible, so they don't have to worry about anything. Everyone's conditions are similar.

They went to the line of defense, the new line of Tibes was a new fort, but it looked more reliable than the old Fort Tibes. The wealthy Thunder Castle can invite enough civil engineering experts to build the city, and the big businessmen from all over the world who have invested too much in Thunder Castle are also scrambling to subsidize them consciously. The merchant's city allows them to buy a peace of mind with enough budget.

As the winter beast tide is approaching, the frontier soldiers keep their eyes open and watch the frontier, not affected by the Urburg turmoil. Fort Thunder has brought sufficient supplies, and the division of labor in various fields has become more detailed. The army does not have to work part-time as farmers, blacksmiths, and guards. They have no worries and are willing to fight for their homeland. The monastery's healers were in the same fortress as they were, as if they were supposed to be there.

They took a rough tour of the city in the car, and people got on and off at the station from time to time. Jay is always easy to strike up a conversation with, no matter who they are.

"She's just so worried, she doesn't want to take the time to take a car to the cafeteria to eat, and she wants me to bring it." An alpha who brought meals to her omega who works in a textile factory said, her tone was more distressed and joyful than complaints.

"The potatoes I brought back yesterday are as big as a human head!" A farmer gestured complacently, "Such a big human head is scary!"

"I want to go to medical school when I grow up. Nina said she wants to go to a factory, but I want to go to medical school, so I can't compete with her. I solved two more problems than her yesterday!" said a little boy.

It was already late when they returned to the urban area, and they couldn't go shopping, so they could only take a quick look. The lanterns were lit, and the night market did not mean to close. "The night market starts at seven o'clock, almost after the cafeteria no longer serves dinner." Jay said, "Snacks and some gadgets are very interesting, but don't just stroll around the souvenir street. The gods say that buying it can be as prosperous as Thunder Castle Everything is a lie to foreigners..."

Chris didn't answer, he looked at the brightly lit long street, feeling lost for words, the impact of this day was too great. He watched the omegas travel together, laughing and laughing in a low voice, no one jumped out to hurt them because of this. Guards wearing "chengguan" armbands made their way through the crowd, which included both sexes. The owner of the meat skewer offered them a handful of meat skewers, but the leader pointed to the top of his head and refused with a smile.

Chris began to wonder if he was dreaming, the kind of dream that was contrary to reality.

"I was orphaned by the beast tide when I was very young. An omega saved me and took me on a trip for several years." Jay suddenly said seriously, "So, I know how unlucky the omega is. Before Lady Anna came Here, and other places without her now. No one wants to be an omega in those terrible places. But as long as Lady Anna is here, this is not a problem, and everything will be fine."

The young man threw the hat into the sky with a smile, grabbed it as if showing off his skills, put it on his head, saluted Chris, and said, "Welcome to the territory of the Thunder Queen."

Welcome to this growing dream town.

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