MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 94

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No doubt, it should be a thrilling affair for everyone involved.

Ronald's remnants, who thought they were sure of winning, encountered a series of accidents, and multiple insurances were completely reimbursed: the barbarians who pretended to be crazy with alcohol did not succeed in a single blow, the help of the Holy See in exchange for many benefits did not work, and many troops who went to the outsider camp fell into a trap. There was a stalemate, and the most serious thing was that the new commander, who was supposed to be the turtle in the urn, not only did not sit down to discuss obediently, but also began to kill the Quartet regardless of his own safety - and the kill was successful.

King Richard II wanted a loyal servant who relied on the royal court, and also wanted an excuse to send troops to die on the defense line. Both are good for him, so he didn't send an army to Earl Anna, but turned a blind eye to the behavior of the prime minister's escort.

The prime minister, Duke Roland, prefers stable development. He knows the position of the king, the pope, and the status quo of the border. However, he did not expect that the bishop of the Bungalow Monastery had a dark secret and took part in it on his own initiative, willing to be Ronald. A **** of the remaining party.

Bishop Suzanne, who is used to being the black hand behind the scenes, surfaced on a rare occasion, trying to catch all parties by surprise by taking advantage of other people's wrong thinking inertia, completely disrupting the situation, and then continued to retreat behind the scenes by killing people, but she was overturned by a **** in the situation checkerboard.

The muscular, news-locked Ice People are as voracious as beasts, and they know little about the big picture, and they don't care about it. They are like the best example of "troublemakers come out of poor mountains and evil waters". No matter who the leader of Wenjialuo is, they will try to defend their privileges to continue to do things until they hit the iron plate.

There are countless tacit unspoken rules, countless exchanges of interests in the shadows, the inferred pace of the enemy, and unexpected crises caused by unequal information. Even the final victor is still in danger: if there is no protective shield raised at the critical moment, Earl Anna would have turned into a corpse before she showed her might; if the chief medical officer, Alva, hadn't taught and Giving the students the exact opposite of saving lives, the camp certainly wouldn't last until their leader returned with the head of the enemy leader.

However, all these adventures failed to leave traces in An Xu's heart.

She was never afraid of Alva, on the contrary, she unceremoniously included the other party in her own strength. Alva turned evil to evil, protecting his students (especially omega) more carefully than an old hen. This time An Xu brought so many medical students out, it would be strange if their teachers didn't give them a little treatment. Lydia and Chris are carried by her, so of course there is nothing to worry about. As for An Xu herself, she never regarded herself as an object of concern from the very beginning.

What is she afraid of? A copy of a banquet, it is agreed (?) that it will not be poisoned, so at most Derek's cup will fall into the three thousand knives and axemen. Ha ha, I have never been afraid of anyone in a frontal battle against An Xu.

This simple and rough girl didn't have the slightest sense of king-to-king self-consciousness, and took it for granted that she regarded herself as a small-scale lethal weapon, and felt that the enemy who concentrated the heads in front of her was really out of their minds. An Xu believes so much in her protagonist's halo, the longer she lives smoothly in the "dream", the more she loses the concept of life and death, whether it is others' or her own.

Anxu did not notice this invisible danger.

"When are you going to let us go back?" Susannah said.

It was already the morning of the next day, and the night of war and chaos had passed, and the dust was barely settled.

The army besieging the camp retreated under the deterrent of the head of the branch, Derek, and the former mayor Charlotte commanded all the people who could be mobilized to deal with the funeral and control the important people. With the help of Earl Anna's remaining prestige and a little bluff, they, the besieged outsiders, finally settled down temporarily. Anxu was able to take a hot bath and sleep on a clean and comfortable new bed. Late captive.

The first person I met was the bishop of Wenjialuo. The first sentence the bishop said when he saw An Xu was the above sentence.

Suzanne spoke very calmly. After one night, the person who was still shaking last night had calmed down. Before Anxu could reply, the bishop said again, "You can't keep me locked up."

An Xu was amused by her self-confidence that she didn't know where it came from, and was a little curious for a while. She asked, "Why?"

"The people of Bungalow need me," she said with detachment. "Lent is approaching. You have imprisoned the bishop and four auxiliary priests. Who are you going to preside over?"

"Tch, what should I do because of it?" An Xu said, "Take off your outfit and ask someone to put it on casually. I'm also a divinely favored person, so it's not a problem to train someone urgently."

Suzanne gave her a mocking look, shook her head, and said nothing.

The temporary prison was the same tent as yesterday. The monks reaped the consequences, and were trapped in the middle by the large god's punishment chain they made themselves, and their hands and feet were tied several times with hemp rope. An Xu squatted down, looked at the bishop in a meditation posture, and asked, "Do you have any objections to me? Personal grievances?"

"It's just a pity." The bishop said slowly, raising his eyelids and looking at An Xu, "In my heart, there are not so many people who are worthy of the title of God's Blessed One."

"Oh, you don't think I'm worthy of being a god-favored person." An Xu clapped his hands, "Then who do you think is suitable? I remember seeing another god-favored person. He seemed... tsk, strange, I don't have any impression. You and me Tell me about it?"

Suzanne ignored her, closed her eyes, and put her palms together in meditation.

An Xu nodded, indicating that he understood.

She reached out her hand to the bishop who closed his eyes and meditated.

Chris grabbed An Xu's shoulder and pulled it back, the movement was so big that she staggered. An Xu staggered and grabbed Chris's hand to stand up, turned to look at him, and asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

The Earl was so innocent that it was as if he was suddenly patted on the shoulder while walking on the road, rather than a murder that had just been interrupted. Mr. Knight was in a cold sweat. As someone who was lucky enough to watch many touch massacres at close range, even without the ability to read minds, he could more or less detect the precursors of Ann's actions.

Like just now.

"Please don't..." he persuaded in a low voice, "There are a lot of believers on the Bungalow defense line, and the rash execution of the bishop will lead to a rebound of xenophobic sentiment."

"Oh," Ann said.

She didn't say anything, didn't break free from Chris' grip, just looked back at him, blinking her eyes. Rather than saying that Count Anna thinks what Chris persuaded is worth listening to, it is better to say that she is interested in the fact that he came to touch her for the first time in a non-emergency situation.

"Even if you really hate them, you can put these things aside first." Chris continued to try to persuade: "Winter is coming soon, traffic arteries will be blocked by ice and snow, and the Bungalow defense line is almost isolated from the world. It is inconvenient to do anything. In this situation, conflicts with local residents and defenders..."

"We have already had conflicts, as you can see." Ann said, "It can be seen that it is more difficult to whitewash the peace than before. It is better to let the conflicts explode, and it will be resolved when they explode."

"Solving" all the naysayers is not a solution! Chris thought with a headache.

"But you can't keep an eye on everyone and solve everything." He changed his way of persuasion, "It's not better to let some people live so that you don't worry about it than to tire yourself out ?"

An leaned on his chest, blinked slowly, and nodded. "Makes sense," she said, patting Chris on the shoulder.

Chris froze the first time the hand fell on him, then relaxed. Ann patted his relaxed shoulder and asked, as if amused, "Aren't you worried about yourself?"

"It's no use worrying when you want to 'solve' me." Chris replied honestly.

Earl Anna frowned, not knowing where this sentence made her unhappy again. Chris tried to "read" her, but the frown disappeared in the blink of an eye, and Ann crouched back, facing the sit-in Bishop.

Even if he had just turned on the mind reading ability, Mr. Knight would not get any results, because An Xu himself didn't know what she was thinking about.

A Chris who can be treated as he likes is like an evil spring #dream, no, it's not like, the part about him is a spring #dream. You won't be known, you don't have to worry about hurting anyone, you don't have to be afraid of bad consequences, you will disappear when you open your eyes, in your own dreamland, facing a realistic phantom that is tailor-made for you, at this time What are you looking forward to? Anyway, it is doomed that there will be no happy ending, so let's just enjoy the bad ideas that are absolutely impossible to appear in reality.

An Xu feels that she has released her dark side on this Chris. She enjoys the sense of power to control the other party, and enjoys the **** of making a beautiful creature suffer, but sometimes she feels uncomfortable because of him inexplicably. She didn't like the idea of ​​Chris sitting lifeless, not talking to her, and just going through the day. She didn't like Chris's submissive obedience, as if he were completely hopeless about his situation and the people who had him. An Xu originally thought he would enjoy this.

Maybe because of the way Chris looked at her, there were so many things in it that she subconsciously didn't want to delve into it. Or maybe he stood in front of her unexpectedly, and pleaded for someone he didn't know, which made An Xu feel that the setting of "Noble Knight" is not just a meat to make him beep more delicious #文猫码. Sometimes, Chris is almost like a real person.

Anxu put this strange unhappiness behind him as usual, and pushed Bishop Suzanne. "Hey, you go back." She said with disinterest.

Susanna opened her eyes, and there was no rest of life on her face, only the certainty of "it really is". She nodded reservedly, stood up, and shook her robe. The priests behind her also stood up, not as good as the bishop, and all of them were beaming with joy. They stood there, but didn't go straight away.

"Has Count Anna nothing else to say?" asked the abbot.

"Say what?" An Xuqi asked.

"As the new master of the Bungalow defense line," Susannah raised her voice and raised her chin, as if announcing these words was a huge concession and reward, "Shouldn't you show your sincerity to the Bungalow Monastery? ?”

"Sincerity?" An Xu repeated like a parrot, looking at these people with a strange look.

Some priests have already shown obvious ridicule and dissatisfaction with the new commander. Getting away soon made them forget the horror of last night, or regained the confidence that the abbey has survived the constant alternation of commanders for hundreds of years. The person who was the most frightened last night had the deepest hatred in his eyes, probably because he wanted to get back where he was yesterday.

If the person here is another sensible commander, now that he has made concessions, he should understand what sincerity means. It's a pity that Earl Anna always ignored everything and was too lazy to do as the Romans did. She just tilted her head to look at them, and she didn't intend to continue.

"And I'm sorry." Seeing that the other party was so clueless, Bishop Suzanne added unceremoniously, "We were forced to stay here last night and witnessed the chaos of the party. Shouldn't you scare the frightened brothers and sisters? ? If it’s the day of Lent, and the auxiliary priest is still in shock, something unexpected happens, and it’s not good for everyone.”

"In your opinion, how do we do it?" the earl continued with a smile.

"The remnants of the rebels are making trouble, so naturally we must kill the remnants first." Susanna nodded with satisfaction for the other party's leader, "I know that the Earl first came to the defense line and was short of manpower, and the converts from the Bungalow Monastery are willing to help , please also hand over the captured remnants to the monastery, so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. The monastery needs to pray for the frightened brothers and sisters, and has no time to take care of secular affairs. Please ask the earl to double the offerings over the years. In addition, as a great "God's family" Those who come to Bengalo Monastery in person every day, and fast until the end of the winter Lent, can best reflect your sincerity and apology."

"That's it? Is it gone?" An Xu asked.

Susanna nodded, reluctantly said: "The Holy See has always been magnanimous and merciful."

An Xu laughed.

"Do you have any opinion on this?" Susannah frowned.

"No, it's not about what you said just now." An Xu chuckled, "It's about everything you said to me today... Seriously, I was thinking just now, how can a person be so deadly? "

This time Chris didn't have time to hold her back.

The expressions of the monks froze, and the expression of the abbot had no chance to freeze, since she was the closest to Anxu now. Within five minutes, the tent that hadn't been cleaned last night turned into a B-movie shooting scene again.


Charlotte was dumbfounded when she heard the news, and didn't know what to say for a while. Her mouth opened, closed, opened, closed, like a fish thrown onto the shore.

"You didn't tell me before that you must never kill it." Her immediate boss said.

"For more than three hundred years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, even the king has never executed a bishop..." Charlotte said weakly.

"Oh, it's too late to say anything now. What shall we do next?" An Xu looked at the mayor who was holding his stomach, and wanted to sympathize with her. "Say, do you want to see a doctor?"

Charlotte shook her head in pain, and said with a pale face, "Hold it."

"It's not good to hide it? It's better to be sick early..."

"I mean the news that the high-ranking officers of the army and the monastery are dead!" Charlotte shouted unbearably.

After she finished yelling, she lowered her head exhaustedly and said worriedly, "I'm afraid the days ahead will be even more difficult."

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