MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 99

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"Are you just talking angry?" Flora asked in an almost begging tone.

The head maid, Flora, was shocked, but she faithfully fulfilled Anshu's order, and sent out Laurien, who still wanted to argue. But as soon as the knights were dismissed, she rushed back in a hurry, eager to confirm Earl Anna's unreasonable intentions.

"What are you talking about? Of course not." An Xu replied, "How can such a slippery old fritters on the wall be my knight? When people leave, his land... no, it's mine, comparable He himself is far more important."

"No, ma'am, it's about your first knight. Do you really want to let one, one..." Flora pursed her lips, and finally, because of her master's affection, she didn't say anything ugly, "One like this Man, to be your first knight?"

"Can't you?"

"Of course not!" Flora said angrily, "It's ridiculous! What do you want people in the world to think? If this story spreads, no knight will come to serve you!"

"If you don't have it, you don't have it. I said no need."

"Ma'am!" Flora urged, "You can't just appoint someone you don't know as the chief knight just based on your own personal preference."

"Isn't the appointment of the first knight based on the lord's own personal preference?" An Xuqi asked.

The "first knight" (also known as the chief knight) is very important, with high popularity and fashion value. In the ten knight stories, nine of the protagonists are first knights, and the remaining one is also defeated at the end of the story. The original first knight became the new chief. But in the final analysis, in this world, the only person who can decide who gets the title of chief knight is still the lord himself. It is not so much the meritorious service of the person who holds this title, but that he or she is the most appreciated by the lord.

So Flora’s reason for objection is almost the same as that of a family who made their fortunes by smuggling #污走# saying, “A clean family like ours will never allow you to marry a girl of unknown origin~” , as if making her laugh.

"All chief knights are noble knights who have undergone many years of training and have been officially conferred, but Chris Field is a sinner!" The head maid continued to argue.

"The criminals on the border of Tibes claim that they will never be hired. I used it, but I haven't seen anyone attacking me." An Xu said disapprovingly.

"It's thanks to the help of the Stuart family to cover up what happened on the border. And the appointment of the first knight is destined to be known to everyone. If it spreads to the capital, isn't this a slap in the face of His Majesty the King?"

"The king gave me Chris, and what to do with it is my business. I won't pay it back."

"But he's an omega!" Flora roared unbearably.

An Xu was taken aback by her outburst, the head maid spoke out what was in her heart, and simply stopped being indirect, and spoke directly.

"Chris Field is just an omega, an omega!" she repeated angrily, "he committed treason, and if it weren't for your kindness, he doesn't deserve to be in the same room with you. You are too young to have come into contact with innocent people." Noble omega will be fascinated by such a lackluster, vulgar, public omega!"

"Hey, hey, watch your words!" An Xu interjected, frowning.

"Sorry, ma'am! For the sake of the glory and future of the Sullivan family, I'm going to give you a harsh word today!" The head maid went on and on, "Such an omega with sinister intentions tempts you to indulge in your lust, and keep him by your side at all times. Repeatedly doing promiscuous things in public... This can be regarded as a young man's flirtatiousness, but now this omega is so greedy, he actually put his mind on the position of chief knight! Do you still want to obey him? Like this The shameless Omega doesn't deserve your favor at all!"

An Xu's face became very exciting.

"You," An Xu took a breath, there were too many slots, and he didn't know where to start, "When did you see him seduce me? Do what you say? Even with long eyes, you can tell that I'm bullying him, right?"

And I hold hands! A kiss at most! It won't be harmonious in Jinjiang! What does it mean to "make a messy thing in public"? !

"Talking about 'bullying'! Everything you do to him is flattering him!" Flora said, and she gave Chris who was standing beside him expressionlessly, "You're just young and don't know how to play hard to get It's a trick. We servants have seen too many fake and noble faces of those lovers. They all put on a noble face that is indifferent to the world, but they are actually more anxious than anyone else about the favor of the adults, especially those who can't give birth..."

"Stop!" An Xu shouted, "What does it have to do with Chris? I suddenly want him to be the first knight!"

"It must be because he shows a look of yearning to return to his old job from time to time. While you feel that he is different, unfortunately, you are subtly influenced and think that this is your own point of view." The head maid said firmly.

An Xu raised a hand and pointed to the door.

To read aloud in the ear of a fan who hates Zhaidougongdou's novels, and to force a feminist author to write chauvinistic hatred of women#马小说, forcing a person who is willing to be single for a lifetime to participate It's all dinners where forced marriages and forced relatives are forced to have relatives, and there is nothing more than deep hatred.

An Xu felt his throat was choked, this is really a sudden mental pollution! To use a bad analogy, maybe you are walking on the road, and suddenly someone forced a mouthful of fresh, hot shit. The other party said righteously while stuffing it back: It's all for your own good! You're welcome to eat while it's hot!

She felt that Chris's character and her own IQ were insulted.

The head maid, Flora, walked out with a face of righteousness and concern for the country and the people. An Xu didn't say a word to her, she was just worried that she would say more disgusting things if she continued to stay. Feudal leftovers, get out!

Strictly speaking, it is not a remnant of feudalism. The current era is proper feudalism. Flora is the head of the maid, and Anxu is a privileged class of feudal forces. She enjoys the privilege bonus, but still feels that the concept here is as disgusting as mouse shit.

Before An Xu could slow down, Charlotte walked in again, and what she wanted to persuade was the same as Flora.

"You come to persuade me too? It's not because of omega?" An Xu rolled his eyes, "Your former boss Eve is also an omega, right?"

"Chris Field, after all, has left a name among His Majesty the King and the nobles of Urburg." Charlotte said, "If you say it wrongly, it will give the king an excuse to intervene in the defense line of Bungalow. It's not a good idea to get them to notice us."

"I killed Derek's group of rebels, the leader of the Ice and Snow People, and the bishop." An Xu said, wringing his fingers, "How many troubles are you worried about me? I don't think the king cared much about him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have thrown him to me."

The corners of Charlotte's mouth twitched. Looking at Earl Anna, who had made it clear that there were too many lice and was not afraid of itchiness, she knew that it was useless to persuade her from this aspect.

"Even if you don't care, you should think about Mr. Chris," she said. "You're putting him on the cusp."

"It's as if he was low-key and safe before." An Xu said, "I just found out that the guy who thought he was my own has a big nameless hatred for him."

"My lord, it's not easy for an omega to be in a high position." Charlotte said sincerely, "As smart as Mrs. Eve, I have to stay behind the scenes all the time to avoid unnecessary trouble. When omega A knight will attract a lot of criticism, not to mention the chief knight, Mr. Chris will suffer countless resistance. If you really like him, it is better to keep a low profile and not irritate others."

"How low-key?" An Xu asked back, "Don't canonize him? Don't let him be a knight? Don't let him hold a sword in public? Don't be kidding! Believe it or not, even if I lock Chris at home , cover it with a cloth, so that he will never hold a sword in public for the rest of his life, and the fact that he has been a knight will still stimulate the fragile self-esteem of those fake and inferior products!"

At the beginning, it was just a random response to let Chris be the first knight.

But now, An Xu is serious. It's not that she didn't see any resistance, it was because she saw the huge monster opposing her that she was aroused to breathe in her chest. The thing blocking the position of Chris and the chief knight looks quite familiar. In the real world, it also blocks Anxu and many vulnerable people, but it is not as big as the one here.

Is Charlotte's statement correct? At first glance, he is much gentler and kinder than Flora, but such a "moderate" is not particularly gentle in the end.

A person who says, "If you give birth to a daughter, you will suffer in this world, and it's bad luck for a girl," and then aborts a female fetus.

People who say that "gay life is very difficult and cannot be felt by children", so they force their children who only love the same **** to marry and have children.

Saying, "This is the way of the world. If you don't follow the crowd and do these small bad things, you will be hindered. It is a manifestation of low emotional intelligence."

Have these mortal beings, who are not considered treacherous or evil, ever thought that they are part of the suffering, hardship, and resistance of others? If everyone thinks this way, this is not a good world, is it possible to just wait quietly and it will get better?

An Xu is not very happy.

This part of the dream was too close to reality, so that she couldn't happily use it as a playground, and accidentally entered the scene, and began to feel real feelings. This feeling is like wanting to escape from reality and play a prison #禁系十八# When banning the game, I accidentally brought it too much into reality, making it impossible to play happily. I just want to drag out the **** in the game and castrate it first After feeding the dog, I felt a deep sense of frustration.

However, in the future, there may not be no place to cheer up. In reality, as an ordinary person, she couldn't do anything like a cart, but in her dream, couldn't this situation be changed?

If it doesn't work, just kill it. An Xu thought simply and rudely. Convincing people with reason? Hehe, I believe in using violence to control violence.

She rebuffed Charlotte firmly, and was finally able to clean up. Only Chris was left in the room, An Xu suddenly thought of a serious question, she hadn't asked Chris himself yet.

"Sorry, I was actually angry just now, and I didn't ask you if you wanted to." An Xu said shyly, "Do you want to be a knight yourself, Chris?"

The three groups of people just now didn't avoid him when they talked about Chris. Chris heard the present from the side, and the shock was over. Even so, when An Xu asked him directly, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Chris could see that Ann was just saying it casually at first, probably because he didn't like the knight who came to see her, so he used him as an example. The more people came to persuade her, the more rebellious An was, and she turned a casually mentioned matter into a firm determination. Chris has already begun to think about what he will face after being forcibly appointed as the chief knight, and whether he should be persuaded and whether he can succeed in persuading him. Unexpectedly, An would admit that he was angry and come to ask him for his opinion.

"I like being a knight." He said carefully, "but being the first knight..."

"I don't need other knights, I only need one, and that one is the chief knight." An Xu said, "Just say if you want it, if you don't, I'll tell them I'm joking and I won't force you; , you just say you want it, don’t worry about other things.”

The persuasion was stuck in Chris's throat, and he didn't say it for a while.

Want to be a knight? Of course, otherwise, he would not have crossed the entire Yamenan for a recruitment order.

Chris had longed to become a knight in countless sweaty exercises. At that time, he was still young and had not yet differentiated into an omega. He listened fascinatedly to the stories of the knights during sword practice, and what attracted him the most was the knights justly and noblely helping those in need, settling injustices, punishing the domineering bad knights, and letting the people live and work in peace and contentment. After growing up, Chris understood that becoming the chief knight would not settle the injustice in the world. It is impossible for him to become a knight, and now he should persuade Ann not to do so for the sake of more people. But it would be a lie to say that he didn't want to be a knight.

Chris didn't pause for long, but just got stuck. An suddenly approached him, held his face in his hands, and met his eyes, as if he got some answer.

"You think," she said, and couldn't help smiling, "You think."

When the door of the room was knocked, An Xu really wanted to angrily say to the outside, "I don't listen to persuasion." She opened the door and found Nancy standing outside.

"Are you coming to persuade me too?" An Xu said with a flat mouth.

"If it is, won't Ann let me in?" Nancy pursed her lips even more exaggeratedly than her, "Oh, have pity on my old bones."

An Xu laughed, opened the door to let her in, and then closed the door to prevent prying eyes from outside. Chris pulled a chair for Nancy, and Nancy smiled, "Thanks, Chris, you're so sweet. Could you get me another glass of water?"

When Chris went out to pour water, Nancy turned to An Xu and said, "An Xu, what do you think?"

"That's what I thought." An Xu spread his hands, "Let Chris be the chief knight, seriously."

"Chris is a good boy," Nancy said, "when you don't want him to be around, he's always there to help us out, and he doesn't talk much, but he's kind and caring, I can see that. "

Today, I heard a good word about Chris, and An Xu echoed happily: "That is. And he is indeed a very good knight, especially good at fighting."

"I've also heard about the Gale Knights. It's really not easy for an omega to do this." Nancy sighed softly, "Don't spoil him too much."

An Xu stuck out his tongue, but did not answer. How should I put it, it should be a bit embarrassing to be said so by the elders, but Anxu's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, on the contrary, there is a kind of mysterious comfort: there are still normal people in this world.

"If you really plan to make Chris the chief knight, it's best not to treat him like this again." Nancy said seriously, "It's not good for the two of you, take a step back and set a precedent for cronyism, It's not good for your credibility in future appointments."

"Chris is already very powerful." An Xu said, "It's not because I slept with him that I let him be the chief. He already has the strength to be the first knight."

"But others don't know." Nancy said, "They only see that you appointed your omega."

"You don't avoid enemies by exercising externally, and you don't avoid relatives by exercising internally." An Xu muttered.

Nancy looked at her helplessly.

Her gaze was like that of An Xu's deceased grandmother, holding an empty sugar bowl, with an omniscient expression, asking her "Who did this?". Seeing that An Xu felt a little guilty, he twitched a bit and said, "I don't want to lock Chris up, nor do I want to let him go. It's not negotiable."

She paused, and couldn't help but say, "I don't have anything else in particular, I just want him."

I want to play happily, spawn monsters, build, and fall in love. Owning Chris is almost as important as owning the whole world but him.

In the end, Nancy shook her head and left, without any further persuasion, she just said "you know what's in your mind". An Xu sent her away, and was told that he was also a little confused, not knowing whether he counted or not. She has been doing whatever she wants, correcting the discrimination if she can't see it, and grabbing those who want it very much. If you want to scold her for guarding and stealing, you can only allow the state officials to set fire. But isn't dreaming just doing whatever you want? When she was doing something, she didn't have time to think about whether the three views on the matter were correct or not, she just wanted to understand the mind.

Not really anyway. She looked at Chris who walked in and said to herself.

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